Looting is reparations

Apparently white US citizens don’t owe anything to their black counterparts anymore:

Black Lives Matter Chicago said early Monday’s looting of stores was a form of ‘reparations’ as the group held a protest Monday night in support of the more than 100 people arrested after an evening of violence.

Downtown Chicago was otherwise quiet after authorities cut off access, with drawbridges leading into the city pulled up and freeway exits blocked after riots sparked by a false rumor of a child shot by police.

At least 13 police officers were injured as the violence claimed an estimated $65 million in property damage.

Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, called the looting ‘reparations’.

If looting is reparations, then wouldn’t 155 years of black crime more than suffice to pay off any debt incurred by slavery? The lowest estimate of the annual cost of crime in the United States is $690 billion, and blacks account for 37.6 percent of all robberies and burglaries, so if BLM is to be taken seriously, then reparations to US blacks are being paid at an annual rate of $259.4 billion.

Gated communities won’t save you

Vibrancy devoured a nice Florida family despite their community’s gates:

Two men were beaten to death and a woman was seriously injured late Thursday during an attack at a home in a gated Windermere community while a 10-year-old boy called authorities while hiding in a bathroom, police said.

The double homicide happened at a home in the 2900 block of Sunbittern Court in the Lake Crescent Reserve community, which is just south of Lake Crescent and north of Park Avenue and Lake Butler Boulevard.

Windermere police said Ezekiel Emanuel Hopkins pushed the community’s gate open with his car then tried to steal a car from the home when he was confronted by the homeowners, John and Lisa Savey.

Police said Hopkins attacked Savey and beat him to death with a baseball bat outside the home. Hopkins then went inside the home, where he beat Lisa Savey and her son, James Savey, who was killed, according to police.

War is upon you, whether you will have it or not. And gates will accomplish little without armed men standing watch upon them to keep out the invaders.

Are you ready for this?

Fred Reed is not optimistic about the summer of 2020:

Hoo-boy. She’s ready to explode, go high order. Smoking ruins, dead bodies, seething hatreds, and a country that can’t be put back together. It may not happen, but she looks ready.

No one is in charge in this collapsing shell game of a country. In Louisville hundreds of armed blacks threaten to “burn the motherfucker down,” meaning Louisville, if they don’t get their way. All cringe before them, with reason. They have guns. Larger numbers marched in Georgia, armed, ready to rock and roll. BLM says it will “go into the suburbs” to get Whitey. Who will stop them? Not the government. It fears them. Weimar Kentucky. An American Freikorps.

America today in video. Scroll down to the New York footage. It’s Planet of the Apes.

So racist. I am literally shaking.

BLM wants to go into the suburbs to get Whitey. God help us. Then it will well and truly blow. BLM doesn’t know how many white men are sick of the chaos and destruction, sick of BLM. They quietly say, “Bring it on. Let’s settle it.” 

Better sooner than later, I suppose. It’s not as if the demographics are going to improve their chances over time.

Trump will take Minnesota

As well as a number of other states that no one expects him to win:

Let’s say Donald Trump fails to sweep the Rust Belt states in 2020. His chances of winning Ohio, where he swamped Hillary Clinton by 9 points in 2016, are still great. But without Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, where Trump won by smaller margins four years ago, the president might well lose reelection.

In 2016, Trump had a 68 electoral-vote margin over Clinton — 304 to 236. Take away the combined 44 electoral votes from those three states, and Trump falls short of the needed 270 votes by 10.

With Trump trailing most of the Democratic candidates in the Rust Belt by double digits in recent polling, liberals seem gleeful about their chances of victory in 2020. But this optimism assumes Trump cannot expand the electoral map elsewhere.

In fact, he can. Thanks to the success of Trump’s policies and other fortuitous developments, several other blue-trending states are certain to be in play in 2020.

Of these, none is more important than Minnesota. Its 10 electoral votes alone could offset a possible Rust Belt loss. The mainstream media has barely covered Trump’s remarkable gains in Minnesota, a state that historically is the bluest of the blue.

How blue? Even during the Reagan landslide victories of 1980 and 1984, the Gopher State remained a bastion of New Deal liberalism and economic populism. In fact, the last time the GOP captured Minnesota was during Richard Nixon’s reelection campaign in 1972, nearly a half-century ago.

