A rhetorical case for segregation

Obviously, the counter-argument is that anyone who doesn’t want their young son to be attacked and beaten into unconsciousness by a horde of vibrant youth while working is just a terrible, terrible raciss and bad person:

Kroger customers are afraid and outraged by a recent brutal beating that took place. Particularly, because it was unprovoked and could have happened to anyone.

WMC Action News 5 pulled up the video on a cell phone and went to the spot where the assaults happened. As you might imagine, shoppers who watched the video were outraged.

Some couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

“That’s a shame there is no excuse for any of that,” said James Murf.

The grocery store is practically brand new, built just last year. How two store employees and a customer could get beat up there has many baffled.

“I don’t know what the world is coming to when people just attack some random person,” said Barbara Michael.

A witness says he was standing there watching the fight as it happened. He declined to go on camera but told WMC he thought the hitting and kicking started after a Kroger employee exchanged words with a young man in the parking lot, over a shopping basket.

Translation: the employee was trying to do his job and the vibrant youth violently objected. In a free society, Kroger would simply announce that it will no longer permit any vibrants under the age of forty to enter its premises for insurance reasons. But we do not live in a free society, which is why the American people are eventually going to find themselves in a race war of epic proportions that will last until the historical state of ethnic homogenuity prevails. A five percent minority population appears to be the maximum limit of mutually beneficial inter-ethnic relations; it can be less, of course, depending upon the behavior of the minority.

Nobody in his right mind wants a race war. Or any sort of civil war. Wars are always unpredictable. But no one who is cognizant of history will deny that partition wars are how multiethnic empires usually come to an end. Reading WWI histories very much drives home certain similarities between the collapsing, decadent Austro-Hungarian empire and the still-powerful, but creaky Pax Americana; the USA has not yet lost its military dominance but the various cracks in its power are readily visible. And the problem is that the only reliable way to avoid race wars is not idiotic sloganeering and inter-racial propaganda, but segregated borders.

Jared Diamond and his theories of geographic determinism notwithstanding, those historical states did not come about by accident, any more than Zimbabwe now just happens to be almost entirely black or Iraq now just happens to be almost entirely free of Jews and Christians. It would be hard to identify a time in human history when some form of ethnic or religious cleansing was not taking place.

The evil myth of racial equality in America could only survive so long as vibrants were a mostly segregated minority, whose predilections and general dyscivicism were hidden from the white college students who only ever came across the vibrant best and brightest. The Civil Rights movement, which some conservatives still foolishly lionize, was a disaster for the USA; not as historically cataclysmic as the Immigration Act of 1965 or the combination of no-fault divorce and legal abortion, but a disaster nonetheless.

England is beginning to come to terms with the fact that Enoch Powell was right. I expect that America will eventually come to terms with the fact that Bull Connor and George Wallace were right as well. But the segregationists made one serious mistake. “Segregation now, segregation
tomorrow, segregation forever” is just a rhetoric. The more convincing argument, and the historical reality, is this: “Segregation now or elimination tomorrow.”

And before all the white boy liberals are tempted to play the Raciss Card, just remember, kemosabe, the Red Card trumps it. And my tribe knows all about the vital necessity of segregation for survival, or as we call it, the reservation.

Vibrancy on video

Don’t think you’ll be left out of the fun, ladies. This is why you must carry. If both those victims had had compact .357s, there would be five fewer predators out there looking for kicks through beating up white people. Remember, vibrants never fight fair, so you always have to be prepared to deal with at least three of them at a time, and four is the safer assumption. Or, as in this case, five.

If you’re armed, it’s actually better if there is more than one attacker because it’s that much less likely that the pro-diversity crowd will try to concoct a case against you. Just don’t pull a Bernie Goetz and shoot anyone in the back or when they’re already down.

Even if you can’t carry a gun for some reason, a serrated three-inch blade on your keychain will be enough to address the first attacker. Get the blade out, keep your hand out of sight as the first attacker comes in, stay low, drive in with your left shoulder, rear hand in and up, and the attacker should be out of commission before he even knows you’re armed. Don’t try to warn them off, because when outnumbered you want surprise on your side. Vibrants tend to be cowardly, as you can see by the way they dart in and out when they attack, so they’re probably not going to stick around after the first guy goes down. But don’t pause and wait for them to run off, move in and take out the second one as soon as the first one is incapacitated.

