German father rescues daughter from immigrant

I’m astonished that he was content to turn the “suspect” over to the police.

A German father has been hailed as a hero after rescuing his daughter from an attacker
The 57-year-old man raced to the crime scene in the town of Kleve after his daughter telephoned him to say; “There’s a man following me home dad…..”

When he got there the man had punched his daughter almost unconscious, was on top of her and tearing at her clothes after dragging her from the side of the road into undergrowth.

The 57-year-old raced to save his daughter after she called him to say she was being followed
Her dad, who arrived at the scene on a push-scooter, leaped off screaming, hauled the drunken attacker off his daughter and punched him several times.

He then held him down with his body while calling police and an ambulance on his mobile phone.

What is the point of calling the police? When the authorities aren’t even jailing, let alone executing, immigrants for raping five-year-olds, they can’t be expected to even slap this guy on the wrist. The Czechs have the right of it.

On the other hand, at least he didn’t invite the guy into his home. So, there is that.

A flawless end

Tell us more about how you don’t see color, white man. Because everyone who isn’t white sees it just fine.

In life Steven Otter castigated his fellow whites for their “misperception” of black crime in South Africa. Yet in one of those harsh racial ironies the country is famous for, he was stabbed to death by two black robbers in his home on Reconciliation Day 16 December 2016, dying in the arms of his coloured partner, Nathalie Williams — in front of her 7-year old daughter.

Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. That’s not merely a fitting end for a white cuck, it’s a hilariously apt one, given the day on which he died. I just wish every self-described “pro-black” white individual would be forced to live in black-majority neighborhoods and given the choice of a) remaining there for life, or b) joining the KKK.

I’ll bet the average white SJW wouldn’t last a month before putting on a bedsheet.

And to think some say the Devil doesn’t have a sense of humor.

The “knucklehead” defense

This is the legal defense to which Vibrant America resorts to when the “he wuz a good boy, he wuz gwan to callege” and the “dindu nuffin” defenses fail. It’s not good to see the police preemptively adopting it; aren’t they supposed to be on the side of the prosecution and leave the exculpatory explanations to the defense?

“Kids make stupid mistakes, I shouldn’t call them kids, they are legally adults, but they are young adults and the make stupid decisions. That certainly will be part of whether or not we seek a hate crime, determine whether or not this is sincere or stupid ranting and raving.”
– Kevin Duffin, Detective Commander, Chicago Police

And this is why identity politics are the new normal in America. There is no returning from this, because demographics is destiny. #BLMKidnapping

A case for segregation

One of the most painful realizations for the Baby Boomer generation is the failure of the Civil Rights Movement, and the increasing evidence that those evil, very bad, horrible segregationists were right all along.

Chicago investigators are questioning four African-Americans after a Facebook Live video shows a group of people torturing a white mentally disabled man while someone yelled “F*** Trump!” and “F*** white people!”

Chicago police were made aware of the video Tuesday afternoon. A young African American woman streamed the video live on Facebook showing at least four people holding the young white man hostage.

“The video is reprehensible,” said police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi. “It’s sickening. You know it makes you wonder what would make individuals treat somebody like that,” Police Supt. Eddie Johnson added.

Throughout the video, the victim is repeatedly kicked and hit, his scalp is cut, all while he is tied up with his mouth taped shut. At one point, the victim is held at knife point and told to curse President-elect Donald Trump. The group also forces the victim to drink water from a toilet. The suspects can be heard saying they want the video to go viral.

The greatest evils very often take place in response to much lesser ones. If 250 years does not suffice to make a single nation out of two very different peoples, then it should be manifestly apparent that no amount of time is ever going to be enough. The fact that so many people have so much trouble simply admitting the obvious and undeniable is not a testimony to the rational ability of Man, no matter what his race, creed, or color.