Yet Trump, with his own brand of populism, nearly captured the state in 2016. He carried 78 of the state’s 87 counties, double the number carried by President Barack Obama in 2012. Overall, the margin between Trump and Hillary Clinton was a mere 1.5 percent — just 44,000 votes — the weakest Democratic tilt in decades.

I knew Trump would win Minnesota in 2020 back in 2016. But the riots and the burning of the Lake and Hiawatha neighborhood sealed the deal. That was too much even for the nicest Scandihoovian cucks and karens.

China is “stoking racial tensions”

Of course the Chinese are helping fan the flames of the demographic fire that is going to destroy the United States of America. Why wouldn’t they do so? The US military and its ability to intervene in Asia is the only thing that currently stands between China and the regional dominance it seeks, and if the USA collapses, China can avoid the need for a war with a very real possibility of turning into World War III.

China is stoking racial tensions in the United States, Fox News Asia analyst Gordon Chang stated Wednesday. In an interview on “America’s Newsroom,”  Chang pointed out that the reason the State Department said the Chinese consulate in Houston was ordered shut this week was that it was “involved in intellectual property theft” and because they “wanted to protect the information of U.S. individuals.”

“Also, there are stories that this consulate had links with protest groups in the United States providing financial and logistical support. That’s unconfirmed,” he added. “But, what is confirmed is that the Chinese Foreign Ministry and the Communist Party’s global ties have been engaged in a malicious disinformation campaign, deliberately stoking racial tensions in the U.S.

“And, U.S. Customs has seized items coming from China this year that would be very handy for protesters,” Chang noted.

Of course, it would be considerably more meaningful if Fox News or anyone else in the mainstream media would also report honestly on the way another nation has been doing exactly the same thing since 1923.

Celler made his first important speech on the House floor during consideration of the Johnson-Reed Immigration Act of 1924. Three years earlier, Congress had imposed a quota that limited immigration for persons of any nationality to 3 percent of that nationality present in the United States in 1910, with an annual admission limit of 356,000 immigrants. This national origin system was structured to preserve the ethnic and religious identity of the United States by reducing immigration from Eastern and Southern Europe, thereby excluding many Jews, Catholics, among others. Celler was vehemently opposed to the Johnson-Reed Act, which passed the isolationist Congress and was signed into law. Celler had found his cause and for the next four decades he vigorously spoke out in favor of eliminating the national origin quotas as a basis for immigration restriction.

The Chinese may well finish the demolition of the USA, but they obviously are not the nation responsible for starting it.

Historian in hot water over history

How dare British historians actually know anything about British and world history!

Historian David Starkey could lose his University of Cambridge fellowship after he claimed ‘slavery was not genocide’ because ‘so many damn blacks live in Africa and Britain.’

Dr Starkey, 75, was accused of racism following an interview with BeLeave founder Darren Grimes, during which he argued the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement is ‘wholly and entirely a product of white colonisation’.

Speaking via video link from his home, the historian said ‘the only reason that these young black protestors are here’ is ‘because of slavery’.

He added: ‘What has happened of course is that the only reason that these young black protestors are here – isn’t it slavery?

‘It’s only because of the great African diaspora, the compulsory diaspora, because of slavery. What of course that brings you up to confronting is of course slavery was not the equivalent of the Holocaust.

‘Slavery was not genocide, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many damn blacks in Africa or in Britain, would there? An awful lot of them survived.

‘And again, there’s no point in arguing against globalisation or Western civilisation: they are all products of it. We are all products of it.

Slavery obviously isn’t genocide. Economically inefficient as it is, it wouldn’t have worked as long as it did if it was. American Indians suffered genocide in part because they didn’t make good slaves. Africans, quite obviously, did not, with the exception of those living in the Belgian Congo.

If the British want to beat themselves up over the moral failings of the West – and I am not saying that it should – it should do so over the conquest, genocide, and near-total dispossession of the American Indian, not its treatment of Africans, or Arabs, or Jews.

Palestinian Lives Matter

And in a blink of an eye, all that massive funding for Black Lives Matter suddenly began to disappear:

UK Jewish activists have lashed out at the British chapter of Black Lives Matter over its pro-Palestinian tweets. They say the anti-racist movement’s criticism had anti-Semitic undertones.

