The China train is NOT fine

David Stockman foresees some grim deflationary bubble-popping out of China:

The truth is, the 25 year growth boom in China is just a giant, credit-driven Ponzi.  Any fool can run a central bank printing press until it glows white hot.

At the end of the day, that’s all the Beijing suzerains of red capitalism have actually done. They have not created any of the rudiments of viable capitalism. There are no honest financial markets, no genuinely solvent banks, no market driven allocation of capital and no financial discipline which comes from the right to fail as well as succeed.

There are, for instance, 287 million equity trading accounts in China, most of them opened within the last year and overwhelmingly held by retail punters with sub-high school educations. In less than 12 months they took down upwards of $1 trillion of margin debt through official brokerage channels and a massive network of shadow banking sources including dodgy peer-to-peer lending arrangements.

So fortified, they clambered after a stock market bubble that expanded by $3 trillion in just 60 trading days ending on June 14, and then broke into a panicked selling stampede that liquidated that very same $3 trillion of bottled air in hardly 20 trading days thereafter.

The problem is that the impact of the Chinese deflationary collapse is not likely to be limited to China, and will likely render all of the Western central banks’ efforts to keep the Western economies afloat through zero interest rate policy moot. The central bankers are counting on the Chinese to respond to a popped bubble like they do, with a flood of liquidity propping up the financial gangsters. But the Chinese government is much more likely to jail and shoot the lot of them.

The latter is the Achilles Heel of the whole Ponzi. To arrest capital flight they will have to do the opposite of what they have done for the last 20 years. That is, they will have to shrink the domestic money supply and banking system in order to sell dollars and euros rather expand domestic credit in order to sequester dollar liabilities (i.e. treasury bonds) in the PBOC.

In due course, China will be aflame with campaigns against corruption and enemies of the state as it seeks to cope with its collapsing financial bubbles and endless herds of economic white elephants. Chairman Mao’s axiom as to where state power really comes from——that is, the barrel of a gun—-will become the increasingly evident modus operandi of the communist party rulers.

The resulting deflationary spiral will suck the global economy into its vortex. And Wall Street will go down for the count because this time the Fed will be utterly powerless to reverse the tide.

Just remember, even when the paper money and the digital wealth evaporates, you’re not actually any worse off materially than you were the day before.

Michelle Fields quadruples down

Keep this in mind when you’re dealing with a woman. They NEVER stop doubling down, because they simply can’t believe that they’ll have to deal with the consequences. Michelle Fields is actually pressing charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski.

“Mr. Lewandowski was issued a Notice to Appear and given a court date. He was not arrested. Mr. Lewandowski is absolutely innocent of this charge,” Hicks said. “He will enter a plea of not guilty and looks forward to his day in court. He is completely confident that he will be exonerated. Mr. Lewandowski is represented by Scott Richardson of The Law Office of Scott N. Richardson, P.A. in West Palm Beach, and Kendall Coffey of Coffey Burlington in Miami.Inquiries are to be directed to Mr. Richardson’s office.”

Setting aside the fact that she claimed to have been grabbed on the UPPER arm and the bruises she showed were on the lower arm, there are still some significant doubts concerning who touched her in the first place.

As some have suggested, Trump’s response should be to require all members of the media to sit in a pen, for their own protection.

The New Fat Fantasy

Having successfully championed minorities, women, homosexuals, and rainbow-haired, sexually-confused, surgically-mutilated freaks in science fiction, SF-SJWs have defined their next urgent anti-discrimination priority: fat chicks.

You’ve read a couple books where fat girls get to be loved in the real world, and that’s wonderful, but fat girls don’t get whisked away into alternate worlds and told they’re a long lost princess. Fat girls don’t get to see the magical underside of New York City. Fat girls don’t save planets.

It’s an interesting dichotomy. Many, if not most, fantasy writers are fat women, but fat women are apparently discriminating against fat women in their books, either because they are a) self-hating or b) subject to a false consciousness instilled by Society and The Patriarchy.

I’m going to guess that our intrepid champions of the overfed and underprivileged are going to go with option (b). But if the literary world shortchanges the big-bottomed woman, at least they can be assured that the rock world appreciates them. Talk about a LOT of bass!

Breitbart and the Armageddon Hoax

First, Mike Cernovich notes how politically widespread the anti-Trump campaign hoax was:

Consider how deep this media hoax goes.

Michelle Fields, a “conservative,” fabricated a story with Ben Terris, a “liberal.”

