Trust and verify

From NRO’s Corner

IT’S GETTING WORSE [John Podhoretz]
The White House needs to know this. Really. It’s getting worse. Trust me.

But why trust Mr. Podhoretz, when you can verify?

Right Wing News emailed more than 200 right-of-center bloggers and asked them to answer 4 questions about the Harriet Miers nomination….

Here are the questions the bloggers were asked and their responses. The percentage & number of bloggers that chose each option follow the question.

1) Do you think George Bush made:

A) A good or excellent decision in selecting Harriet Miers as a nominee for the Supreme Court? (9% –7)
B) A bad or terrible decision in selecting Harriet Miers as a nominee for the Supreme Court? (49% — 39 responses)
C) A so-so decision? (20% — 16)
D) I’m not sure yet. (22% — 17)

2) Has the decision to select Harriet Miers:

A) Made you view George Bush more favorably? (4% — 3)
B) Made you view George Bush less favorably? (53% — 42)
C) Neither? (33% — 26)
D) I’m not sure yet. (10% – 8)

On a personal note, I will be a little disappointed if these right-wing bloggers get their wish and Miss Miers fails to be confirmed. I was looking forward to being able to work in that Creepy McCrypto reference for the next fifteen years.

The Last Boy Scout may be fitting for the new Chief Justice, but it just isn’t quite as fun.