Mailvox: nothing wrong with not celebrating

Michael gets pensive:

I’ve visited your blog and I’m impressed with your ability to argue a point. I couldn’t hold my own against you, but I need to bring this to your attention. I have been a christian (lutheran) all of my adult life. I’ve been born again for about 20 years. I’ve become a student of the bible which led me to a study of the Jewish roots of Christianity. After spending 46 years celebrating Christmas every Dec 25th, I’ve come to realize that the holiday itself is not scriptural. There are many holidays (feasts) in the Bible that Jesus and his desciples observed, but Christmas definately isn’t one of them. This is a holiday that was invented by the Holy Roman Catholic Church when they were having a problem competing with pagan religions. Dec 25th happens to be a pagan holiday called Saturnalia. The celebration of birthdays in general is a pagan custom….

I just believe that God is fussy about how he is worshipped and doesn’t care for converted pagan holidays. I’m afraid he will tells us: “you did not tear down the High Places” Tell me where I’m going wrong Vox.

First, let me say that there is nothing whatsoever wrong with Christians not wishing to celebrate Christmas because they regard it as commercial, a transmogrified pagan custom or whatever. That’s true, in fact, the very concept of a holy day is basically beside the point for the Christian. We have no altars, we offer no sacrifices and Communion is the only Christ-mandated remembrance.

But this decision is very, very different than the secular elite’s attempt to construct an atheist apartheid. This is step two in the rollback of Christianity, step one is already complete. It is the symbolic value of Christmas as a landmark of Christian social influence that is under attack, and that is why the symbol should be defended. Believe me, no more good will come of accepting this latest assault than came of the acceptance of the de-Christianized public schools.

As for the worship aspect, Christmas is primarily not about worship, it is about celebration. Christians worship Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior every day, however poorly. Christmas simply serves as a reminder to us, our families and the world around us who it is we serve and in whom we place our hope. I do not accept the many metaphorical devices used by some Christians to condemn others – the love of money as idolatry or whatever – it seems to me that the Biblical God is quite literal with his commands and that stretching metaphors to find condemnation is an unreasonable and unfruitful exercise.