Media with a spine

Ocala Post appears to be one of the few media outlets not infested with SJWs attempting to conceal black criminality:

 Ocala Post recently received several e-mails and Facebook messages from individuals complaining about the names and photos of juvenile criminals, drug dealers, and a recently arrested business owner, being used in some of Ocala Post’s recent articles.

One Facebook message called an article slander, defamation of character, and made mention that it was causing “pain and suffering.” An e-mail also asked; “WYA?” Which is street slang for “where you at.” A common phrase used by criminals and wannabe gangsters when they intend to inflict harm upon another person.

Oddly enough, one e-mail even accused an Ocala Post article of fueling an arrestee’s drug addiction.

Some of the threats have included lawsuits, burning Ocala Post to the ground, and, in so many words, the loss of life.

This is not the first time Ocala Post has dealt with these types of issues.


It is not only absurd, but also very unlikely that Ocala Post contributed to an individual’s drug addiction.

In order for an article to be considered slander or defamation of character, the contents of the article would need to be false.

Ocala Post will stop printing names in articles, and stop using photos, when criminals stop breaking the law. As long as Freedom of the Press is protected by the United States Constitution, and Florida allows the press access to public records, Ocala Post will continue to print the names and photos of criminals in all articles. Ocala Post staff are instructed not to leave out any details from official reports, unlike other media outlets. And Ocala Post always strives for accuracy.

Marion County residents have an absolute right to know who is living next door.

We’ve now reached a state where the media is more concerned about hiding news than reporting it. If they’re not going to report the identities of the newsmakers, why report the news in the first place? Why not simply announce daily that neither crime nor homosexuality exist in the Glorious Democratic Republic, which has always been at war with Eastasia?

I particularly enjoyed this brutal rhetorical beatdown: “If you do not wish to have your child’s name or photo published on Ocala
Post, perhaps you as the parent should be more aware of your child’s
behavioral problems and know their whereabouts at 2 a.m.”

Diversity: the only credential

As a Native American, naturally I support this exciting new development in Social Justice Convergence:

Cornell University is looking for a tenure track assistant professor whose only qualification is diversity; actual field of study is irrelevant. The job listing says that the candidate can apply for “some area of the humanities or qualitative social sciences.” Might that area be French literature? Or field methods for anthropology? Who cares! Such nit-picking disciplinary distinctions harken back to a bygone era when universities thought of themselves as the guardians of knowledge.

Today, when they are focused overwhelmingly on the expansion of identity politics, the most important academic qualification is the claim of victimhood. And in Cornell’s case, victimhood is now the only academic qualification required. The Cornell listing goes on to explain: “We are especially interested in considering applications from members of underrepresented groups, those who have faced economic hardship, are first-generation college graduates, or work on topics related to these issues.”

It no longer matters what you’ve done or what you can do, what matters is what you are.

The blessings of diversity

I’m sure this Danish family is absolutely delighted that they didn’t raise their daughter to be racist or Islamophobic:

Lisa Borch had befriended some Arab men in a nearby asylum center. In a particularly radical Muslim she finally fell in love, she worked more and more with Islam and wanted to at times even go to Syria.

Then it turned out that the man she loved so much, was married and had a wife and children in Sweden. He left them and went back to Sweden. Solace she found in Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla from Iraq. The two became close friends, but still held firmly in court because they were just pals.

The mother wanted that Lisa separates from its Arab friends and re-live the normal life of a normal teenager. Lisa began to forge plans for murder and even showed one day her twin sister a knife. The only shook his head in horror. Then Tine Romans was stabbed.

In court, Lisa accuse her boyfriend Bakhtiar. He accused her, claiming she had only called him when his mother was already dead. He had only been in the house to help Lisa. Both modified several times their statements, even in court.

The fact is that he was no longer there when the police arrived. However, they found his fingerprints in the bedroom of the mother.

Staatsanwältig Karina Skou said during their speeches: “This murder was cold-blooded, cold and carried out in a bestial way.”

On Thursday, the verdict was: both are guilty of having carried out jointly the murder. Who led the knife ultimately, however, could not be clarified. Lisa Borch got nine years imprisonment, the first year in a closed youth institution, then she goes to jail.

