Racists, racists everywhere

Sinewave demonstrates his successfully indocrination by the PC crowd:

OK, I’m going to slammed for this, but here it goes. I feel using “me-so” in Michelle’s name is racist.

She is ditzy and pompous, but I don’t believe a tramp.

The “Me-so” title implies she is a whore from SE Asia. I assume your using it becasue she’s of Asian descent.

Feel however you like. Of course, by this definition, any reference whatsoever to an individual’s race is racist. But Dictionary.com defines racism thusly:

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

Does lableling an Asian woman “Me So Michelle” indicate a belief that her demonstrably low level of intellectual character is based on her being Asian? Does it even state anything about her ability at all? No. Does it amount to discrimination or prejudice? Again, no. If I were regularly referring to all Asian women in this manner, then one might have a case, but this is clearly not so and the basis for my disregard for this particular Asian woman should be fairly well established by now as one that has everything to do with the content of her character, not the color of her skin.

I do quite enjoy applying infelicitous appellations, and Michelle Malkin’s not only refers to her being a metaphorical prostitute – only Bill O’Reilly more richly deserves the title of media whore – but also refers to her insistence on thrusting herself into the middle of whatever issue is currently topping the news cycle. And the metaphor works very well indeed; I am always amused by one of the ways in which bloggers regularly refer to her:

“It looks like Michelle Malkin is on top of it.”
October 7, 2005
Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online

“Michelle Malkin is all over it”
September 28, 2005
Badger Blogger

“Michelle Malkin is all over it.”
August 3, 2005

“President Bush has made up his mind! And he will announce his nomineee for Supreme Court Justice tonight. Should be interesting. Michelle Malkin is all over it.”
July 19, 2005
Strange Things Afoot

There’s a word for women who make a career of draping themselves all over everything, is there not? And what is that word, it seems to be escaping me just at the moment?

Now, I will readily admit to having a serious problem with Malkin, just as I do with Bill O’Reilly, Al Franken, Ben Shapiro, Frank Rich, Susan Estrich, Maureen Dowd and Sean Hannity. My problem is that people take these ludicrious charlatans seriously, when they would be much better off paying attention to the John Derbyshires, Jonah Goldbergs, Ramesh Ponnurus, Pat Buchanans, George Wills, Eric Altermans and Ann Coulters of the world. Even when the latter sort are wrong – and they often are – at least they attempt to be intellectually honest when they go about making their arguments.