Why You Can’t Trust Science

The sudden – and now-hidden – reason scientists did an instantaneous 180 on the origins of Covid-19 underlines the fundamental weakness and unreliability of science:

The Government has been condemned after refusing to release details of key email conversations involving leading scientists over the origins of Covid-19.

This newspaper used Freedom of Information rules to obtain a cache of 32 emails about a secretive teleconference between British and American health officials held early in the pandemic.

But officials blacked out almost every word before releasing the crucial documents.

Before this discussion, several of the world’s most influential experts believed the new virus most likely came from a laboratory – but days later, the scientists began dismissing such scenarios as ‘implausible’ and branding them conspiracy theories.

The critical call is at the centre of concerns that the scientific establishment tried to stifle debate on the pandemic’s origins, as damning new evidence emerges of US ties to high-risk research on bat viruses in Wuhan, where the first cases emerged in late 2019.

The Mail on Sunday requested emails, minutes and notes on the call between Sir Patrick Vallance – Britain’s chief scientific adviser – and its organisers Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust medical charity, and Anthony Fauci, the US infectious diseases expert and presidential adviser.

Yet when the documents were released they had page after page redacted with thick lines of black ink by Whitehall officials. Even the names of experts copied in on discussions were blocked – and exchanges as trivial as one Edinburgh biologist’s ‘thank you’ for being invited – leaving only a few basic details about the call visible.

The lines left intact include a demand for the discussions, involving 13 participants around the world, to be conducted in ‘total confidence’, and an intriguing email line suggesting ‘we need to talk about the backbone too, not just the insert’.

Science has no intellectual or moral anchor. It is no more intrinsically reliable than News or Marketing or Propaganda because it is just as much at the mercy of the human factor as the other institutions.

The correct rhetorical response to “I trust the science” is “then you are both stupid and uninformed.”


Sajid Should Get Another Job

Another of England’s imported rulers has no sympathy for healthcare workers who are unwilling to submit to the vaxx:

Care home workers who refuse to take the Covid vaccine should ‘get out and get another job’, health secretary Sajid Javid has said. In a stern warning to vaccine refuseniks, Mr Javid said those working in care home with some of the most vulnerable people in the country ‘should get vaccinated’.

He also brushed off appeals from providers to ‘pause’ the legal requirement for staff in England to be fully vaccinated by November 11, amid warnings some homes will be unable to cope if workers are forced to leave.

It comes after NHS workers hit out against ‘blunt instrument’ plans to make Covid jabs for staff compulsory by winter, with doctors and health service unions warning the policy could push out key staff ‘at a time we can least afford it’ and lead to discrimination.

Speaking on the BBC Radio 4 Today programme Mr Javid said: ‘If you want to work in a care home, you are working with some of the most vulnerable people in our country and if you cannot be bothered to go and get vaccinated, then get out and go and get another job.

‘If you want to look after them, if you want to cook for them, if you want to feed them, if you want to put them to bed, then you should get vaccinated.

‘If you are not going to get vaccinated then why are you working in care?

‘If you think about your elderly relatives you might have in care homes, and the idea that someone wants to look after them and they don’t want to take a perfectly safe and effective vaccine that has been approved by our regulators, been used all over the world, because somehow they have got some objection to this vaccine, then really, honestly, they shouldn’t be in our care homes.

‘They should go and get another job. I am very clear on that.’

Why do the English people put up with this fascistic nonsense from foreigners? Ah, yes. Import 3rd World people, get 3rd World government. One thing that the Covid situation has made perfectly clear is the total inability of ideology to replace national identity.

Meanwhile, in London, young men are dying of the very vaxx that Sajid is trying to force on English health care workers:

Former football club owner Maurizio Zamparini and his family are in ‘terrible pain’ after his 23-year-old son was found dead in his London apartment. The circumstances around the 23-year-old’s death are yet to be determined and medical investigations are underway. After initial tests, a cardiocirculatory arrest or a fatal illness is reportedly suspected.

California Culls the Kids

It’s now entirely obvious that it isn’t about Covid. Of course, it never was:

Under a new mandate by Governor Gavin Newsom, California will require all eligible schoolchildren to be vaccinated against Covid-19. The order is the first of its kind in the US, and will affect millions of kids. “Our schools already require vaccines for measles, mumps and more,” Newsom tweeted on Friday. “Why? Because vaccines work. This is about keeping our kids safe & healthy.”

Speaking at a San Francisco school shortly afterwards, Newsom said the order would apply to kids between 7th and 12th grade, aged between 12 and 17 years, and would come into effect once the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves shots for this age group. At present, the FDA has issued emergency authorization for Pfizer’s vaccine to be given to children as young as 11, but it has not fully approved the jab for this group.

