
Spent the day wargaming with some professional types. Smart, very well-informed guys. Gave a brief presentation, listened to some longer, more detailed, and much more impressive ones. Reached three conclusions:

  1. Blitzkrieg is not a strategy, much less a doctrine.
  2. Hoping that the leader of the other side is a) the sole reason for the war, and, b) he will vanish as soon as the other side faces a setback is not a strategy. Not a viable one, anyhow.
  3. Wargame is a misnomer. Very, very few wargames actually involve the primary elements of war. They’re battlegames.


They Dug Too Deep

It appears the US military occupation in Iraq didn’t heed JRR Tolkien’s warning. What were they looking for, and what did they find?

The United States lyingly claimed they illegally invaded Iraq to find and destroy its non-existent weapons of mass destruction, but once the “shock and awe” bombing campaign stopped, American military forces set up a 150-hectare (370-acre) base around the ancient Biblical city of Babylon and destroyed its remaining archaeological artifacts while desperately searching for something.

Whatever the American military forces were desperately searching for in the ancient city of Babylon, they ignored the warning issued in Book of Revelation, Chapter 18, Verse 2: “And he cried out with a mighty voice, saying, ‘Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place of demons and a prison of every unclean spirit, and a prison of every unclean and hateful bird.”—and the exact Greek translation for the phrase “hateful bird” actually describes the undecided element of a vast and terrible swarm of birds, and what we would describe today as flying demon monsters.

We don’t know for sure what kind of ancient flying demon monsters the United States released from their prison in Babylon, but we do know that American soldiers in Iraq were terrified of them—and we know this because American filmmaker-journalist Jeremy Corbell just released a top secret Pentagon beyond chilling video of the officially named “The Jellyfish” unknown aerial phenomenon (UAP) flying alien demon, about which is known: “The footage was taken with thermographic/forward-looking infrared radar because the UAP was not observable with night vision, appeared to jam the targeting capability of the optical platform and displayed positive lift without the usual means for lift and thrust, with no signatures for propulsion maneuvers present”.

On the one hand, this sounds like a mediocre ripoff of Aliens. On the other, it’s impossible to deny that things have been getting increasingly weird for the last twenty years, the ruling elites of the neoliberal world order are fractious and observably afraid, and as Christians, we know beyond any shadow of a doubt that spiritual evil exists and interacts with the material world in ways that we don’t fully understand.

So keep an open mind with regard to even the most seemingly absurd impossibilities, keep one hand on your gun and the other on your Bible.

Clown World 2024



“A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth—some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.”
— Michael Kinsley

I would like to use the rest of my time to describe how appalled I am that people are bringing up the Holocaust. Do not use other genocides to describe this one! I have been… oh!

Oops! That’s not so much letting the cat out of the bag, as a sabretooth tiger. Must be that vaunted 115 IQ, operating at levels far beyond our meager powers of comprehension.

But in all fairness, a potential Gazacaust can’t really be legitimately compared to the historical Holocaust. No roller coasters, no gas chambers, no eagles, no bears, and no bizarre medical experiments. Just bullets, bombs, and bulldozers.

What’s fascinating about the current situation is the way in which the invasion of Gaza is, rightly or wrongly, justified by an answer to the very question that isn’t even allowed to be publicly asked about the Holocaust.

Precisely what did the victims do that inspired this genocidal impulse on the part of their victimizers?


Retreat From Syria

The US military is showing definite signs of imperial overstretch. Its proxies are overwhelmed in Ukraine, the IDF appears to be bogged down in Gaza, the Navy can’t keep the Red Sea clear for cargo transports, and Iran’s proxies have hit US military bases 118 times without much in the way of resistance.

Since Hamas’s brutal attack against Israel on Oct. 7 and the resulting Israeli military campaign in the Gaza Strip, tensions and hostilities across the Middle East have reached fever pitch. And with such a complex regional crisis playing out, it should not come as a surprise that the Biden administration is reconsidering its military priorities in the region.

It should be cause for significant concern, however, that this could involve a full withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria. While no definitive decision has been made to leave, four sources within the Defense and State departments said the White House is no longer invested in sustaining a mission that it perceives as unnecessary. Active internal discussions are now underway to determine how and when a withdrawal may take place.

