Calling out the ADL

On Twitter:

ADL ‏@ADL_National
@realDonaldTrump: Reconsider your use of the phrase “America First” as a slogan.

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
So exactly WHAT should Americans put first, if not America?

ADL ‏@ADL_National
For many Americans, the term “America First” will always be tainted by its anti-Semitic use in months before Pearl Harbor

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
Even more Americans look forward to seeing the repatriation of those who refuse to put America first.

If the members of the ADL are not willing to put America, and Americans, first, then obviously no American should support them or listen to anything that they have to say.

It is no more anti-semitic for Americans to put America, and Americans, first, as a matter of foreign policy, than it is anti-American for Israelis to put Israel first, or anti-Canadian for Germans to put Germany first.

No one gives a damn about the Holocaust these days. It’s ancient history. The British newspapers notwithstanding, virtually no one outside the media gives a damn about anti-semitism anymore. There are now many more important problems around the globe that concern considerably more than a paltry few million people living more or less at peace in the United States.

Not even the Israeli government cares about someone painting a swastika on a wall somewhere in North America. They, too, have far more pressing concerns to address.

On loyalties, divided and whole

What is reprehensible is not the suggestion that Jews living in America might have divided loyalties. That is arguably the best case scenario. What is reprehensible, and quite possibly anti-semitic, is the idea that a Jew living in America cannot possibly have divided loyalties:

Congress is rarely called upon to dispel conspiracy theories. But it needs to teach the Pentagon to separate fact from fiction, because American Jews are routinely denied security clearances based on nothing more than a fear that they are Israeli spies.

Consider Gershon Pincus, a 62-year-old dentist and lifelong New Yorker who sought a way to serve as he approached retirement. He found a position at a naval dental clinic in upstate Saratoga Springs, and started work in July 2014.

All was going well until this past September, when Pincus was informed that he wasn’t eligible for a security clearance. The rejection was accompanied by a Statement of Reasons that concluded “foreign contacts and interests may be a security concern due to divided loyalties.”

Incredibly, the totality of the concern about Pincus was his contact with his 89-year-old mother and his middle-aged brother and sister, who had moved to Israel as adults.

The charge of “divided loyalties” has a particularly repugnant resonance to American Jews. It’s usually whispered behind closed doors, and so it’s doubly disconcerting when it is the reason given for official government action.

It is perfectly reasonable to suspect a Jew with family ties to Israel of being less than entirely loyal to the United States; I have met very, very few American Jews who have declared that they would be willing to wage war against Israel on America’s behalf. Yes, Israel is a nominal ally at present, but then, America has waged war against former allies and made allies of former enemies throughout the course of its history. And Israeli forces have killed more American soldiers than most Arab or Eastern Bloc militaries.

It is known that Israel spies on the USA; indeed, Israel would be criminally remiss if it did not do so. But it is no more in the American national interest to permit Israel to spy than it is to permit China, Russia, or Germany to do so.

For most Americans, the issue isn’t whether Jews have divided loyalties or not, it is whether they have any loyalty to the USA at all, given how Jewish opinion leaders such as Spengler and the Learned Elders of Wye quite openly demonstrate that they, at least, do not.

Of course, this isn’t a matter of concern that is limited to Jews. The same problem applies to Chinese citizens resident in the USA as well as many other nations. The idea that any individual can legitimately possess dual citizenships or undivided loyalties to more than one nation is a pernicious and dyscivic notion, and I expect that as the pendulum returns to historical normality and long-suppressed nationalism rises around the world, the nonsensical concept will eventually be erased from the law.

Jews aren’t white

We are reliably informed by the Senior Rabbi at Adas Israel that Jews are not only not white, it is racist and offensive to suggest that they are.

Even today, some of us remember being called anti-Semitic names, having pennies thrown at us or being beaten up because we are Jewish. But that young woman I spoke with this summer, and most of her young adult Jewish peers today, can hardly fathom being singled out, being treated as “other,” because of their Jewishness. And the main reason why anti-Semitism is no longer mainstream in our society is because sometime in the last half century, we convinced America that we, too, are white….

