It is difficult for a woman to understand what it is that a prostitute can offer these perfectly attractive men that a free sexual encounter — be it a one-night-stand or in a relationship — cannot. In an age when women are more sexually liberated and “strings-free” sex is a greater possibility than it ever was before, why are more and more young men choosing sex with a pro?
I don’t know what’s so hard to understand. While it may be upsetting to know that many eligible young men would rather part with $100 than be forced to deal with you even if you provide them with sex, just wait until those scorned and bitter geeks perfect their robot-girls… as Dilbert suggested, the human race may not survive that one.
More importantly, the growing attractiveness of prostitution as a substitute for casual sex is one of the many natural consquences of a drift towards post-Christian culture. It’s more evident in Amsterdam and London than in the USA, but the trend is clear throughout the West. As with so many other things, once traditional Christian morality with its fixed basis in Scripture is cast out the window, it is replaced with a whole host of other, more fluid sensibilities.
And there’s absolutely no reason for any godless individual to take issue with prostitution. On what basis would they object to anyone choosing to engage in such simple and relatively pleasant manual labor. Indeed, despite their strong basis for moral opposition, it is absurd for Christians to seek to outlaw prostitution anymore than they work to ban gossip, gluttony and taking the Lord’s name in vain.
Anti-theists often like to point out that the Golden Rule is known to many other cultures. This is true. But it is also true that there are a whole host of things that the Christian West has traditionally considered social ills which are widely accepted in most non-Christian cultures, including prostitution, infanticide, polygamy and totalitarianism with a brutality seldom historically known in the West. It is a mistake to conclude that throwing out any tradition can be done without realizing unintended consequences, and regardless of one’s personal faith or total lack of it, the first fruits of post-Christianity cannot be regarded with a great deal of optimism.