The guy actually acquitted himself fairly well, but the key mistake he initially made was to try to pretend the predators weren’t there and hope they would just pass by. Never ignore groups of vibrants, especially not at night, and not when they are approaching from behind you. If you whirl around, aggressively meet their eyes and stand there in silence watching them, they will usually slink off in search of less dangerous prey. Remember, most blacks are even more frightened of whites than whites are scared of blacks because they have been raised on scary stories about white racism and oppression since they were small. Use the fear.

The very last thing they want to see is a cold smile that says: “Why, hello there, Mr. Vibrant. I have been waiting my entire life for someone to give me this excuse.”

Enoch Powell: still right

Slowly, but surely, the evils of mass immigration are causing people to stop being afraid of being called racist, as they gradually come to realize that if they do not fight back and repatriate the invaders, their culture and their civilization will die.

A veteran Tory MP has claimed controversial ‘rivers of blood’ MP Enoch Powell was right to warn against immigration. Gerald Howarth said the notorious Conservative MP had been correct to warn that mass movement of ‘non Christian’ migrants to Britain would cause problems.

His comments were made in an email to a constituent about the Islamist ‘Trojan Horse’ plot in Birmingham to radicalise school children by taking over governing boards.

In the leaked letter the former defence minister wrote: ‘Clearly, the arrival of so many people of non-Christian faith has presented a challenge, as so many of us, including the late Enoch Powell, warned decades ago.

‘Recent events have illustrated that some of these new arrivals have a very different ethos from traditional Christian schools and we are right to intervene to prevent them from teaching divisive ideology to children born here.’

Mr Howarth tonight confirmed that the leaked letter was ‘entirely accurate’ and reflected his views about the dangers of immigration….

Enoch Powell’s notorious ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech was delivered in Birmingham in April 1968, sparking widespread condemnation. In the speech Mr Powell called for the ‘repatriation’ of non-white immigrants, claiming the racial mix in Britain would lead to city riots. Sir Gerald did not advocate repatriation in the leaked email to his constituent.

It’s been interesting to see how most of the accusations of racism made by SWPLs and SJWs have abruptly trickled to a minimum ever since I revealed that I am a Native American eligible for enrollment in my ancestral tribe. All those accusations of my being a white supremacist, which were utterly stupid from the start given my known Hispanic background, have almost entirely vanished, thus proving that they are far more intrinsically racist than they ever accused me of being. Because my ideas haven’t changed in the interim, only their awareness of what I am. In fact, the more I have learned about my tribe, the more I am convinced that there is absolutely no room for compromise on the issue of mass immigration by Europeans and European-Americans who wish to preserve Western civilization.

What has happened to my tribe since the Spanish first encountered them is horrific. Decimated doesn’t even begin to describe it. Their language is nearly extinct, their numbers are very small, and only recently has the Internet made it possible for people like my family to learn about its connections to them. And lest you think I didn’t always know perfectly well that my family wasn’t exactly like all of my Scandinavian friends and neighbors in Minnesota, that is a picture of me with my grandparents. My grandmother is the daughter of a Mexican revolutionary and the Indian woman he married after he fled Pancho Villa’s assassins. And of all my family, they were the two people to whom I was always the closest.

So, perhaps you’ll understand the unmitigated extent of my contempt when I see lily-white liberals and black race-baiters attempting to disqualify my perfectly rational views from discussion by falsely claiming that I am a racist white supremacist, and why I don’t hesitate to play the Red card in order to shut down their lying rhetoric. Because I am both Native American and Native European, and I don’t wish to see what happened to the former people happen to the latter. It has happened before, it can happen again, and it will happen if the natives do not heed the wisdom of Enoch Powell and repatriate their would-be conquerors.

