I tend to doubt things are going to get too out of control given the heavy police and federal presence, but this is a post for folks to post news and thoughts over night assuming it is announced that Officer Wilson will not be charged for the lethal shooting of Michael Brown.
Tag: Vibrancy is our strength
Why Obama is pushing amnesty through
This not-entirely-coincidental article in the New York Times is so timely that one has to suspect it was published yesterday in order to try to mollify Democrats who are little more enthusiastic than Republicans about the prospect of Obama magically converting millions of illegal aliens into citizens with the same rights and privileges they possess through unConstitutional executive action.
This region has become so solidly Republican, particularly since President Obama was elected, that there isn’t much left there for the Democratic Party to defend or salvage. For instance, prior to the 2010 midterms there were 54 Blue Dog Democrats in Congress. In the outgoing Congress, there are only 19 left, including eight from the South.
And Republican gerrymandering has further weakened Democratic power, even when Democrats vote in high numbers. As Lee Fang wrote this month at Republic Report, “Republican gerrymandering means Democratic voters are packed tightly into single districts, while Republicans are spread out in such a way to translate into the most congressional seats for the G.O.P.”
After the midterms, The Associated Press provided this tally:
“In January, the G.O.P. will control every governor’s office, two U.S. Senate seats, nearly every majority-white congressional district and both state legislative chambers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Arkansas and Texas.”
It is important and relevant that The Associated Press pointed out the racial dichotomy because, in the South, ideology and racial identity are nearly inseparable.
Obama and the Democratic Party leadership are desperate to boost the non-white portion of the population because they understand that what has happened in the South, where there is a White Party and an Anti-White Party, is going to gradually spread to the West, East, and Mid-West. That division will probably occur last in the Mid-West for the counterintuitive reason that there are more whites there, so they will be the last to abandon multicultural ideology for pure racial power politics.
But this amnesty is about nothing but trying to create more Anti-White voters. The problem the Anti-White party faces, of course, is that La Raza hates blacks far more than whites do and considerably more than they hate whites. And while La Raza is socialist and likes big government as well as the largesse it produces, they aren’t particularly keen on most Democratic social causes. Still, what choice do the Democrats have? The only non-whites to whom they can turn are the very people who are in the process of ethnically cleansing southern California.
As I’ve previously noted, we will know that the transformation of America from a freedom-oriented white Christian European representative democracy to a conventional post-ideological ethnically divided state where rival groups scrabble for power is complete when SJWs like John Scalzi turn in their SJW cards and flee for the perceived safety of the White Party they have excoriated for years.
More strength through diversity
It’s good to know that the diverse people of Missouri can resolve their differences through peaceful, rational dialogue:
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon signed an executive order activating the Missouri National Guard on Monday afternoon.
According to a new release, the role of the National Guard is to “…support law enforcement during any period of unrest that might occur following the grand jury’s decision concerning the investigation into the death of Michael Brown.”
“As part of our ongoing efforts to plan and be prepared for any contingency, it is necessary to have these resources in place in advance of any announcement of the grand jury’s decision,” Gov. Nixon said.
You can’t really blame them for preparing for the expected unrest. But how can you look at this sort of thing still taking place 50 years after the civil rights movement and still think that any sort of integration is possible?
From the long term perspective, it looks a lot like trying to cure old age with band-aids.
Vibrant PR
For all that the hip-hop impresarios are masters of self-marketing, it seems that some of their less-wealthy kindred are yet to master the concept of public relations:
The meeting we had earlier at the church at 9950 Glen Owen Dr, St Louis, MO, alot of us attended the meeting but what happened with the attack on a peaceful protester was wrong and should have been handled a different way. Some of us already know that no live-streaming is allowed at the meeting and but when they told him to stop live streaming he probably didn’t hear or understand and when everbody just rushed him and told to stop live streaming and get the F××k out and then all of sudden he gets jumped and attacked. He is a student at UMSL college and he has been out there with us protesting on regular nights. Some of us know who he is, his name is Chris Schaefer, and NO, he’s not working with the police, he is on our side. But like I said again, for some of yall to just attack him having him, running down Chambers St towards West Florissant to the Walgreens scared for his life and he steady screaming crying and flagging down cars asking for help, but he only gets help when he runs inside the Walgreens, that was wrong and F××ked up it really was he was they took him to the hospital by ambulance to be treated for injuries. That’s making us look bad, the ones that come out to protest peacefully, smh, and he is white but that don’t mean to attack him like that! We have supporters of all races!