BLM UK posted a series of tweets on Sunday, criticizing Israel over its plans to annex occupied Palestinian territories and calling for solidarity with the Palestinian cause. One of the earlier posts stated that “mainstream British politics is gagged of the right to critique Zionism, and Israel’s settler colonial pursuits”.

As Israel moves forward with the annexation of the West Bank, and mainstream British politics is gagged of the right to critique Zionism, and Israel’s settler colonial pursuits, we loudly and clearly stand beside our Palestinian comrades. FREE PALESTINE.

That particular part prompted a furious backlash from the British NGO Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA). “Zionism is the movement for the self-determination of Jews,” CAA tweeted in response. “So-called ‘anti-Zionism’ exclusively denies Jews that universal right and is therefore anti-Semitic.”

Notice the way the juxtaposition of their definitions exposes their word spells:

  • Denying Americans the universal right of self-determination = anti-racism.
  • Denying Jews the universal right of self-determination = anti-Semitism
  • The movement for the self-determination of Jews = Zionism
  • The movement for the self-determination of Americans = White Supremacy

Silver linings

Of course, it wasn’t Wilson’s racist thinking that was the problem, it was his globalism:

Princeton has stripped the name of 28th President Woodrow Wilson from a college and public policy school due to his ‘racist thinking.’

Princeton University President Christopher Eisgruber announced on Saturday the institution will remove Wilson’s name from its public policy school and a residential college.

‘On my recommendation, the board voted to change the names of both the School of Public and International Affairs and Wilson College,’ Eisgruber said in a statement.

He added: ‘the trustees concluded that Woodrow Wilson’s racist thinking and policies make him an inappropriate namesake for a school or college whose scholars, students, and alumni must stand firmly against racism in all its forms.’

That’s quite the responsibility for the alumni, given the obligations imposed upon them. It’s got to be exhausting standing firmly against racism in all its forms every day.

The other great replacement

One of the reasons Jewish politicians like the feckless Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey are being parachuted into places like Minnesota to run for office is because they can’t safely expect to win elections in their historical strongholds anymore. Unlike easily-deceived white Americans, the replacements their predecessors summoned in 1965 are not interested in being “represented” by an alien tribe.

Eliot Engel, a Zionist warmonger who has been in Congress since 1989, has been crushed at the ballot box by Bernie Sanders and Ilhan Omar endorsed black leftist Jamaal Bowman in New York’s majority non-white 16th District.

The outcome is a stunning blow for the Zionist lobby. The Israeli Engel is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee who voted for the Iraq war and advocates extreme neo-conservative policies. While Engel is a Democrat, he is considered to be an important AIPAC asset in Washington.

Engel touted high powered endorsements from Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and even the bought out Congressional Black Caucus over his black insurgent opponent.

Nevertheless, Bowman’s unexpected momentum prompted a massive avalanche of Jewish money to Engel, including from Republican Party Super PACs, in an attempt to try and save his seat.

While Engel and his Super PACs outspent the underdog many times over, Bowman is currently leading him by 25 points with 670 of 732 precincts reporting.

Notice that even Republicans were donating heavily to the longtime Democrat on purely ethnic grounds. This alone should be sufficient to convince you that an ideological perspective on politics is intrinsically incorrect in a multiracial, multireligious state.

Welcome to the 3rd World

Or, if you prefer, the post-European United States:

For the generation of Americans not yet old enough to drive, the demographic future has arrived.

For the first time, nonwhites and Hispanics were a majority of people under age 16 in 2019, an expected demographic shift that will grow over the coming decades, according to figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday.

“We are browning from bottom up in our age structure,” said William Frey, a senior fellow at The Brookings Institution. “This is going to be a diversified century for the United States, and it’s beginning with this youngest generation.”

If you want to understand where this is all headed, I suggest looking at what happened in societies from Egypt and Greece to the Crusader States and South Africa once those societies began “browning” and diversifying.

Americans owe so much to ‎Emanuel Celler for healing their nation. Perhaps after all the statues of Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, and Jesus Christ are pulled down, one of Celler can be erected next to Lenin, St. Floyd, and Baphomet.