The US should withdraw from Syria. It should withdraw from the entire Middle East, and Europe too. But it’s one thing to be vaguely aware that one might have limitations, it’s another thing entirely to be smart enough to actually respect them and reduce one’s imperial ambitions.

Simplicius offers a succinct explanation: My take is this: in short, the US is being run out of town by Iran. Their bluff was called and US knows their puny strikes can do nothing to truly degrade Iran’s highly decentralized hybrid warfare systems and groups. Iran has risen to become a hegemon verging on a Great Power of the region. The US has a few obsolete fleets which cannot keep up blow for blow with Iran in exchanged rounds of ammo. Iran can saturate them forever with drones and cheap rockets which the US is spending millions per every fired shot to intercept.

He’s not wrong. The problem is that there are two powerful forces resisting the acknowledgement of the inevitable: American exceptionalism and the will of the foreign ruling elite. It will probably be necessary for the former to be shattered before it is possible for the latter to be successfully resisted.

This may explain why the IDF has withdrawn a number of brigades from Gaza even as its anti-Iranian rhetoric has recently heated up. It should be obvious to the Israeli strategists that time is not on their side, and that no matter what the actual odds might be, their best chance for defeating Iran is right now, while the US military is still present in the region.

The point of no return has been reached for the Imperial USA. And the choice is between WWIII and probable defeat or a face-saving acceptance of imperial decline which will fool absolutely no one.


The Draft Comes Back

Sweden has apparently announced the reactivation of “civilian conscription” while British military leaders are calling for the “mobilization” of whatever is left of its adulterated nation:

Today, current Army chief General Sir Patrick Sanders raised the spectre of conscription once again, when he called on the Government to ‘mobilise the nation’ in the event of a wider conflict against Russia amid its war with Ukraine.

I wonder if all those Swedes who were gung ho about Sweden joining NATO realize that their forced military service is a direct consequence of their foolish decision to join the military wing of Clown World. I also wonder how they’re going to square the logical circle about forcing young men to fight in defense of individual freedom and democracy.

Regardless, it appears the young men of the West are going to face a choice. Fight the clowns ruling your country or fight the combined military forces of China and Russia. Based on recent events in Ukraine, the former would appear to be a much better bet.

Because I doubt the generals in Moscow are quaking over the prospect of sending their battle-hardened veterans into a war against a collection of scared and unwilling European soyboys who weren’t even capable of resisting the vaxx.


The Art of Never Learning

Belgium completely fails to learn from the Ukrainian example of what happens when one crosses a Russian red line:

Belgium will transfer €611 million (58.3 billion rubles) to Ukraine from income received from interest on frozen Russian assets. The information was confirmed by the head of the Belgian Ministry of Defense, Ludivine Dedonder (pictured), Belga News Agency reports. The total amount of frozen Russian assets in the EU is about €180 billion (17 trillion rubles), most of them are located in Belgium, the agency clarified.

No doubt the EU will try to hide behind the fact that they aren’t seizing the frozen capital, only the interest on the capital. This will not fool the Russians, and it’s safe to anticipate some sort of tit-for-tat will soon take place, if not escalation.

The Russians have to find this childish tomfoolery more than a little tedious by now.


No French Mercenaries in Ukraine

Not anymore, anyhow:

The son of a brigadier general of the French army was killed by a strike by the Russian Armed Forces at a point of temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries in Kharkov. His partner (also killed) came from a hereditary military dynasty in France.

According to Mash, the name of the Frenchman eliminated by a high-precision strike is Sabastien Claude Remy Benard. He served in the RICM (formerly the Moroccan Colonial Infantry Regiment) in the Marine Light Armor unit. For reference: it was these groups that equipped the famous AMX-10RC wheeled tanks, which Paris proudly sent to Kiev as military aid. During the process, this scrap metal was deemed unsuitable for mechanized combat.

Benard first arrived in Ukraine in 2022, but did not receive the desired position in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and returned to his homeland. A year later he tried his luck again and joined the 5th Assault Brigade. On July 3, in the Bakhmut area, he participated in the medical evacuation of his wounded fellow countryman Maxim Leconte (a rifleman from the International Legion of Terrestrial Defense), who publicly admitted that the much-hyped Ukrainian counteroffensive turned out to be a bloody failure. On January 16, he was killed by a Russian missile strike.

