Chuck Colson writes on Townhall:
Recently, a Wall Street Journal poll announced that both political parties—Republicans and Democrats—are now held in low regard by the American people. Usually if the fortunes of one party decline, the other party increases—sort of a zero sum game. Now, however, for the first time in polling history, both parties come up in negative territory.
It’s good to see that not all Republicans are the Three Monkey variety. Now, if those people who are rightly disgusted by the faux-conservative Bush administration can manage to withstand the temptation to give into the quadrennial “vote for x is a vote for y” deception, perhaps we can see one of the third parties begin to gain some traction.
As some have noted in light of what appears to be the recent CAFTA chicanery, arguments that change must come through the two-party system are increasingly dubious, since those in power have repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to break the rules in order to maintain their position of primacy.
In any case, I find the strategic arguments for voting two-party to be irrelevant. Only if you vote your conscience are you properly fulfilling your responsibility as a free citizen. Pragmatists are merely intellectual whores by another name, and as Governor Schwarzenegger is currently demonstrating in California, it’s clear that their methods are ultimately doomed to failure anyhow.