The trials of dark-lording

Nick Flor-ProfessorF‏Verified account @ProfessorF
 The formula for success, has always been: work hard, do excellent work, respect others. Do that and you will overcome most biases.

Supreme Dark Lord‏ @voxday
I find a formula of work hard, do excellent work, behead your enemies, drink their blood, and pile their skulls in the garden works for me.

Spacebunny Day‏ @Spacebunnyday
Yeah, well, it doesn’t work for me.  We have guests coming for a bbq tomorrow – go clean up the garden.

They never tell you about this sort of thing in dark lord school.

The false front of the male feminist

Joss Whedon is merely the latest “male feminist” to be outed as a sexual predator:

There were times in our relationship that I was uncomfortable with the attention Joss paid other women. He always had a lot of female friends, but he told me it was because his mother raised him as a feminist, so he just liked women better. He said he admired and respected females, he didn’t lust after them. I believed him and trusted him. On the set of “Buffy,” Joss decided to have his first secret affair.
Fifteen years later, when he was done with our marriage and finally ready to tell the truth, he wrote me, “When I was running ‘Buffy,’ I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women. It felt like I had a disease, like something from a Greek myth. Suddenly I am a powerful producer and the world is laid out at my feet and I can’t touch it.” But he did touch it. He said he understood, “I would have to lie — or conceal some part of the truth — for the rest of my life,” but he did it anyway, hoping that first affair, “would be ENOUGH, that THEN we could move on and outlast it.”
Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me….
Despite understanding, on some level, that what he was doing was wrong, he never conceded the hypocrisy of being out in the world preaching feminist ideals, while at the same time, taking away my right to make choices for my life and my body based on the truth. He deceived me for 15 years, so he could have everything he wanted. I believed, everyone believed, that he was one of the good guys, committed to fighting for women’s rights, committed to our marriage, and to the women he worked with. But I now see how he used his relationship with me as a shield, both during and after our marriage, so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist.

Male feminists are false fronts. They tend to be physically unattractive men who pose as feminists in order to obtain access to women by convincing them to let their guard down through publicly professing feminist ideology. They are easily obsessed by women and are highly prone to stalking them; John Scalzi’s account of being tempted to stalk Mary Robinette Kowal at a convention is downright creepy, although not nearly as creepy as the idea of Jim Hines being a rape counselor.
Rape Victim (sobbing): “He… he raped me!”
Jim Hines (slobbering): “Tell me about it. Tell me ALL about it!”

Back in 2006, at Readercon(!) I was wandering around the dealer’s room when I saw John Joseph Adams talking to a woman I didn’t know. I knew JJA very casually, so I went up to say hello. The woman he was speaking to was the art director of Shimmer Magazine and her name was Mary Robinette Kowal. JJA introduced the two of us, and Mary and I started chatting and within about five minutes I was aware that I was really intensely attracted to her, in a way that actually kind of spooked me and which I was sure was immediately and clearly obvious, and possibly immediately and obviously creepy.
So here’s what I did. After a couple more minutes, I excused myself and went away, because I was working on the theory that if I was worried that I was coming across as creepy, I was in fact being creepy, and I didn’t want to do that both as a matter of personal inclination and also because this woman I had just met did noting to deserve me creeping all over her. Later, I saw her talking with a bunch of people I didn’t know, I didn’t go up and chat with her because I knew that the only reason I wanted to talk to that group of people is so that I could be near her, and that was a little creepy.
When some time after that she was with a group of people I did know and enjoyed talking to, I joined that group, made sure I didn’t focus all my attention on her and got to know her a little better by listening to her talk to others in the group and to the group in general, and talked to her like I talked to everyone else in the group. I didn’t hover near her. I definitely didn’t go out of my way to touch her. I made no great attempt to monopolize her time. When I did chat with her later one on one, I was mindful of how much of her time I was spending, and was paying attention to how she reacted to me to make sure I wasn’t overstaying my welcome. And so on.

If that doesn’t strike you as creepy on its face, remember, the man was married at the time. There is definitely something deeply, insidiously wrong with any self-styled male feminist. Never forget that when they repeat their mantras of “don’t be evil” and “don’t inappropriately touch women”, they are talking to themselves.
In any event, Allum Bokhari’s take on l’affaire Whedon is without doubt the best one.

So, Joss Whedon used feminism to bang an endless succession of chicks and make some pretty non-feminist movies without anyone noticing. To be honest, my respect for the man has skyrocketed.