Which reminds me of a famous song by Tyrone Green:
We sing of freedom and for equality
But we really don’t care, we just want money money money
We want to drive in a big black limousine
Get so high off ganja a-we can’t even see
But soon we kill de white people, oh
We gonna make them hurt
Kill de white people, yeah
whoa, but buy my record firstWhen they go to the record store
We gonna wait outside
We gonna hit ’em in de head wit’ a bat and make them cry
That was funny when it was on SNL. It’s not quite as funny when it is the President of South Africa president singing “Kill the Boer”. Although the signer is hilarious. Nor is it is nearly as funny as this:
Live-streamer Chris Schaefer posted a video from his hospital bed in the
emergency room. Schaefer said he got hit “pretty badly” in his head,
hands, and sides. He’s asking for donations to pay for his CAT Scan.
Why don’t you have your vibrant brothers in protest pay for it, Mr. Schaefer? Oh, wait, that’s right, they’re the ones who put you in the hospital in the first place. One wonders how many similar messages will be required before whites accord blacks the respect inherent in taking what they say seriously.
The Great Partition has begun
As it is said, the value of any predictive model can only be found in its ability to correctly anticipate the future. So, you may recall that my expectations of the U.S. electorate are that it would increasingly consist of a white ethnic vote against a multi-colored alliance of non-white ethnics combined with an increasingly small number of left-wing white quislings. With the most recent election, we are now beginning to see that happen with the coalescing of the white vote.
Exit polling shows racial polarization of the electorate has begun to cross party lines, with whites less likely to back Democratic candidates than they have been in the past. Across 21 states where Senate races were exit polled, whites broke for the Republican by a significant margin in all but four – Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Oregon. None of those four states has backed a GOP candidate for president in the post-Reagan era except when New Hampshire went for George W. Bush by 1 point in 2000.
The Senate seats on the ballot this year were last up for re-election in 2008, a presidential year. Democrats typically rely on greater turnout among their core voters when the presidential race tops the ticket. But still, Democratic Senate candidates lost ground among white voters by an average of 10 points compared with 2008. White voters abandoned Democrats in droves in places with heated contests as well as those without much action. The exceptions were Minnesota and Oregon – where Democratic incumbents improved their overall support across the board – and Mississippi – where Travis Childers managed to grow the Democratic share of the white vote from 8 percent to 16 percent.
The shift is particularly acute in the South, where some of the last white Democrats in the House of Representatives lost their seats on Tuesday.
- In North Carolina, Sen. Kay Hagan carried just 33 percent of the white vote, down from 39 percent in 2008. White voters under age 30 backed Hagan decisively in 2008, 60 percent for her to 36 percent for her opponent, as they helped to sweep Barack Obama into office. But this year, younger white voters who cast ballots in North Carolina broke just as decisively for Thom Tillis, with 56 percent to 32 percent for Hagan. Twelve percent backed Sean Haugh, the Libertarian.
- In Louisiana, Mary Landrieu captured just 18 percent of the white vote, a sharp decline from the 33 percent she garnered in 2008. Younger whites there broke for her Republican opponent in 2008, 68 percent to 30 percent, and they were even more likely to back one of her GOP opponents this time around – 22 percent voted for Landrieu while 74 percent went for Bill Cassidy or Rob Maness.
- In one surprisingly competitive Senate race Tuesday, whites in Virginia voted 37 percent for Mark Warner, 60 percent for Ed Gillespie. In 2008, Warner won the votes of 56 percent of whites. Younger whites broke heavily this year for Ed Gillespie in Virginia, 57 percent to 31 percent for Warner. In 2008, Warner carried 59 percent among this group.
- Even winning Democrats aren’t immune to the drop-off in white support: Illinois Democratic Senator Dick Durbin captured 43 percent of the white vote in his successful bid for re-election, that’s down 18 points from his support among whites in 2008.