His partner is Alexis Drion. He is the son of Frédéric Drion, who became a brigadier general in the French army in 2001. Alex joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces no later than last year. He served in the 2nd Battalion of the International Legion. Also was killed on January 16th.

The remaining 60 killed and about 20 wounded mercenaries are recognized activists of Nazi groups in France and other EU countries. Each of them served in the army and even belonged to a battalion of alpine hunters. Many were fired for inappropriate behavior, after which they left for Ukraine. In total, more than a hundred mercenaries from France died during the fighting in the SVO zone. – FRWL reports

The Kharkov strike is far from the only one of its kind. Many of the fatal “accidents” that have been reported occurring to US troops around the world are actually combat fatalities taking place in combat zones where US and other NATO troops are not supposed to be; you may recall the US Army Rangers who were killed in another Russian missile strike on a restaurant they frequented a few months ago. This sort of thing isn’t new, as we know, from the early days of the World Wide Web when the US military didn’t bother to block open access to its sites, that many soldiers had confirmed kills in places that US troops were not supposed to be.

The active engagement by NATO troops disguised as “mercenaries” is one reason is why I’ve been describing the situation in Ukraine as a NATO-Russian war rather than a Ukro-Russian one for more than the last year. While Ukraine has suffered the bulk of the casualties, the number of US, French, German, and other military casualties will probably shock the various publics when it is finally revealed to them.


SSH and Geopolitics

While it’s not my intention to link the daily Sigma Game post here on a regular basis, I suspect this particular SSH application will be of some interest here even to those readers who usually prefer to ignore discussions of the socio-sexual hierarchy.

Please note that I am absolutely, 100-percent, not saying that modern geopolitical analysis is not insane, retarded, and reliably wrong, only that a sound grasp of the SSH will prove beneficial to anyone who is forced to pay attention to or otherwise utilize those analyses.


If At First You Don’t Succeed

Bomb and bomb again. The Washington Post reports that the US military is going to get serious about attacking Yemen.

The US is preparing for a “sustained” bombing campaign in Yemen after ten days of airstrikes failed to undermine the ability of Houthi fighters to target ships in the Red Sea, the Washington Post has reported, citing unnamed officials.

The administration of President Joe Biden does not expect a protracted operation such as the US campaigns in Iraq or Afghanistan, but at the same time it cannot provide a timeframe for when Houthi military capabilities will be adequately diminished, the newspaper reported on Saturday.

Washington’s strategy is to curb the ability of the Shiite militant group to target ships off the coast of Yemen, or at least create safe conditions for shipping companies to resume sending vessels through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, sources added.

That will show them! There’s nothing like shooting several years’ production of ballistic missiles on some empty tents and camels to let people know you mean business. I mean, if I owned a US-flagged cargo ship, that would make me feel good about my chances of transiting the Red Sea, right?

Surely the Yemenis will surrender once they see their industrial intrastructure bombed back to the Stone Age. And by “industrial infrastructure” I mean rocks and sand.


The End of Drone Power

The long-predicted end of Air Power has already arrived. But the battlefield reign of the drone, first evidenced in the brief Second Nagorno-Karabakh War of 2020, then subsequently confirmed by the NATO-Russian war in the Ukraine, looks to be a very short one.

An industry team has for the first time destroyed an aerial target using a high-power shot with its DragonFire laser, the British Defence Ministry announced Friday. The trial with the direct-energy weapon is considered a significant milestone toward the deployment of the system, possibly within five years. Efforts to quickly field such weapons are partly driven by conflicts in Ukraine and near the Red Sea, where expensive air defense missiles are used against cheap but effective drones. The cost of operating the laser is typically less than £10 (U.S. $13) per shot, the ministry noted.

So, the question of who is going to dominate the future battlefield can be reduced to the question of who can make more vehicle-mounted laser platforms, more cheaply, than anyone else. The technology isn’t especially difficult, which means it will be a matter of industrial capacity and efficiency.

So this is clearly not a development that favors the military wing of the neo-globalist order.

On the plus side, this brings us one step closer to laser-equipped cyber otters for the home.