Babylon Babbles

Forget Western civilization. When did the Jews ever have anything to do with any civilization? They’re still a literally nomadic tribe! Did they invent civilization when they were enslaved for four centuries in Egypt? When ten of the 12 tribes were carried off by the Assyrians? Or perhaps they invented Western civilization in Babylon while they were enslaved there? I don’t suppose they could have invented civilization when they were being ruled by the Medo-Persians or by Rome.

If we are to take their historic claims to the land of Israel by right of conquering the Canaanites seriously, then they’ve never been part of Western civilization at all, let alone responsible for any part of its invention. The fact that this historic land is in the Middle EAST would be the first clue there.

But Joel Berry does provide us with the useful service of conclusively disproving the ludicrous 115 average IQ fiction. The amusing thing is that these historical illiterates who take the Straussian Athens + Jerusalem metaphor literally don’t realize that it’s simply a metaphor that refers to Western philosophy and religion, not the actual cities or their historic residents.


Swastikas in London

If Keir Starmer is going to “fight the poison of the far-right” as hard as he fought the Pakistani rape gangs, there will be swastikas flying over Parliament and Prince William will be acclaimed as Fuhrer by June.

Keir Starmer hit back at Elon Musk today in the increasingly bitter spat over his record on grooming gang cases. The PM mounted a robust defence as he took questions after laying out NHS waiting list plans this morning. Sir Keir said ‘child sexual exploitation is utterly sickening’ and victims had been ‘let down’ – but he insisted he had tackled the issues ‘head on’ as director of public prosecutions.

The premier accused opposition politicians of ‘amplifying what the far-right is saying’ on child sexual abuse after falling to act ‘for 14 long years’. He insisted he would fight the ‘poison of the far right’, arguing that those who are ‘spreading lies and misinformation.. are not interested in victims, they are interested in themselves’.

The fact that Clown World has to rely on the likes of Starmer, Trudeau, and the Six Bidens just to keep its narrative going is one of the most obvious indications that it is in its terminal stage.


A False and Retarded God

One of the tragedies of the Boomers is that they gave up the faith of their fathers for an absolutely impossible lie, as evidenced by ESR’s attempt to defend the societal devastation that has been left in the wake of the wicked generation of the Boomers.

Religion failed us… I don’t think it could have gone differently; it’s a failure that had been on the cards ever since the mechanistic worldview reached effective completion by Darwin.
– Eric S. Raymond

But as I have conclusively and comprehensively proven, the mechanistic worldview is obviously false due to the mathematical falsification of not only Darwin, but the very mechanism of evolution by natural selection. If you still believe that species turn into other species due to natural selection, you are not only ignorant, you are observably innumerate and scientifically outdated.

The complete scientific falsification of the neo-Darwinian synthesis has already been accomplished, it simply hasn’t been widely recognized because biologists are too mathematically challenged and insufficiently skilled at pattern recognition to put the various pieces together yet. Consider the following pieces:

  • The fastest observed genetic fixation in a species required 1,600 generations.
  • This 1,600-generations-per-fixation rate included parallel fixations.
  • The fastest observed spread of a genetic line in humans occurred at a rate that would require at least 8,170 generations per fixation.
  • Chinese scientists have asserted that genes in complex species such as humans change at a rate that is approximately one-fiftieth the rate of genetic change in simple species like bacteria. This implies at least 80,000 generations per genetic fixation.
  • The genetic difference between a modern Homo sapiens sapiens and a modern Pan troglodytes required around 30 million genetic fixations between the two species.
  • The estimated 9 million years since the Chimpanzee-Human Last Common Ancestor permits for somewhere between 282 and 55 genetic fixations per species. This is less than 0.000000006 percent of the observed genetic difference between modern chimpanzees and modern humans. It is also less than one percent of the observed genetic differences between two genetically divergent modern humans.

It should be absolutely obvious to any rational analyst that a mechanism which cannot even account for a small fraction of one percent of the observed differences between two things cannot possibly be the causal factor explaining those differences. Not in a million years, not in nine million years, not in nine billion years. No amount of argumentum ab magnis numeris is going to salvage even the smallest vestige of the neo-Darwinian synthesis, the theory of evolution by natural selection, or, for those who are still clinging by faith to the evolutionary epicycles being produced by the final generation of evolutionary biologists, the Theorum of Evolution by (probably) Natural Selection, Sexual Selection, Biased Mutation, Genetic Drift, and Gene Flow.

