Dumber than ducks

Karen de Coster explores women’s distaste for libertarianism:

Women, as you know, will be so wonderfully protective of their children, family, and those with whom they sustain emotional relationships. They will hover and guard and oftentimes over-protect the ones they love. This is the nurturing feature. Yet these same women will trust a bunch of unfamiliar, self-aggrandizing, control-freak, government bureaucrats to rear and nourish and sustain and educate their children? In the jailhouses known as public schools, we went from the school lunch trough to the freebie breakfast, and if that’s not enough, we now have weekday and summer breakfasts, as well as after-school dinner spoils – all taxpayer funded. And the children are herded off to these meals with hardly a thought. If women can so easily come to believe that their child’s nutritional life is not their responsibility, it’s no wonder that so many women have no problem whatsoever with the overriding concept of cradle-to-grave, welfare-state status quo.

Heck, even most females in the animal world don’t dare trust outsiders – humans or other critters – around their young. Try to approach a mother duck and her babies, and the reaction from Mom is predictably aggressive. Yet the compliant human being invites the critter known as the welfare state into her home, and onward it moves to all areas of the house, taking with it an entire generation of self-sufficient beings. Women have been taught – via the New Deal welfare mindset and modern left-feminism – that the State replaces the male head-of-household, thus leading them to the collective Big Daddy, the central planners. Hence, this is where they turn for the quick answer.

I have never understood why anyone would wish to turn any responsibility at all over to the government. From George Bush down to the fat black women at the DMV, the people drawn to government employment – which they mysteriously prefer to call “service” in a blatant violation of the English language – are less intelligent, less capable and more self-serving than the average individual. Why anyone would want to allow individuals such as these to make important decisions in his stead, let alone claim the majority of his potential time with his children, remains utterly baffling to me.

On a tangential note, I finally got around to reading “Guns, Germs and Steel” this week, and it’s interesting to note how the author considers centralized authority to be not only an aspect of warmaking, but one of the more significant ones. Or, as another man once wrote, War is the health of the State.