This reaction to the recent Voxiversity video is a beautiful example of its kind. It really has to be read in full to be appreciated. Thanks to the more than 500 comments on the video, it has become abundantly clear that Jordan Peterson is little more than a short-term philosophical drug for life’s losers that makes them feel a little better about themselves for a while; they respond to criticism of him rather like a crackhead being denied a desperately-needed hit.
This is a very cringeworthy video. The editing is quite shocking, and totally distracts from any points you choose to make. Yes, some of his many fans are deluded and seeking leadership, and he is frequently obscure, however, he has more than proved himself worthy of his current position. It is simply not true to say his elevation has been born through adulation. He has been made in opposition to great criticism. A lesser person, you for instance, would have crumpled after a few months. He has balls. That’s the first thing. Next, for his simple referencing of Solzenhitsyn, Frankl and Dostoevsky to a new generation he is to be greatly commended. No, Aristotle and other greats are not mentioned, so fucking what? He was not writing a treatise on Western thought, just a string of ideas. Finally, his central message is very simple, namely life is hard if you live it and suffering is always present. This is a core idea of Christianity and Buddhism and exists because it is true. This is liberating to many who have been told that perfection is a goal, happiness is achievable and self worth is defined by how many bucket list items you tick off. He has simply reinstated a core experience of life and articulated in a way that people can understand. It has transformed people’s lives, whether you find him phoney or not. No one has managed to do this for about 70 years, no one. Therapists, gurus, and even traditions religion has failed in this, and it took an obscure professor from Canada to do this. You have been accused of jealously, and that accusation stands. The hatchet job here is quite pathetic, since you just pick away at trivia. I have stated clear arguments above, which demonstrate very simply that he has done a good thing, by introducing just a few core ideas (complexity of life, suffering, personal responsibility and the importance of the individual to the West). To criticise this is pure madness, and articulate as you are, your words are completely hollow. I suggest, without respect, you shut the fuck up, or actually comment on the positive contributions of this man over the last three years. I will now watch your channel and comment increasingly if I deem it fit. Some may read my thoughts. Some of us are sick of opinionated little clever shits, who do fuck all in the real world while assuming some sort of superiority in the digital. Ultimately it has no meaning. Peterson has let it all hang out, he has demonstrated integrity and seeks the good. He is not perfect, will be ephemeral, and will be followed by some sheep. However, give the man his due. You are jealous, and it is a very unpleasant character trait. I gained nothing from this video, accept the urge to come around your house and smash your fucking PC up. Now be a good chap, go and have a wank and take your hot chocolate.
Tag: Voxiversity
Freestartr-Stripe update
I’ve spoken to several of the individuals involved and I have been told that Freestartr expects to have the situation resolved within a week or so. My understanding – and it is only that – is that they started working on a replacement since they were originally informed there was going to be a problem, but Stripe suddenly moved up the timing on them without warning. Freestartr was also informed that the action was at the insistence of a certain financial partner, but the claim was subsequently determined to be false.
So, there appears to be no reason to alter anything in order to ensure the continued support for Voxiversity and the Darkstream. But if my information is incorrect and we need to do something different, I already have a backup plan lined up. Regardless, if you’re a backer and you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email me.
The Last Closet and the reality of evil
If you haven’t watched the latest Voxiversity video yet, you really should. While reading 12 Rules for Life, I noted that Jordan Peterson claims “evil is the desire to cause suffering, where suffering is not necessary.” This demonstrates that he doesn’t know a single goddamn thing about real, material, conscious evil, which has absolutely nothing to do with the desire to cause suffering, but rather, the desire to do as one pleases.
And Jesus Christ is not a myth or a metaphor. He the only way, and the only truth, to systematically combat that very real, material, and conscious evil.
Voxiversity 006
The sixth Voxiversity video is now live! This is a graphic narration of my foreword to Moira Greyland’s THE LAST CLOSET: The Dark Side of Avalon. It features Moira’s music, as well as a number of family pictures she provided, and the video is all the more powerful for it.