Not only is there not one single piece of evidence ever produced that supports the idea that evolution by natural selection is sufficient to explain the observed genetic differences between one species and another, there is not one single hypothetical argument or explanation in defense of evolution by natural selection that is capable of standing up to the combination of math, logic, and the available scientific evidence.

If you rejected religion on the basis of mechanistic materialism, you abandoned the faith of your fathers for an obvious untruth. Darwin was not only a false intellectual god, he was a false and retarded one.


Clown World Wants WWIII

And they’ve only got two months to start it. But they’re definitely going to try.

President Joe Biden has lifted that ban on Ukraine’s use of US-supplied long-range missiles meaning the war-torn country can now strike deep inside Russia, sources say. The decision is a major US policy shift and comes as Biden is about to leave office and President-elect Donald Trump has pledged to limit American support for Ukraine and end the war as soon as possible.

Ukraine plans to conduct its first long-range attacks in the coming days, according to sources. The first deep strikes are reportedly likely to be carried out using ATACMS rockets, which have a range of up to 190 miles.

Biden allowing Volodymyr Zelensky’s forces to use US-supplied missiles for strikes deep into Russia has raised expectations for the UK to follow suit with its Storm Shadow missiles.

Putin has been clear that Russia will strike back against any nation that helps Ukraine fire missiles against it. One hopes the Russian response will be reasonably proportional, because these are acts of war that would justify anything, up to and including strikes on every US base in Europe.

This is why it was so important for Donald Trump to win the election. Imagine if these lunatics had four more years to operate.

UPDATE: Clearly Team Trump recognizes the gambit being played.

US President-elect Donald Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., lashed out at the Democrats following reports that ongoing President Joe Biden had allowed Ukraine to use American-made long-range missiles to strike internationally recognized Russian territory.

Trump Jr., who campaigned alongside his father during the 2024 presidential election and has been helping him pick members of his future cabinet, did not mince words on social media.

“The Military Industrial Complex seems to want to make sure they get World War 3 going before my father has a chance to create peace and save lives,” he wrote on X on Sunday. “Gotta lock in those $Trillions. Life be damned!!! Imbeciles!”


Nukes are Not the Problem

The strategery at NATO is beyond merely stupid.

NATO forces would already be on the ground in Ukraine fighting Russian troops if it weren’t for Moscow’s arsenal of nuclear weapons, the outgoing chief of the US-led bloc’s Military Committee, Admiral Rob Bauer, has said.

Speaking on Sunday during a defense summit in the Czech Republic, Bauer recalled NATO’s past experience of taking part in conflicts in Afghanistan and in Iraq. He noted that fighting Russia in Ukraine would, however, be “not the same” as fighting in Afghanistan because the Taliban militants did not possess nuclear weapons.

“I am absolutely sure if the Russians did not have nuclear weapons, we would have been in Ukraine, kicking them out,” the admiral suggested.

The admiral appears to have forgotten that NATO lost the war in Afghanistan and fled “the graveyard of empires” with alacrity. With or without nukes, NATO is going to lose any war or proxy war with Russia. At this point, US admirals would be wiser to forget both Russia and China focus their attention on how to avoid losing the naval war with the Yemenis as well as the coming conflict with the Mexican cartels.


Just Go Away, Little Nicky

Pathetic. There is no “we” in this regard. The little gay famewhore openly denounced Donald Trump and endorsed Kamala Harris when he thought she was going to win. Now he’s demonstrating what a shameless little opportunist he is.

No one is going to be fooled by this shameless revisionism. First of all, there is no “we”. Nick Fuentes has never been on anyone’s side but his own. Second, it’s not the public commentators, but the behind-the-scenes men who won the recent presidential election; they prevented Harris from benefiting from the late deliveries of millions of fake votes that led to the fake Presidency of the Six Bidens.

  • 2024: Harris: 68,340,558, Trump 72,978,296 (updated)
  • 2020: Biden: 81,268,924, Trump: 74,216,154
  • 2016: Clinton: 62,985,106 Trump: 65,853,625

Trump should end up with at least 312 electoral college votes, more than the 306 he won in 2016 and the 303 that the Six Bidens supposedly “won” in 2020. UPDATED: This also turned out to be correct.

Now, do you notice the obvious outlier in the popular votes? How does Harris, as an effective incumbent, get 13 million fewer votes than Biden, especially when Trump will end up with around the same number of votes as he did in 2020, and eight million more than he did in winning the 2016 election? What are we supposed to believe, that 20 million US voters died of the not-vaxx? Hindsight has proven what what we skeptics pointed out at the time was correct: the 2020 election was obviously fraudulent.