Jabin Botsford of the Washington Post lied about being at the event, and then hid evidence that would have exposed the hoax.

Lloyd Grove of the liberal Daily Beast made up conversations to support Fields’ story.

Ben Shapiro, a “conservative,” used these fabricated sources and false accusations to demand that a man lose his job.

And everyone in the media kept running with the story, attacking skeptical readers like us. Moreover, a journalist who asked to see a video of the hoax was fired from his job.

The media is rotten to the core. Can you believe anything you read?

And there are some speculating just how deep the rot runs. A reader writes:

Suffice it to say that in the specific context of internal controls, my alarm bells went off when Fields’ non-event appeared on the front page of Breitbart, accompanied by a glamour shot and the title, “Michelle Fields, In Her Own Words,” or something to that effect.  It struck me as odd – basically, my “crap detectors” started to tingle. The first question that popped into my mind was, who made the editorial decision to print this? Failure #1.

Oddly, many Breitbart reporters began to publicly and vociferously back her up.  I say “oddly” because to any honest and rational person, there were a lot of unanswered questions, and given the venue, it would be normal for people to be bumped and jostled, highly unlikely that no one saw the battery that she alleged, and that there would be no Secret Service report on it.  This public commentary, much of it personal and emotional, was unprofessional and ill-advised.  Don’t they have an internal policy on this? If they do, why was it not enforced? Failure #2.

During this time, Joel Pollack, a Breitbart editor and in-house counsel, posted video as it came in, being very careful not to read too much into things. Personally, I think he did a pretty good job with this.

Breitbart suddenly suspended a reporter, Patrick Howley, who quite reasonably called for video of the incident, alleged to have occurred at an event filled with dozens of cameras and journalists. Fields and others spun this in her favor. Failure #3.

Breitbart publicist Kurt Bardella publicly and messily resigned, citing Breitbart’s handling of the situation as his primary reason for doing so.  Once again, Fields and company used this to bolster her story.  Failure #4.

The very next day, internal Breitbart emails from Joel Pollack were leaked to and published on Buzzfeed. Pollack was doing exactly the right thing in those emails – telling staffers to send him information and to stop commenting on the story.  That is just basic risk mitigation 101. I have no idea what was going on behind the scenes, but I suspect that Breitbart was getting more information about Fields, et al, from other sources, and may have been contacted by legal counsel for other parties. Nevertheless, SOMEONE leaked those emails, which were then used by Fields and her supporters to give her credibility and in the process to attack Pollack and Breitbart. Failure #5.

Late Sunday night, Shapiro and Fields “resigned.”  Here, I disagree with some of the comments I’ve seen around the internet regarding Shapiro’s future prospects.  He’ll be just fine, at least for as long as he can be of service to certain parties.  Shapiro wanted to leave Breitbart a couple years ago to focus on his new venture, The Daily Wire, but Breitbart allegedly bent over backwards to give him what he wanted so that he would stay with them in some capacity.  Yesterday, a blogger discovered that The Daily Wire is funded by the billionaire Wilks brothers who fund a Ted Cruz SuperPac.  It was after additional video and news about the funding behind the Daily Wire was going viral that Shapiro and Fields resigned.

This morning, you posted a Breitbart satire about Shapiro’s departure, and once again it gets very interesting.  The original piece was entitled something along the lines of “Shapiro Betrays Loyal Readers,” but the link itself was very odd: What does that piece have to do with the futures markets? Nothing.  It’s almost as if someone hid the piece behind a deceptive URL to get past internal editorial controls.  If you click on the link now, my suspicion is confirmed because the old story is gone, and instead you will find this statement by Joel Pollack:

“The article was written by me as part of an effort to make light of a significant company event, and was published as a result of a misunderstanding without going through the normal editorial channels. I apologize to Michelle Fields, my friend Ben Shapiro, and to everyone concerned.”

Failure #6.

Something big is going on at Breitbart.  Before I read SJWAL, I would have assessed this as incompetence, a failure of training and oversight, and the need for more robust internal controls. Now, I don’t. and it looks like it could be covert SJW entryism or something along those lines.  This is simply my opinion, but it looks like someone is targeting Joel Pollack, given the leaks of his emails and the latest event.  I also believe that one or more people with editorial control have been making decisions that create problems for Breitbart and diminish the site’s credibility.

I’m not sure whether it shows more arrogance, stupidity, or desperation that the perpetrators of the Armageddon Hoax would try to make hay out of such an obviously weak case, but the dishonesty and the repeated doubling-down precludes any possibility of it having been a series of accidents or mistakes.

