Free Waves

FreeWeek at starts at 12:01 a.m. EST on Thursday, April 7 and ends at 5 p.m. EST on Thursday, April 14. It’s completely free to anyone with a Club EWI user ID and Password.

Even if you’re a skeptic with regards to wave theory, you might wish to check out EWI’s free week, which is offering access to their specialty services for the first time. I very much recommend them, as I began trying them out in March and have found them to be more effective than the short-term updates.

They’re not cheap, beginning at $200, but I can say that in my personal experience, it paid for itself three times over on the very first day. It’s not perfect, but it has definitely improved my trading performance. Suggestion: stick with the third waves at first and don’t get greedy; patience is definitely a virtue. I should also mention that in my experience, they don’t send out email solicitations to club members very often either.

Full disclosure: while I do not accept any money from EWI in return for sales they receive from this blog, I do allow them to apply affiliate commissions to further access to their services. Make of that what you will.