She was a very pretty little blonde. Throw in a little multiculturalism and some mudsharking, and she was quite literally willing to murder her own mother. The wages of diversity are quite literally death.

Raping the children Americans won’t rape

Deport them all. Now.

An attempted child abduction at Beech Bend Park  Saturday in Bowling Green, Kentucky leads to two arrests. Police found 26-year-old Agustin Mendez-Intzin detained by park goers when they arrived to the call Saturday afternoon that a man was attempting to carry a six-year-old female juvenile out of the park.

It was revealed during the investigation that Mendez-Intzin was involved in a physical relationship with the 12-year-old female cousin of the 6 year old whom he met a few weeks prior at the park. In the company of Mendez-Intzin at the time was 25-year-old Juan Cipriano-Mora.

If the choice is between having your children raped and killed or murderous ultra-nationalists, the normal citizenry will choose the ultras every single time. The loudest voices in favor of immigration bans and mass deportations should be the strident anti-Nazis, because the mass migrations presently being enabled by the Western governments is the most certain way to bring the ultras to power.

But, as we know, some people cannot be instructed by mere information.

When diversity is inevitable

Relax and enjoy it, ladies. I have less than zero sympathy for all of the American and European women who are going to be mugged, raped, and murdered by the immigrants they so graciously wanted to give residence in their countries. You wanted to help them, well, guess what? You’re going to be helping them the same way that cows help McDonald’s customers. And don’t expect those of us who opposed the invasion from the start to lift a finger to help you.

Stepping up to a cash point in central Paris on Wednesday, a woman is summarily mugged by two teenage Roma gypsies. Showing no fear or shame, and not even bothering to disguise their identities, they push her away and help themselves to cash before calmly walking away.

The unidentified victim shouts out, and manages to grab one her assailants by her jumper at one point, but is otherwise powerless to stop the assault.

Nobody bothers intervening in a crime that has become an everyday occurrence in the most popular tourist city in the world – one visited by hundreds of thousands of Britons every year.

The shocking pictures are particularly embarrassing to the Paris authorities because they were taken just a few hundred yards from a high-profile trial publicised as a clampdown on the growing menace posed by Roma gangs.

The Correctional Court at the city’s Palais de Justice has heard how Romanians Mariana Gandac, 25, and Sandra Baciu, 35 – both known as the ‘Queen of the Thieves’- coordinated thefts which were worth hundreds of thousands of pounds every year.

All took place around historic symbols of France including the Louvre museum, Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, which is just across the Seine River from today’s attack. Seventeen defendants aged between 17 and 46, including Roma teenagers, deny theft and being members of a criminal enterprise.The vast majority are gypsies like Gandac and Baciu who allegedly preyed on crowds of foreigners, stealing their money and valuables.

Others on trial include one French security guard who allegedly ‘turned a blind eye’ to what was going on in return for bribes.

Governments that won’t defend their borders aren’t going to stop the inevitable crime that follows either. Every idiot woman and every idiot man who supported opening the borders and “helping migrants” deserves to be victimized by the invaders they welcomed. And they don’t deserve any help from those they actively prevented from defending the borders.

“Asked to comment on the mugging, a Paris police spokesman said: ‘We will act on any reports of violence against anyone in the city. Everything possible is being done to clamp down on street crime.’”

Everything possible is already being done. So, what is going to happen, what is happening already, is inevitable. It was not only predictable, it was predicted. So don’t expect those who were, and are, prepared to defend ourselves, to defend you. You did this to yourselves. You are not our problem. And we already know that you’re going to get in the way of the solution, so we’re just going to leave you to the predators.

Enjoy the immigration, ladies. Enjoy the diversity.

How’s that diversity thing working out?

Apparently diversity isn’t turning out to be as quite as “good for the Jews” as it’s been advertised. But there is no pressing cause for concern, I’m sure that the third worlders invading America will be much better behaved than the third worlders invading Europe. And speaking as a son of the Mexican Revolution, I can assure you that La Raza Cósmica is every bit as susceptible to appeals to the Holocaust as the Chinese and other immigrant populations are.