It does, however, strike me that we might need to develop the concept of a “posture cascade”, similar to a preference cascade, in which the sum total of people striking knowingly false poses creates an unintended situation that takes on momentum of its own.

UPDATE: Cry us a river, little guy. No wonder conservatives always lost with “opinion leaders” like this.

Shapiro’s father, the writer David Shapiro, also resigned from Breitbart on Sunday evening.

According to the younger Shapiro, his father was hired under the pseudonym to protect his safety since the younger Shapiro said he received so many death threats for his writings.

“Breitbart put this under his byline because they knew I’d have to out him,” Shapiro said in an interview on Monday, adding that by linking to his profile with the California State Bar the site exposed personal information, though that information is outdated. “The fact they would use my father’s pseudonym in order to attack me just exposes how despicable they are.”

Now, wasn’t it Ben Shapiro who said people should be hunted down and lose their jobs for holding opinions other people didn’t like? Guess what, Ben? You’re fair game for everyone and anyone now.

The Littlest Chickenhawk melts down

Ben Shapiro white-knights himself into unemployment:

Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields and editor-at-large Ben Shapiro are resigning from the company over the site’s handling of Donald Trump’s campaign manager’s alleged assault on Fields, BuzzFeed News has learned.

Fields and Shapiro informed Breitbart News chairman Steve Bannon of their decision Sunday night.

“Today I informed the management at Breitbart News of my immediate resignation,” Fields said in a statement sent to BuzzFeed News. “I do not believe Breitbart News has adequately stood by me during the events of the past week and because of that I believe it is now best for us to part ways.”

In his own statement, Shapiro said the episode was emblematic of how he believes the site’s management had sold out the legacy of its founder and namesake, the late Andrew Breitbart.

“Andrew’s life mission has been betrayed,” Shapiro wrote. “Indeed, Breitbart News, under the chairmanship of Steve Bannon, has put a stake through the heart of Andrew’s legacy. In my opinion, Steve Bannon is a bully, and has sold out Andrew’s mission in order to back another bully, Donald Trump; he has shaped the company into Trump’s personal Pravda, to the extent that he abandoned and undercut his own reporter, Breitbart News’ Michelle Fields, in order to protect Trump’s bully campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who allegedly assaulted Michelle.”

I look forward to the inevitable charges that Breitbart is not only the personal Pravda of the God-Emperor Trump, but anti-semitic, mysogynistic, and mean.

And yes, I did laugh when I heard about it. I told you all years ago that Shapiro isn’t particularly intelligent. People really need to learn to stop confusing verbal facility with intelligence. The former is a subset of the latter, not a synonym. Some of the smartest people I’ve known can barely form a coherent sentence in a reasonable period of time, because, I suspect, they struggle to translate their stream of consciousness into something their intellectual inferiors will be able to follow.

UPDATE: This brutal dismissal of Shapiro by William Bigelow at Breitbart borders on sadism, but it is more than a little amusing. Breitbart certainly doesn’t appear to be shedding any tears.

Ben Shapiro Betrays Loyal Breitbart Readers in Pursuit of Fox News Contributorship.

Honest mistake vs media libel

So, this morning I retweeted a tweet that someone sent me about the “Nazi Trump supporter”; I think it was a tweet to Louise Mensch. I didn’t just retweet it because it had the fake children’s book “Everyone is Hitler” as part of the image, so I cropped that off, then tweeted the picture of the woman attached to the picture of another woman who looked like the same woman.

Except that woman was a Bernie Sanders activist. Which appeared to prove what looked like a media plant was, in fact, a media plant. Quite a few people retweeted the tweet, including Donald Trump Jr., which led someone to look more closely about three hours later and observe that the two women were different and the “Nazi Trump supporter” was from a Chicago Tribune story.

It was just a simple mistake, not an intentionally dank meme, so naturally I corrected the tweet right away.

Now reports are that the “Trump Nazi” is not pro-Sanders Portia Boulger, but “Birgitt Peterson of Yorkville”.

I didn’t delete the tweet because a) Ms Boulger did not request that I do so, and, b) because I am in the habit of owning up to my mistakes, not trying to conceal them. If Twitter had an edit function with a strikethrough, I would have noted the error that way, just as I do on this blog.

