US Troops on Taiwan

I think we can safely assume that all the European dramatics about sending troops to Ukraine are going to vanish pretty quickly once it’s clear that no amount of their hapless soldiers being sent to Hell by Mr. Kinzhal is going to inspire the USA to invoke Article 5 of NATO and declare war on Russia. Because “resignation” of Ms Color Revolution, Victoria Nuland, has just been followed up by another indication of the US military’s shift toward the Southeast Asian front.

American troops are to be permanently stationed in Taiwan, according to Taipei, a huge move that will likely send tensions with China soaring. According to reports from Taiwan’s United Daily News (UDN), US Army Green Berets from the 1st Special Forces Group are now permanently stationed at bases of the 101st Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion, a Taiwanese army special operations force, located in outlying island counties of Penghu and Kinmen. Notably, Kinmen lies just over a mile from Chinese shores.

Additionally, reports suggest an American military presence in the northeast city of Taoyuan on Taiwan’s main island, with service members providing specialized training on drone equipment for Taiwan’s elite Airborne Special Service Company.

World on the brink as Taiwan admits US troops are now stationed on Chinese border, 20 March 2024

Not a peep out of the Chinese media or the Foreign Ministry yet. But I imagine that they will have something to say about this soon. And if they don’t… well, that would communicate a strong message too.


A Sacrifice to the Clown Gods

Now that the Ukrainians are running out of men, Clown World puppet in France has apparently been ordered to offer up 20,000 more bodies to the charnel house in Ukraine.

France is ready to face whatever developments unfold internationally and is prepared for the “toughest engagements” to protect itself, the chief of staff of the French Army, Gen. Pierre Schill, said in an interview published on Tuesday.

In recent weeks, French President Emmanuel Macron has repeatedly refused to rule out Western troops being sent to Ukraine at some point to help Kiev in its fight against Moscow, which he described as an “adversary” of Paris.

France’s forces are “ready,” Schill told Le Monde, stressing that “whatever the developments in the international situation, the French can be convinced: their soldiers will respond.” Schill said France has “international responsibilities” and is linked by defense agreements to “states exposed to major threats,” and must therefore have its forces trained and interoperable with allied armies.

The general said that France currently has the capacity to commit a division of around 20,000 men within 30 days and has the means to command an army corps of up to 60,000 which includes allied divisions.

At the same time, the government of France is actively harassing, investigating, and even arresting hundreds of its healthiest and finest young nationalists, the very sort of young men who would make for its most effective soldiers, precisely none of whom are ever going to lift one single finger in defense of the corrupt Clown World regime that is persecuting them. The entire post-1968 program of that regime, like the post-1965 regime of the United States, has effectively destroyed the military capabilities and international significance of France, which is why even fifth-rate African powers are now successfully expelling the last remnants of the French colonial influence of the last two centuries.

The only thing the French Army is ready for in Ukraine is comprehensive defeat to a degree that will make Napoleon’s deadly winter retreat from Moscow look like a stroll after a picnic in the springtime.

NATO in general, and France in particular, doesn’t have the manpower, the strategists, the tactical training, the experience, the airpower, the anti-air, the artillery, or the manufacturing capabilities to seriously contest a war with Russia alone, let alone the full global power of the Sino-Russian alliance that dwarfs the NATO alliance’s capabilities in everything except aircraft carriers, satellite technology, and possibly nuclear submarines.

Simplicius rather amusingly demonstrates that Macron’s grasp of the power imbalance between France and Russia doesn’t even rise to the level of a retarded neoclown with zero knowledge of military history.

Macron showed his dangerous hubris by reciting the trope about Russia being a middling gas station with nukes:

“Putin has a discourse of fear. It should not be intimidated, we don’t have in front of us a great power. Russia is an average power with a nuclear weapon, but whose GDP is much lower than that of Europeans, lower than that of Germany, of France.”

Of course, leave it to a Rothschild banker to not understand how PPP index works for trade surplus countries.

