The End of the Conservative Party

The Tories may be going the way of the Whig Party soon, and they absolutely deserve suffering the worst electoral defeat in British history by having thrown away 14 years of political power and accomplishing nothing more than to slavishly serve their masters in Clown World:

The UK Labour party is predicted to win a landslide victory in the British general election, according to a preliminary exit poll released as voting closed on Thursday evening.

According to the poll, Labour will win 410 out of the 650 seats, up from 205, in the House of Commons, while the previously governing Tories will secure 131 seats, down from 344.

The Liberal Democrats are predicted to win 61 seats, Nigel Farage’s Reform UK 13, and the Scottish National Party (SNP) ten. The Greens are slated to win two seats and the Welsh party Plaid Cymru four.

Sky News has described the Tories’ result as “the biggest electoral collapse in British electoral history.”

All the Tories had to do to stay in power was three things: Brexit, Deportation, and Neutrality in Ukraine. Well, four things, as a genuinely English Prime Minister would have also gone a long way.

Instead, they went one-for-four and quite rightly paid the price. The pendulum is moving toward sovereign nationalism, and the sovereign nations are going to win their war against Clown World. And there is no need for a Conservative Party that couldn’t even conserve the nation.

Labour, of course, won’t be any better. But at least they are open enemies rather than false friends.

UPDATE: It’s interesting to note that the Scottish National Party has been totally destroyed in Scotland. They had their chance, but they blew the independence referendum and thereby demonstrated that there was no need for the party to even exist. And all they had to do to win it was limit the vote to Scottish citizens actually resident in Scotland.


Atheists Discover Consequences

It’s always mildly amusing to recall that they used to call themselves “brights” because they genuinely believed that they were smarter than Christians. Never mind that the island nation that developed a world-spanning empire under Christendom now can’t even offer token resistance to the imperial dar al-Islam:

I am getting scared of the rise of Islam in the UK and Europe. I study philosophy at university in England…. Oh boy my homeland is being overrun by Islam.

One guy legit told me the other day on a Friday that “I should be at the mosque” and shouted at me for not being so. I know plenty of Christians, and whilst I myself am atheist, none have ever tried to convert me or call me a heretic- whilst the only homophobes I know have been Muslim. Someone also said my degree, philosophy was “devil worship because asking questions about the universe and truth is evil-this is especially true because I focus in logic and game theory. They said it was not “real” and satanic…

What scares me most is that the left (of which I am a part of) seems to protect Islam by way of calling all who support it islamaphobic….when I said I supported Israel as it’s the only safe space for LGBT guys in the entire Middle East, and a democracy, someone spat at me and called me a “devil”.

It is psychotic. Do you think the west will fall to Islam? Sorry for the vent: I’ve come to the conclusion that I am very inclusive, but I cannot be inclusive to those who hate inclusion because fictional sky dad said no.

The fascinating thing is that even when they are in terror for their lives and their lifestyles, they still do not have the intellectual flexibility to admit that they were wrong, that inclusivity is evil and destructive, and that a nation that ceases to be a Christian nation will soon cease to be a nation at all.

If you accept diversity, equality, and inclusivity as ideals, then you have already lost the war. It’s just a matter of time before those who correctly reject those concepts as being intrinsically false overrun you.


Farage is Deep State 4

James Delingpole explains why Nigel Farage and his Reform Party are no more a genuine alternative to the Conservative Party than Labour or the Liberal Democrats:

I don’t trust Nigel Farage. But that doesn’t mean he is wrong on everything. He is not wrong, for example, when he says that the Russian incursion into Eastern Ukraine was provoked by the West. Nor is he wrong that the only acceptable solution is a negotiated peace settlement.

But that still doesn’t mean we should trust him. This is the same man who, during the fake Covid pandemic helped promote the psyop by allowing himself to be filmed banging his pots and pans for ‘Our NHS’. And the same man who urged that Tony Blair should be put in charge of the operation to roll out those safe and effective vaccines now bowling over his constituency like ninepins.

So what are we to make of it when so blatant and slippery an Establishment change agent suddenly spouts something that makes such obvious sense? Are we to go – as so many Reform voters are saying – “Well he may not be perfect. But at least he’s preferable to the Sunak/Starmer uniparty.”

