The ever-shifting Narrative

Hillary’s health narrative changes direction faster and more smoothly than a school of fish.

  1. Hillary is in EXCELLENT health
  2. Except for the allergies.
  3. And the cough, which is, of course, allergies. To what? Does it matter? 
  4. The point is her allergies have nothing to do with why she stumbled.
  5. Stumbled, fainted, collapsed unconscious… is there really a difference?
  6. She was just overheated. Her feet were hot, that’s why she took off her shoes. Shoe.
  7. Actually, we meant to say she was dehydrated.
  8. And by dehydrated, we meant to say pneumonia.
Still to come:
  1. Turns out it’s aspiration pneumonia, to be precise.
  2. Well, yes, that is a symptom of Parkinson’s Disease.
  3. Which, um, she has. But it’s not that-
  4. All right, it’s pretty bad. But that doesn’t mean she can’t-
  5. So, anyone have Bernie’s number?
Now, how on Earth did Mike Cernovich know that it would be announced that Hillary has pneumonia? This is how: “Aspiration pneumonia is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in Parkinson’s disease (PD).”

Hillary collapses at 9/11 event

It is no secret that she is sick. But it now appears increasingly unlikely that Hillary Clinton is even going to make it to November as a viable candidate:

Hillary Clinton had a “medical episode” that required her to leave a 9/11 commemoration ceremony early, a law enforcement source who witnessed the event told Fox News. The Democratic presidential nominee appeared to faint on her way into her van and had to be helped by her security, the source said. She was “clearly having some type of medical episode.”

Clinton’s stumbled off the curb, her “knees buckled” and she lost a shoe as she was helped into a van during her “unexpected early departure,” a witness told Fox News.

A separate law enforcement source told Fox News that Clinton left the event because she wasn’t feeling well.

I won’t be surprised if Team Clinton starts trying to ban video of her public appearances. But was her collapse due to illness, exhaustion, or something darker and more sinister….

Consider the following sequence:

  1. Hillary attacks Alt-Right
  2. Hillary deplores Americans.
  3. Hillary apologizes, but attacks Alt-Right again.
  4. Hillary collapses.
I think the conclusion is clear. Kek will not be mocked!

Bingo: “We are told by the campaign that we are no longer allowed to shoot anything from the ceremony.”
– NBC Pool Report

UPDATE: The video of her trying to get into the van. It’s funny to see all the mainstream journalists trying to see if they can get permission to use the video. Why not just FILM THE CANDIDATE WITH YOUR OWN CAMERAS?

UPDATE: the Daily Mail now has the story and the video. The US media is trying to bury it, but the UK media doesn’t care.

Hillary apologizes

You KNOW it’s really bad when Hillary Clinton, of all people, tries to climb down from a scripted rhetorical attack.

I cannot, cannot, CANNOT believe that the woman is actually going to try to keep running on the Alt-Right theme. And as for “so-called ‘alt-right’ movement”, someone needs to remind her that SHE is the one who called us that.

I don’t think either Cerno or Scott Adams has analyzed it yet, but when you’re already losing two-thirds of whites, constantly reminding them that you’re one of the evil people who has turned them into a near-minority in their own country can’t be a sound persuasion tactic.

Once the brick wall is actually in place, “it’s just one little brick” is no longer a convincing strategy. Everyone can see the wall right there in front of them.

Enough, Hillary

Just stop already. Why is she doing this to herself? This is insane. At this rate, Hillary Clinton is going to collapse during the first debate before Trump even finishes his initial statement. And blaming it on allergies? Allergies make you sneeze. They don’t make you cough.

Oh, wait, I see the problem. She really shouldn’t have declared war on the #AltRight.

Better they stock up on bullets

It’s remarkable what Germany will do to avoid grasping the nettle:

 For the first time since the end of the Cold War, the German government plans to tell citizens to stockpile food and water in case of an attack or catastrophe, the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung newspaper reported on Sunday.