However, the Left erupted with minor outrage, apparently unfeigned, although I suspect it was more because the tweet disrupted their absurd attempt to once more portray Donald Trump’s supporters, and therefore Donald Trump himself, as a National Socialist. Probably the most notable reaction was from Ken at Popehat, apparently off his meds again, as he first insisted that I would need a lawyer, then started babbling something about something called Moon Court. I will leave it to the lawyers, and the mental health professionals, to interpret that.

They kept calling for me to correct the tweet, which I had already done, until, after finally realizing that I had, in fact, already done so, they demanded that I apologize and that I delete the tweet.

Needless to say, I did not apologize. I did, however, assure everyone that if Ms Boulger wished me to delete the tweet, I would do so. I have not, as yet, heard the lady express any such wish.

But wait, there’s more! One Olivia Nuzzi, who claims to be a “reporter” at the Daily Beast, thought that this would be a wonderful time to attack Donald Trump Jr. by also claiming that I am “a white supremacist”.

I reached Boulger by phone on Saturday morning, a few minutes after Donald Trump Jr. tweeted her photo with the caption, “Big surprise. However, the media will never run with this.” As the New Republic’s Jeet Heer pointed out, the user who Trump Jr. got the photo from, @voxday, is a white supremacist.

Naturally, I immediately let Ms Nuzzi know that Mr. Heer’s libelous, and baseless, accusation notwithstanding, I am nothing of the sort.

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
Actually, Olivia, you’re lying. I’m not a white supremacist. I’m an American Indian. We just made a mistake

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
I corrected my tweet. Are you going to correct your post falsely accusing an American Indian of being a white supremacist?

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
You are calling an American Indian – and the great-grandson of a Mexican revolutionary – “a white supremacist.” Retract. Now.

Olivia Nuzzi ‏@Olivianuzzi
I cite another reporters writing on you. If you dispute his story, I’m happy to add that to mine.

Her first response was to add additional information instead of correcting it.

I was not content with that:

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
Not sufficient, Olivia. Retract. And mention that I am an American Indian and the great-grandson of a Mexican revolutionary.

So she continued trying to finesse it.

Apparently I’ll have to get in touch with her editor on Monday. First VFM to provide me with the contact details for Olivia Nuzzi’s editor wins a free copy of On The Existence of Gods and the Castalia House ebook of his choice. First one with her email wins the latter. The rest of you keep an eye on your inbox.

This week we dine on SJW flesh!

Update: And we have 2nd Law at work:

Olivia Nuzzi ‏@Olivianuzzi
nothing to retract, sorry.

Supreme Dark Lord @voxday
(shakes head) Oh dear. See where it says “Supreme Dark Lord”? You really should have paid more attention.

Olivia Nuzzi ‏@Olivianuzzi
Portia Boulger, the woman inaccurately smeared by @DonaldJTrumpJr and others as a Nazi, just told me she needs time to decide if she’ll sue.

Supreme Dark Lord @voxday
Except she wasn’t smeared as a Nazi. She was mistaken for the woman whom the media smeared as a Nazi.

Supreme Dark Lord @voxday
You lied and called me “a white supremacist”. Then you lied again and said @DonaldJTrumpJr smeared Portia Boulger “as a Nazi.”


If you’re ever wondering why I generally refuse to have anything to do with the so-called “non-profit” world, this scandal at the Wounded Warrior Project is a very good example of why:

Wounded Warrior Project aims to empower wounded veterans, but a recent exposé revealed that the charity spent nearly half of its funding empowering its executives instead. The board of directors responded by beginning to clean house, starting at the top.

Wounded Warrior Project has raised more than a billion dollars in donations since 2003, according to CBS News. Donors might expect their money would be used “to honor and empower Wounded Warriors,” as the nonprofit’s mission states. However, CBS revealed the charity spends between 40 to 50 percent of their money on overhead – while other veterans’ charities spend an average of 10 to 15 percent on the same expenses.

Wounded Warrior Project Chief Executive Officer Steven Nardizzi and Chief Operating Officer Al Giordano were both removed from the organization after accusations arose alleging that the charity’s donations were being misused…. Over $26 million was spent on employee conferences in 2014, compared to $1.7 million in 2010. The events were described as being lavish and boozy, such as one annual meeting held in a luxury hotel in Colorado Springs, where 500 staff members attended a four-day conference that came with a final price tag of $3 million.

The corporate world is predatory, and the mercenary class of executives are certainly in it for no one but themselves, but for sheer thievery, I think only the financial industry can even begin to compete with the non-profit world. At least the corporations have to deliver to their customers on some level, or they go out of business.