But Republicans haven’t minimized racial polarization in the other direction either. The coalition behind Republican Senate candidates was predominantly white, 90 percent across all 21 states with Senate races that were exit polled, ranging from 79 percent white Alaska to 98 percent white in West Virginia. Dan Sullivan in Alaska managed to pool the most diverse electorate with a strong showing among Alaska natives, and more than 10 percent of those backing both John Cornyn in Texas and Cory Gardner in Colorado were Hispanic.
Those three – Sullivan, Cornyn and Gardner – were the only Republicans to assemble a coalition that was less white than Mitt Romney’s in the 2012 presidential election.
Notice this phrase in particular: “the last white Democrats in the House of Representatives”. Notice also the four outlying states where whites did not overwhelmingly favor Republicans: Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire and Oregon. Notice anything they have in common? 78.9, 85.3, In other words, all of them are a) traditionally left-leaning, and b) considerably whiter than the national average of 72.4 percent. Call it the Scalzi effect, in which a white left-liberal, through ideology, hypocrisy or sheer ignorance, supports diversity and other left-wing policies that work to the detriment of his own race because he is geographically removed from experiencing the consequences of those policies… for the moment. Both traditionally right-leaning states and less white states are moving rapidly towards White Identity politics, as has been inevitable since the successful 1965 assault on the traditional U.S. ethnic identity.
This means the Great Partition has officially begun. Most people don’t realize it yet, even as they are beginning to take unconscious part in it. Republican and Democrat are no longer pure political identities, but are increasingly markers of ethno-cultural loyalties. It will, of course, end in bloodshed. Considerable bloodshed. When will the violent phase begin? You’ll know it when the Scalzi effectors belatedly attempt to join the side that doesn’t hate them for their genetic privilege. Which is to say, when John Scalzi and his wretched kind first stop openly supporting the Democratic Party, which will soon be followed by their open endorsement of the Republican Party.
You may or may not be pleased by this development, but how you feel about it is absolutely and utterly irrelevant. America is not special. This time is not different. And history is absolutely eloquent concerning the eventual fate of multi-ethnic states. If you’re having trouble understanding this, here is a useful question to ask yourself: how do all of these ethnically homogenous states throughout history keep magically coming into being?
They don’t get it
White Americans around the country are startled to discover that no amount of liberal happy talk and income redistribution is sufficient to make African-Americans want to be like them or even consider them to be part of the same tribe.
Alice Singen had always seen her home town as an integrated, harmonious place. Like many other white residents, she prided herself on staying here even when others began to leave.
But since the death of an unarmed black teenager at the hands of a white police officer, some African Americans are calling it segregated and racist. Now Singen has found herself talking in terms of “us” and “them,” “we” and “they.”
“I didn’t have any problems with anybody or any color, and all of a sudden it feels like we are being held responsible for something that’s not our fault,” Singen, 70, said as she left Faraci Pizza, a 46-year-old Ferguson business that has become a focal point of racial tension. “I don’t get it.”
Just because you don’t have any problem with them doesn’t mean that they don’t have any problem with you…. How fortunate it is that no one but white people living in Republican states who fail to parrot the latest SJW dogma can be racist!
What is racist
A helpful list of what is, and what is not, racist:
Things That Are Racist
1. Talking about Ebola (Salon)
2. Describing the Hong Kong protests as “clean and orderly” (Vox)
3. Pointing out that white people use heroin (Salon)
4. #BringBackOurGirls (Salon)
5. Describing Obama as “angry” (MSNBC)
6. The American Revolution (Salon)
7. Children’s books with white characters (Salon)
8. Criticizing the IRS (MSNBC)
9. Donating to the United Negro College Fund
10. Being half-white (Salon)
11. Supporting Herman Cain (MSNBC)
12. Opposing Obama (MSNBC)
13. Rocky III (Vox)
14. When black conservatives disagree with black liberals (Salon)
15. Noting that Obama has an Ivy League education (MSNBC)
16. Saying Obama likes to play golf (MSNBC)
17. Saying “Obamacare” (MSNBC)
18. Living in the suburbs (Salon)
19. Calling Obama “Obama” (MSNBC)
20. Criticizing liberals for constantly accusing people of racism (Salon)
21. “Tom and Jerry” cartoons
22. Cupcakes
23. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Things That Are Not Racist
1. Suing a fertility clinic after giving birth to a mixed race child that you wish was white* (Salon)
Of course, since I am a Native American, I think we can all agree that any criticism of me is rooted in nothing but the most egregious racism.