Once in effect, children without the jab will be forced to attend classes online, though religious and medical exemptions will be available, Newsom revealed.

Whatever. Californians had their chance to get rid of Newsom. The fewer Californians, the better off the rest of the USA will be. Now if New York will only follow suit, America might actually benefit from the Great Self-Removal.

The amazing thing is the way in which, in the future, people will whine and cry about “how could God have allowed this to happen?” Allow what to happen? Allow you to decide to inject unknown substances into yourself and your children? God had nothing to do with it. It was you! It was you who fucked up by deciding to trust Satan and his little servitors.

Because THAT always ends so well.

A Rebel Without a Pulse

An object lesson in the importance of why it’s usually wiser to heed parental advice than bow to peer pressure or succumb to social temptations:

A 19-year-old philology student is dead after defying his family’s philosophical and religious objections.

Mr. Volodymyr Salo, also spelled “Vladimir” in some accounts, received his first Pfizer mRNA injection on September 13 at about 2:30 p.m. local time, according to the Ukrainian Humanities Institute. Mr. Salo was a student there. His day continued as normal thereafter. He ate dinner in the student cafeteria at 6:30 p.m., then played board games with other students in the commons area. The situation quickly deteriorated from there.

A high fever and general malaise kicked in around 8 p.m. Mr. Salo collapsed and had a seizure at 8:15 p.m. and went into violent convulsions. University medical staff performed CPR as they waited for the ambulance to arrive. When paramedics arrived at 8:45 p.m., they applied a portable ventilator for an hour in an attempt to save Mr. Salo’s life. But he had no pulse by 9 p.m.

Mr. Salo was pronounced dead shortly thereafter.

I find myself wondering if deaths from direct adverse reactions to the vaxx are somehow counted as “unvaccinated” given that one is no longer deemed “vaccinated” until two weeks after the vaxx has been administered.

And before the spergs and gammas get rolling, allow me to point out that I am aware that parents do give bad advice. But in general, their advice is seldom anywhere nearly as bad as that which is provided by a teenager’s peers.


The Slow Kill Process

A nurse explains how the killshots are designed to gradually destroy the human immune system. A summary of her video:

  • 1st shot: Has a fair amount of saline. Reduces ability to produce white blood cells by 50 percent.
  • 2nd shot: Less saline. Removes addditional 25 percent white blood cell production capability. System is reduced to 25 percent.
  • 1st booster: No saline. Induces chronic inflammation, which targets existing areas of system vulnerability. This is why cancer survivors are dying of cancer and people with lung issues are dying of pneumonia.
  • 2nd booster: Shuts off the ability to make white blood cells. The system is entirely vulnerable and the individual becomes reliant upon additional boosters to provide a substitute immune system.

The strokes and heart attacks appear to be a bonus, although they could be related to the early stages of the weakened immune system.

Meanwhile, in Scotland:

Health experts have been left baffled by a big rise in a common and potentially fatal type of heart attack in the west of Scotland.

Whatever could it possibly be?

The Nurses Know

That’s why they’re not getting vaccinated, even at the price of losing their jobs:

Minnesota State Representative Erik Mortensen recently conducted a Town Hall meeting in his district due to the number of healthcare workers who were contacting him about COVID-19 vaccine mandates, where most of them were about to lose their jobs for refusing to receive a COVID-19 shot.

He also heard a lot of things from these nurses that were not being repeated in the corporate media, so the Town Hall meeting was recorded and published on AlphaNews recently.

Some of these nurses reported that they have been in their field for over 20 years, were treated as heroes last year as frontline workers in COVID wards, but were now being ridiculed and ostracized for not wanting to take a COVID-19 vaccine.

One of the reasons they do not want to take the shots is because they have seen first hand how these shots have killed and injured people, including family members.

One nurse explained how the media is actually lying by stating that most of the healthcare workers are now fully vaccinated for COVID-19. She said this wasn’t true, and that she knew of departments that were only about 20% vaccinated, and that ER workers had an especially low percentage of workers who were fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

“Why aren’t people asking the nurses why they don’t want to take the shots?” she asked.

She said she ran an ER department, and that it was tragic that they were seeing so many heart attacks and strokes, and that it is obvious that they are related to the COVID-19 shots.

At this point, you’d have to be literally retarded to get vaccinated, or get a booster to stay vaccinated, or even to permit anyone to get anywhere near you with a needle unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Welcome to the Unvaccinated

In what will come as a complete surprise to precisely no one who has been paying attention, Dr. Fauci has now stated that “fully vaccinated” status now requires two shots plus a booster:

Dr. Anthony Fauci has moved the goalposts on what it means to be “fully vaccinated,” and I’m sure you can guess how it has changed.

