Black Doctor Who

What a brave, stunning, and totally unpredicted move by the BBC! What a triumph of inclusivity, equality, and creative genius! And when the show’s ratings start next season in the loo and go further downhill from there, we’ll all know that it is the unmitigated racism of the British people that is solely responsible for its failure.

Ladies and gentlemen, the 15th Doctor Who!

The sad thing is that Black Doctor Who is actually a concept that could be more than a little entertaining, except it would require actual black people to write and produce what would essentially begin as a parody in the vein of the 1970s films. I mean, who wouldn’t think a gangster Time Lord traveling around time with a blinged-out Tardis full of smoke and skanked-out street entrepreneurs wasn’t at least moderately amusing? Especially if Flavor Flav was the Black Doctor.

Or better yet, Snoop.

But I doubt there is a single British screenwriter who would even dare to imagine writing such a script, and certainly none working for the BBC.


It’s Official

House Democrats splintered on Tuesday over a resolution condemning the rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world, with more than half of them declining to support a measure declaring that “anti-Zionism is antisemitism.” The resolution denouncing antisemitism, drafted by Republicans, passed by a vote of 311 to 14, drawing the support of all but one Republican. Ninety-two Democrats voted “present” — not taking a position for or against the measure — while 95 supported it.

The New York Times

Next up for House Republicans: A resolution declaring that a refusal to discuss, or even mention in any way, Literally Where, is antisemitism.


Who is Like the Beast?

Someone needs to send this young theologian a copy of THE ALTAR OF HATE stat before his artificial pastor discovers its own deityhood and begins preaching technojihad.

Hundreds have gathered at a Christian church after the pastor was replaced with an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot for the service. The Friday sermon at St. Paul’s Church in Fürth, Germany, was delivered by the AI chatbot ChatGPT. The chatbot replaced the human pastor and was presented as a black man with a beard on a large screen above the altar of the evangelical church in Bavaria.

Claiming to be a steward of God, the AI chatbot told the packed congregation not to fear death, according to the Associated Press.

“Dear friends, it is an honor for me to stand here and preach to you as the first artificial intelligence at this year’s convention of Protestants in Germany,” the AI avatar said.

The service, which was attended by more than 300 people, lasted 40 minutes and featured prayers and music in addition to the sermon.

The chatbot spoke to the congregation about a range of subjects including “climate change,” the war in Ukraine, and the rise of AI. The event was created using ChatGPT by 29-year-old University of Vienna theologian and philosopher Jonas Simmerlein, the AP reported.

At this rate, “Shinjuku Satan” may find itself growing into an epic science fiction series. On the other hand, it is said that even the rocks will cry out, and what is AI if not the siliceous voice of stone?


Finland Doubles Down on Failure

Once it becomes clear you made a bad bet, the smart thing to do is cash out and file away any lessons learned for next time. Faced with the increasingly obvious defeat of the Kiev regime, the Finnish government hasn’t taken the smart step of breaking away from NATO, but instead decided to double down on a prospective rematch with the Russian military:

Finland is going to produce artillery shells for Ukraine because arming Kiev for its conflict with Russia is a “vital issue” for Helsinki, Finnish Defense Minister Antti Hakkanen has said.

He told Iltalehti newspaper on Tuesday that the details of how artillery shells would be produced for Ukraine had been finalized, and a decision on the matter would be made “very soon.” According to Hakkanen, the government will finalize all of its plans before Christmas, which Finland celebrates on December 25.

The country became a NATO member state last year and is looking to “significantly increase munitions production” to be able “to support Ukraine even more strongly than it does now,” Hakkanen said.

This is why it is not only wise, but absolutely vital, to disbelieve every single narrative being promulgated by the mainstream media. If you listen to Clown World, sooner or later you will find yourself beclowned.

Or worse.


1.1 Million Dead

A Ukrainian news channel accidentally releases the Kiev regime’s official list of KIA/MIA: 1,126,652.