No, he is not. For Farage, too, is a card-carrying member of the Sunak/Starmer uniparty. His role is merely to offer the gullible the illusion that the rigged voting system offers any alternative other than the uniparty.

Delingpole’s point is not that one should vote Tory instead of Reform. His point is that it doesn’t matter for whom an Englishman votes, because all of the Establishment parties are under the control and guidance of precisely the same global satanists.

Democracy, particularly in its limited representative form, is nothing more than a sham meant to prevent the volatile public from knowing who truly rules over them. The whole point of the political systems of the modern “democracies” is not to express the will of the people, but rather, prevent it from being realized. Yes, this is an inversion of what you were taught in school, but if you haven’t figured out by now that what you are taught in school is an inversion of the truth, you really haven’t been paying attention.

If the self-styled defenders of democracy actually believed in democracy, they would be actively seeking to remove its legal limitations such as the courts, the parliaments, the senates, and the executive agencies. We have the technology for direct democracy and we have the legal framework for referendums, which means we have the ability to directly apply the clearly-expressed will of the people to every single political issue of the day.

And yet, the will of the people is relentlessly resisted and denied.

This is why the “authoritarian” models of Russia and China is not only more effective and more popular than those of the so-called “democracies”, but they are more legitimate as well. The very high popularity ratings for both Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin are not only real, but they extend well beyond their domestic audiences. In fact, the least popular leaders in the world are all Clown Worlders, Yoon Suk-Yeol of South Korea, Emmanuel Macron of France, Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom, Olaf Scholz of Germany, and the least popular of all, Fumio Kishida of Japan.

When the Clown World strategists plan their color revolutions aimed at regime change, they are very often engaging in the baseless projection of the unpopularity of their own “democratic” leaders onto other nations. But the nations of the world finally understand that the “freedom and democracy” banner under which the Empire of Lies has spread is now no more legitimate than the Communist promise of a Worker’s Paradise.


How the Hapsburgs Took Over England

Or, was Henry VIIIth actually the good guy and was the dissolution of the monasteries motivated by something more than simple royal greed?

The story of Henry VIII is the story of a conflict. The conflict that is occurring is the conflict between Habsburg and Tudor houses. The house of Habsburg is, as they had previously done in many other European countries, attempting to gain political control of England through marriage and through its influence over the Catholic Church.

Which is to say: The Habsburgs are trying to take over England during the reign of Henry VIII.
Henry’s actions – exiting a marriage to a Habsburg connected figure, and exiting the Catholic Church – are direct responses to Habsburg attacks on England’s sovereignty through those same two avenues. The Habsburg attack comes through marriage and the Catholic Church.

However I have never seen that story recounted. Instead, I have only seen bizarre retellings where half the plot is left out, the Habsburg part. Obviously, if you omit the geopolitical motivation for Henry VIII’s actions from the story then his actions seem insane. The situation reminds me a little bit of the experience of accidentally walking into a spiderweb. Have you ever done this? It is totally jarring. You flail your hands and look like an idiot trying to get the bits of spiderweb off of your face. To an outside observer who can’t see the spiderweb you just walked into, you look spastic, manic. But there is a reason you’re acting that way. The conflict with the Habsburgs is that spiderweb for Henry VIII. You need to know it is there to understand his actions.

Is there any evidence of a Habsburg coup attempt? The evidence I have that the Habsburgs are trying to take over England during this period is that the Habsburgs do take over England in this period.

What? Yes. ‘Bloody Mary’ Tudor weds Phillip II Habsburg – the son of the Habsburg Emperor – just 5 years after the death of Henry VIII.

Phillip Habsburg becomes King of England Jure Uxoris – joint sovereign with Queen Mary. England comes under Habsburg control, along with Spain, Holland, Belgium, Luxembourg, Austria, Flanders, Bohemia, Germany, Italy, Hungary and… Did I forget any? At this point the Habsburgs are basically kings of the Universe, totally drunk with power. In England they are literally burning their enemies at the stake.

