Immigration is rape culture

And don’t be under any illusion that being on the side of the orcs is going to prevent you from being raped, killed, or eaten:

A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.”

Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world.

The ‘No Borders’ activist had dedicated a month of her life to helping migrants. Her group was stationed between Italy and France in Ponte San Ludovico in Ventimiglia when the atrocity occurred, according to reports from local papers La Stampa and Il Secolo XIX, and now reported in the major Italian national Corriere Della Serra.

One Saturday night, as loud music played at a nearby party, the woman was reportedly trapped in a shower block set up near the camp in a pine forest know as Red Leap.

A gang of African migrants allegedly raped her there, and her cries for help are said to have gone unheard because of the music.

La Stampa reports that the woman, around 30 years of age, would have reported the horrific crime were if not for her fellow left-wing activists, who convinced her that if the truth got out it could damage their utopian dream of a world without borders.

I have zero sympathy for this criminally stupid young woman, much less her fellow left-wing activists. They deserve whatever horrible treatment they receive from the orcs because they supported letting them inside the walls. Every open borders advocate and everyone who has supported immigration from third world nations is morally culpable for both the crimes committed by the invaders as well as the measures that will have to be taken in order to expel them.

Speaking of orcs, immigration, and rape culture, this rape of a 10-year old girl by a so-called “Minneapolis man” took place in the very apartment complex that one of my friends used to live:

A Minneapolis man is charged with raping a 10-year-old girl in her apartment building in the Cedar Riverside neighborhood. A criminal complaint filed in Hennepin County charges 34-year-old Ahmed Hersi Abdi with two counts of first degree criminal sexual conduct.