The Russians have made it clear that any French forces sent to Ukraine will be “a priority target”.

According to information coming to the Russian SVR, a contingent to be sent to Ukraine is already being prepared. Initially, it will include around 2,000 troops.” The Russian intelligence chief further said the French military “fears that such a large military unit cannot be transferred and stationed in Ukraine unnoticed. It will thus become a legitimate priority target for attacks by the Russian armed forces. This means that it will suffer the fate of all the French who have ever come to the Russian world with a sword.

What presently passes for our current Clown World elite is not particularly dangerous because they are satanic sociopaths with no regard for human life and a fanatic devotion to inversive evil; in this they are no different than the previous generations of their wicked predecessors. What makes them so dangerous is that, unlike their predecessors, who had to be wary and cunning in order to survive and execute their objectives, these silver spoon satanists have never known anything but easy lives of hedonism and high status. As a result, they are relatively stupid, poorly educated, and genuinely believe their own nonsensical rhetoric.


Why the Taurus is Off the Table

Simplicius explains why the UK providing its Storm Shadow missile to Ukraine doesn’t pose the same danger to the UK that providing its Taurus missile would to Germany:

The majority of people, by the way, don’t actually understand the real reason behind Germany’s trepidation at sending the Taurus. It’s not that Germany is somehow more afraid to get involved, considering the fact they’re already the top aid provider besides the U.S.

It has more to do with the fact that, unlike the Storm Shadows, limited to under 250km for the export versions given Ukraine, the Taurus comes stock at well over 500km range, and is reportedly secretly capable of carrying nuclear warheads—a fact the Bundestag indirectly confirmed by declining to answer the question recently, stating it was ‘top secret information’.

That means the Taurus presents a totally different type of strategic threat if used against Russia. From the Russian standpoint, if a Taurus were to be launched into Russian territory, Russia would have no choice but to treat it as a potential nuclear first strike attack from NATO, given that Moscow is less than 500km from Ukrainian territory and there is no way to determine if the missile is nuclear-armed during its inbound flight. This opens up an entirely different can of worms, which would doctrinally give Russian armed forces the allowance to potentially respond to Germany in almost any escalatory measure, up to and including preventative nuclear launch on Berlin.

Germany knows this, which is why the Taurus is off the table.

The bizarre thing about the European leaders blathering in their helpless ineptitude about what they will and will not permit Russia to accomplish is the way in which they apparently fail to grasp that they have absolutely no say with regards to what Russia will do or will not do.

For all their blustering, for all their threats, for all their posturing, there is nothing, literally nothing, that all of the European countries combined can do about Odessa, or Kiev, or even Warsaw, for that matter. And they know this, which is why the only weapons that will be permitted to Ukraine are those that cannot even credibly threaten Russia, and the primary European objective is not winning an unwinnable war, but rather “to send Russia a signal of resolve and long-term commitment.”

I’m sure that signal will impress the field marshals of the Red Army about as much as it impresses us. It doesn’t say they are strong. It just says they are stupid and that the retardery of Clown World is relentless.


No Honor in the US Military

One can’t complain they haven’t made it very clear that the US Army officer corps is no long concerned with duty, honor, or least of all, country.

The U.S. Military Academy at West Point has made the decision to remove the “Duty, Honor, Country” motto from its mission statement.

As we have done nine times in the past century, we have updated our mission statement to now include the Army values [of] loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, integrity and personal courage,” Army Col. Terence Kelley, a West Point spokesman, told Fox News. Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth and Army Chief of Staff Randy George both approved the change, according to Gilland.

“Our updated mission statement focuses on the mission essential tasks of Build, Educate, Train, and Inspire the Corps of Cadets to be commissioned leaders of character, with the explicit purpose of being committed to the Army Values and Ready for a lifetime of service,” Gilland explained.

