Bloodshed in London

Lone wolf or garden-variety psycho, it’s still someone who shouldn’t have been there in the first place:

A woman in her 60s was knifed to death and five others injured during a bloodbath attack in central London that police believe may be terror-related.

Witnesses described victims “screaming and covered in blood” following the rampage in which the woman – believed to be a Spanish speaker enjoying a hen do – was brutally knifed around 10.30pm last night.

Other terrified onlookers described the crazed knifeman chasing pedestrians and “lunging for anyone he could see” as police confirmed mental health was a likely factor.

A 19-year-old man – described as being dark-skinned and of likely African descent – was arrested at the scene after being tasered by police in Russell Square – just yards from where one of the 7/7 terror attack bombs detonated in 2005.

Police confirmed terrorism was “one line of inquiry that we should explore”.

Three men and two woman were also injured – two of whom remain in hospital following the horrific mass stabbing near the capital’s Imperial Hotel.

Fortunately, the dead woman’s family will be consoled by knowing that this diversity has made Europe stronger.

UPDATE: Despite the fact that the killer is in custody, there are contradictory descriptions in the media: “A 19-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder after he stabbed six people in Russell Square at around 10.30pm last night. One witness called him ‘dark-skinned’ or African, another white and ‘chubby'”

UPDATE: The killer is confirmed: “a 19-year old Norwegian citizen, of Somali descent”.

It’s really terrible how awful and murderous those Norwegians are! They must be really bad people. Not nice at all!

The DNC vision for America

Yeah, letting these third-world-loving cretins continue running the country seems like a totally wonderful idea, doesn’t it. Do you still seriously doubt what the America 3: Darker and More Vibrant edition is going to be like?
  1. Stop all immigration.
  2. Replace the 1965 Immigration Act with a new Naturalization Act in line with the original one.
  3. Build the wall.
  4. Begin the mass deportations.
That’s what is required just to start Making America Great Again. You may not like the program, you may find it brutal and cruel, but it is what happens when hideously destructive policies have been adopted and allowed to run amok for 50 years.

As hard as it may be to accept, it’s a damned sight more civilized than either of the alternatives.

Shooting in Fort Myers nightclub

Another Florida shooting:

At least one person was killed and 14 others injured in a shooting at a Florida nightclub. The incident happened at Club Blu in Fort Myers, police told NBC station WBBH early Monday.

The Fort Myers Police Department also confirmed that at least one person had been fatally shot, according to WBBH.

No word on who was responsible yet. Make that two dead. Sounds more like vibrants than jihadists, though.

3 police shot dead in Baton Rouge

Could be a holdup, could be targeted. 7+ injured:

Police have closed streets between Baton Rouge Police Headquarters and I-12 where law enforcement officers have been shot.

Sources say two Baton Rouge Police officers and one East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office deputy are dead following the shooting. Another officer was critically injured.

A witness told WBRZ News 2, a man was dressed in black with his face covered shooting indiscriminately when he walked out between a convenience store and car wash across from Hammond Air Plaza.  Shots were fired around 9 a.m. Sunday.

Mailvox: you’re going to need a bigger state

IreneAthena suggests permitting whites to self-segregate to a reservation:

What’s all this about designating one state, or five, and forcing all the blacks to move there? That idea smacks of the slave trade, with Africans being dragged away from their familiar homes and forced to live in places not of their choosing.

What we need is a separate state–just one ought to do it — reserved for Whites who can’t manage to live in the same state with any of the other races. If whites want to live in such an exclusive setting, they may, but they’ll have no other options besides that one state. State of the Snow White Princesses Far Away from any Black-Eyed Peas.

Everyone else can live where they’d like, also. Even the most vocal “we need our safe space” minorities wouldn’t mind living in a mixed-race STATE, or a mixed-race CITY, if not a mixed-race neighborhood. Woik it out, people.

I don’t think she understands how fast tens of millions of white people would move to a state guaranteed to be all-white. Nor does she likely understand how that state would rapidly begin to significantly outperform the rest of the country, or how many non-whites would be clamoring to be permitted entry.

After all, diversity means nothing more than chasing down white people in an attempt to escape the negative consequences of being surrounded by your own kind. It’s Magic Dirt theory in action.

The sad thing is that we used to have such a reservation. It was called “America”. Only whites, specifically those of English descent, were truly and properly considered American; that is why all other types of “Americans” are hyphenated or otherwise modified, including “Native Americans”.

(We American Indians are better understood as pre-Americans in this regard; the concept is concerned with the nation, not the continent.)

But, rightly or wrongly, the system was designed to permit other whites to become quasi-Americans, which more or less worked until the voluntary nation was transformed into a conventional empire by the force of arms. Which took place, it should not surprise you to know, with considerable assistance from recent immigrants forced into military service.