For many months now, being “fully vaccinated” meant that you had to have two doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccine, but now, according to Fauci, you’re not fully vaccinated unless you get the booster shot.

“It is likely, for a real complete regimen, that you would need at least a third dose,” Fauci told The Atlantic in an exclusive interview.

Ed Yong of The Atlantic noted that Fauci has been “bullish about using boosters,” and that he defended the Biden administration’s “decision to talk about widespread availability before the FDA had a chance to weigh in.”

Then he asked, “What is your stance on the role that they should play in the pandemic going forward?”

“I’ve made it clear that my opinion has always been that I believe that a third-shot booster for a two-dose mRNA [vaccine] should ultimately and will ultimately be the proper, complete regimen,” Fauci said. “The vaccine is very successful. The durability of it is something that’s a subject of considerable discussion and sometimes debate.”

I’m sure you already understand that, for medical purposes, the first 14 days after a shot are also considered “unvaccinated”. As always, redefining and perverting straightforward definitions is how the deceit is perpetrated. At this point, anyone who dies immediately after being injected or dies of a Covid breakthrough infection without having had a booster will be counted among the unvaccinated ranks.

And which god is that?

I’m fairly confident she’s not talking about the Almighty here:

Individuals who have not received the coronavirus vaccine “aren’t listening to God,” New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) declared during remarks before Brooklyn’s Christian Cultural Center on Sunday.

“He made the smartest men and women, the scientists, the doctors, the researchers – he made them come up with a vaccine. That is from God to us and we must say, thank you, God. Thank you. And I wear my ‘vaccinated’ necklace all the time to say I’m vaccinated. All of you, yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones, but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. You know who they are.”

“I need you to be my apostles,” the governor added, saying that receiving the treatment is how New Yorkers can “love one another.”

Well, she’s certainly not listening to the Bible. And she provides an excellent example of why the restrictions are necessary.

“I do not allow a woman to teach or have authority over a man.” 1 Timothy 2:12


The Spartacus Letter

It’s already been vanished from its original site, but Zerohedge has the whole thing, sans the endnotes. The summary:

  • COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.
  • Current treatment protocols (e.g. invasive ventilation) are actively harmful to patients, accelerating oxidative stress and causing severe VILI (ventilator-induced lung injuries). The continued use of ventilators in the absence of any proven medical benefit constitutes mass murder.
  • Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.
  • Various non-vaccine interventions have been suppressed by both the media and the medical establishment in favor of vaccines and expensive patented drugs.
  • The authorities have denied the usefulness of natural immunity against COVID-19, despite the fact that natural immunity confers protection against all of the virus’s proteins, and not just one.
  • Vaccines will do more harm than good. The antigen that these vaccines are based on, SARS-CoV- 2 Spike, is a toxic protein. SARS-CoV-2 may have ADE, or antibody-dependent enhancement; current antibodies may not neutralize future strains, but instead help them infect immune cells. Also, vaccinating during a pandemic with a leaky vaccine removes the evolutionary pressure for a virus to become less lethal.
  • There is a vast and appalling criminal conspiracy that directly links both Anthony Fauci and Moderna to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
  • COVID-19 vaccine researchers are directly linked to scientists involved in brain-computer interface (“neural lace”) tech, one of whom was indicted for taking grant money from China.
  • Independent researchers have discovered mysterious nanoparticles inside the vaccines that are not supposed to be present.
  • The entire pandemic is being used as an excuse for a vast political and economic transformation of Western society that will enrich the already rich and turn the rest of us into serfs and untouchables.


Neither Safe Nor Effective

Not only were the vaxx trials ended prematurely and the control groups destroyed, but substantive evidence of adverse effects was simply handwaved away through deceit and redefinition:

Haven’t official vaccine trials shown that covid vaccines are safe, though? The answer is no. In fact, several serious adverse events were already observed during covid vaccine trials, but were discarded as “unrelated”. In addition, the Pfizer vaccine trial excluded five times more people from the vaccine group than from the control group. In the Pfizer vaccine trial for adolescents, as 12-year-old girl suffered permanent paralysis, but Pfizer reported her case merely as “abdominal pain”.

Concerning the potential risk of antibody-dependent disease enhancement (ADE) caused by covid vaccines, there continues to be no real-world evidence of this effect, but several molecular simulation studies found that future variants of the Delta strain might theoretically trigger ADE (i.e. high levels of non-neutralizing antibodies enhancing viral infection).

It’s good news that there is still no conclusive evidence of ADE; the problem is that there are some statistical indications of it given the sheer volume of breakthrough infections and the growing percentage of Covid-related deaths among the vaccinated. The announced booster schedule is also another indicator of a possible ADE scenario playing out.