Some upstanding and articulate melanin-enhanced individuals take offense at being praised for their unusual elocution:
It is amazing that this still requires clarification, but here it is. Black people get a little testy when white people call them articulate….
A series of conversations about the word with a number of black public figures last week elicited the kind of frustrated responses often uttered between blacks, but seldom shared with whites.
“You hear it and you just think, ‘Damn, this again?’ ” said Michael Eric Dyson, a professor of humanities at the University of Pennsylvania.
Anna Perez, the former communications counselor for Ms. Rice when she was national security adviser, said, “You just stand and wonder, ‘When will this foolishness end?’ ”
Said Reginald Hudlin, president of entertainment for Black Entertainment Television: “It makes me weary, literally tired, like, ‘Do I really want to spend my time right now educating this person?’ ”
Maybe if every B-L-to-tha-izzack thugz heard dippin’ on televizzles did not bark like li’l gangsta dogz or like they wuz steppin’ wit a mouffull of collahd motha-fuckin greenz, white boy would not be surprised wizzle meet’n an indivijall of African descent who is capable of clockin’ normal American E-bizzle like a motha fucka. Damn!
I further note the use of the word “educating”, which Mr. Hudlin uses in the colloquial sense of “correcting an improper opinion”.