Troll Ban: Ann Morgan

Tex wrote: **Notice how he dodges and spins and spews venom like a snake?**

Which is rather much like Vox, spewing obscenity regarding my body parts and making death threats.

As for you, TS, I don’t think that Vox is a very good example of a Christian, neither is Roger a very good example of an atheist. There is no evidence of God, but there are very good reasons to think there is a God (possibly more than one). Among which are that if you believe in evolution, it is absurd, arrogant, and anthropomorphic to think that human beings are the smartest and most powerful things in existence. The existence of something with abilities and intelligence so powerful that it might rightly be called ‘God’ is a very distinct possibility. I find it a bit silly that those who believe in evolution think it somehow stops with our species, planet, or universe. Limited thinking, lol.

However, by the same token, it is also arrogant and anthropomorphic to think that ‘God’ somehow hates exactly the same sorts of behavior that people do. Which would be rather like you hating the same sorts of things a brine shrimp does. If someone’s proposed “God” hates the same people they do, they don’t have a religion, they have a justification. They get to hate people and feel proud of it, rather than ashamed.

Religion, ultimately, is a magnifier. Possibly because of something in human psychology, possibly because a person will attract the sort of spirits that are in accordance with their real nature, regardless of what name they call them by. If a person is good, religion will make them better. If a person is evil and unrepentent, religion will make them worse.

Josh wrote: **You’re a freaking drama queen**

That might very well be, but my being a ‘drama queen’ does not alter the fact that Vox has used obscenity and death threats against me, without my previously using them against him. Nor does it explain why his version of venom spewing is qualitatively any different than Roger’s. Other than your wanting it to be.

Ann Morgan: I don’t think that Vox is a very good example of a Christian …

Stickwick: By what measure do you judge this?

Well, that’s an interesting question. I suppose your standard of measure does make a difference. If a Christian is supposed to try to act like Christ, then Vox is not a very good example of one. On the other hand, if a Christian is supposed to be full of hate, use obscenity, make death threats, and think it perfectly fine to kill 2 year olds if what they call ‘God’ commands it, then Vox would be a very good Christian.

Sigyn wrote: ** Ann demands that Christians behave according the parts
of the Bible she likes, and ignore the parts she doesn’t. She can’t make
up her mind.**

Yet Christians themselves behave according to the
parts of the bible that they like, and ignore the parts they don’t. And
can’t give any good reason why the parts they like and the parts they
ignore are more valid than the different parts that other people like or

And, btw, your insult against me does not change the
validity of my statement that if being a ‘Christian’ means behaving like
Christ, then Vox is not a very good Christian, but if being a Christian
means being full of hate, using obscenity, make death threats, and
think it perfectly fine to kill 2 year olds if what they call ‘God’
commands it, then Vox would be a very good Christian.

I’ve also
noticed that when I say something that people here don’t like, but can’t
disprove, they generally resort to obscenity and various insults
regarding me.

George wrote: **What, if anything, would you accept as proof?**

which, at the least, precludes the possibility of having been created
by present or past human beings, or by nature (however great the odds).
Or simply being written accounts by those who could have been lying or
deluded. As I’ve mentioned before a 3000 year old tablet engraved with
the 10 commandments and made entirely of a pure, stable, transuranic
element would definitely get my attention, as it would eliminate the
possibility of liars, delusion, and present or past human beings.
Although it would include the possibility of time travellers or aliens,
as well as God. Though admittedly, sufficiently powerful time
travellers, aliens, spirits, and other things that can demonstrate that
they can accomplish certain tasks, whatever the means they might use to
do it, would probably be deserving of the name ‘God’, at least in the
terms of the power they wield.

It would also be more impressive
if it were not the case that those who talk loudest about being
‘Christians’ are also those who most often advocate killing, rape,
infanticide, genocide, and spew out obscenities about my speaking out my
vagina. If that is the end result that the practice of their religion
has on them, it doesn’t seem to be very worthwhile.

