2015 Hugo Nominations

In less than an hour, the finalists for the 2015 Hugo Awards will be announced. You can watch the livestream here. Regardless of what happens, I encourage everyone to remain calm, cool, and collected. If we fail, so be it. Kate the Impaler is leading Sad Puppies 4 for 2016 and the long march continues. If we succeed, then that is one more strong point broken, but many still remain. The long march continues.

Whether we are beaten back this time or we break through the enemy lines and leave them reeling in disbelief and disarray, we will continue to methodically and patiently advance. We will defeat the SJWs in science fiction, we will break the stranglehold of the gatekeepers, we will reclaim the genre for freedom of speech, thought, and association, and we will continue to expose the pretenses and posturings and pernicious accusations of the SJWs for the lies that they are.

And in doing so, we will show others, in other industries and areas of the culture, that not only is resistance possible, but that it is possible to reclaim long-lost ground. We will show them that even a small number of people who are willing to stand up and say “you shall not pass” can make a real and substantive difference.

I spent the afternoon putting together two ebooks by Jerry Pournelle that Castalia will be releasing later this month. Going through them helped me put into perspective how much has changed in science fiction and across the West since the early 1980s, most of it distinctly not for the better. Like us, those books have lain dormant for over a decade. But they are coming back. So are we.

I will post the results here as they are announced.

Best New Writer:

Rolf Nelson, Eric Raymond, Kary English, Jason Cordova, Wesley Chu

Best Fan Artist

Ninni Aalto Brad Foster Elizabetth Leggett Spring Schoenhusth, Steve Styles

Best Fan Writer 777

Dave Freer, Amanda Green, Jeffro, Laura Mixon, Cedar Sanderson

Best Fancast 576

Adventures in SF Publishing, Dungeaon Crawlers Radio, Galactic Suburbia, The Sci Phi Show, Tea and Jeapardy

 Best Fanzine 576

Black Gate, Elitist Book Reviews, Journey Planet, The Revenge of Hump Day, Tangent SF Online

Best Semipro periodical 660

Abyss Apex, Andromeda Spaceways, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Lightspeed, Strange Horizons

Best Professional Artist 753

Julie Dillon, Jon Eno, Nick Greenwood

Best Editor (long) 712

Vox Day, Sheila Gilbert, Jim Minz, Anne Sowards, Toni Weisskopf

Best Editor (short) 870

Jennifer Brozek, Vox Day, Mike Resnick, Edmund Schubert, Bryan Thomas Schmidt

Best Drama short 938

Dr Who Listen, The Flash pilot, Game of Thrones Mountain and Viper, Grimm Once We Were Gods, Orphan Black By which means have never yet been tried

Best Drama long 1285

Captain America, Edge of Tomorrow, Guardians of the Galaxy, Interstellar, The Lego Movie

Best Graphic Story 785

Ms Marvel 1, Rat Queens Vol 1, Saga Volume 3, Sex Criminals 1, The Zombie Nation Vol 2, Reanimate

Best Related Work 1,150

Hot Equations, Letters from Gardner, Transhuman and Subhuman, Why Science Never Settled, Wisdom From My Internet

Best Short Story 1,174

Goodnight Stars, On a Spiritual Plain, The Parliament of Beast and Birds, Totaled, Turncoat

Best Novelette 1,031

Ashes to Ashes, Championsip B’Tok, The Journeyman, The Triple Sun, Yes, Virginia There is a Santa Claus

Best Novella 1,083

Big Boys Don’t Cry, Flow, One Bright Star to Guide Them, Pale Realms of Shade, The Plural of Helen of Troy

Best Novel 1821

Ancillary Sword, The Dark Between the Stars, The Goblin Emperor, Lines of Departure, Skin Game

Thanks so much to all the Rabid Puppies and Sad Puppies for your support. Without you, this cultural revolution in science fiction and fantasy would not have gotten off the ground. And for those feeling left out, you’ll be glad to know that it does not end here. If you aren’t already marching with the Evil Legion of Evil, you can vote in the finals this year and for next year’s nominations too by registering for a Supporting Membership with Sasquan.

I think you’ll find that at $40, it offers a considerable quantity of entertainment value for the dollar.

My favorite part about the whole thing was that one of the few SJW works to make it on the shortlist was Sex Criminals 1. That’s astonishing, especially in light of the recent revelations concerning Marion Zimmer Bradley and Ed Kramer.