The brilliance of being Jewish, though, is that we stubbornly refuse to fit into any social construct of power or oppression. We are simply Ivri’im, people from “somewhere else,” people who struggle with God and justice, who demand that the rest of the world does, too, and see every human life as sacred because we are all in the image of God. And the truth is, we have never belonged to one race alone. The Torah tells us that we left Egypt with the “erev rav,” with a mixed multitude of peoples. Around the world there are Jews of color, Asian Jews, Jews of all kinds. The idea that Jews are white is not only ridiculous, it’s offensive to who we really are!

So Jews are no longer white. Do try to keep up. It sounds as if Rabbi Steinlauf is attempting to prepare for the New America that is no longer a white country. That, or he is following the lead of the Learned Elders of Wye and is preparing to jump ship into a non-white nation as a successfully diversified America sinks into economic collapse and civil war.

I wonder if it has ever occurred to Rabbi Steinlauf that it’s not his business what the rest of the world elects to struggle with. And I can’t help but note that the Jews appear to have done a brilliant job of fitting into a “social construct of power” in Israel. I guess it’s a little easier to stop stubbornly refusing to fit into those social constructs when you finally get to the top.

Peace in our time

Bibi meets Vladi as Russia contemplates directly intervening in Syria:

Russia said it’s willing to consider sending troops into combat operations in Syria if President Bashar al-Assad’s government requests assistance. While the possibility is hypothetical now, “if there is a request, it will be discussed as part of bilateral contacts,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call on Friday. “Of course it will be discussed and considered.”

The prospect of direct Russian involvement in the country’s civil war, in which more than 250,000 people have died since 2011, would mark a sharp escalation in President Vladimir Putin’s support for the embattled Assad government. The U.S. has accused Russia of increasing military aid to Syria in recent weeks by sending tanks, artillery and personnel, as well as setting up what the Pentagon says might be a forward airbase near the coastal city of Latakia. Syria also hosts Russia’s only naval facility outside the former Soviet Union at Tartus.

The possibility of troop involvement emerged before a visit to Moscow by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday for talks with Putin about Russia’s growing military involvement in Syria. Netanyahu “will present the threats posed to Israel as a result of the increased flow of advanced war material to the Syrian arena and the transfer of deadly weapons to Hezbollah and other terror organizations,” the Israeli government said in an e-mailed statement on Wednesday.

It should be rich listening to the USA, which presently has troops occupying countries all over the world, trying to spin this into Russian aggression. What is particularly interesting is this meeting coming so soon after the first serious defeat of AIPAC in Congress in years. The Soviets and the Israelis were allies in the early years, and I know a lot of Israelis prefer Assad to ISIS and the other Islamist parties.

I stand with Ann

Apparently someone is getting very worried about Ann Coulter drawing attention to the fact that too many of the Republican politicians appear to care more about Jews and Israel than they do about Americans and the United States. It’s even in the British media, of all places:

If you haven’t ever heard of Ann Coulter, you might want to count your blessings and stop reading now. For the more thick-skinned out there, Coulter is essentially the Katie Hopkins of America. Just like angry, mean Hopkins, Coulter seems to be on a personal crusade to become the most hated woman in her country – and by the looks of things, she’s succeeding.

This week, she was labelled anti-Semitic and sent social media into meltdown.

During a Twitter rant about Republican candidates trying to pander to Jewish voters by focusing on the topic of Israel, she asked ‘how many f***ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?’

    Good grief! Huckabee is running for PM of Israel.
    — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 17, 2015

    Rubio running to be curator of the Reagan Museum.
    — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 17, 2015

    Cruz, Huckabee Rubio all mentioned ISRAEL in their response to: “What will AMERICA look like after you are president.”
    — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 17, 2015

    How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?
    — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 17, 2015

It’s clearly offensive. But in keeping with her Conservative beliefs, Coulter hasn’t let herself get too carried away: she’s starred out the f-word.

