I understand

And I despise him for it:

An absolutely extraordinary auction is now taking place on eBay: It is of a Fidel Castro baseball card, signed. And the owner of the card has “improved” it by decorating it with the truth about Castro: that he is a murderous dictator, an enslaver of men, etc…. The auction ends today at 14:11:21 PDT (to use eBay’s precise language). The Castro card is the most-watched baseball card on eBay. And the third-most-watched sports item (behind two items concerning Tiger Woods). The owner has taken a lot of abuse from people who don’t understand why he did what he did – or who do understand, and despise him for it.

I have zero sympathy for Fidel Castro, he’s a minor monster who has greatly harmed the people of Cuba. I loathe all Communists, in or out of power. And yet, this is nothing but the posturing, preening vandalism of legitimate sporting history. By this logic, every adulterous baseball player should have his rookie cards defaced with the truth of his non-baseball actions… it’s ridiculous.