As Big Gay Steve has observed, the amount of money that has been spent unsuccessfully trying to turn a mostly unwilling nation of Black Americans into ersatz White Americans would have permitted humanity to have established colonies on Mars. Forget all the victims of all the crimes over the years, and ignore bloodshed of the inevitable wars in the years to come, perhaps the greatest sin of the Civil Rights debacle of the last 50 years is the opportunity cost.

Segregation isn’t bad and it isn’t evil. Just ask any American Indian if they’d prefer to give up their reservations and lose the rest of their land to the people of other nations.

There is, of course, a silver lining for Facebook, as it could serve as an advertisement for the ease of use of its new user interface. Even those with 70 IQs can figure out how to use Facebook Live!

Make California Not-America

It’s gone completely off the deep end and is not conducive to national greatness:

Beginning on Jan. 1, prostitution by minors will be legal in California. Yes, you read that right.

SB 1322 bars law enforcement from arresting sex workers who are under the age of 18 for soliciting or engaging in prostitution, or loitering with the intent to do so. So teenage girls (and boys) in California will soon be free to have sex in exchange for money without fear of arrest or prosecution.

This terribly destructive legislation was written and passed by the progressive Democrats who control California’s state government with a two-thirds “supermajority.” To their credit, they are sincere in their belief that decriminalizing underage prostitution is good public policy that will help victims of sex trafficking. Unfortunately, the reality is that the legalization of underage prostitution suffers from the fatal defect endemic to progressive-left policymaking: it ignores experience, common sense and most of all human nature — especially its darker side….

Unfortunately for Californians, SB 1322 isn’t an outlier — it’s only the tip of the liberal iceberg. 2017 will see the Golden State subjected to wave after wave of laws taking effect that are well-intentioned but disastrous embodiments of progressive utopianism.

One such new Democratic-authored law throws open the door to even greater government dependency on the part of the poor by rolling back proven reforms. In 1996, welfare reform was one of the greatest social legislation achievements of the last century, ending the lifetime welfare system and putting millions of Americans on the road to self-reliance and self-respect. In its wake, California lawmakers passed a law barring increased payments to women who have more children while still on welfare, in order to encourage women to achieve independence before having more children.

It’s a tough provision that works — which was apparently irrelevant to Gov. Jerry Brown, who just signed a bill repealing that prohibition. Henceforth, no matter how many children someone has while on welfare, the state government will ratchet up payments with each child, with no limit.

I think it is giving California’s lunatic left entirely too much credit to assume they are sincere in any beliefs. So, here is a three-step plan for the God-Emperor to Make America Great Again.

  • Relocate all post-1965 non-Americans and dual citizens to California. Settle them on the copious national parkland there.
  • Declare California independent. 
  • Build the Wall with California on the other side.
He can even sweeten the deal by letting California off the hook for their pro-rata share of the national debt. 

Replacing Shakespeare

The silver lining is that no one ever needs to feel inadequate about not attending an Ivy League university ever again:

The blackest thing ever happened on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania: A group of students recently removed a picture of William Shakespeare and replaced it with one of Audre Lorde.

Fisher-Bennett Hall is home to Penn’s English department, and the portrait of Shakespeare has resided over the main staircase in the building for years. The English department, in an effort to represent more diversity in writing, voted a few years ago to relocate the portrait and replace it.

Despite the vote, the picture was left in the entranceway of the building. The Daily Pennsylvanian reports that on Dec. 1, after an English-department town hall meeting discussing the election, a group of students removed Shakespeare’s portrait, delivered it to the office of English professor and department Chair Jed Esty, and replaced it with a photograph of black feminist writer Audre Lorde.

Esty, who declined to be interviewed, said in an email to the Daily Pennsylvanian, “Students removed the Shakespeare portrait and delivered it to my office as a way of affirming their commitment to a more inclusive mission for the English department.”

This may or may not be a more inclusive mission, but it is certainly a more illiterate one. Those who believe that a non-white “America” is going to resemble, in any way shape or form, the historical America, really aren’t paying attention.