Married Holocaust survivors brutally beaten in savage Amsterdam robbery as attackers shouted ‘dirty Jews’ and left them blinded and confined to wheelchairs. Men forced their way into home of Shmuel Blog, 87 and his wife Diana, 86. They beat and kicked the pair and demanded they hand over valuables. Called Mr and Mrs Blog ‘dirty Jews’, tore off their rings and tied them up. Mr Blog was left blinded with a broken thigh and wheelchair-bound for life. Mrs Blog is also confined to a wheelchair suffering from ‘extreme pains’

It seems to me that the Learned Elders of Wye would be well advised to reconsider their previous position on homogenous white Christian populations rather than assume that they can simply relocate to Israel and China after America follows the current European example.

Social justice contradictions

Diversity and Equality are inherently contradictory. The racism of the university diversity champions is just one obvious example.

Her primer on college admissions begins with the basics: application deadlines, the relative virtues of the SAT versus the ACT and how many Advanced Placement tests to take. Then she eases into a potentially incendiary topic — one that many counselors like her have learned they cannot avoid.

“Let’s talk about Asians,” she says.

Lee’s next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant’s race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.

She points to the second column.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.

So blacks are getting a 280-point SAT bonus. Because they’re equal to Asians, who obviously are culturally advantaged in white institutions. Although, what exactly is the benefit to whites to have Asians going to their top universities instead of whites?

Maybe the New Americans will be nice and whites will get their own reservations and casinos too. I have no doubt that there were more than a few of my people back in the day saying, “hey, I’m sure we can get along just fine with these paleskins. There is plenty of land for everyone!”

Fortunately, that could never happen because Asians don’t outnumber Americans like Europeans outnumbered Native Americans… wait a minute!

I wonder what might ever be the cause?

It’s a source of mixed amusement and despair to see the media simultaneously celebrate a) a declining white population of American while lamenting b) declining average SAT scores.

Scores on the SAT have sunk to the lowest level since the college admission test was overhauled in 2005, adding to worries about student performance in the nation’s high schools.

The average score for the Class of 2015 was 1490 out of a maximum 2400, the College Board reported Thursday. That was down 7 points from the previous class’s mark and was the lowest composite score of the past decade. There were declines of at least 2 points on all three sections of the test — critical reading, math and writing.

The steady decline in SAT scores and generally stagnant results from high schools on federal tests and other measures reflect a troubling shortcoming of education-reform efforts. The test results show that gains in reading and math in elementary grades haven’t led to broad improvement in high schools, experts say. That means several hundred thousand teenagers, especially those who grew up poor, are leaving school every year unready for college.

One can only conclude that the journalists writing articles like these didn’t do very well on the SAT themselves. It’s not as if it’s any great mystery what happens when lower IQ populations are permitted to invade a higher IQ population; both England and Denmark have observed statistically significant decreases in average IQ since their immigrant populations began to grow.

Diversity is intrinsically opposed to Progress of any sort that involves a) technology, b) wealth, or c) quality of life.

The media wanted a race war

It looks like they’ve got a budding one on their hands:

Authorities have charged a 30-year-old man with capital murder, after they say he ambushed a Texas county sheriff’s deputy at a suburban Houston gas station in an attack motivated by “absolute madness.”

Harris County Sheriff Ron Hickman identified the man in a news conference Saturday afternoon as Shannon J. Miles, who is in police custody.

Miles — who has a criminal history that includes convictions for resisting arrest and disorderly conduct with a firearm — was arrested less than 24 hours after authorities said he ambushed Darren Goforth, a 10-year veteran of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, at a suburban Houston Chevron station.

“I am proud of the men and women that have worked swiftly to apprehend the responsible person who posed a significant threat to both law enforcement and the community at large,” Hickman told reporters Saturday. “Our deputies return to the streets tonight to hold a delicate peace that was shattered last evening.”

Hickman said the motive for the killing had not been determined but investigators would look at whether Miles, who is black, was motivated by anger over recent killings elsewhere of black men by police that have spawned the “Black Lives Matter” protest movement. Goforth was white.

Somehow, the news media doesn’t seem quite as enamored of how this race war is going as one would have expected considering all that they’ve done to bring it about. I guess they were expecting for white Republican suburbanites to be the targets rather than white reporters, white cameramen, and white cops.