74 Moundsview Meerkats (4-2-0)
61 Green Reverends (3-2-1)
79 Bailout Banksters (3-2-1)
54 Greenfield Grizzlies (4-2-0)
60 Bane Sidhe (2-4-0)
40 RR Redbeards (2-3-1)
74 Macau Marauders (3-2-1)
58 MS Swamp Spartans (3-3-0)
58 Cranberry Rhyneauxs (2-4-0)
34 GroverBeach Quixotes (2-4-0)
This is your weekly open NFL thread. And yes, I laughed upon reading this at ProFootballTalk. I laughed helplessly.
clavinusps says: Oct 23, 2011 10:40 AM
Just reading that article about Tebow made me a better person.