I don’t think the American people were aware of this possibility when they signed up for nation-building in Iraq… actually, I don’t think they ever signed up for that either, come to think of it:
The United States could take in up to 25,000 Iraqi refugees this year — more than three times the number it previously agreed to admit — in an effort to provide some relief to the crisis affecting several Arab countries, the State Department said yesterday. The department also said it plans to allow Iraqis and Afghans working for the U.S. government in their respective countries to immigrate to the United States after only three years of service instead of the current 15 required by law.
“It’s fair to say that, if we get the referrals [from the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees], we could resettle up to 25,000 Iraqi refugees within the president’s determination this year,” said Ellen Sauerbrey, assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration.
Thanks, all of you who said that the USA had to do something about Iraq. Well, resettling Iraqi Muslims in your neighborhood is doing something, isn’t it?