Time to go

Jeffrey Goldberg considers whether it is time for the Jews to leave Europe in The Atlantic:

It is not 1933. But could it be 1929? Could Europe’s economic stagnation combine with its inability to assimilate and enfranchise growing populations of increasingly angry Muslims in such a way as to clear a path for volatile right-wing populism?

A few weeks after the January massacres, I met with a group of aggrieved Jews in a café near the main synagogue in Sarcelles, the suburb that was the center of last summer’s anti-Jewish riots. French troops in combat gear patrolled the street. The synagogue is now also used as a base of operations for the more than 40 soldiers who have been assigned to protect the town’s Jewish institutions.

“We’re very glad for the soldiers,” one of the men, who asked me to identify him only as Chaim, said. “But soldiers in the synagogues means that there is no life here, only danger. This is why I’m leaving.” It is, he said, using an expression common during the Algerian civil war, a choice between le cercueil ou la valise—“the coffin or the suitcase.”

But another man, who asked to be called Marcel, responded that it would be cowardly to flee for Israel at the first appearance of Molotov cocktails. “Running, running, running,” he said. “That’s the Jewish way.” He said his parents had arrived in Sarcelles from Tunisia in 1967, driven out by anti-Jewish rioters who were putatively distressed by Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War. “We ran from Tunisia. We’re not running from here.”

“But no one wants us here,” Chaim said. “They’ll attack us again as soon as the soldiers go.”

I said that I didn’t think Manuel Valls was going to remove the soldiers anytime soon.

Marcel laughed. “I don’t count on the Socialists. I would count on the National Front before I count on the Socialists.”

His conclusion: I am predisposed to believe that there is no great future for the Jews
in Europe, because evidence to support this belief is accumulating so

Goldberg’s predisposition is correct. There is no future for the Jews in Post-Christian Europe now that the great experiment in diversity and multiculturalism is ending. The various European nations trust the Jews no more than they trust the Europeans. What is happening in Europe now is going to be happening in the USA circa 2050, and I doubt the results will be any different.

Europe no more needs Jews than Israel needs Eskimos or China needs Bantu tribesmen. And the Jews presently make it difficult for the Europeans to address their Muslim problem, just as they currently make it impossible for the USA to even begin to address its own immigrant invasion. That is why the sooner that the diaspora returns home, to the land they have fairly won in sweat and blood, the better it will be for them as well as for the nations they still presently inhabit. The French are not going to patrol their own streets indefinitely on behalf of those who are not, in the end, even French.

War is coming. And wartime is seldom kind to those who have made it clear that their loyalties do not lie with those who are actively involved in waging it. I am no anti-semite; in fact, I am a pro-Zionist and one of the very few individuals who has ever been formally cleared of the charge of anti-semitism by a Jewish organization. But I am also a student of history and war who abhors unnecessary violence and bloodshed that could easily be avoided by even a modicum of reason and common sense.

The diaspora Jews must understand that they will never rule over the more numerous nations for long. That has always been the fatal flaw in their favored strategy; accumulating wealth and influence does NOT provide security, especially for an unpopular minority, as it makes one a legitimate target in the eyes of the oppressed and dispossessed, even if one is not responsible for the oppression and the dispossession.

There is a very good scene in HBO’s A Game of Thrones when Queen Cersei demonstrates to Littlefinger the salient difference between influence and power. And influence only trumps power so long as power is unwilling to exert itself.