Beau wrote: **You’re wrong. You can’t differentiate a quote of another
party from an original authored thought. You need to get a refund on
your education. You completely missed I was leveling criticism at that
crass remark. So you morphed it into yet another LOOK At ME…” blah,
blah, blah. No, Ann, you shouldn’t.**

Beau, I’m well aware of
what you wrote and what Pox wrote. And your attempt to evade having to
deal with why VD’s ‘crass retorts’ are any better than Pox’s ‘crass
retorts’ by instead criticizing my grammar has been noted.

MPC wrote: **Ann, I’ve set foot in a church twice in my entire life, and not by
choice, so I’m not what you’d call pious. However, I can say from a
perfectly secular perspective you are observably a stupid, insufferable,
and above all, DULL, annoying cunt.**

 That’s probably preferable to what a lot of people are.

So why did the twat think Vox threatened her life? I must admit I never read her twattle too closely either.

“Me neither, but I always read Vox’s comments and had to follow the dialogue, in which the following transpired:

an apocalyptic scenario, Morgan stated she’d find the smartest gang,
and of course, they’d all be super honored to have her join them because
of her special survival skills (as if nobody else in this world knows)
in finding edible things, to which Vox promptly responded that his gang
would shoot her upon uttering her first sentence.

“His reply was
short, brutal and hilarious, but the threat, like everything in her
reality, was a figment of her delusional, twisted imagination.
Regardless, that didn’t stop her from repeatedly referring to this
imaginary death threat.”

Objective: solidarity

A commenter at Truth Before Dishonor explains what he believes the motivations of the Leftist trolls to be:

There are a couple of substantive things to bear in mind when dealing with the manner in which modern liberals or progressives interact with political opponents.

First of all, as we all realize, their view of “truth” is radically different from the traditional western viewpoint of what constitutes a true statement and what metaphysical meaning the term truth has. This incontestable relativism of theirs has several implications: one of which is that for the progressive, rhetoric becomes the means by which truth is shaped and brought into existence, rather than truth being a propositional description of the world or some portion of it, as it really is, and which is then rhetorically presented.

This relativism then, tends to devalue logical analysis and careful exposition as tools of debate in favor of other kinds of verbal acts intended to influence social relations. Chief among these replacements for truth are the tools of ridicule and disruption. Talk, is conceived of as warfare – not figurative, but literal – by means other than overt physical violence. As such, all of the techniques and deceptions employed in all-out war are considered by leftists and progressives as properly pertaining to political argument.

For the political progressive, silencing you through disruptive or annoying tactics, or discomfiting you emotionally, is just as good if not better than winning an argument on facts: since facts are always conceived as mere data points forensically ready to be deployed in the service of the world as they will dream it.

The goal of the socialist or progressive is after all, not to arrive at the point of truth – which they think is impossible in life and meaningless in an ultimate sense – but, at solidarity, which they think is attainable with the proper methods of social pruning and affect management.

I dropped off of Dana’s site because I was being dragged into interminable squabbles with persons whose hash I had already settled logically or historically time and time again. It was like playing whack-a-mole long after that game has lost its novelty. Their notion of victory, lies in congratulating themselves on summoning the energy to pop up again as a fresh annoyance no matter how humiliating of discrediting their performance would have been for a person of normal sensibilities.

Sound familiar? It should. Because some of the trolls are even the same people. Consider: “New Zealand Socialist book putter backer…. Phoenician in a Time of Romans, banned by multiple Conservative sites
and disdained by multiple other sites, is definitely disdain-worthy….”

That’s from 2011, months before Phony made his first appearance here. And here I thought he was just a particularly freakish PZ/Scalzi fan, but apparently he is something even more political and obsessive. Although wouldn’t it be hilarious if Phony turned out to be Athol exhibiting his dark side? 