And it is telling, is it not, that The Daily Mail will not accept comments on the Howarth article? I suspect that even the nominally conservative UK media does not wish for people to grasp the true depth of the widespread public support for Powell’s position.

UPDATE: Speaking of UK politics, this is big news out of Britain:

Mr Carswell cannot be dismissed as a naive or out of touch intellectual. Let us remember that it was five years ago that it was Carswell who set in motion the movement which swept Speaker Martin from office in the wake of the expenses scandal.

This is why I believe that Mr Carswell’s decision to quit the Tory party and join Nigel Farage’s Ukip is a seismic political event. He cannot be compared to the ordinary self-interested political defections, for instance Shaun Woodward or Quentin Davies’ departure from the Conservatives to New Labour, in 2001 and 2007 respectively. Mr Carswell, and this is completely terrifying for David Cameron, is acting out of conviction rather than self-interest.

Men of principle acting out of conviction rather than self-interest changes the world. No wonder it terrifies so many people.

UPDATE 2: Keep this in mind:

The woman who presided over the last five years of failure as the boss of
children’s services at Rotherham Council is the same executive who removed
three children from their foster parents because they were Ukip voters…. Mrs Thacker lives with her husband in a four-bedroomed house in Shipley, West

Anti-racism fosters rape, child abuse

It is easy to prove that the material costs of anti-racism are CONSIDERABLY worse than the material costs of racism:

The sexual abuse of about 1,400 children at the hands of Asian men went unreported for 16 years as staff feared they would be seen as racist, a report said today.

Children as young as 11 were trafficked, beaten, and raped by large numbers of men between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, the review into child protection revealed. And shockingly, more than a third of the cases were already known to agencies.

But according to the report’s author: ‘several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist’. The landmark report exposing widespread failures of the council, police and social services revealed:

  • Victims were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, terrorised with guns, made to witness brutally-violent rapes and told they would be the next if they spoke out;
  • They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten and intimidated;
  • One victim described gang rape as ‘a way of life’;
  • Police ‘regarded many child victims with contempt’;
  • The approximate figure of 1,400 abuse victims is likely to be a conservative estimate of the true scale of abuse.

Anti-racists not only actively celebrate predatory relationships, they regularly demonstrate that they have no problem whatsoever with child abuse, whether it occurs within the same race or is interracial. Moreover, what they falsely decry as “racism” is quite often nothing more than the exercise of the Constitutional right of free association.

Hypothesis: the degree of an individual’s anti-racism is directly related to the anti-racist’s inability to emotionally connect to his own kind.

If you think that you possess the higher moral ground because you are anti-racist, think again. You are observably enabling widespread crime, particularly rape and child abuse, and are quite literally doing material harm to your own nation.

The evils of togetherheid

Fred Reed observes that blacks and whites really don’t want to intermingle, for the most part, and that this is entirely normal behavior from the historical perspective:

We need to realize, but will not, that blacks are a separate people, self-aware and cohesive. They have their own dialect, music, and modes of dress, which they value. They name their kids LaToya and Keeshawn instead of Robert and Carol because they want to maintain a distance from whites.

The races spring from utterly different cultures. Compulsory integration is thus a form of social imperialism in which whites try to force blacks to conform to European norms. Blacks have no historical connection at all to Greece, Rome, the Old Testament Hebrews, Christianity, the Middle Ages, the Enlightenment, Industrial Revolution, to Newton, LaGrange, or Galois, to the philosophic tradition of Thales, Aquinas, Schopenhauer, or Hegel. Nor do Eurowhites have roots in Africa. No commonality exists.

We talk multiculturism, but try to impose a monoculture—ours—on blacks. Why? Why in school should we insist that blacks study things of no interest to them? It is reminiscent of policies aimed at stripping American Indians of their languages and traditions.

On the other hand, I as a white man have little enthusiasm for studying Shaka Zulu, the Great Zimbabwe, or African religions. Would not all be happier with their own schools in which they could maintain their own culture?

“Separate but equal” is in bad odor as a governing philosophy. It seems to be the only thing that works. If voluntary, wherein lies the evil? Less contact means less conflict.