I find it both mystifying and amusing that even as many white Americans today lament the disappearance of their rights, the destruction of their communities, and the decline of their society, they continue to cling to the cretinous myth of equality and the equally nonsensical concept of a propositional nation that is, more than anything else, responsible for the very transformations they rightly decry.

That is why they fully deserve what they are experiencing, and what they are going to experience in the future. It makes absolutely no sense to mourn the decline of America while celebrating equality, diversity, and immigration because it is equality, diversity, and immigration that are the primary causal factors in that decline.

To quote the great angelic philosopher, Tila Tequila, “People are all angry about what’s happening but guess what? It’s called karma! You cannot stop what is coming for YOU created it!”

UPDATE: A reader points out that there are plenty of American blacks who would like to prefer to have their own homogeneous nation-state too.

Babu Omowale, the so-called national minister of defense for the People’s New Black Panther Party, says his group and allied organizations have their sights set on establishing “our own government in a nation within a nation.” Omowale used the interview to claim five states as belonging to the “Black Nation”: Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Alabama, and Georgia.

The revolutionary stated: “We just need to start migrating back to those states and taking control of the economics in those states. If black people move in, most definitely white people will move out. So it’s not a hard process for us to have our own country within a country.”

I suspect a lot of white Americans would take that deal. After all, only a true racist would oppose African-Americans getting their own sovereign and independent homeland. It’s time for whites to stop oppressing blacks by ruling over them, which is nothing less than a legacy of slavery. It’s time for a national referendum on #Blaxit.

The enstupidation of France

The USA, the UK, and Denmark are not the only countries to see an observable decline in average IQ:

  • Dutton and Lynn have identified a 4 point decline in French IQ.
  • Dysgenics and replacement migration are proposed as causes.
  • French IQ losses are found to be associated with the Jensen effect (ρ = .833).
  • A common factor of g loadings and 3 biological variables loads on the loss-vector.
  • This supports biological causation.

Dutton and Lynn report secular declines in Fullscale IQ evaluated using WAIS of four points a decade in France between the years 1999 and 2008–9. It is posited that the trend may have a partially biological cause, stemming from dysgenic fertility and, to a lesser extent, replacement migration. Given that these, and other biological phenomena are associated with the Jensen effect, it is expected that if they are the principal causes of the IQ decline then the secular change should also be associated with the Jensen effect.

Furthermore if it can be demonstrated that the vectors of secular IQ decline, g loadings and the vectors of other biological indicators share variance, then the case for biological causation will be strengthened. Using the method of correlated vectors and error disattenuation, the secular IQ declines are shown to be associated with a high-magnitude Jensen effect (ρ = .833). A multi-vector common factor comprised of the vector of g loadings along with the vectors of three biological variables (subtest heritabilities, dysgenic fertilities and simple visual reaction times) was found to load substantially on the secular IQ decline vector (λ = .723).

These findings indicate that the French secular IQ loss likely has a primarily biological cause.

What is frightening about this decline in French IQ is how rapidly it has taken place. My estimate of a post-1965 four-point IQ loss in the USA was a minimum estimate based solely on replacement migration, but considering that dysgenic fertility is also a factor in the USA, the actual decline is almost certainly worse.

If replacement migration is also the lesser factor in the US case, then the post-1965 IQ decline in the USA could be as much as 10 points. However, US immigration has been higher and US native birth rates have remained higher than in France, so something on the order of 7-8 points is more likely. This is not insignificant; it is the difference between the current USA and Sierra Leone.

Immigration isn’t just bad for a nation’s economy, it is horrifically damaging to a nation’s prospects for the future.

Narrative collapse

John Derbyshire contemplates the way in which the media is no longer able to reliably sustain their chosen Narrative following a nationally-covered incident

The specter of Narrative Collapse hovers over all these kinds of incidents now. The Narrative favored and promoted by black race activists and Main Stream Media Goodwhites is of heartless white authority figures doing violence against helpless, harmless blacks. The MSM do everything they can to reinforce that narrative. That’s why the most-publicized photograph of Trayvon Martin, who was 17 years old when George Zimmerman shot him in 2012, was one taken when he was twelve years old.

In all too many cases, that initial MSM Narrative collapses when all the details come in.

Of the three dead black guys here, two were clearly not harmless. Delrawn Small had a long rap sheet listing 19 arrests. He served three prison terms between 1996 and 2010, for attempted robbery, attempted drug sale to an undercover cop, and a stabbing. Not harmless.

Alton Sterling likewise had a rap sheet showing felony arrests. His court-appearance history across the last 21 years includes battery both simple and aggravated, public intimidation, carnal knowledge of a juvenile, domestic violence, burglary, receiving stolen goods, robbery, theft, drug possession, resisting arrest, possession of stolen firearm, sound reproduction without consent, and failure to register as a sex offender.

