Those loving public school mothers

From the NZZ am Sonntag:

Members of parliament from the main political parties have set out to change the constitution to make full-day school available throughout Switzerland. The “coalition of mothers and grandmothers” wants to give parents the option to leave their children at school for the whole day. Their initiative will be launched in the autumn session of parliament.

Currently the vast majority of Swiss schools close for lunch with the expectation that children return home to eat their midday meal. Studies have shown that this makes it difficult for parents to juggle work and family life.

The alliance of women politicians wants local authorities to be obliged to provide a full school day for children for the entire period of compulsory schooling.

Why don’t the Swiss just pass a law giving parents the option to hand their children over to the state permanently? Of course, one wouldn’t dream of questioning that parents who don’t want to raise their children love their kids any less than those who actually prefer to spend time with them.

And you know it’s a women’s issue any time the words “compulsory” and “obliged” are involved.