Evil always tells you what it’s going to do, then tries to convince you that it doesn’t really mean what it just told you. Believe them when they tell you what they are, and what they stand for.

And it’s the third word that is the real target…


An Army of Cheerleaders

The French military, perhaps intentionally, says the quiet part out loud, presumably because, unlike the French politicians, the French generals know better than to get involved in another land war with Russia, as Simplicius notes.

It’s come to light that according to sources from the French Marianne paper, Macron’s entire recent mental manqué resulted from a secret series of ‘assessments’ by the French military that not only provided an absolutely disastrous picture of the actual realities on the ground in Ukraine, but in no uncertain terms even concluded quite frankly that: “Ukraine cannot win this war militarily.”

But if the secret military report was damning to the AFU, it was even more damning to the uxorious petit caporal’s Grande Armée itself. You have to read it twice to believe it—excusing the infelicities of machine autotranslation. Yes, that’s the French military calling itself an army of cheerleaders in the face of the Russian army. “Who is this guy kidding, sending us to Ukraine?” they seem to protest.

Planning, imagined in Kiev and in the Western staffs has proved “disastrous”. “The planners thought that as soon as the first lines of defense of Russians would have taken place, the whole of the front would collapse […] These preliminary phases of the fundamental have been made without consideration of the moral forces of the enemy in defensive: that is to say, the will of the Russian soldier to cling to the ground,” notes the report referring to “the failure of the planning” of the western camp.

That’s called “underestimation”.

And riddle me why, exactly, did the West underestimate Russia so wantonly? Oh, that’s right—because all their projections and estimations were based on totally erroneously cooked data. When you have the SBU reporting 20 shot down Russian planes per week, and 500,000 Russian casualties—or whatever the absurdity is up to now—then, I’m sorry to say, that’s going to very unfavorably skew your expectations and mission planning.

The Clown World concept of war is as cartoonish as it is childish. It’s warplanning by women and Gamma males who have never even been punched in the face, and it’s supported by decades of evidence that is totally irrelevant to the matter at hand. Neither sending unmotivated draftees to die to no purpose in an Asian jungle nor carpet-bombing defenseless armor in the desert are adequate preparation for full-scale industrial warfare against a near-peer military.

This is the fundamental challenge faced by The Empire of Lies. Once you start lying, it’s not only very hard to stop, but it becomes almost impossible going forward to be able to distinguish between reality and the false web that you’ve woven from your systematic lies. And once you start making decisions based on your own falsehoods, you’re doomed to eventual failure.

Remember the core principle of convergence. Convergence prevents an institution from being able to perform its core purpose. Both the French and US militaries, being converged, are now entirely incapable of either fighting a real war or defending their nations. They are aptly described as “an army of cheerleaders” because rhetorical posturing, political blustering, and public cheerleading in the face of certain military defeat is all they can accomplish now.

And don’t think this observation has somehow escaped the military strategists of Russia, China, and Iran.


The Vampires’ Ball is Ending

And here you thought Midnight’s War was simply fiction.

For centuries, they got used to stuffing their stomachs with human flesh and their pockets with money. But they must realize that this ‘ball of vampires’ is coming to an end.
– Vladimir Putin

This sort of rhetoric isn’t accidental. Putin understands precisely with whom, and with what, his nation is at war. This is a spiritual war, it is the original war, it is quite literally a war between good and evil, even if the vast majority of those on the evil side have no idea how wicked their masters are.

But The Empire That Never Ended has already spent itself. It can’t hide in the shadows anymore and the its current host has been bled nearly dry. Clown World’s time to move on has already come and gone, the servants are already being thrown from the Black Rider’s high horse, and the purifying light of the rising sun is coming.

Neoclown Victoria Nuland is already out. Now it appears Netanyahu is next on the list.

