Before the questions about the potential Obama home scandal begin to percolate into the mainstream news now that WND has caught scent of the trail. You’d be surprised how many news stories “broken” by the major newspapers can be traced back to WND, even if it wasn’t initially their investigation.
WND confirmed the tax bill for the Obama home is mailed to Miceli, not to Obama or the Northern Trust account through which Obama has claimed the home was purchased. Records from the Cook County Treasurer’s Office give the PIN number for the Obama property as 20-11-115-037-0000 and list Miceli as the person who receives Obama’s property tax invoice by mail. Eric Herman, a spokesman for the Cook County assessor, confirmed to WND that the Treasurer’s Office records were correct and that Miceli did receive the Obama property tax invoice by mail.
So, who really did buy the house? Who owns it now? It’s certainly possible that there’s an innocent explanation for why Rezko’s lawyer should be paying the property taxes on Obama’s house, but something smells very, very fishy indeed in Cook County… and his chief-of-staff can’t serve as a firebreak this time. In any case, the situation is clearly something that has to be investigated in detail. The media will do its best to cover for the President-elect, but given that the house ownership and tax returns are matters of public record, they may not be able to do so for long.