Diversity is nothing more than cargo cultists mindlessly aping actual civilization. Forget actually maintaining it, they can’t even produce credible imitations that aren’t comedic parodies. By the time the cargo cultists obtain complete control of a formerly Western society, it won’t merely be Shakespeare being replaced, but functional flush toilets and 60+ life expectancies as well.

Peas and carrot cake

On a colorblind society and other observable absurdities:

To a large degree, I became racially conscious because of my black clients, who eventually destroyed all my preconceived notions about race. My awakening did not come from one or even a few incidents, but from the accumulation of thousands upon thousands of small interactions.

Day after day my clients continue to amaze me. There is no racial education quite so thorough and convincing as spending time with blacks, and my clients are far from being the poorest and least competent blacks. They are not indigent criminals for whom I am a court-appointed lawyer. They are people who can afford (or think they can afford) a lawyer to get a divorce, contest a custody judgment, beat a traffic ticket, etc. Some are government employees who make $60 to $70 thousand a year, yet even this group is vastly different from whites….

In my state, the parent who does not have custody — almost always the father — pays a percentage of net income to the parent with custody — almost always the mother. The mother gets 20 percent of the father’s net income for the first child, 25 percent for two children, and up to 50 percent for five or more children. What if a man has children by several women? Each mother gets 20 percent for the first child, so a man with five children by five different women is supposed to be paying 100 percent of his income in child support. I once had a client who had 12 different children by 10 different women. Theoretically, he owed 250 percent of his income. These laws simply don’t make sense for blacks.

The idea that all races are equally suited to all societies and vice-versa has never made any sense to me, probably because I have lived in four very different societies, with four different languages, as an adult. Whenever I see someone blithely assuring me that the Chinese will adapt to the West because Magic Dirt or virtue-signaling in some other similar fashion, it always makes me smile, because I am a much better cultural chameleon than most and I know very well how very different my values and assumptions and instincts are, and have remained, than the values and assumptions and instincts of those who have variously hosted me over time around the world.

When something so foundational as a legal system cannot reasonably account for variances in behavior, no society, indeed, no civilization, is possible for long. Rest assured, many of those who eagerly anticipate living in a non-white society are going to bitterly, bitterly, regret the world they have lost if they ever get to experience what they think will be a better society.

White people are supreme at precisely one thing: creating white societies. If you want to have a certain type of society, be it German, Japanese, or Navaho, the one thing you absolutely need is a sufficient number of that kind of people. It is strange, but many who understand one cannot make carrot cake from peas or mushrooms still seem to think they can make an American society without Americans.

The ironic thing is that even some of the immigrants are beginning to realize this. In England, for example, some groups of immigrants are becoming increasingly upset because they believed they were going to be living among English people in a functional, highly civilized English society, not among other immigrant groups in a dysfunctional, increasingly uncivilized multicultural society.

Society is people. It is not values, or skin color, or height, or any other thing that people possess. Adulterate the people and you will devalue the society. Demographics is destiny.

Facts are “fake news”

The social media giants are increasingly demonstrating themselves to be the servitors of Big Brother. White is black, day is night, Islam means peace, and real news is fake news:

Under the guise of tackling “fake news,” Google is removing search results that pertain to crime statistics that show black people commit more crimes, despite the fact that this is widely documented to be true. An article in the Guardian entitled Google ‘must review its search rankings because of rightwing manipulation’ details how “leading academics” are pressuring Google to artificially edit its search algorithm to prevent certain subjects from appearing at the top of its search rankings. In response, the piece notes that Google has removed search results that suggest “black people commit more crimes”. Negative results about the religion of Islam were also removed.
This is alarming given that virtually every metric proves that criminality is more prevalent in black communities compared to white and Hispanic communities in America. It’s an uncomfortable fact that black people commit more crimes than any other race in America, but it’s a fact nonetheless. Claiming that reality is actually “fake news” because it suits your political stance doesn’t change the nature of reality.

Despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites.

