For the family of faith

Perhaps there are those who are eager to face a test of their faith, who are certain they will stand unshaken by the winds of tragedy. I am not one of them and it is my sincere desire to never be so tested.

I write this because Farmer Tom tells us that there is a Christian sister and four children who are undergoing a bitter one right now as the result of her husband’s death in a farm accident. So, Christians, when you next pray, I encourage you to ask your God to give them strength, to give them comfort and to bless them with all that they will need in the months and years to come.

I wish I had something meaningful to say, but I don’t. I was, however, reading a prayer yesterday written by a man named Charles de Foucauld that seems somehow appropriate in the circumstances, because even when an earthly father is gone, a Heavenly Father remains.

Padre mio
mi abbandano a te,
fa di me quello che ti piace.
Qualunque cosa tu faccia di me,
io ti ringrazio.
Sono pronto a tutto, accetto tutto,
purche’ la tua volonta’ sia fatta in me
e in tutte le tue creature.
Non desidero altro, mio Dio.
Depongo la mia anima tra le tue mani:
te la dono, Dio mio,
con tutto l’amore del mio cuore,
perche’ ti amo
ed e’ per me una necessita’ donarmi
affidarmi alle tue mani senza misura
con fiducia infinita,
perche’ tu sei mio Padre.

Father mine
I abandon myself to you,
do with me that which you like.
Whatever you make of me,
I thank you.
I am ready for everything, I accept everything,
provided that your will is done in me
and in all of your creatures.
I do not desire aught else, my God.
I place my spirit in your hands:
I give it to you, my God,
with all the passion that is in my heart,
because I love you
and it is for me a need to give myself,
to entrust myself to your hands without measure
with infinite trust,
because you are my Father.