Her comments haven’t just been criticised for their racist undertones – they’ve also been pulled apart for their ignorance.

US political hopefuls might be turning their attentions on Israel, but that doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with Jews. Many Jewish people living in the West don’t have close ties to Israel, while many non-Jewish Americans care about what’s happening to one of their country’s top allies.

What’s worrying is that not everyone on Twitter gets this. Instead Coulter’s ‘effing Jews’ post has had more than 1,500 retweets and sparked the hashtag #IStandWithAnn.

Right. We’re supposed to believe that all the Republican talk about Israel has nothing at all to do with the Jews in America. Isn’t it convenient how Israel=Jews whenever it suits the media to call someone anti-semitic, but Israel “doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with Jews” whenever it suits the media… to call someone anti-semitic.

The reason Ann’s remarks are resonating is that a large majority of Americans don’t give a flying fuck about what apparently is the primary concern of about one in fifty people presently living in America. And the fact that so many presidential candidates care more about what concerns one in fifty Americans than what concerns the other forty-nine is indicative of a serious problem.

You don’t have to hate Israel or Jews, you don’t even have to mildly dislike them, to not want your own political leaders to be observably more concerned about their interests than yours. And if Republicans don’t like observers criticizing them for always talking about Israel, perhaps they should talk about something of considerably more concern to most Americans, such as the massive immigrant invasion.

Peak American-Israelism

It looks as if the Learned Elders of Wye were correct to be concerned as the apex of Jewish influence in America they expected appears to have already passed:

Officials at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee knew the odds were against them in the fight to block President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran from surviving a congressional vote. But the influential pro-Israel group threw itself into a nearly $30 million advertising and lobbying effort to kill the accord anyway.

On Thursday, the committee, known as Aipac, was handed a stinging defeat. After Mr. Obama mustered enough Democratic backing in the Senate to halt a vote on a resolution of disapproval against the deal, a group known for its political clout saw its power and reputation in Washington diminished.

“They failed — they couldn’t even get a vote,” said Clifford Kupchan, an Iran expert and the chairman of the Eurasia Group, a consulting firm, who noted that Aipac had gone “all in” and tried everything to stop the deal. “It’s among the biggest setbacks for Aipac in recent memory.”

The loss has raised difficult questions about the future of Aipac, a group formed in 1951 just a few years after the birth of Israel. Aipac has long drawn its political potency from its reservoirs of loyalty among members of both parties, but that bipartisan veneer all but vanished in recent weeks as the debate over the Iran deal became increasingly bitter.

Republicans lined up unanimously with Aipac against the accord, which Mr. Obama had made his top foreign policy priority. The vast majority of Democrats supported it.

It’s playing out exactly as I, and a few other contrarians, had warned them. The New Americans who are now the driving force in the Democratic Party view the Jews as dangerous and powerful rivals, not as poor oppressed refugees who are beyond all criticism, and they are totally immune to both Holocaustianity and accusations of anti-semitism. And while AIPAC still enjoys the lockstep loyalty of elected Republicans, its left-wing domestic politics, adventurist foreign policy, and pro-immigration stance means it is increasingly anathema to the Republican base.

It’s not the end for AIPAC. It remains a rich and powerful political influence. But it is the first indication that its days of dictating to the U.S. Congress are over and the trend lines clearly point downward.

How’s that diversity thing working out?

Apparently diversity isn’t turning out to be as quite as “good for the Jews” as it’s been advertised. But there is no pressing cause for concern, I’m sure that the third worlders invading America will be much better behaved than the third worlders invading Europe. And speaking as a son of the Mexican Revolution, I can assure you that La Raza Cósmica is every bit as susceptible to appeals to the Holocaust as the Chinese and other immigrant populations are.