More up to date FBI statistics tell a similar story. In 2013, black criminals carried out 38% of murders, compared to 31.1% for whites, again despite the fact that there are five times more white people in the U.S. From 2011 to 2013, 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This figure is three times higher than the 13% black population figure. Black males aged 15-34, who account for around 3% of the population, are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes.

Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa, according to FBI statistics from 2007. A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.

While it is understandable that Google would want to prevent neo-nazi content from appearing at the top of its search rankings, the fact that the tech giant is now censoring objective facts under the justification of tackling “fake news” is chilling.

This indicates that Google, along with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites, are using the excuse of “fake news” to bury factual information that is inconvenient to leftist political narratives.

This dedication to falsehood and deception will only make it all the easier to disrupt them when the time comes. Furthermore, the charges of “neo-nazi” are every bit as dubious as the charge of “fake news”.

Never forget the First Law of SJW: SJWS ALWAYS LIE.

The sickness pervades

The insane German government desperately needs scouring:

The German government has reacted to the shocking news about a Muslim migrant who raped and killed a 19-year-old woman by warning that it would be watching Facebook posts carefully for instances of Islamophobia.

A teenage Afghan asylum seeker was arrested on Friday for the alleged rape and murder of medical student in Freiburg which took place last month.

The victim’s father is a senior EU official and a vehement supporter of the migrant policy that has seen over a million “refugees” pour into Germany over the last year. The aftermath of the murder was made even more bizarre by the fact that the victim’s parents used her funeral to raise money for charities that are working to bring more “refugees” into Germany. The victim herself was also a “refugee activist”.

As if the story couldn’t get any more disturbing, the German government’s response was to warn German citizens who expressed anger over the incident on Facebook that it would be on the lookout for Islamophobic hate speech.

Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel asserted that the murder should not be used to stoke anti-migrant sentiment.

These monsters are even more delusional and morally vacuous than the National Socialists were. I find it absolutely incredible that the German people continue to tolerate them. Here is hoping that the nationalism rising across Europe will soon sweep them into the deepest dustbin of history.

Epic cuckery

It’s not often you can find a man willing to use his wife’s murder to virtue-signal, but the New York Times managed to dig up this god-level cuck in the West Village:

On Nov. 1, 2006, I found my wife, Adrienne Shelly, dead in her West Village office. Adrienne, an actor and filmmaker, had been brutally murdered by a 19-year-old undocumented Ecuadorean construction worker; he later said they were having an argument and, fearing she would report him and have him deported, he killed her and staged her death so it would appear to be a suicide. Our daughter was just 2 years old at the time.

Given the anger and grief I still feel, I could easily be seduced by Donald J. Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric that is the cornerstone of his presidential run. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists,” he said as he began his campaign in 2015. And in these final weeks before the election, rather than tacking to the middle, he seems to be doubling down. “We’ve got some bad hombres,” he said in last week’s debate, referring to immigrants who commit crimes.

And it’s not just Mr. Trump. In the years since Adrienne’s murder I’ve received several offers from prominent members of the conservative media, including Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and Megyn Kelly, to speak out on this issue and give legitimacy to right-wing anti-immigrant sentiment. Who better than a Democrat to attack an entire segment of our population, right?

But Adrienne was not murdered by an illegal immigrant, per se. She fell victim to a depraved killer who simply happened to be an undocumented immigrant. It is an obvious distinction, almost too obvious, but it’s an important one to consider as the country goes further down the dangerous path of demonizing those not born here.

Americans don’t need to demonize the 65 million invaders in order to send them home. But if that’s what it will take, then that’s what will happen. And no amount of epic cuckery, even of this near-Platonic form-style, is going to stand in the way for long.

It’s not about illegals or even immigrants per se. It’s about something much more primal. It’s about who we are and who is not us. We are not abstractions. We are not ideas. We are flesh-and-blood people, and those who ignore physical reality are, as always, the most likely to suffer the physical consequences.