It has been interesting to see how feeble a defense those who support Magic Negro Part II: The Republican have been able to make on his behalf. When faced with the fact that he was not only a corrupt Federal Reserve executive, but is still defending the Federal Reserve, the giant zombie banks, and Wall Street despite the economic depression they caused, their only – and I do mean ONLY – response is to cry raciss.
This demonstrates that Herman Cain has little more to offer as a presidential candidate but his race. But, in the immortal words of the French castle guard, the American people already got one, you see. The grand Republican dream of finally being able to accuse Democrats of racism is based on an erroneous assumption that Democrats care about such things; it would appear that Republicans have learned nothing from Clinton presidential scandal when it was learned that feminists didn’t mind being legitimately accused of supporting sexism.
Democrats are the modern equivalent of the medieval religious heretics who demonstrated their moral ascension beyond good and evil by their ability to indulge in the latter without harming their immortal soul. Thus, while others are tainted by the mere accusation of sexiss or raciss, actual acts of what would otherwise be considered sexism or racism on the part of a Democrat only proves his ideological saintliness.
As we’ve seen already with regards to Rick Perry, Cain is more than willing to cry raciss himself. But that’s almost irrelevant. The real question is whether Cain is a banker’s whore or a bankster proper. While his Federal Reserve history suggests the latter, his astonishing remarks about the central bank and apparent ignorance about the U.S. financial system strongly indicate that his role at the Federal Reserve was little more than affirmative action PR. So, I conclude that Cain is merely a banker’s whore like McCain and Obama rather than a genuine bankster like Bernanke.