The new rules of engagement

This is why it is necessary to punch back twice as hard. This is why
you cannot let the poisonous ones into your social circle. This is why
you cannot employ them. This is why you cannot indulge in conspicuous
tolerance. As Athol Kay has learned, those to whom the personal is the
political and the political is the personal have no decency and know no limits:

in May 2011 Jennifer and I were taken to Human Resources and had a
rather odd conversation in the aftermath of being on Inside Edition.
Apparently we’re dangerously monogamous and offensively heterosexual
enough to have resulted in no less than six calls of complaint to our
employer. Like I said, I always figured I’d be taken to HR, but I really
didn’t expect Jennifer to be dragged into it too. Jennifer does have a
minor PR role for her company, so we do see their point, but even then,
it’s no one’s business but ours.

Thus at the time: Yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir.

really not too much they can do to us directly, it’s not like you can
be fired for kissing your spouse on TV. But after that point, I start
feeling like the cross-hairs are firmly drawn on my back and I start
getting disciplined at work for things that frankly I don’t think I
would have been spanked for before that point. I.e. I see which way the
wind is blowing, work my ass off and in June 2012 I jump to MMSL

Which brings us to now, or more correctly a couple months back.

gets a message on a Friday, she’s summoned to HR on Monday. Not told
what about. I’m unsure if the intent was to ruin our weekend, but it
seemed to achieve that goal. Considering Jennifer is the quintessential
good employee, it can only be MMSL related and I feel both shitty and
angry. We’re just on the very fine edge of me being able to carry the
two of us on MMSL income alone, so I Captain up and green light her
quitting her job at any point during that meeting.

turns out someone from a state agency funding Jennifer’s employer, has
been printing off a collection of blog posts and anonymously mailing
them to the CEO of her company. So anonymous letter, coming inside a
state agency envelope. HR really has nothing to say to her but, “Ahhh…
this is awkward, but you need to know what’s happening.” It’s also kinda
silly being outed to your employer 2.5 years after you were on national
television. The surprise factor lacks a little.

what it boils down to, is that someone reads this blog, actively
hunting for ways to fuck my wife over… and they are willing to play

Notice that this was directed at the wife of a man who is an atheist from New Zealand and is not exactly a paragon of religious conservative middle America.

It is what the activist Left now does and it is one reason why I will not tolerate their trolls any longer. So let this be a
warning to every troll who comments here: do not say
here you do not wish to become public knowledge with your
personal information attached to it here for everyone to see. For the last two years, even the comments that were spammed and deleted have been saved; there are presently 181,807 comments in the database. I’ve tracked down two trolls in the past, and as it happens, both elected to stop
trolling here after discovering that I knew their real identities.

I didn’t publish their personal information here or send the long
compendium of insults, vulgarities, and obscenities they had spewed to
their friends, families, publishers, and employers. But I could have
easily done so. And now that it is clear that this is how the game is being played, well, those of us who are already accustomed to the public view can certainly ensure that everyone else’s actions are too.

Troll sighting

And here we have the Spotted Blog Troll, a rare and unusually persistent subspecies in comparison with the common troll. (In a low, David Attenborough-style voice) Here we see how the stealthy troll, forced to operate out of its natural habitat, finds it hard to keep its camoflage consistent once it has been spotted by the pack it has been trailing.

 Carita November 05, 2013 9:47 AM 

“Or perhaps having the entire mainstream news industry running
interference makes one look smarter and more successful. Who can say?”

One thing is for sure, the President doesn’t need anyone to help him
look successful. The American people took care of that by electing him

    The question is whether some members of the
news media can help get the ACA up and running in a timely fashion. I
hope so. My experience with it worked perfectly and it’s a great step in
the right direction.

Cretin November 05, 2013 10:03 AM 

“Or perhaps having the entire mainstream news industry running
interference makes one look smarter and more successful. Who can say?”

The President doesn’t need the media to make him seem more successful.
The American people took care of that with two elections.

However, if the media can help get the ACA off the ground and running
well, then that would be a great contribution to an important program
and to making it both successful and worthwhile. I hope they succeed.

I guess dealing with those spam traps can be a bitch once you’ve been identified and spammed. The worst thing is that it follows you to every Google-related site on which you attempt to post.  And, by the way, Carita/Cretin is Tad/Golf Pro.