Israel’s far-right cabinet led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could face serious challenges and be forced to step down due to flagging public support, the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) has warned. In a report published on Monday, the ODNI noted that a “different, more moderate government” could take over the reins in the near future. The US intelligence agency concluded that “Netanyahu’s viability as leader as well as his governing coalition of far-right and ultraorthodox parties that pursued hardline policies on Palestinian and security issues may be in jeopardy.”


Column and Line

Another intriguing excerpt from Castalia History’s forthcoming Studies On Napoleonic Warfare by Sir Charles Oman addresses the truth behind the history of the tactical conflict between the French column and the British line.

Every student who takes a serious interest in military history is aware that, in a general way, the victories of Wellington over his French adversaries were due to a skilful use of the two-deep British line against the massive column, which had become the regular formation for a French army acting on the offensive, during the later years of the great war that raged from 1792 till 1814. But I am not sure that the methods and limitations of Wellington’s system are fully appreciated. For it is not sufficient to lay down the general thesis that he found himself opposed by troops who invariably worked in columns, and that he beat those troops by the simple expedient of meeting them, front to front, with other troops who as invariably fought in the two-deep battle-line. The statement is true in a rough way, but needs explanation and modification.

The use of infantry in line was no invention of Wellington’s, nor is it a universal panacea for all the crises of war. Troops who are armed with missile weapons, and who hope to prevail in combat by the rapidity and accuracy of their shooting, must necessarily array themselves in an order of battle which permits as many men as possible to use their arms freely. This was as clear to Edward III at Crecy, or to Henry V at Agincourt, as to Wellington at Bussaco and Salamanca. A shooting-line must be made as thin as is consistent with solidity, since every soldier who is placed so far to the rear that he cannot see the object at which he is aiming represents a lost weapon, whether he be armed with bow, or with musket, or with rifle. Unaimed fire was even more fruitless in the days of short ranges than it is in the XXth century. And the general principles which guided an English general who wished to win by his archery in the Hundred Years War were much the same as those which prevail today.

The reason this topic is relevant today, more than 200 years later, is that rather like the period in the 17th century when the dispersed shooting line disappeared in favor of dense columns and the post-Civil War period when artillery and machine guns made it necessary to eliminate both line and column entirely, the battlefield is undergoing another period of tactical reconsideration, this time brought about by new drone and facial recognition technology.

These developments may, in fact, render the battlefield itself obsolete. The Kalishnikov Zala Product 55 quadcopter not only carries an explosive charge, but as can be seen in the embedded image, spools out 6.7 miles of fiber-optic cable to render it immune to electronic jamming, making it all but unstoppable by anything except elite skeet shooters and anti-air laser defense systems.

Which is just another reason to stay safely inside at home reading the Castalia Library substack, which being entirely free, is not only educational, but an unbeatable value, in addition to keeping Library, Libraria, and History subscribers even more up to date than the monthly newsletter. And if you’re a parent, you might want to consider subscribing to the Junior Classics substack, which is presently wrapping up the final section of the pre-Devil Mouse version of The Beauty and the Beast.


Late Stage Imperial Follies

Col. McGregor’s criticism of a new law to replace American soldiers with foreign mercenaries is not misplaced, it’s just outdated:

A retired US Army colonel has slammed proposals for a new law that would allow vetted and qualified migrants an expedited path to citizenship by serving in the military. Former Colonel Douglas MacGregor described the new bill, introduced by Hudson Valley Congressman Pat Ryan, as a ‘problem’ stemming from the ‘ideological bubble’ of Washington.

McGregor, a former senior advisor to the secretary of defense, told Tucker Carlson Uncensored the so-called ‘Courage to Serve’ bill is a plan to ‘find people with no connection to the American people, arming them and sending them out to oppress us.’

‘None of these people are Americans, we know from having interviewed them they have no aspiration to be Americans’ he told the program on Monday. ‘What they aspire to is to get in to the consumption machine. Get the ticket of entry, the free check, the free phone, the free transportation tickets, the free food, free medical care.