Nick Fuentes is similar to Richard Armitage from the Tea Party days. He’s the same sort of repulsive self-promoter who can’t see a parade passing by without leaping to the front of it and pretending to lead it. One hopes that the young men who were foolish enough to follow Fuentes in the past will see through his ridiculous act. It’s time for Fuentes to go and dance away his real life in a Miami disco; time is up on this particular acting gig. He should leave the political commentary to the professionals who are, at the very least, capable of correctly predicting the obvious.

Never in the history of politics has someone talked such a huge fucking game and been so brutally exposed as ignorant, impotent, and irrelevant.
– Milo

There is nothing wrong with having been disappointed by President Trump’s past failings, whether it be his horrific personnel decisions, his insane Israel First statements, his endorsement of the vaxx, his pro-immigrant rhetoric, or his failure to cross the Rubicon in 2020. My past enthusiasm for him was significantly reduced for him as a result of those obvious and undeniable failures. Even so, Donald Trump was still the best US President since Andrew Jackson and he did keep the USA out of war, two very important achievements that I have never forgotten nor failed to point out even when I am criticizing him.

But there is neither room nor respect in any community for a treacherous, self-serving turncoat of the sort that Little Nicky has now demonstrated himself to be.

And speaking of people who can just go away now, we also say a well-deserved sayonara to Allan Lichtman and his always-overrated Thirteen Keys to the White House, which have now proven to be no more predictive than the wishful-thinking of the media’s polls.

Regardless, we can certainly hope that Donald Trump will show himself to be the decisive and uncompromising leader that the more shrill and terrified Blue Staters fear him to be. Making America Great Again requires far more than the art of the deal, it needs the full manifestation of the God-Emperor exercising the full potential of his powers. Few men are blessed with second chances; let us pray that President Trump wastes no time in making the most of his.


They Kill Pets

If they’ll murder a harmless squirrel for no reason, do you really think they won’t kill you and your family if given even half the chance?

P’nut the Squirrel, of internet fame, has been euthanized after the pet was seized by New York state earlier this week, according to the Department of Environmental Conservation. The seven-year-old gray rescue squirrel, commonly referred to as “P’Nut” on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, was put to death, along with Fred the raccoon, so that the animals could be tested for the presence of rabies, according to a statement from the agency obtained by WETM.

The DEC claims that P’nut, who was notably docile and friendly over the course of his very public facing life, bit one of the investigators on the hand while being confiscated from his Elmira home on Wednesday.

“In addition, a person involved with the investigation was bitten by the squirrel. To test for rabies, both animals were euthanized. The animals are being tested for rabies and anyone who has been in contact with these animals is strongly encouraged to consult their physician,” the DEC statement read, according to WETM.

P’nut was rescued by guardian Mark Longo, after the Connecticut native witnessed P’Nut’s mother hit by a car.

It was a pair of Karens who were responsible for murdering P’nut and Fred. One is the woman from Texas, Monica Keasler, who repeatedly called in the complaint to the New York police because she saw a video of a squirrel on the Internet. I’m not sure if this is a more damning indictment of women or of the Internet, but either way, it’s a demonstration of how the combination of the two is absolutely horrific for civilized society.

How on Earth can you possibly imagine that what is happening in New York is any business of yours whatsoever? Home Owners Associations are bad enough, but expanding the concept of curtain-twitching to the globe really strikes one as a tremendously bad, to say nothing of Orwellian-on-steroids, concept.

And, of course, the just-following-procedure police officer, a literal Karen named Karen Pryzklek, ordered a raccoon put down due to an obviously unfounded suspicion that a squirrel defending itself might, in theory, have rabies, would just as readily follow an order from her superiors to napalm an entire neighborhood.

He’s with Harambe now.


Smells Like BRICSX

It appears the maintainers of Linux are dumb enough to embrace the Grand Bifurcation and write off the majority of the human population:

Following yesterday’s news first featured on Phoronix of several Linux driver maintainers being de-listed from their maintainer positions within the mainline Linux kernel over their connections to Russia, Linus Torvalds has today commented on the matter.

Since yesterday there’s been a lot of concern and mixed views over a number of Linux kernel maintainers being de-listed from the kernel’s MAINTAINERS file seemingly over being Russian or using Russian email addresses. In response to the patch posting from last week has also been proposals to revert that prior patch, some of the affected maintainers voicing their surprise over this sudden move, and some being upset over the lack of public clarity into the seemingly new “compliance requirements” imposed on the Linux kernel.