Not so the non-profit charities and foundations, which often seem to exist primarily to provide those who run them a very good living.

The fact that these con artists would rip off American military veterans, of all people, just makes them among the lowest of the very low.

Even the half-Swedes are scared

Paul Joseph Watson receives a letter from Sweden:

I am a 16 year old half Swedish, half Turkish girl living in the municipality that has taken in the most refugees in whole of Sweden. I believe in no god, have never adopted any of the muslim values forced on children during my time in Turkey nor have I opened my heart to all the lovable rapists that Sweden imports daily. I also don’t blame each failure throughout my short span of life on the evil patriarchy as so many of my self proclaimed feminist piers do. So as you can probably see, I have been the only sane person in the three societies I have lived in (U.K, Sweden and Turkey), and never truly fit in in neither of them. I’m glad I don’t.

While living in Turkey I experienced real sexism, real racism (against Kurds mainly, but also myself for refusing to start my school day with a vow claiming that the “Turk is righteous, the Turk is proud”) and real inequality taught as normal. I know what it is, but I’ve just been too blind to see it.

Since I’m currently living in Sweden, I wanted to tell you about just how fucked up it is. This month I had a revelation, mostly thanks to your videos and my CIS gendered white male father (GASP) who shares opinions with you quite frequently as I have noticed.

Up till this date I was the model Swedish girl. Only last year I went to a `Refugees Welcome` rally in my nearest town, and accused everyone who thought letting refugees in would have consequences as nazis. I was blind, deluded and let the thought of love and false equality drive me to a state of false acceptance/tolerance. If I were eligible to vote, I would have voted for Fi! (Feministic Initiative). Exactly as the Swedish media wants me to.

I think my highly racist, misogynistic thoughts appeared first when several women where raped in Kalmar, where I go to school. I’m sure you have heard of it already. While us Swedes should be sticking up to the women who were TOO AFRAID TO TELL THE POLICE THEIR RAPISTS WERE MIGRANTS, we have instead embraced all the innocent refugees who didn’t commit a crime. Instead of standing beside the women that were raped, we stood with the migrants who did nothing at all. Or they might have raped, there is no way to show. The day after, the newspapers were bombarded by young female journalists making this a problem of feminism and not culture. The cultural marxism was dripping off each word I read, whereas this young, Swedish girl just like myself was writing that we need to educate half of the human population to not rape. That she was just as likely to get raped by a Swede as by a muslim migrant (who has never faced consequences for rape where he comes from).

I was so scared, you know. Because if I were to publicly talk about the rapes, and if I were to notice the fact that the rapists were migrants and that we can possibly not turn a blind eye to that women face this kind of abuse DAILY in the rapists’ country of origin, I’d be shunned. To just as little as to notice this is what I identify as real, necessary feminism. But when I opened up to this with a close friend, it turned out to be the last time I ever even got to talk to her. Because she is the perfect Swedish girl too.

What I have realised is that we Swedes have become so ridiculously coward, overly sensitive and politically correct that there is no freedom of speech left. Whatsoever.

There are several interesting things to note there. First, even those most inclined to swallow the bullshit can’t do it anymore. They’ve reached the earliest possible breaking point, which is when everyone ceases to believe, but doesn’t realize that everyone else is just pretending.

Second, she’s still clinging to “real, necessary feminism” even though she’s figured out that the feminism she’d been taught was nonsense. This is why you NEVER permit converts or immigrants in positions of leadership. Despite their fervor, they do not truly get it. If allowed to lead, they will immediately steer the ship onto the shoals of moderatism.

Third, note that as a half-breed, she is aware she doesn’t genuinely fit into either nation. This is what the Proposition Nation people can’t seem to grasp. Nation is family is blood. Genetics are far more complicated than we understand, they are far more significant than most of us are willing to admit, and they are ignored at everyone’s peril.

Alternative to madness

Merkel’s insane determination to flood Germany with dark-skinned people has reinvigorated the German right and is lifting the anti-EU Alternativ fur Deutschland:

“The power of the established parties is crumbling,” a jubilant Ms. Petry told supporters after her party took 13.2 percent of the vote in normally sleepy local elections in the central state of Hesse last Sunday.

This Sunday is another test, with elections in three larger and more important states — one in the east and two in the west — that are being closely watched as a referendum on the chancellor’s refugee policies and a bellwether for the nation.

In the east, support for the Alternative for Germany now nears 20 percent — about double that in the west.