Troll Ban: Kilo Papa

In light of his epic performance on yesterday’s homeschool thread, Kilo Papa, the atheist troll with the blasphemous Kirk Cameron fascination, is henceforth banned. And given that this is hardly an isolated example, I find it strange that anyone is still surprised that scientists have published papers supporting my hypothesis that a degree of neurally atypical autism is, at the very least, a potential causal factor in an individual’s atheism.

Keep this atheist-in-action in mind the next time an atheist attempts to inform you that atheism is the default position of intelligent, rational people who are happy and socially well-adjusted. I’m not sure which I find more unsettling, the fact that there are people who believe this is their only shot at existence and yet choose to spend it this way, or the fact that there are almost certainly people out there who will genuinely feel that this was a superbly convincing defense of the public schools.

11:34 PM
Ahh, the “godless agenda” of public schools. Yeah, that goddamn math, science, history, English, and even home economics!!!!! Arrrrrggghhh!!!! We just need to get Jeezus back into the educational system and everything will be all right!!!! Preach on, brother!!!!! Praise Jeezus, praise his holy fucking name!!!!!!

3:44 PM
Ahh, yes, let’s let’s replace educated, trained professionals with untrained religious retards who think the Earth is 6000 years old, Noah had dinosaurs on his ark, a man lived in a fish, and global warming is make believe. Truly, I say unto you, religion is the position you take when stroke, injury, or stupidity have invaded your brain.

4:49 PM
At least they have college degrees. And “two” is most likely the limit for the average Christian retard. Except when it comes to their Sarah Palin autographs. Then they extend to three.

4:57 PM
Hey GG, so glad you could take time away from your gerbil experiments to comment. Actually, I learned my “awesome debate skills and impressive moral views” from your mother…….during breaks when she was stroking my balls and licking my cock. Thanks for asking, though!!!

5:03 PM
The idea that your filling your seven (get a fucking condom, idiot) children’s heads with ”scripture” and logic is so pathetically preposterous as to be laughable!!! I hope that your children are able to eventually escape the brainwashed lunacy of religious belief that you are saturating their poor, indefensible brains with. You should be ashamed, you pathetic idiot.

5:07 PM
I wonder if you ever pull head out if your ass long enough to
contemplate the asinine horse shit that seems to constantly stream from
your pathetic excuse for a brain.

5:14 PM
Hey CG, (aka grandma) Thanks for taking time away from your vaginal rejuvenation pamphlet in order to comment. If you’re the product of home schooling, then I feel sorry for your deluded, brainwashed children. Homeschooling, because what we need more of is Kirk Cameron’s!!!!

5:33 PM
JDC, how long have you been out of your Bi-Polar medication? Did you perhaps have to concentrate on your Viagra meds instead?

6:27 PM
“Poo flinging monkeys” Wow!! That was a real shot at you, Mangrove!

8:53 PM
Stg58/Animal Mother. You are reeling from being an idiotic twit. Just in case you were confused.

9:13 PM
Hi Patrikbc, How much time have you spent thinking about my “man pleaser” today? I thought I felt an extra tingle. It was so good of you to take time away from your gonorrhea treatments in order to comment.

11:34 PM
Ahh, the “godless agenda” of public schools. Yeah, that goddamn math, science, history, English, and even home economics!!!!! Arrrrrggghhh!!!! We just need to get Jeezus back into the educational system and everything will be all right!!!! Preach on, brother!!!!! Praise Jeezus, praise his holy fucking name!!!!!!

The most effective rebuttal to all of this vulgar rhetoric came from Harsh: “kilo papa, if you are a product of public schools, I definitely am homeschooling mine.”

Anyhow, while I dislike banning people, it has become clear that there are certain individuals who have literally nothing to offer the discourse despite being given every opportunity to demonstrate otherwise. So, I’m creating a new label, Troll Ban, which should help address any false charges that I am banning people because their arguments are too effective, and should also prove useful in identifying trolls if they show up under another name.

So, when a person is banned, I will collect their various comments into a single post like this so that the historical record of why they were banned will remain easily accessible to everyone in the future.