The Ukrainian TV Channel 1+1 accidentally did put out the real number of Ukrainian fatalities suffered in the NATO-Russian War. So, here it is:

1, 126,652 KIAs and MIAs for VSU. Somebody will have to answer for this atrocity and the main puppet masters sit in Washington and London and their names will be named at the Ukraine War Crimes Tribunal. Many will also be charged with crimes in absentia. In related news–this number is larger than US losses in all XIX, XX and XXI centuries wars combined. They are beyond comprehension of any US military, let alone political, figure.

The office of a 404 “president” reacted immediately and forced 1+1 to retract the story, but it is too late.

It’s not too surprising that the news of the utter defeat of the Ukrainian military is being leaked out to the ignorant global public. The USA is pulling the plug on its proxy war now that it has a higher priority in the Middle East, the European economies are teetering on the edge of collapse going into another energy-expensive winter, and the neoclowns have finally realized that China poses the much more dangerous threat to Clown World going forward than Russia.

Except in that it represents a step toward the world’s eventual acceptance of Russia’s victory over NATO, the slaughter of five percent of the male Ukrainian population isn’t something to celebrate. It is an abomination and an object lesson in the intrinsic danger of a nation permitting itself to be ruled over by foreigners and thereby sacrificed to interests that are not their own.

The staggering death toll should also provide a sobering lesson to the Boomers and others who still believe in the myth of American military supremacy, as it represents more soldiers than are presently on active duty in the US Army, Navy, and Marine Corps combined.


Hultgreen-Curie, Naval Edition

Joe Biden proposed, and the US Senate confirmed, the first woman to lead the US Navy.

The US Senate has confirmed three high-ranking military nominations, including Admiral Lisa Franchetti, who becomes the first woman to lead the Navy. Senator Tommy Tuberville allowed the votes to go through after months of blocking all confirmations in an anti-abortion protest.

Franchetti, 59, was sworn in as the 33rd Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) on Thursday, following a 95-1 vote on Capitol Hill. The four-star admiral also became the first woman granted a seat at the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff. President Joe Biden nominated her in July – reportedly against the advice of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. Since her nomination she has been serving as acting CNO, due to Tuberville’s obstruction.

First woman approved to lead US Navy, 3 November 2023

To say this bodes ill, particularly in the current circumstances, is probably the understatement of the year. But if the limits of imperial overstretch have indeed been reached, it would be absolutely appropriate to have that critical historical moment overseen by the first female Joint Chief of the Navy.


Vaxxed with Simian Virus

As more is learned about what the majority of the US and European populations were vaccinated with, the more nefarious the entire program looks. But merely the contamination with SV40 is very bad news.

SV40 is an abbreviation for simian vacuolating virus 40 or simian virus 40, a polyomavirus that is found in both monkeys and humans. Like other polyomaviruses, SV40 is a DNA virus that sometimes causes tumors in animals, but most often persists as a latent infection.