 Is there any evidence that blacks want to associate with whites? Or vice versa? In the universities, do blacks not clamor for black-only dormitories, black-only fraternities, and Black Studies? And what is wrong with this? Why should blacks not associate with whom they choose? And why should not whites?

Almost always, when the races do not have to mingle, they don’t. In Washington, blacks fleeing the crime of the city go to the heavily-black Prince George’s County, whites to Arlington, Fairfax, and Bethesda. Within Arlington, blacks cluster together in mini-barrios. So what? It’s their business.

Note that the togetherheid pushed endlessly on us is almost entirely rhetorical, preached by people who mean that others should practice it. I lived for years in the city with many liberal, racially correct friends. They spent all their time with other whites, and the restaurants and bars they patronized seldom had more than a token black, if that.

Ethnic mixing doesn’t work, gang. Not Moslems and Parisians, Irish Catholics and Protestants, Shias and Sunnis, Indonesians and Chinese, nor even New Yorkers and Alabamans. We think it should work, insist that it will, punish those who observe that it doesn’t. Yet still it doesn’t work. The greater the difference between groups, the less well it works. If we realized this, and let people do as they choose, the country would be much better off.

Another point that people fail to realize is that racial and cultural mixing is intrinsically destructive, even when it isn’t forced. I am, in part, an American Indian. I know virtually nothing of my tribal culture or history. I speak three languages, smatterings of two more, and I know precisely two words of my tribal language. What most people forget when they speak cheerfully of Arthur C. Clarke’s grand brown melange of humanity is that it means the death of almost every human culture, almost every human language, almost everything that is not the lowest and most vulgar common denominator.

Think about how Europeans look down on American lack of culture, or, conversely, think about how Americans look up to European culture. In the envisioned Grand Multicultural Amalgamation, the resulting culture will make American culture look refined.

As for the intrinsic desirability of racial intermingling, go tell that to a tribe of Indians that is dying out, or to African pygmies being hunted to extinction, or to orthodox Jews desperately trying to prevent their race from being intermarried out of existence how it’s all really for the best that they go quietly into the void.

Diversity is cultural death. For everyone.

Looking more like a good shoot

The recently released autopsy report appears to indicate that the witness who claimed Michael Brown was shot in the back, with his arms raised up in surrender, was completely lying and the subsequent protests are based on an intrinsically false premise:

Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found.

One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said.

Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front.

My first thought is that was remarkably good shooting for a cop. The fact that Brown’s head was bent forward when he was struck indicates that both the video witness and the friend of the police officer involved were telling the truth when they reported that the 6’4″, 292-pound Brown was charging the officer when he was shot dead.

None of this excuses the militarization of the police across America, or the initially over-the-top response to the protests that involved heavy machine guns and armored personnel carriers. But it is looking increasingly as if, in this particular case, the entire affair is concerns nothing more than a cop justifiably shooting a vibrant criminal who tried to attack him.

Which, of course, says nothing about the justification for every other police shooting in the country.

More Ferguson details

A newly discovered witness statement is contradicting the mainstream media narrative of a man getting shot while surrendering with his hands up:

#1 How’d he get from there to there?
#2 Because he ran, the police was still in the truck – cause he was like over the truck
#2 But him and the police was both in the truck, then he ran – the police got out and ran after him
#2 Then the next thing I know he doubled back toward him cus – the police had his gun drawn already on him –
#1. Oh, the police got his gun
#2 The police kept dumpin on him, and I’m thinking the police kept missing – he like – be like – but he kept coming toward him
#2 Police fired shots – the next thing I know – the police was missing
#1 The Police?
#2 The Police shot him
#1 Police?
#2 The next thing I know … I’m thinking … the dude started running … (garbled something about “he took it from him”)

This is terribly important because if Mike Brown had been shot, and he advanced towards the cop instead of surrendering, it would substantiate the narrative that the policeman shot in self-defense due to the fact that he was being threatened with severe bodily harm.