Greg Kroah-Hartman who authored the patch dropping the various maintainers has yet to comment on the mailing list thread, but a few minutes ago Linus Torvalds chimed in with his opinion. Linux creator Linus Torvalds wrote:

“Ok, lots of Russian trolls out and about. It’s entirely clear why the change was done, it’s not getting reverted, and using multiple random anonymous accounts to try to “grass root” it by Russian troll factories isn’t going to change anything.

And FYI for the actual innocent bystanders who aren’t troll farm accounts – the “various compliance requirements” are not just a US thing.

If you haven’t heard of Russian sanctions yet, you should try to read the news some day. And by “news”, I don’t mean Russian state-sponsored spam.

As to sending me a revert patch – please use whatever mush you call brains. I’m Finnish. Did you think I’d be supporting Russian aggression? Apparently it’s not just lack of real news, it’s lack of history knowledge too.”

It’s not as if the Russians are simply going to throw up their hands and start using Windows 11. This promises to be the Mother of All Forks, and given the recently expressed position of BRICS on the illegality of Western sanctions, I doubt any of the BRICS countries are going to stick with the original Linux version.

This is where the fatal flaw of having a weak central figure like Torvalds in charge inevitably comes into play. Succession plans are difficult enough for strong Alphas to accomplish successfully, but when a mild-mannered Delta is the man in charge, some sort of future debacle is all but guaranteed.

Linus, it’s not that anyone thinks you’re supporting Russian aggression. It’s just that we assumed you wouldn’t be retarded enough to publicly endorse the division of the global Linux community and the creation of a Sino-Russian alternative operating system. But we were wrong.


Where Chuck Tingle Feared to Tread

Fandom Pulse covers the latest abomination from DC Comics, namely, a bizarre new comic entitled Nothing Butt Nightwing:

Nightwing used to be Batman’s sidekick Dick Grayson, the original Robin, who was spun off into his own character as he grew up. The most famous incarnation is Chuck Dixon’s run on the character where he developed a full cast and supporting characters for the former boy wonder.

Now, DC Comics has turned Nightwing into more wokeness with a couple of new offerings in October. With DC Comics “All In” initiative it’s supposed to be a jumping on point for new readers, but it seems more like a jumping off point given how insanely far they’re going to virtue signal to the LGBTQIA+ community.

First, we have Nothing BUTT Nightwing, a strange book that turns Dick Grayson into some kind of bizarre gay fantasy. The title reads like a parody, some sort of Chuck Tingle Amazon porn novel version of the character, but the interiors aren’t much better.

Every time you think the SJWs have reached bottom, they prove you’re not only wrong, but that your imagination is too limited to encompass the depths of their depravity and degradation.

If you ever wondered whether supporting Arkhaven is justified, this new DC comic should suffice as conclusive proof. DC is definitely going “all in” in a very reprehensible manner.


The Terrifying Decline

A university professor laments the precipitous decline he has observed in the ability of his students:

I work as a professor for a uni on the east coast of the USA. What strikes me the most is the decline in student writing and comprehension skills that is among the worst I’ve ever encountered. These are SHARP declines; I recently assigned a reading exam and I had numerous students inquire if it’s open book (?!), and I had to tell them that no, it isn’t…

My students don’t read. They expect to be able to submit assignments more than once. They were shocked at essay grades and asked if they could resubmit for higher grades. I told them, also, no. They were very surprised.

To all K-12 teachers who have gone through unfair admin demanding for higher grades, who have suffered parents screaming and yelling at them because their student didn’t perform well on an exam: I’m sorry. I work on the university level so that I wouldn’t have to deal with parents and I don’t. If students fail– and they do– I simply don’t care. At all. I don’t feel a pang of disappointment when they perform at a lower level and I keep the standard high because I expect them to rise to the occasion. What’s mind-boggling is that students DON’T EVEN TRY. At this, I also don’t care– I don’t get paid that great– but it still saddens me. Students used to be determined and the standard of learning used to be much higher. I’m sorry if you were punished for keeping your standards high. None of this is fair and the students are suffering tremendously for it.

If there were any chance of salvaging the USA as a means of organizing heritage America, this might be lamented. But there isn’t, so this is a very positive thing for those who are propagating heritage America, as the intellectual capabilities of the ruling elite and the invaders who prop them up are in a steep decline.

Political collapse and balkanization is inevitable, so it is paramount for heritage Americans to ensure that their descendants are a) numerous and b) well-educated. This is the way that America will survive and eventually thrive again, stronger and wiser than before.