Married Holocaust survivors brutally beaten in savage Amsterdam robbery as attackers shouted ‘dirty Jews’ and left them blinded and confined to wheelchairs. Men forced their way into home of Shmuel Blog, 87 and his wife Diana, 86. They beat and kicked the pair and demanded they hand over valuables. Called Mr and Mrs Blog ‘dirty Jews’, tore off their rings and tied them up. Mr Blog was left blinded with a broken thigh and wheelchair-bound for life. Mrs Blog is also confined to a wheelchair suffering from ‘extreme pains’

It seems to me that the Learned Elders of Wye would be well advised to reconsider their previous position on homogenous white Christian populations rather than assume that they can simply relocate to Israel and China after America follows the current European example.

The Democrats’ defense priority

I don’t know about you, but I doubt the average American will be much reassured by the idea that the “leaders” responsible for national defense are inclined to burst into tears or that the security of another nation appears to be their primary concern:

The head of the Democratic Party, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Fla., choked up while discussing her “gut wrenching” decision to vote in favor of the Iran nuclear deal.

“There’s nothing that’s more important to me, as a Jew, than to ensure Israel’s existence is there throughout our generations,” she said Sunday, choking back tears. Wasserman Schultz announced her vote for the deal, which will ease economic sanctions in return for Iran scaling back its nuclear program, on CNN’s “State of the Union” and in an op-ed for the Miami Herald.

Holding back tears, Wasserman Schultz said that in her op-ed, she talks about her “Jewish heart and how important this [decision] was to me … as a Jewish mother.”

“In weighing everything, all the information, I’ve concluded the best thing to do is vote in support of the Iran deal and put Iran years away from being a nuclear state,” she said. The Obama administration secured enough votes this week to ensure the deal will survive efforts to kill it.

In making her decision, Wasserman Schultz met with President Obama, Vice President Biden, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, Secretary of State John Kerry and Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, as well as dozens of intelligence experts. She has been to the Situation Room twenty times in the past two years, she said, and has personally verified with the Obama administration that Iran will have to allow inspectors in to verify that it is scaling back its nuclear capacity and cannot self-inspect.

Wasserman Schultz said there are “a number of things” in the deal that gave her “angst and pause” and made her decision to vote in favor of it very difficult.

“I worry that the vigilance over the life of deal may wane … that complacency could set in,” she said. “I worry that the additional resources, no matter how little … Iran could divert to terrorist activity that could cause harm to Jews and others around the world. I worry that we have to make sure that the monitoring is really as gap-free as possible.”

Despite her discomfiture with the deal, Wasserman Schultz said she is “confident” that she made the right choice.

“I am confident that the process I have gone through to reach this decision is one that will ensure that Israel will be there forever,” she said.

Being pro-Zionist, I, for one, am pleased to know that Israel’s safety and security is important to American political leaders. I merely regret that America’s safety and security are observably such a trivial matter as far as they are concerned.

 To be fair, Ms Wasserman Schultz did mention in passing that she believes “fervently in protecting America’s national security interests”, they just don’t happen to be as important, or as emotionally moving, to her as ensuring “Israel’s existence is there throughout our generation”.

It would certainly be nice if America’s political leaders cared even one-half as much about America’s borders as they do about Israel’s.

So much for “Christian Zionism”

All those evangelicals who are so keen to profess how they love Israel even better than they do America or Jesus Christ should perhaps consider that their affections are not returned

The leader of a far-Right Israeli group has risked arrest by apparently voicing support for arson attacks on Christian churches amid an official crackdown on Jewish extremism.

Benzi Gopstein, the outspoken head of Lehava – which has drawn notoriety for its violent assaults on Jewish-Arab assimilation – made the remarks at a panel discussion for Jewish yeshiva students when asked by a fellow panelist if he believed burning down churches in Israel was justified.

He later tried to evade accusations of inciting his followers to fire-raise, saying it was the government’s responsibility to carry out what he presented as a religious teaching of the 12th century Jewish philosopher, Maimonides.