Descent into post-civilization
This may explain why it is so hard to get diseases under control in Africa:
Four members of a family the U.S. Ebola patient was staying with were confined to their Texas home under armed guard Thursday as the circle of people possibly exposed to the virus widened and Liberian authorities said they would prosecute the man for allegedly lying on an airport questionnaire.
The unusual confinement order was made after the family was “noncompliant” with a request not to leave their apartment, according to Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins.
Texas State Health Commissioner David Lakey said the confinement would help ensure the relatives can be closely watched, including checking them for fevers over the next three weeks.
“We didn’t have the confidence we would have been able to monitor them the way that we needed to,” he said.
Several days of food have been delivered to the apartment. The family will not be allowed to receive visitors, officials said.
And so much for the idea that airport questionnaires are an adequate substitute for quarantines and travel bans.
Godless Ebola zombies
Fantastic. It’s not just a lethal hemorrhagic virus, it’s now mutated into something capable of creating The Walking Dead:
Two Ebola patients, who died of the virus in separate communities in Nimba County have reportedly resurrected in the county. The victims, both females, believed to be in their 60s and 40s respectively, died of the Ebola virus recently in Hope Village Community and the Catholic Community in Ganta, Nimba.
But to the amazement of residents and onlookers on Monday, the deceased reportedly regained life in total disbelief. The New Dawn Nimba County correspondent said the late Dorris Quoi of Hope Village Community and the second victim only identified as Ma Kebeh, said to be in her late 60s, were about to be taken for burial when they resurrected.
Note that the two victims not only regained life, but they did so in “total disbelief”. Perhaps this newly mutated virus is the antidote for religion for which Richard Dawkins has hitherto been searching in vain. It would, of course, be deeply raciss to be skeptical of these accounts in any way, given the fact that both the eyewitnesses and the journalists are African.
“Me very bad raciss too, can haz $2 billion?”
This mea culpa from an admittedly racist NBA team owner sounds more than a little financially motivated to me:
For the second time this year, the owner of a professional basketball team will sell his controlling interest of a franchise after his racially insensitive views were made public.
Bruce Levenson, who has led the ownership group of the Atlanta Hawks since 2004, informed N.B.A. Commissioner Adam Silver on Saturday that he intended to sell the team, effectively cutting short a league investigation into an email that Mr. Levenson sent two years ago to fellow Hawks executives detailing his thoughts on how the team could attract more white fans.
On Sunday, when the issue came to light, the Hawks released the text of the August 2012 email, in which Mr. Levenson speculated that the team’s black fans had “scared away the whites” and that there were “not enough affluent black fans to build a significant season ticket base.”
Some have conjectured that this is the result of Donald Sterling’s vengeful investigations, which certainly could be the case. But when you read the actual email itself, it sounds to me as if Levenson would simply like to extricate himself from an underperforming business in a manner that will not reduce the value of the business.
when digging into why our season ticket base is so small, i was told it is because we can’t get 35-55 white males and corporations to buy season tixs and they are the primary demo for season tickets around the league. when i pushed further, folks generally shrugged their shoulders. then i start looking around our arena during games and notice the following:
— it’s 70 pct black
— the cheerleaders are black
— the music is hip hop
— at the bars it’s 90 pct black
— there are few fathers and sons at the games
— we are doing after game concerts to attract more fans and the concerts are either hip hop or gospel.
Then i start looking around at other arenas. It is completely different. Even DC with its affluent black community never has more than 15 pct black audience.
Before we bought the hawks and for those couple years immediately after in an effort to make the arena look full (at the nba’s urging) thousands and thousands of tickets were being giving away, predominantly in the black community, adding to the overwhelming black audience.
My theory is that the black crowd scared away the whites and there are simply not enough affluent black fans to build a signficant season ticket base.
Levenson’s email demonstrates, yet again, that what the SJWs and SWPLs decry as racism is nothing more than “paying attention to readily observable reality”. I think my favorite part is the way Levenson is attempting to decry racism while simultaneously copping to racial insensitivity. It’s such a bizarre position that I think a financial motivation is the only reasonable explanation.