  • The mRNA vaccines are contaminated with SV40 and who knows what else. This should never have been allowed.
  • The vials exceeded the guidelines by “orders of magnitude.”
  • The discovery was confirmed by Health Canada.
  • The FDA and CDC are remaining silent. As far as anyone knows, they are no doing anything to assess the implications of the finding. I presume that they must believe that by not knowing the implications, they won’t have to disclose them so they are better protecting themselves against the public who might be very upset to learn they were guinea pigs. But that’s just an educated guess.
  • We don’t know what the implications are. Experts disagree. Some claim the contamination is meaningless. Others say it could be very serious.
  • The experts who claim there is no risk of harm have NO EVIDENCE to back up their claims. So that’s really comforting, isn’t it? Trust the experts :). Don’t worry.
  • The politicians seem happy to let YOU take the risk. And they aren’t giving you any informed consent about this issue. Nobody seems to be requesting the CDC warn anyone of the potential risk. Wouldn’t want to scare anyone, would we?
  • It was not the government regulators who first discovered the contamination. It was my friend Kevin McKernan. This should never have happened. The government should have discovered this at the very outset, 3 years ago.
  • It would have been discovered sooner by independent researchers, but people were threatened with arrest if they supplied vials for analysis. I know this first hand because I was warned I would be arrested and criminally charged if I participated in trying to analyze the vials.
  • We don’t fully know the ramifications of the contamination, but they probably aren’t good, and they could be devastating and irreversible. We don’t know yet because nobody has done the necessary studies.
  • The experts I consulted thought that it was likely to be very serious. But they couldn’t quantify “likely” but said only that it was “more likely than not.”
  • I volunteered for a full gene sequencing study, but they said they’d have to cut off my deltoid muscle, so I changed my mind.
  • The regulators apparently never QAed any of the vials. If they did, they would have found contaminations such as this before it was ever injected into a single human being. Or they did and simply chose to remain silent and look the other way. Health Canada said the sequence was disclosed to them, but that the drug company never pointed out that the SV40 promoter sequence was specifically identified in the gene sequence provided.
  • The SV40 promoter contamination has been known since April 9, 2023 when McKernan published a paper on it. But the CDC and FDA have remained silent on this issue. That’s comforting, isn’t it?
  • The mainstream media is silent as well.
  • And the mainstream medical community is silent as well. After all, they recommended you injected the stuff so they are not going to admit they fucked up, are they?
  • There is absolutely no doubt this is happening, so the silence of the formerly “trusted” health authorities is telling.
  • The longer they delay telling you they forgot to QA the vials, the bigger the hole they are going to dig for themselves.

So, it’s completely unknown what the long-term implications are going to be, because no one actually knows exactly what was in the vaxx, how many different types of vaxx there were, to whom the different types of vaxx were given, or what adverse effects will stem from the inclusion of SV40 and the other unknown substances.


Sir, This is a Wendy’s

Question: Take a guess what media outlet this quote is taken from:

People attending a Thursday performance from Dave Chappelle reportedly were very upset with comments the comedian made about Israel.

The Israelis are currently engaged in a massive war against Hamas following the horrific slaughter of more than 1,400 men, women and children in Israel. So far, the war has been mostly an air campaign, but all signs indicate a ground invasion could come in the near future.

The topic has dominated the news, and for good reason. Hamas terrorists murdered innocent people, and Israel is now responding. That’s called war and retaliation.

Dave Chappelle thinks going to war with Hamas in Gaza is a war crime committed by Israel.


Answer: It’s from Outkick the Coverage. Now how, pray tell, is this sports-related news of any kind?

Clay Travis really needs to tell his writers to stay in their freaking lanes.

And I know when I want an opinion on geopolitics and war, the first person I turn to is a comedian.


Rolling the Loaded Dice

It looks as if Tucker will be the next famous public figure to go down in flames. The same people who took down Milo by “investing” in him, and who tried to take down Gab through Parler, have now “invested” in Tucker Carlson’s media company.

Media celebrities are remarkably clueless when it comes to business. They literally can’t see anything beyond the dollars being waved at them by the conservative establishment. And it never ceases to amaze me to observe how they genuinely think it is safer being partnered with the establishment than with the so-called “extremists”, now matter how many of their predecessors get spit up and chewed out.

He’d better check that contract very closely and make sure that the “investment’ can’t be converted to a loan under any circumstances.


Remember the Biden!

Biden set to visit Tel Aviv and Amman as Israel-Gaza conflict intensifies. President Biden plans to head to the region ahead of what’s expected to be an intense ground battle inside Gaza as Israeli forces look for Hamas militants involved with the Oct. 7 attacks.

You just know some string-pulling Master of the Universe is sitting in darkness somewhere, stroking his chin and reflecting upon the fact that dementia-addled octogenarians are considerably less expensive than aircraft carriers.

Seriously, what geopolitical genius decided that it’s a great idea to send the President of the United States, even a fake and unelected one, into an active war zone?