“Did the Rambam [Maimonides] rule to destroy [idol worship] or not? Idol worship must be destroyed. It’s simply yes – what’s the question?” Mr Gopstein told the panel.

His comment alarmed his questioner Benny Rabinovich, a journalist, who told him: “Benzi, I must say I’m really shocked by what you’re saying here. You are essentially saying we must go out and burn down churches. You’re saying something insane here.”

Told by another panelist, Moshe Klein, rabbi of Israel’s Haddash medical centres, that the discussion was being filmed and that his remarks could lead to his arrest, Mr Gopstein answered: “That’s the last thing that concerns me. If this is truth, I’m prepared to sit in jail 50 years for it.” 

This is a reminder of the fact that diversity+proximity=war. It’s also a reminder of the fact that immigrants transform the land, the land doesn’t transform the immigrants.

I’m a Zionist myself, but not on the basis of being a Christian. Israel for the Jews, Germany for the Germans, France for the French, and so forth. If you want relative peace, that is the way to achieve it. But I would no more attend a church that flew an Israeli flag than one that featured a female pastor. Both are unmistakable signs of a church that follows the world rather than Jesus Christ.

Yes. Next question

Conde Nast asks a Troubling Question to which the answer is obvious:

The Troubling Question in the French Jewish Community: Is It Time to Leave?

How can anyone be allowed to paint a swastika on the statue of Marianne, the goddess of French liberty, in the very center of the Place de la République?”

That was what the chairman of one of France’s most celebrated luxury brands was thinking last July, when a tall man in a black shirt and a kaffiyeh leapt to the ledge of Marianne’s pedestal and scrawled a black swastika. All around him, thousands of angry demonstrators were swarming the square with fake rockets, Palestinian and Hamas flags, even the black-and-white banners of ISIS. Here, barely a mile and a half from the Galeries Lafayette, the heart of bourgeois Paris, the chants: “MORT AUX JUIFS! MORT AUX JUIFS!” Death to the Jews. It was Saturday, July 26, 2014, and a pro-Palestinian demonstration turned into a day of terror in one of the most fashionable neighborhoods of the city.

“Do something! Do you see what is happening here?” the chairman said to a line of police officers watching the demonstration build to a frenzy. “What do you expect us to do?” one officer said, then looked away. For years, the chairman, a longtime anti-racism activist, has turned up at rallies like this one to see which politicians and which radical groups were present. (For reasons of personal safety, the chairman asked not to be identified for this story.) France’s endless demonstrations are a mainstay of the republic, a sacred right rooted in the legacy of Voltaire. But hate speech is a criminal offense—people may express their opinions, but not to the extent of insulting others based on their race, religion, or sex. The protest—against Israel’s Gaza policies—had been banned by the government, fearful of violence, following flare-ups in the preceding weeks. But if the police were to move in too quickly, the riots might continue all summer long—suburbs in flames, mobs in central Paris.

Photographs and videos of the swastika and its perpetrator, of protesters chanting “Kill the Jews,” and of the Palestinian, Hamas, and ISIS flags were sent in a rush to various groups in the Jewish community who assess threats. By early afternoon, some of these reached Sammy Ghozlan, a 72-year-old retired police commissioner who has spent his career working the banlieues, the belt of working-class, racially mixed suburbs that surround Paris. Ghozlan is a folk hero of the banlieues and has a nickname that is impossible to forget: le poulet cacher—“the kosher chicken.” (Poulet is slang for cop.) For 15 years, he has overseen France’s National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism—known by its French abbreviation, B.N.V.C.A.—a community hotline he founded that is funded by his police pension and whatever small donations he can come by. Its purpose is nothing less than to protect the Jews of France….

