It could, of course, be applied to almost any subject:
yes, I am totally ignorant re: home-schooling. But that still allows me to state that I personally think it’s a really bad idea.
I don’t know much about Uruguay myself. But that still allows me to state that I personally think Uruguayans are all really bad people. Anyhow, there”s an interesting discussion about homeschooling over on Pandagon, where the lefties are torn between blaming the Patriarchy for coming up with another way to keep women home and deprive them of an income, lauding hippy homeschoolers while castigating the “fundie” version and being vaguely defensive about their public school backgrounds.
If the feminist Left is so concerned about the problem of unpaid homeschooling mothers, there’s an easy solution: give them the money that their school district would get if their kids were enrolled in the public school.
And wouldn’t that make for an interesting battle between the feminists in the NEA and the feminists in whom genuine concern for mothers and children has not been entirely eradicated.