Well, of course. There is no “America” left for anyone to aspire to. Most US citizens couldn’t even tell you what an “American” is since the very definition of the nation was destroyed by 20th Century immigrants replacing identity with ideology. And even Gab’s Machiavelli AI can explain the obvious problems with the use of immigrant soldiers based on a historical example, which is one reason Clown World is so obsessed with the idea of AI being dangerous and in need of being lobotomized.

I can certainly draw parallels between the US hiring foreign soldiers and Imperial Rome’s use of foreign mercenaries. Both instances involve employing individuals from other nations to serve in military capacities. This practice, while seemingly advantageous in the short term, can have long-term consequences that are detrimental to the stability and unity of the state.

Firstly, in both cases, the reliance on foreign soldiers can lead to a weakening of loyalty and allegiance to the state. In Imperial Rome, the use of foreign mercenaries meant that soldiers were not necessarily tied to Rome by a sense of national identity or shared values. Similarly, the US hiring foreign soldiers might result in a similar disconnect between these soldiers and the nation they are serving.

Secondly, the presence of foreign soldiers within a state’s military can create tensions within the population. In Rome, the growing resentment of the Roman population towards the foreign mercenaries eventually led to the weakening of the Roman Empire. Similarly, the presence of foreign soldiers in the US military might lead to similar tensions and divisions within the country.

Lastly, both instances demonstrate the potential for foreign soldiers to be used as a tool for external powers to exert influence over a state. In Imperial Rome, the use of foreign mercenaries made the empire vulnerable to manipulation and subversion by foreign powers. Similarly, the US hiring foreign soldiers could potentially be exploited by external actors seeking to undermine the stability and security of the nation. In conclusion, while the hiring of foreign soldiers may seem like a practical solution in the short term, it can have long-term consequences that should be carefully considered. The historical example of Imperial Rome serves as a cautionary tale of the potential pitfalls of relying on foreign mercenaries for military strength.

Of course, the use of immigrant soldiers is how the Imperial USA was established in the first place during the Civil War, so it’s appropriate that the concept would return with the inevitable end of that empire. Substituting foreigners for citizen-soldiers is not a viable solution, as it will only make things worse. As one follower on Gab correctly noted:

The more dystopian the ruling elites make society, the more dysfunctional it becomes, and that dysfunction will weaken whatever systems of control they have in place and turn more segments of society against them. It’s akin to sawing off the branch they are sitting on.


The Bear Warns Clown World

Vladimir Putin makes it pretty clear that Russia is going to invoke NATO’s Article 5 and strike every NATO country if any of them are foolish enough to send troops to Ukraine instead of simply targeting the foreign soldiers and intelligence agents that are secretly in Ukraine with missile strikes as they’ve been doing all along. It’s apparent that the Russians are growing tired of the neoclowns’ childish “I’m not touching you” game and will not tolerate many further provocations.

We need to shore up the forces in the western strategic theatre in order to counteract the threats posed by NATO’s further eastward expansion, with Sweden and Finland joining the alliance. The West has provoked conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East, and other regions around the world while consistently propagating falsehoods. Now they have the audacity to say that Russia harbours intentions of attacking Europe. Can you believe it? We all know that their claims are utterly baseless. And at the same time, they are selecting targets to strike on our territory and contemplating the most efficient means of destruction. Now they have started talking about the possibility of deploying NATO military contingents to Ukraine.

But we remember what happened to those who sent their contingents to the territory of our country once before. Today, any potential aggressors will face far graver consequences. They must grasp that we also have weapons – yes, they know this, as I have just said – capable of striking targets on their territory.

Everything they are inventing now, spooking the world with the threat of a conflict involving nuclear weapons, which potentially means the end of civilisation – don’t they realise this? The problem is that these are people who have never faced profound adversity; they have no conception of the horrors of war. We – even the younger generation of Russians – have endured such trials during the fight against international terrorism in the Caucasus, and now, in the conflict in Ukraine. But they continue to think of this as a kind of action cartoon.