Episode Six: The Last Closet
Voxiversity 005: a review
From a review posted on Idka:
I just watched the latest Voxiversity video. I had to wait, because I’m thinking about faith and epistemology for a blog post right now, and I find Vox persuasive, so I wanted to clarify my own thoughts before watching. That just took longer than planned.
Production-wise, it looks good, and the pacing works well. There is a nice balance between substantive points and visual quick-hitters, which is essential for the medium. Rhetorically, it is effective. The social transformation of Europe is superbly presented and the rape bit is a kill shot. The Christian ethics/falsification connection is less persuasive relatively, but seems more in need of fleshing out than off track, and it’s close is thought provoking. A little of Eco’s The Open Work, to leave them engaged, perhaps. Overall, you can see the whole team growing into the format.
The delivery has been discussed on the blog, and I have a couple of observations. There is no perfect “voice” – it is a matter of showcasing strengths and mitigating limitations. Vox has a calm, measured tone that is excellent for presenting “hard” truths with matter-of-fact clarity. He also comes off as down to earth. Both of these qualities are working here. The editing adds the rhetorical punch, and an associate watching along pointed out that the low music is really effective on two levels. It keeps an elevated emotional engagement while subtly demonstrating the supremacy of Western culture. I concurred with that.
tl;dr – excellent addition to a project with huge upside. I hope these keep coming.
They will not only keep coming, but I expect an order of magnitude improvement in the visual quality when I am on camera in 007, which will be the second part of the Western Civilization and Christianity piece. We’re doing a shorter piece that is primarily graphical next for 006.
It’s important to keep in mind that what the producer and I are doing is new to both of us, so we’re not only figuring what we can and cannot do given our various limitations, we’re also experimenting with what approaches are effective and what is not.
Video update
There have been a few recent developments in the Voxiversity department:
- The new camera has been released and I have ordered it. Voxiversity Episode Six should show a distinct improvement in video quality.
- The March video of the month will be released on Tuesday. Episode Five is part 1 of 2 on Christianity and Western Civilization. It will hit on at least one point that should prove at least somewhat surprising.
- YouTube has now removed Episode One: Immigration and War from the Voxiversity channel. They initially restricted it, but as thousands of people were continuing to watch it despite the restrictions, they finally resorted to removing it from the channel listing.
- Even without the deleted video and not counting Facebook, Voxiversity has recorded 46,985 views, for an average of 11,746 views per video. This is but a small fraction of the average views that Jordan Peterson’s (230k) and Stefan Molyneux’s videos (112k) currently receive, but it is a respectable start considering that I have only 1,372 subscribers compared to their 1,018,963 and 766,557, respectively. These things take time and persistence.
- The annual Foundation event will be in Spain this year.
- Now that I am on track with Voxiversity, I will resume doing Periscopes on a regular basis. Since I’m not on Twitter, it’s a good idea to subscribe on Periscope if you want to receive alerts.
I am reliably informed that the backers are pleased with the start of Voxiversity even though we haven’t fully hit our stride yet. My goal is for the videos to be averaging 25,000 views by the end of 2018 and 85,000 by the end of 2019. If you’d like to be a part of that, please subscribe to the Bitchute channel or consider becoming a backer.
Speaking of video, I’m very pleased to announce that Castalia House has released Chuck Dixon’s zombie novel, Gomers, in audio. Narrated by Jon Mollison, it is 6 hours and 33 minutes long. You can listen to the first hour of it via YouTube.
Voxiversity on Facebook
If you’re on Facebook, you can now watch and share Episode One: Immigration and War. Don’t neglect to click the HD option if you have the bandwidth! And you can also follow the Voxiversity page.
And thanks to everyone who has made Immigration and War the #2 #1 daily trending video on Bitchute.
Multiculturalism and ethnocide
Speaking of videos, we won’t have the first Voxiversity video out before the end of November, but we will have at least two out in December, the first on Immigration and War. You’ll understand what’s going on when we make our next book announcement and why my immediate priorities had to be adjusted a bit as a result.