The third shootee, Philando Castile, may have been harmless: His only criminal offenses have been low-level traffic misdemeanors. Of all three cases, this is the one you’d have to say is least likely to suffer Narrative Collapse, although on the knowledge we have so far, it’s not impossible the shooting was justified.

The underlying issue here: the very high levels of violence and criminality among blacks.

The differences are really enormous. But government and the MSM do their best to play them down, for fear we Badwhite peasants will march on the ghetto with pitchforks and flaming brands. So ordinary citizens are startled, even disbelieving, when you show them the numbers.

My colleague Edwin S. Rubinstein has crunched those numbers, with references to official sources, in his booklet The Color of Crime. Here’s a couple at random:

  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a non-black to commit murder
  • A black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.

 Etc. If you remove Hispanics from the non-black category—which is hard to do, as the authorities would prefer you didn’t—the differences for homicide are even greater.

In a society where blacks are living among non-blacks, it’s natural and reasonable for blacks to be regarded by the rest of us as dangerous. This isn’t as much a factor for us middle-class types moving among well-socialized middle-class blacks. But for cops, who have to deal with the underclass, it’s got to be on their minds in every encounter. No wonder they’re on a hair-trigger in arrest and traffic stop situations.

There isn’t much to be done about this.

Derb is correct. Contra the decades of denial and equalitarian propaganda pushed by the blank-slate Left, the core problem is not one of poverty, racism, government destruction of the family, or any of the other excuses offered for uncivilized African behavior. The problem is simply that Africans are not yet, on average, entirely civilized.

This is not their fault nor should it surprise anyone with even a modicum of historical knowledge, as they simply haven’t had enough time to work through the thousand-year process of systematically having their uncivilized members removed from the breeding pool as the formerly-uncivilized Germans and and French and English and Scandinavians did. No people can accomplish in 400 years what took everyone else 700 to one thousand, especially when their incentives have been dyscivic for much of that time.

Before you start shrieking “racist” at me, note that the same thing is more or less true for the American Indian, although the Indians were at a higher level of pre-civilization, the Indian genetic makeup and behavioral proclivities are different, most of the Indian population was genocided, and many of those that remain are safely segregated on reservations, so the Indian lack of full civilization is less apparent to most white observers.

To understand how Indian sub-civilization tends to manifest, look south of the border.

The price of speaking out

SJWs will always try to force you to pay for standing up to the Narrative and speaking out against it, lest others do likewise.

Never go full racist. A Tennessee congressional candidate learned that lesson this week after his campaign took out a billboard ad exhorting voters to “Make America white again.” From local ABC affiliate WTVC:

Rick Tyler told WTVC he owns Whitewater Grill in Ocoee, but in the coming months will transition to campaigning to represent Tennessee’s 3rd District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Tyler says his “Make America White Again” sign, which plays off of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan, was taken down on Tuesday evening.

The decision to take the billboard down came after Tyler’s business became the target of a boycott.

As if his submission will be sufficient to permit him to be forgiven for the sin of speaking out against the New “America”. Is it not remarkable that those who claim to love America are so determined to wipe out literally every last vestige of it?

Whatever this multiracial empire is, it is not the same nation that for its first 130 years required all new citizens to be “of good character” and “white”. And it is remarkable how many people who lament the fall away from the U.S. Constitution, designed to benefit the Founders and their posterity, don’t make the connection between the abandonment of all three things.

The reality is that the only way to Make America Great Again is to Make America White Again. The two slogans are synonymous. The SJWs know it, which is why both slogans terrify them.

Yet another Magic Dirt fail

So much for the idea that the magic dirt of the USA will turn second-generation Muslims into True Blue Americans:

Police are now saying that Omar Mateen has ties to radical Mulim leader, Marcus Dwayne Robertson. Mateen took online classes and interacted with Robertson through Robertson’s Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary, based in Orlando.

The FBI reportedly contacted Robertson and several of his associates for questioning Sunday afternoon. Robertson’s attorney failed to confirm whether his client was associated with the ongoing investigation.

The gunman also attended the Islamic Center of Fort Pierce; he was seen there two days before Sunday’s attack, in the company of Imam Shafiq Rahman. The Islamic Center is reportedly associated with the American-born suicide bomber, Monar abu Salha, who was discovered in Syria several years ago. According to Fox News, it was Mateen’s association with abu Salha that led the FBI to question him in 2013.

Donald Trump isn’t backing down in the slightest; he has even called for President Obama to resign:

Is President Obama going to finally mention the words radical Islamic terrorism? If he doesn’t he should immediately resign in disgrace!

And finally, eyewitness accounts make what was apparent from many of the victim’s pictures:

Survivors told ABC News that the shooter asked club goers their race before opening fire and said that America “needs to stop bombing ISIS.”