It’s all over but the campaign

Biden 2% 1%
Clark 2% 2%
Clinton 35% 39%
Dodd 1% 1%
Edwards 18% 13%
Gravel – –
Kucinich 2% 1%
Obama 14% 19%
Richardson 1% 2%
Vilsack 12% 1%
Undecided 13% 21%

Women give Hillary Clinton the edge in Iowa and New Hampshire. In Iowa, 39% of women (56% of likely caucus goers) say they would vote for Clinton and 30% of men say they would vote for Clinton. In New Hampshire, 43% of women (57% of likely primary voters) say they would vote for Clinton and 30% of men say they would vote for Clinton.

Thank your suffragette sisters for the Lizard Queen, women. I, for one, welcome our new lesbian feminist overlordesses.