The Habsburg method for expanding their territory was fairly simple:

  1. Find a failing kingdom in need of aid or protection.
  2. Offer to use your influence in the Catholic Church to aid the Kingdom in exchange for an advantageous marriage, protection money, or both.
  3. Betray the Kingdom and use your influence instead to install your newly wed Habsburg as the sole sovereign.

Are you starting to understand why the story of a medieval Republican who miraculously defeats something that looks suspiciously like today’s democratic institutional oligarchy has never been properly told?

The Habsburg Coup in Henry VIII’s England

I’ve literally never, ever, heard this theory before, but at first glance, it sounds extremely persuasive. It also tends to raise an obvious question about the ethnicity of the Hapsburgs, who were both highly consanguineous and physically deformed. They certainly appear to have worked out their own method of “color revolutions” centuries before the neocons, although it may simply be that they were inspirations for the Rothschilds rather than predecessors of some kind.

And, of course, it would be yet another example of a “religious war” actually being about something other than the purported religious conflict, which tends to track with what we’ve learned about everything from the Crusades to the 30 Years War.

To think some people actually believe that history is boring… Definitely read the whole thing!


The Sack of London

It’s more of an ongoing situation than an event, but the end result will be the same.

Crime has soared in London after more than 100 local police stations were shut down – and people living and working in the areas left without one are furious about it, a MailOnline investigation has found. It emerged this week that only 36 police stations remain open in the capital compared to the 160 that the city had in 2008 – a reduction of an astonishing 77%. The cuts have doubled the distance an average Londoner has to travel to their nearest manned police help desk to around two miles – with researchers warning criminals were specifically targeting areas the Met has abandoned.

Although, in fairness, there really isn’t any need for a police force that keeps the borders open, ignores foreign rape gangs, and primarily focuses on thought-policing the native population that doesn’t support Clown World’s intended destruction of the English people.

As the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom very well know, civilization is racism. If you are anti-racist, you are literally anti-civilization; remember, the term racism was coined by a white man who actively sought to destroy every aspect of American Indian language and culture to describe those Indians who wished to preserve their own way of life.


She’s Not Dead After All

Princess Kate of England finally makes a real appearance:

The Princess of Wales has made her first public appearance this year by joining the Royal Family at Trooping the Colour today despite her ongoing cancer treatment.

Kate, who has been receiving chemotherapy for an undisclosed form of cancer since February, travelled in a carriage alongside her three children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, for the traditional procession through London.

Earlier, the family were seen arriving at Buckingham Palace in a car at 10am, with George sitting between Kate and Prince William, and Charlotte and Louis opposite.

Given the combination of the vaxx, the fake video, the fake Joe Bidens, the fake Hilary, and now the fake Emmanuel Macron, it was hardly unreasonable to be suspicious when a very public figure abruptly disappears from public view for six months. But now it appears that Princess Kate is definitely not pining for the fjords.


She Pines for the Fjords

I think it’s perfectly obvious that Princess Kate isn’t deceased, and hasn’t either succumbed to Suddenly or been sacrificed to Satan in a desperate ritual to help Clown World hold onto its power. Clearly, the poor princess is merely pining for the fjords.

The Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year,” and is being “surrounded” by her birth family as she continues a course of preventive chemotherapy having been diagnosed with cancer earlier this year, royal sources and friends of Kate Middleton and Prince William have told The Daily Beast.

After all, it’s already May. Who would reasonably expect a woman who has hitherto been exceptionally hard-working and appeared at hundreds of public events, up to and including the birth of her children, to show her face in public over an eight-month period when she isn’t a public figure at all, being only a senior British Royal. Besides, you can’t tell me that such a realistic and life-like official painting could have been painted if the princess hadn’t been alive, well, and sitting for the artist.

And, of course, it would be totally absurd to suggest that her blood might have been used in the painting of that beautiful work of art commemorating the reign of King Charles III.


Dominic Cummings Smells the Coffee

One of the UK’s top political minds has finally figured out that the UK is not going to win WWIII:

Former Downing Street chief advisor Dominic Cummings says Ukraine is a “corrupt mafia state” and that the west “should have never got into the whole stupid situation.” Cummings made the comments as he unveiled plans for a new ‘Start-Up Party’ to replace the Conservatives.