Happy Mother’s Day

Best wishes, heartfelt gratitude, and a Happy Mother’s Day to Spacebunny and all the dedicated mothers raising the next generation of the West. These brave women fight a daily war with those who would tear them down and destroy both them and their families that is too little recognized, and they often do so with very little emotional support from anyone. The home front is the first and most important front.

One thing the Alt-Right must never forget is that the restoration of Western Civilization depends upon convincing the mothers of the European nations to cast their lot in with us rather than with the barbarians and destroyers. It is essential not to get too caught up in bitterness over feminism or negative personal experiences, but rather, to focus on the long-term objectives. The dyscivilizationists won many women over to their side, and it is up to the eucivilizationists to win them back.

Even the rabbits of Watership Down understood that a society without mothers will not survive.

Sean Hannity is next

Debbie Schussel is accusing Sean Hannity of sexual misconduct:

Fox News host Bill O’Reilly was recently fired from Fox News after mounting accusations of sexual harassment and backlash from network sponsors. This follows the resignation of former CEO of Fox News Roger Ailes in July 2016 after allegations from Gretchen Carlson, Andrea Tantros, and Megyn Kelly of sexual harassment. Tantros also filed suit against Bill O’Reilly and politician Scott Brown. The latest conservative commentator to be accused of sexual misconduct is host Sean Hannity who was accused on the Pat Cambell Show by lawyer, political commentator, and frequent Fox News guest Debbie Schlussel. Debbie claimed on the show that Sean Hannity asked Schlussel to come back to his hotel twice after a book-signing event. Does this constitute sexual misconduct?

Why do these guys even talk to women in a professional capacity? This is further proof that the talking heads simply aren’t all that smart. If a woman shows even the slightest sign of being a fame whore, you’d have to be mad to think that she has any interest in you for yourself.

Anyhow, now that the new standard is “allegations have been made”, Hannity will obviously be expected to resign, since Mrs. Junior Murdoch doesn’t approve of those goings-on at her father-in-law’s company.

It’s rather amusing to see conservatives being ejected by the very “conservative” women they championed. At this rate, the Alt-Right is going to win by default.

She did the math

Nice to see that women are capable of grasping that feminism is bad for more women than it benefits economically:

Author Fay Weldon has risked infuriating fellow feminists by claiming their cause left two-thirds of British women worse off. In an interview in The Mail on Sunday’s Event magazine today, Weldon, 85, says the feminist revolution had adverse implications by ‘halving the male wage, so it no longer supported a family.’ That meant some women had to get jobs, even if they would rather have been at home with their children. ‘Women had to work to support the family. So for two in three women, it really was a problem.’

I first pointed this out back in 2007:

Anyhow, it’s interesting that people are finally beginning to pay some attention to the basic economics of the issue. I expect more than a few people on both sides of the feminist aisle are going to be very upset when the period from 1970 to the present is studied.

Feminists will be upset because it will make feminism look like a disaster for women. Working, married non-feminists will be upset because they’ll realize that they are essentially working for nothing. Men won’t like it either, since they’ll realize that they’re getting paid less for the same work that their fathers did.

It’s interesting how everyone understands that immigrants cause labor prices to fall, but most people don’t grasp that a substantial increase in domestic work force participation, by any group, has the same effect.

For the benefit of those who needed me to type more slowly, I spelled it out in more detail in 2013:

While immigration too plays a role here, the only significant effect native women have when they enter the labor force in greater numbers is to depress the price of labor.  Unlike immigrants, they don’t bring in new consumption to help mitigate their wage-depressing effects; the reason real hourly wages peaked in 1973 and have been falling ever since is because that was the year that the number of men younger than 20 and older than 65 leaving the labor force was surpassed by educated, middle-class women entering it.

One-third of working class women have always worked.  The change brought by feminism is that now middle class and upper middle class married women work as well.  And the more women that work, the more women have to work and the less time women who don’t work will have with their husbands who support them, because an INCREASE in the SUPPLY of labor necessitates a DECREASE in the PRICE of labor, demand remaining constant.

And to make matters worse, demand does not remain constant, but actually declines, because a woman who works is statistically much less likely to eventually become a wife and mother, and even when she does, she becomes one several years later and has fewer children.  This means that feminism is a structural economic failure as it creates a downward-spiraling vicious circle of three easily identifiable revolutions:

  1. The increase in the supply of labor causes wages to go down.  This is indisputable in either logical or empirical terms.
  2. Female hypergamy, female independence, and opportunity cost reduces the marriage rate and the average birth rate, while increased male work hours and work-related romantic opportunities increases the divorce rate.  These connections are all logically sound and readily observable.
  3. The reduced birth rate has a negative effect on consumption, and therefore the demand for labor, 20 years before the consequent negative effects on the supply of labor can help balance it out, putting further negative pressure on wage rates.  This is also indisputable, both logically and empirically. 

