In case there are any visitors from WND, LRC or a blog interested in perusing some of my many points related to the lack of military necessity, or if Mrs. Malkin decides she might like to actually have a look at some of the military realities for the first time, here are links to some related posts over the last two weeks:
The 10 questions Michelle Malkin will not answer.
Percent of US air strength devoted to the Pacific.
An email to Malkin from a Marine descendant of internees.
A perspective on the potential danger of bombing raids
An interrogation of Admiral Toyoda, Chief of Naval Combined Forces, Imperial Japanese Navy.
There’s a lot more, of course, as my weary regulars can attest. Just scroll down or click on the September archives for the full deluge. Nor is this even close to all the information at my disposal on the subject, but you’ll have to wait for the debate to hear that. I’ll arrange to post a transcript here after the fact; if Mrs. Malkin is afraid to show, I believe the Northern Alliance is planning to arrange for one of her proponents to serve as a stand-in.