The former advisor to Boris Johnson questioned why the government was so slavishly committed to supporting Ukraine. Cummings asserted that the west had been hoodwinked into getting embroiled in an unwinnable war that has only succeeded in pushing Vladimir Putin closer to China and taught him “that we’re a bunch of total fucking jokers.”

“This is not a replay of 1940 with the pumpkin Zelensky as the Churchillian underdog,” he stated. “This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically conned us all and we’re all going to get fucked as a consequence. We are getting fucked now, right?” he said.

A lot of politicians across the so-called “democracies” are going to be judiciously attempting to distance themselves from their mindless support for waging war on Russia over the last two years. Dominic Cummings is unfortunately too inclined to get the issues wrong on the substance – such as Covid and the mRNA vaccines – but his fine-tuned political antennae usually tell him what way the wind is blowing sooner than anyone else in the higher political circles.

Of course, it wasn’t the Ukrainian corrupt mafia state that conned the British people, it was the global satanists who still call the shots for both the Conservative and Labour parties as well as the UK media.


“Enough,” said the Bear

The UK is rapidly approaching the “find out” zone:

Moscow will retaliate against British targets in Ukraine or elsewhere if Kiev uses UK-provided missiles to strike Russian territory, the Foreign Ministry told London’s ambassador on Monday. Ambassador Nigel Casey was summoned to the ministry following remarks by British Foreign Secretary David Cameron to Reuters that Ukraine has the right to use long-range missiles sent by the UK to strike deep inside Russia.

”Casey was warned that the response to Ukrainian strikes using British weapons on Russian territory could be any British military facilities and equipment on the territory of Ukraine and beyond,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement following the meeting.

Ukraine does have the right. And so does Russia. What we’re seeing here are clear and present signs that Russia is now ready for direct conflict with NATO, in Ukraine, in Europe, and in the Americas.

I guess we’re going to find out just how stupid the clowns running Clown World really are. The problem is that they’re so accustomed to lying and bluffing all the time, they don’t recognize a straightforward warning when one is provided.


Total Tory Implosion

Dominick Cummings predicts the collapse of the British Conservative Party:

The only future for the Tories was to let Vote Leave transform them into a new party 2020-24. The Party would now be unrecognisable: CCHQ closed and the party re-opened in the midlands with the rancid old guard ‘retired’, the economy would be extremely different and millions of swing voters would have vanished from the 40% tax rate (pushed up to 100k), MP pay and nurses pay would be linked to the growth/fall of average wages (‘if the voters get a pay cut the MPs get a pay cut’), term limits for MPs, the government would be years into a national project to rebuild the NHS, it would be far more ‘on the right’ on violent crime/borders etc than the median Tory MP, we’d have left the ECHR amid widespread applause that shattered Labour and stopped the ludicrous farce of a major country paralysed in handling a few dinghies, the trans madness and other manifestations of the Left’s Gadarene-psychosis would have been crushed, the broken Northcote-Trevelyan model of a closed-caste civil service recruiting only from within (and optimising for preserve bureaucratic power/budgets over productive adaptation) would have been pried open to recruit the best people in the world, we’d be very popular with ex-Labour voters, we’d be about to crush Starmer and the SW1 debate would be about a startup party replacing Labour.

Instead they broke their deal with us and tried to operate as if it’s ~1999 and 2016 never happened. The collapse in quality of MPs, their delusions about politics and communication, their total obsession with the deranged ‘news’ and punditry of the disintegrating old media instead of how power works — all this guaranteed their own disintegration.

Sunak thought about reviving the deal but decided to double-down on trusting the Establishment and the ‘strategy’ of the most Insider-pundit in SW1 to focus on week-to-week party management — a ‘strategy’ that doomed him to fail with the public then an inevitable collapse of authority with the MPs/Whitehall. 2025-9 the old Tory Party will probably be replaced.

The Conservative Party failed to preserve Great Britain. It has also failed to preserve itself, as it is presently led by a foreign individual one Chinese diplomat has described as a “street defiler”. There is no question that it deserves to die, the only question that remains is what will replace it.