The hottest man in the world

It has been determined by Big Data, courtesy of Amazon. The hottest man in the world is a wealthy, chubby-chasing, Alpha Male cowboy with a secret baby.

You’re welcome, ladies.

And gentlemen, you no longer complain that you don’t know what women want. Put on a Stetson and take her out for an expensive pizza. Don’t forget the breadsticks.

Building the perfect woman

It would probably, quite rightly, appall more than a few feminists to know that young women have been raised on the basis of my observations concerning feminism. But unlike the angry omegas of the West, I don’t hate American women.

I do not despise American women. Quite to the contrary, I very much admire those who possess the courage, the character and the feminine spirit to reject the poisoned propaganda of the self-destructive Sisterhood and be women. It requires far more genuine strength and independence for a young American woman to become a lady today than it does for her to devolve into a faux male – those who manage the feat are princesses for whom a man might well wish to slay a dragon or three.

It is hard, very hard, for American girls to go against the tsunami of equalitarian propaganda and social pressure to which they are subjected. And yet, some of them manage it all the same. They are not only to be praised and celebrated, they are to be emulated.

Because they are the gateway to the future. Victory will not be achieved without them.

Leadership from Marine LePen

Contrast her refusal to bow to foreign demands with the cowardly behavior of the Swedish women:

French far-right National Front presidential candidate Marine Le Pen canceled a meeting on Tuesday with Lebanon’s grand mufti, its top cleric for Sunni Muslims, after refusing to wear a headscarf for the encounter.

Le Pen, among the frontrunners for the presidency, is using a two-day visit to Lebanon to bolster her foreign policy credentials nine weeks from the April 23 first round, and may be partly targeting potential Franco-Lebanese votes.

Many Lebanese fled to France, Lebanon’s former colonial power, during their country’s 1975-1990 civil war and became French citizens.

After meeting Christian President Michel Aoun – her first public handshake with a head of state – and Sunni Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri on Monday, she had been scheduled to meet the Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian

He heads the Dar al-Fatwa, the top religious authority for Sunni Muslims in the multireligious country.

“I met the grand mufti of Al-Azhar,” she told reporters, referring to a visit in 2015 to Cairo’s 1,000-year-old center of Islamic learning. “The highest Sunni authority didn’t have this requirement, but it doesn’t matter.

“You can pass on my respects to the grand mufti, but I will not cover myself up,” she said.

Unlike Sweden, France will not cower. One hopes the French electorate will see the merits in this woman.

The toll

There is a common phrase one hears among skeptics of biracial relationships between blacks and whites, “burn the coal, pay the toll”. But given my background in economics, I couldn’t help wondering what, precisely, is the toll? Here are some relevant facts, figures, and probabilities for white women contemplating the costs and benefits of coal-burning.

  • 100 percent greater chance of getting divorced.

Marriages that took place between African American men and white women had twice the potential of ending up in divorce in comparison to marriages involving a white man and a white woman. White female and African American male couples also had the greatest chances of divorce out of all non-white and white marriages.
– “Is Interracial Marriage More Likely to End in Divorce?”

  • 3 percent chance of having legitimate children

92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock,with Caucasian mothers leading in that percentage [at 97%]. 90% of women who have children out of wedlock with African American men will not end up marrying that man, where as 10% will wed,  yet those that wed, or do have their children in wedlock, typically end up a single mother nonetheless due to divorce.
– “Ninety Two Percent: Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers”

  • 98 percent chance of not being financially supported by the child’s father

Does the father of your children support financially? Caucasian: NO 98% YES 2%
– “Ninety Two Percent: Examining the Birth Trends, Family Structure, Economic Standing, Paternal Relationships, and Emotional Stability of Biracial Children with African American Fathers”

  • A one-in-three chance of encountering herpes.

