From the Telegraph:
Every baby attending a day nursery or who is in the care of a childminder will be taught a new national curriculum devised by Whitehall, it was announced yesterday.
Childminders and nurseries will be under a legal duty to teach the Early Years Foundation Stage to children “from birth” until the age of three. Inspectors from Ofsted will check that the children are developing in four “distinct curriculum headings”. This will include becoming “competent learners”, for which they will be expected to have mastered such skills as comparing, categorising and recognising symbols and marks….
The framework will have the same compulsory force as the national curriculum, which lays down what children learn at school.
The British might as well simply ban parenting children altogether and grow armies of clone-workers while they’re at it. Or, alternatively, just import more Muslims as that seems to be working really well in France. And is anyone surprised that the children’s minister at the Department of Education who is at the forefront of this abomination is named “Beverly”?
The way in which Western societies plunge themselves headlong into destruction while a signficant percentage of its members watch and nod approvingly is totally mystifying to me.