That being said, I think all the hysteria in the Clown World media about Putin making “nuclear threats” is the usual Fake News. He’s obviously talking about using non-nuclear hypersonics as a reminder that there is nowhere to hide, albeit with the guarantee that if Clown World responds by further escalating the situation by going nuclear, Russia will respond in kind.


Waging War without an Army

The UK, France, and Germany are all playing a very dangerous game by seeing how far they can provoke Russia with their direct involvement in NATO’s war on Russia without seeing their own territories targeted by Russian forces.

The discussions between German officers, including a top Air Force commander, about aiding Kiev in a potential attack on the Crimean Bridge are genuine, a German Defense Ministry spokeswoman told the national public broadcaster, ARD, on Saturday.

The leak was published on Friday by RT Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan, who said she’d received it from Russian security officials. The journalist initially released a Russian-language transcript of the conversation and then posted the source audio file in German on social media. 

The 38-minute audio dated February 19 contained a conversation between four officers of the German air force (Luftwaffe), including its commander, Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz. The military were discussing the operational and targeting details of Taurus long-range missiles that Germany was considering sending to Kiev. 

The entire transcript is here and it is pretty obviously real. As Simplicius notes, it also exposes a lot of information about direct US and UK involvement in combat taking place in Ukraine.

These combined revelations paint a stark picture of NATO’s true involvement in the war—but, alas, it is one that we have already long suspected. Particularly, readers of my blog will have long known about the deep involvement from my consistent coverage on the topic, like when I posted videos of AFU servicemen openly describing Polish and other soldiers operating their own equipment, like AH Krabs, etc. It’s just telling that this is coming out in the open now, which further emblemizes the current period as one of culmination, and perhaps termination phase for Ukraine.

Ultimately, though, it shows the utter disarray that NATO and the West are in. It’s clear that there is huge disagreement and perhaps even outright revolt—what else could possibly cause Scholz to come out to countermand, and outright expose, his allies in this way?

The key summarizing takeaways are the following:

  • The West is absolutely desperate to staunch Ukraine’s impending collapse and have doubled down on taking out the Kerch Bridge as their final ‘holy grail’ of salvation
  • The West is in disarray, with secret infighting, backbiting, double-crossing, or outright revolt amongst the ranks due to terminal fear of uncontrollable escalation
  • The combination of the above is a decisive confirmation that the Ukrainian military is getting down to its dregs and could be on its final legs

The last most important point that’s come to light amid all this recent controversy is the further illumination of the deep role that the CIA has played in Ukraine from the beginning.

Bundeswehr Wiretap Bombshell, SIMPLICIUS, 2 March 2024

All of this posturing appears to be an attempt to put pressure on Russia to return to the negotiating table, or face what the French are describing as a “strategic dilemma”. But there is no strategic dilemma for Russia, for as Putin, Lavrov, and other Russian leaders have repeatedly made clear, they are at war with NATO and Clown World, not Ukraine, and therefore they are not even remotely concerned about the secret aspect of the war they are observably winning going public.

This is precisely why Russia still has not committed the greater part of its regular army to the Special Military Operation, and why it still does not regard the two-year-conflict as a full-blown war or made any use of its air superiority. It has been prepared, from the very start, to face the full power of NATO and defeat it. Putting a French or US tripwire force in Ukraine is not going to dissuade Russia or even make it think twice about proceeding with its military objectives there; the decision to go to full-scale war with NATO, if necessary, was made two years ago.

The only thing all the posturing and public defiance of Europe’s leaders – who are merely puppets with strings being pulled out of Washington – can possibly accomplish is to get their nations invaded and occupied by the Russians again. Russia has previously taken Berlin, Paris, and Warsaw, and the only thing really preventing them from doing so again is a complete lack of interest in occupying those nations.

So, it would be very highly preferable if the Scholzs and Johnsons and Macrons of the world would stop giving them a good reason to just go ahead and do it.