This corroborates an account of the event given by a friend of Officer Darren Wilson:

Well, then Michael takes off and gets to be about 35 feet away. And, Darren’s first protocol is to pursue. So, he stands up and yells, “Freeze!” Michael and his friend turn around. And Michael taunts him… And then all the sudden he just started bumrushing him. He just started coming at him full speed. And, so he just started shooting. And, he just kept coming. And, so he really thinks he was on something.”

It’s far too unlikely that these two accounts are similar accidentally, having been from such disparate sources. The seeming witness in the background conversation is speaking with detail about the tragic shooting, and in a manner that runs contrary to the widespread version.

That doesn’t make it a good or necessary shoot, but it does belie the “execution” story.

Why didn’t they shoot?

I can understand the frustration of this citizen of Ferguson. But is it really any mystery why the Ferguson police are a little reluctant to pull the trigger these days?

A black Ferguson resident spoke with News Channel 5 TV in St. Louis. He said, “Why were the officers standing back? Why don’t they shoot these looters?”

On Friday night several Ferguson area businesses were hit by looters.

** Liquor Store Looted
** Sam’s Meat Market
** Chinese restaurant (for second time this week)
** Beauty Supply Store Looted
** Electronics Store Looted
** Domino’s Pizza fire – May have been inside the business
** Bus Stop Vandalized

This is why the officers were standing back. Apparently Africans in Ferguson are now literally outside the law:

County Police told Fox 2 News that its officers were at the Ferguson Market earlier when looters showed up, but were ordered to “Stand down” by Missouri State Highway Patrol incident commanders at the scene and basically withdrew and allowed the looters to have their way with the store.  

UPDATE: Not that I am inclined to cut the overmilitarized cops any slack whatsoever, but here are pictures of the new Trayvon, that poor widdle Negro child who never done nothing to nobody just a few minutes before he was assassinated while minding his own business by a white raciss police officer.

The fact that Michael Brown was an oversized thief prone to petty violence and throwing his weight around doesn’t justify his shooting. But it does paint a very different picture of what went down after he was confronted by the police officer who killed him while he was strutting down the middle of the street with his stolen Swisher Sweets.

We’ve been warning you

esr points out the obvious. Twice.

I join my voice to those of Rand Paul and other prominent libertarians who are reacting to the violence in Ferguson, Mo. by calling for the demilitarization of the U.S.’s police. Beyond question, the local civil police in the U.S. are too heavily armed and in many places have developed an adversarial attitude towards the civilians they serve, one that makes police overreactions and civil violence almost inevitable.

But I publish this blog in part because I think it is my duty to speak taboo and unspeakable truths. And there’s another injustice being done here: the specific assumption, common among civil libertarians, that police overreactions are being driven by institutional racism. I believe this is dangerously untrue and actually impedes effective thinking about how to prevent future outrages.

In the Kivila language of the Trobriand Islands there is a lovely word,
“mokita”, which means “truth we all know but agree not to talk about”. I
am about to speak some mokitas.

First, it’s ridiculous that some liberals have been feigning to be ignorant of libertarians protesting the militiarization of the badge gang. Radley Balko has singlehandedly led the charge against it, and been backed up by Glenn Reynolds’s campaign to advocate the legal right of the citizenry to film the police. There are scores of posts dating back years right here on this blog under the tag NWA was right. It’s the Left that has been silently approving of the growing police state, not the libertarian Right. I don’t need to add my voice to esr’s and Rand Paul’s because it has been there all along. Demilitarize the police and do it now!

Second, the Left simply has to deal with racial reality. In the USA, crime is a predominantly black problem. Not because they’re poor, not because the Man is keeping them down, not because of slavery, but because blacks are, on average, less intelligent, possess shorter time preferences, and are much more likely to have a genetic predisposition towards aggressive behavior than the rest of the population. Those are three facts that have been repeatedly substantiated by science and there is literally nothing to discuss about them except for the consequences. Nor are they any more in doubt or racist than the statement that young men between the ages of 15 and 30 commit more crime than old women between the ages of 65 and 80 is sexist or ageist.

Third, I endorse Instapundit’s suggestion: “A simple rule would be to provide that police can have only weapons that
a civilian could lawfully possess, since they’re civilians themselves.”