Steve Keen, sell-out
Professor Steve Keen, possibly the greatest economist of our time and Castalia House author-to-be, admits that he is a sold-out member of no less than FOUR grand conspiracies:
How I sold out to the Putin-Soros-Murdoch conspiracy to destroy Western civilization
I was delighted to find myself in the Top Ten (alright; top 15) of the European Values list of 2,326 “Useful Idiots” appearing regularly on RT shows, and thus legitimizing Vladimir Putin’s attempt to destroy Western civilization as we know it.
Why delighted? Because it completes the set of conspiracies to which I can now be accused of belonging. They include:• The Putin Conspiracy, since I am regularly interviewed on Russia Today (and even worse, I now get paid to write for RT!);
• The Soros Conspiracy, since my research, has been funded by the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) which he established;
• The Murdoch Conspiracy, since I appear every week on Sky News Australia with Carson Scott, and I used to get paid by News Ltd to write a weekly column; and
• The Alt-Right Conspiracy, since I’ve signed a book contract with Vox Day’s publishing firm Castalia House.
I can confirm the latter. We have the privilege to be publishing what Steve describes as his “magnum opus”, a work that I have reason to believe may prove not only significant, but utterly revolutionary. As for the others, I fear we shall have to settle for taking his word on them. Speaking of economics, it might interest you to hear that I am writing a piece addressing free trade and nationalism for a first-rate anthology that will appear next year from another publisher.
I will be doing a Voxiversity variant of it for our third video, after #001 Immigration and War and #002 Comics and Culture War.
But back to Steve:
So not only am I a “useful idiot,” I’m a useful idiot for four contradictory conspiracies. Does that make me a double-double agent?
No, it makes me someone who’s quadruple pissed off with people who attempt to understand the world from the perspective of conspiracy theories in the first place. I don’t deny the existence of conspiracies: in fact, far from it, because they’re everywhere. What I do deny is the implicit assumption that the conspirators understand the system they’re attempting to manipulate.
For example, I’ve heard plenty of conspiracy theorists assert that the 2008 financial crisis was caused by the Federal Reserve/George Soros (Hi George!)/Hedge Funds/Academic-Economists-Who-Peddle-The-Efficient-Markets-Hypothesis, and “they” profited from it.
This implies “they” knew what “they” were doing. Pardon me, but I’ve met many of these protagonists—and in the case of academic economists, I’ve worked with them for 30 years. “They” don’t have a clue (except George). Even those that were actively conspiring—like many hedge funds during the subprime bubble were doing so on the basis of utterly deluded theories about how the system they were trying to game actually worked. Where apparent conspiracies did work, like Soros’s punt against the British Pound decades ago, they did so because a CSP (Clever Sinister Person) bet against the conventional wisdom of others who thought they understood the system (and did not), rather than because the CSP set up the whole thing in the first place.
I used to work out with a guy running a very large global corporation. And by large, I mean annual turnover measured in the billions. He disabused me of any notion that the central bankers were smart; after returning from one meeting with the Bank of England’s Court of Directors, he said something about hoping the directors were somebody’s puppets, because if those bozos were actually running anything, the global economy was doomed.
Voxiversity update
First, I would like to thank all 213 Voxiversity backers. While most of the attention has been focused on Alt★Hero the last few days, you can rest assured that neither the producer nor I have forgotten about the project. If you are one of the 108 backers who provided an email, you will have already received the promised copy of SJWAL plus a bonus ebook this morning.
I suspect there has been some reluctance to provide Freestartr with a “public email”, so I will talk to them today about how we can handle it so that the creators are provided access to the emails but the public is not. I will send out the rest of the SJWAL copies as well as the promised Collected Columns after talking to Freestartr today, assuming I’m able to get access to the 105 missing emails.
Second, the initial microphone test has proved successful and I will test it in proper recording mode tonight. I have the necessary light, now I am waiting on the light stand to begin filming. I have already begun work on the first lecture, IMMIGRATION AND WAR, and we expect to release the first video before the end of the month. We will, of course, pick up the pace of video releases as we proceed.