But even in the west, the far-right rebellion is chipping away at the chancellor’s conservative Christian Democrats, as well as its Social Democratic coalition partners, in a country where the Nazi past looms large.

However, if the German establishment is successful in leashing AfD, their nastier big brothers will be along shortly. Even the women are rapidly abandoning the left-wing fascists reveling in their suicidal anti-racism:

The political establishment in Germany has mostly dealt with Ms. Petry and her party by refusing to appear with them in public, and ruling out any coalition government with them.

Hotels and other institutions have even declined to rent halls to the party.

In Merseburg, a picturesque town of 36,000 in the eastern state of Saxony-Anhalt, which votes on Sunday, the Christian Democrat mayor, Jens Bühligen, 49, has managed to accommodate about 2,800 refugees, mostly spread through the town in empty apartments.

He said he has defused protests by going to them, and listening. “It works,” he said.

But some of Sunday’s prospective voters had a different view. When about 150 people rallied for the Alternative for Germany, the anger of a cluster of women, all 60 or older, was palpable.

“We were not asked!” about the refugees, they yelled.

A burly 63-year-old woman in a red anorak, who like the others declined to give her name, said she had worked for 42 years and gets 621 euros a month, about $685, from her pension.

Watching how the refugees are treated, she said, “I have never had so much hatred inside me.”

The idiots think their virtue-signaling and immigrant-welcoming is harmless, but what they are absolutely guaranteeing is that there will be another ethnic cleansing in Germany. It will not be surprising if there is not a single brown-skinned person there 30 years from now.

People forget that Hitler would have gotten away with ethnically cleansing Germany of Jews if he had been content with a Third Reich that consisted of Germany’s pre-1937 borders. He probably could have gotten away with it if he’d stopped with Austria and Czechoslovakia. It was the Nazi Lebensraum policy, not the Endlosung, that doomed the Third Reich.

Remember, both Stalin and Mao got away with their even larger massacres because they did not harbor expansionist objectives. Only the insanely murderous Khmer Rouge were stopped by outsiders, and then only because they’d slaughtered nearly one-third quarter of the population.

Correction from a reader: “The Khmer Rouge were only stopped because they kept trying to expand into Vietnam’s Mekong Delta.”

So there is a clear lesson here for ultranationalists: If one is content to clear foreign nationals out of one’s own country by pretty much any means from the civilized to the most primitive, the world will accept that, however loudly they denounce and decry the action. But get greedy for neighboring lands and someone, somewhere, will act to prevent it.

Another opportunity for Trump

If Donald Trump wants to finish off his Republican rivals, the Pentagon just handed him a brilliant opportunity:

The Pentagon has deployed drones to spy over U.S. territory for non-military missions over the past decade, but the flights have been rare and lawful, according to a new report.

The report by a Pentagon inspector general, made public under a Freedom of Information Act request, said spy drones on non-military missions have occurred fewer than 20 times between 2006 and 2015 and always in compliance with existing law.

The report, which did not provide details on any of the domestic spying missions,  said the Pentagon takes the issue of military drones used on American soil “very seriously.”

Leaving the borders wide open while spying on Americans with drones? Americans would be better off cutting the military budget to zero. What exactly good is it for besides making things worse in the Middle East, especially when the Russians have demonstrated that their military could do in Syria what the US military couldn’t.

And this news probably isn’t going to hurt his prospects with the common man either:

Billionaires, tech CEOs and top members of the Republican establishment flew to a private island resort off the coast of Georgia this weekend for the American Enterprise Institute’s annual World Forum, according to sources familiar with the secretive gathering.

The main topic at the closed-to-the-press confab? How to stop Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk all attended. So did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), political guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Neb.), who recently made news by saying he “cannot support Donald Trump.”

Along with Ryan, the House was represented by Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Fred Upton (Mich.), Rep. Kevin Brady (Texas) and almost-Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), sources said, along with leadership figure Cathy McMorris Rodgers (Wash.), Budget Committee Chairman Tom Price (R-Ga.), Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling (Texas) and Diane Black (Tenn.).

Philip Anschutz, the billionaire GOP donor whose company owns a stake in Sea Island, was also there, along with Democratic Rep. John Delaney, who represents Maryland. Arthur Sulzberger, the publisher of The New York Times, was there, too, a Times spokeswoman confirmed. 

If the globalist elite is so desperate to stop him, clearly the man has something positive to offer the American people they have been financially raping for decades.