Germany is currently on high alert after two Islamist attacks and a shooting rampage by a mentally unstable teenager last month. Berlin announced measures earlier this month to spend considerably more on its police and security forces and to create a special unit to counter cyber crime and terrorism.

“The population will be obliged to hold an individual supply of food for ten days,” the newspaper quoted the government’s “Concept for Civil Defence” – which has been prepared by the Interior Ministry – as saying.

The paper said a parliamentary committee had originally commissioned the civil defense strategy in 2012.

A spokesman for the Interior Ministry said the plan would be discussed by the cabinet on Wednesday and presented by the minister that afternoon. He declined to give any details on the content.

People will be required to stockpile enough drinking water to last for five days, according to the plan, the paper said.

By this time next year, more and more Germans will be gratefully supporting anyone who promises a permanent solution to the invasion. And I don’t want to hear one word from those who are upset at any of the measures that are subsequently adopted, no matter how harsh they might be.

All of this was totally unnecessary. All of this is on the hands of the tolerant, the equalitarians, the multicultis, and the diversicrats.

That seems likely

I’m sure the good people of Calais, who can’t even drive on the highways near their homes, will be happy to have a few of the people smashing up their cars move in with them:

There are currently 147 reception centres across France, but these are in massive demand as desperate refugees continue to flee the Middle East.

Housing minister Emmanuelle Cosse has pledged to built a further 50 centres before the end of next month in a desperate bid to ease the crisis.

But she has also called on French people to open up their homes to migrants in need. Several organisations have already promised to help.

The group Singa has helped 300 migrants find a temporary home since it launched its ‘Calm’ scheme last June.

Singa co-director Alice Barbe said: “We match people according to where they live, their job, their hobbies, and the languages they speak.

“If things work out, the migrant will remain in the person’s home for a minimum of two weeks, and for up to nine months.”

How much do you want to bet that neither Cosse nor Barbe has any migrants living with them?

The conservative void

Conservatism, by definition, is unprincipled, anti-ideological pose that relies on rhetoric rather than dialectic. It was literally defined that way by the man who articulated American conservatism, Russell Kirk:

Being neither a religion nor an ideology, the body of opinion termed conservatism possesses no Holy Writ and no Das Kapital to provide dogmata. So far as it is possible to determine what conservatives believe, the first principles of the conservative persuasion are derived from what leading conservative writers and public men have professed during the past two centuries. After some introductory remarks on this general theme, I will proceed to list ten such conservative principles.

Perhaps it would be well, most of the time, to use this word “conservative” as an adjective chiefly. For there exists no Model Conservative, and conservatism is the negation of ideology: it is a state of mind, a type of character, a way of looking at the civil social order.

The attitude we call conservatism is sustained by a body of sentiments, rather than by a system of ideological dogmata. It is almost true that a conservative may be defined as a person who thinks himself such. The conservative movement or body of opinion can accommodate a considerable diversity of views on a good many subjects, there being no Test Act or Thirty-Nine Articles of the conservative creed.

Translation: Conservatism is FEELZ.

Doesn’t that explain a great deal about both the conservative failure of the last 60 years as well as their inept, rhetorical, fainting-couch responses to the rise of the Alt-Right?

The amusing thing is that they consider themselves “the hard-headed realists”, but they don’t even have an ideological foundation. Their intellectual movement isn’t even built on sand! It’s built on “a state of mind”, something that is intrinsically malleable and subject to emotional manipulation.

Say what you will about National Socialism, but at least it was an ethos! Conservatism is intellectual nihilism, it is an ideological void.

If you are of the Right, stop calling yourself a conservative. It’s absurd. Not only has conservatism failed to conserve anything, it was as doomed from the start as the atheists attempting to fight a religious war without a religion.

One can’t win a gunfight without a gun, and one can’t win a cultural war without an ideology.

Jerry Pournelle, for one, understands this.

Conservatism isn’t an ideology; Russell Kirk called his book “The Conservative Mind”, and when specifics were demanded he wrote a book for his times, A Program For Conservatives; not an ideology.

