Mailvox: the DNA stops here!

VC wishes her kids would listen:

No one could write a better column on the subject of women and their desire to have a home and family. No one. Dr. Laura, advice columnists, PHD’s in psychiatry, no one. I’m speaking from the perspective of a 55 year old woman with grown children and with a thriving business. My 26 year old daughter is grad school, had an abortion at 17 and is determined that she will not have any children. My son is married to a very nurturing woman and he is “afraid” to bring children into the world. I’ve told them both that when I die I will be most proud of and only thinking of my family, not my business, not my accomplishments. Your statement of at 40 and at 60 a job is all they will have was so very true.

Thank you for an instant classic. Just wish it had been on another website besides WND. My son won’t read anything from that “wild-eyed” website.

VC’s sad situation is why I am so cruel when shredding the purported “achievements” of women – and to a lesser extent, men – who believe that they are contributing anything to society by obtaining a masters degree or shuffling papers in an office. Regardless of whether one views them from a religious or a Darwinist perspective, the activities of 90 percent of the people in America are completely and utterly useless EXCEPT for those directed towards having, raising and providing for the next generation.

No one is going to improve the world, much less save it, by means of a Powerpoint presentation or a doctoral thesis on lesbian themes in Indian film.

VC, my recommendation is to tell your son to stop being a pussy and an evolutionary dead-end. And buy your daughter a cat, she might as well start her collection now.