White infection rate: 6 percent. Black infection rate: 32 percent.
– “Percentage of Adults Aged 20–29 Years with Genital Herpes Infection, by Race/Ethnicity”, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

  • 1,524 percent greater chance of encountering gonorrhea

White male infection rate: 28.8/100,000. Black male infection rate: 467.7/100,000.
– “STD/HIV incidence rates in the US (breakdown by race) 2014”, Centers for Disease Control

  • 1,524 percent greater chance of encountering gonorrhea

White male infection rate: 28.8/100,000. Black male infection rate: 467.7/100,000.
– “STD/HIV incidence rates in the US (breakdown by race) 2014”, Centers for Disease Control

  • 670 percent greater chance of being murdered 

In this paper we examine patterns and trends in homicides between marriage partners in the United States for 1976 through 1985 using data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Supplemental Homicide Reports (FBI-SHR). We identified 16,595 spouse homicides accounting for 8.8 per cent of all homicides reported to the FBI-SHR during this 10-year period…. The risk of victimization was greater for spouses in interracial than in intraracial marriages … Spouse homicides in marriages where the husband was Black and the wife was White constituted 1.4 per cent of the total … Spouse homicide incidence rates were 7.7 times higher in interracial marriages relative to intraracial marriages.
– “Fatal Violence among Spouses in the United States, 1976-85,” by James A. Mercy and Linda E. Saltzman.

So, that’s the toll involved. It’s not even close to the cheerful middle-class picture so often presented by the television commercials. In light of the statistical probabilities involved, any parent who remains silent for fear of being called “racist” fully deserves the 18-year penalty that so often results from biracial relationships. I note that any parent who permitted their children to take such similarly high risks in other circumstances would probably be charged with abuse.

On the macro level, the obvious conclusion is that the media’s propagandistic push for biracial relationships is just another front in its 52-year war on the family, of every race and color. And on Gab, a biracial individual commented on the truth of these observations concerning illegitimacy and child support: @voxday Hitting me right in the childhood

The First Law of Female Journalism

Steve Sailer is right. Again. Every single time.

Plight of the Funny Female…. When I learned all of this, I immediately ran into the living room and asked my boyfriend if it’s important to him that his sexual partners are funny.

“Apparently not,” he said.

Ouch! But also, that’s so funny! Ugh.

* * *

Once, a guy and I spent several months in romantic no-man’s land, trying to decide if we liked each other. My issue with him was that he took me out for dinner at a fancy place and only ordered chocolate milk. I thought his issue was that there was another girl.

I was wrong:

“I just don’t get you!” he exclaimed one day when we were on a walk. “You’re pretty, but you’re like … goofy. It makes no sense.”

It’s depressing that for many women who aren’t professional comedians, the most valuable social currency is beauty—or worse, “being sweet.” In his infamous Vanity Fair piece about why women aren’t funny, Christopher Hitchens presents humor as an essential tool men can deploy to break a woman’s defenses:

If you can stimulate her to laughter … well, then, you have at least caused her to loosen up and to change her expression.

Women can also stimulate people to laughter—not just for the purpose Hitchens had in mind, but to make a new friend, or to make an old one feel better. To impress a boss or a boyfriend’s parents. To lean in, for cryin’ out loud. If funniness is an implement of power, women deserve access to it, too.If we acknowledge that these prejudices exist—that men’s humor is encouraged at the expense of women’s—is there anything we can do about it? Buss is skeptical that human desire can be molded; that a stern PSA or even a shift in social mores could encourage men to seek out women who are witty rather than pretty. Entrenched beliefs that are ugly and passé—like racism—persist even when people disavow them. Men’s desire to be the Kings of Relationship Comedy, meanwhile, isn’t even frowned upon.

Hone, from the University of Missouri, is more optimistic. If humankind decides that women’s natural zaniness should be set free, mankind should start to ask funnier women out for drinks. And women could stop dating men who don’t laugh at their jokes.

“Just because a trait has served an adaptive purpose does not mean we should accept it,” she said. “I like to think that there’s hope for all the funny, single ladies out there.”

Translation: Me think me pretty, funny, and smart! Why come no men want me? And isn’t it terrible that men prefer sweet, pretty women? They should prefer unattractive bitches so that in time the human race will genetically devolve to the point that I’ll look like a charming supermodel in comparison!

Steve Sailer’s First Law of Female Journalism: The most heartfelt articles by female journalists tend to be demands that social values be overturned in order that, Come the Revolution, the journalist herself will be considered hotter-looking.

Also, with very few exceptions, female comedians aren’t even funny. And that’s even when one mentally gives a bonus to the rare female comedian who is capable of cracking what we will generously term “a joke” without a) talking solely about herself or b) making any reference to her ever-so-hilarious genitals.

The answer to why women are not funny is rooted in philosophy. Women are more solipsistic than men, and most humor is found outside of reference to the self.