Ben Shapiro is glad you hate him

Or at least he would like you to think so. After all, he must maintain his pose as a brave conservative culture warrior, or people might figure out that he’s a fraud.

Supreme Dark Lord@voxday
My readers really hate @benshapiro.

“Chickenhawk does not even BEGIN to describe this supercilious neo-con asshole.”

Ben Shapiro ‏@benshapiro

Supreme Dark Lord@voxday
You’ve always been a fraud, Ben. I still have your emails to me when you were full of self-doubt about being a little parrot.

Supreme Dark Lord@voxday
I told you to strike out and become your own man. Instead, you chickenhawked and went media whore. It was a foolish call.

Supreme Dark Lord@voxday
Your problem is that you’re a puppet and you know it. Here’s the thing. So do we.

What many of you probably don’t know is that Ben and I used to be colleagues of a sort at WND. My columns were much more popular, as I was reliably the number three most-read, behind Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan. Ben’s readership was never more than about one-tenth of mine, but he was a smart little kid and did a good job of parroting the usual Republican boilerplate.

We corresponded a few times and were on friendly, if distant, terms. I mean, what do you talk about with a little kid whose idea of a good time is launching obvious rhetorical attacks at liberals? As he matured, he gradually began to question the ideas he was parroting, and reached the point where he considered quitting the media game.

I’ll have to dig out the emails to figure out exactly what I told him, but if I recall correctly, I encouraged him to resist the temptation to become a media whore. I understood the allure, as it was a poisoned apple that was also offered to me, but perhaps it was easier for me to turn it down since I was living in Europe and already established in the game development world.

Ben, unfortunately, couldn’t resist the apple, or the easy way forward, writing whatever his backers told him to write. I haven’t read him much since he wrote those dreadful, chickenshit columns in 2005, so I don’t know how much of what he writes he genuinely believes now and how much he is still parroting. Of course, the human mind being the incredible rationalizing machine that it is, it’s entirely possible that he has come to believe what he’s been told to say.

What I found most amusing is the way that the Littlest Chickenhawk’s supporters alternate between crowing about what a formidable debater he is, and trying to excuse the way he ran away from a proposed debate on free trade with me.

Gone Fishing
LOL! All these Ben haters. You guys wouldn’t stand a chance in hell vs him in a debate on social issues. #CryMeAriver

Gone Fishing ‏@jgfleet661
Shapiro kicks the ass of real decision makers in this country in debates. He does with facts not feelings.

Supreme Dark Lord ‏@voxday
I will debate Ben on any topic. He’s already run away from me on a proposed free trade debate.

Gone Fishing ‏@jgfleet661
 ????! Yeah, he totally ran away from you. I mean, you’re the SUPREME DARK LORD! There’s no way he could beat you, right?

 Valerie ‏@vpak77
yes, you two are definitely not in the same league. That is true.

Totally, it’d be a complete waste of Ben’s time.

Gone Fishing ‏@jgfleet661
He has to run. He’s busy debating important people on major news networks all over the country. #PuttingInWork

Some things never change.

The intellectually fearsome atheist

For some reason, Google occasionally emails me comments that people are making about Stefan Molyneux’s videos in which I’ve appeared. This one, by ismelljello, was particularly amusing.

Read the reviews of his book. It honestly compelled me to make a video series where i debunk his tired old arguments. If you’re going to peddle other peoples ideas, at least make sure they haven’t already been trounced.

He made a video series to debunk the tired old arguments of a book he hasn’t read. That’s… an interesting approach.

I have the distinct impression that he has absolutely no idea that The Irrational Atheist cannot possibly contain “tired old arguments” because they are new critiques of the arguments put forth by Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett, and Michel Onfray, among others.

It should certainly be interesting to discover how he proves that religion causes war and is worse than child molestation.

This is the danger of intellectual posturing. Sooner or later, you’re going to strike a pose that will catch the attention of those who actually possess the information you’re pretending to have. Never pretend to know what you don’t.