Two days before the Charlie Hebdo
attack, Sammy announced what, to many, including me, was unthinkable:
Sammy Ghozlan, proud Frenchman and the dean of Paris’s anti-Semitic
crime-fighters, had joined the thousands of French Jews moving to

The Jews in Europe are doomed because they spent the last 70 years undermining European nationalism and supporting the transformation of European population demographics. That strategy was understandable, given their mid-century experience with German nationalism, but short-sighted, and its long-term failure was absolutely inevitable. That is relatively obvious now; everyone from Benjamin Netanyahu to Sammy Ghozlan has concluded that it is time for continental Jews to go home to Israel. And while the Jews in the UK aren’t quite at that point yet, I expect they will be soon enough. The English have long looked with mild disapproval upon the Jews in their midst, but
they simply don’t hate them the way their millions of recent Polish and Muslim immigrants do.

What is much less obvious at this point is that the Jews in America appear to be similarly doomed because their elite has spent the last 50 years undermining American nationalism and supporting the transformation of America’s population demographics under the mistaken impression that it would be “good for the Jews”. Feeling threatened by European nationalism as a result of their experience with Germanic nationalism, a small number of elite Jews worked very hard to remove the barriers to entry that protected their people from those who hate them considerably more than Frenchmen or Americans do. In fact, some of them are still at it; consider this piece published in the National Journal:

Nearly 70 percent of Jews support comprehensive immigration reform, according to a survey released by the Public Religion Research Institute and the Brookings Institution in March 2013…. Jews have always been immigrants. We’re always searching for a safe place to call home. That is one reason we are so invested in making sure that today’s immigrants have the opportunity to build their lives in America like we did.

Obviously very few Jews have made what might be called the French connection between immigration and anti-semitism yet. Due to the larger Jewish population in America and the USA’s bigger geography, the USA is probably 30 years behind France in this regard, but one nevertheless can observe the same process at work. The outcome is so predictable that one would almost suspect those responsible of being ruthless Zionists with the long term goal of driving all of their compatriots to Israel whether they will or no.

Even in the case of immigrants who don’t have anything against Jews, groups such as the Mexicans and Chinese, the demographic tradeoff has been a negative one for the Jews because unlike the various European nations, the newcomers are totally immune to the Holocaustianity to which misbehaving Jews have tried to hide behind for decades. Forget Greenspan, Bernanke, and Yellen, even critics of Bernie Madoff, the Jewish con artist who materially harmed more Jews than any anti-semite since Adolf Hitler, were declared to be “anti-semites” by Abe Foxman of the Anti-Defamation League.

But notice that for all the wealth and power possessed by “the chairman of one of France’s most celebrated luxury brands”, such things are impotent in the face of the Muslim numbers, which dwarf France’s Jewish population, 5 million to 500,000. (Note to American readers who think France is being swamped by Islam: the USA has proportionately more Hispanic residents than France has Muslim residents, 52 million and 18 percent vs five million and 8 percent.)

Now nationalism is resurgent throughout Europe, everywhere from Greece and Italy to Norway and Sweden. But while those European nationalists are primarily opposed to the Jew-hating invaders, they will not lift a finger to aid or defend the Jews who have been actively attempting to suppress them for decades. Indeed, most Jews in America are still more concerned about the nationalists than they are about those who are actually calling openly for their death. The European Jews have learned better.

It is said that generals always fight the previous war. In this case, it seems apparent that the diaspora Jews were determined to fight their previous enemy rather than their current one. But it should have been obvious that any nation that is unwilling or unable to defend itself is a nation that will be equally unable to defend its guests.

That is why I expect the French policeman’s response will serve as a predictive microcosm of the European and American responses to the war that the New Europeans and the New Americans are waging on their resident Jews.

“What do you expect us to do?” one officer said, then looked away.  

If the Jews in America do not wish to see America follow Europe’s lead in this regard, they are going to have to do a complete 180 on immigration, do it fast, and do it hard. Regardless, I suspect an investment in Israeli real estate may be something to seriously consider as the demand for housing there is only going to grow.