Omicron is ADE

It appears the door just opened to one of the nightmare scenarios, Antibody Dependent Enhancement:

Vaccinated people are now stuck with this mediocre immune response, that’s intended for a variant that no longer exists. This really looks like the scenario where you’re worse off being vaccinated than you are if you’re unvaccinated. And if this is somehow not yet the big one, the one that uses everyone’s highly identical immune response against the Wuhan version of the spike protein to its own advantage, then you can rest assured that when it grows dominant, it will be giving birth to descendants that will do the trick.

Let me grab an old study from Japanese scientists, who tried to answer the question: Under what circumstances do we see antibody dependent enhancement? That is, a situation in which the virus uses your overall vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage, leaving you worse off than if you had never been vaccinated in the first place. They determined it’s pretty easy: You take Delta and you add these four mutations:

K417N, N439K, E484K and N501Y.

If you throw those four mutations into Delta, you have a version that uses your vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage.

Does that ring a bell?

So let’s see:

-K417N: Bingo!

-N439K: No, but we have N440K which is a neighboring mutation and should perform the same trick of interfering with the antibodies.

-E484K: We have E484A, which means you have a mutation at the same spot, but resulting in a different amino acid, Alanine instead of Lysine.

-N501Y: Bingo!

In other words, its mutations look pretty much identical to what the Japanese scientists were warning would allow Delta to use your vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that everyone who is vaccinated is doomed. Remember, the virus isn’t much more harmful than regular influenza; only 3 percent of the Italians who died WITH Covid actually died OF Covid. But it does mean that all of the lockdowns and vaccines and mandates are as useless as the vaccination skeptics have been telling everyone from the start. Everyone would have been better off relying upon their natural and cross-immunities, fortified by the appropriate vitamin stacks and treatment protocols.

In contrast to vaccine-induced immunity, no increased risk for reinfection with Beta, Gamma or Delta variants relative to Alpha variant was found in individuals with infection-induced immunity.

And despite what the media is going to tell you, more boosters are not the answer. They’ll only further weaken people’s immune systems as well as possibly exacerbating the antibody dependent enhancement.

UPDATE: Right on schedule, from the UK:

All adults are to be offered a coronavirus booster jab to help stop the Omicron variant.


Pouring Gasoline on the Fire

The Vaccine Nazis in Germany are intending to follow the lead of their counterparts in Austria by imposing compulsory vaccinations despite the fact that the vaccines are now the primary vector for the disease:

Germany is set to follow Austria’s example in making vaccinations compulsory with ministers admitting that the move is ‘unavoidable’ amid a fourth wave of the pandemic which is crippling the country’s hospitals.

The number of Covid cases are soaring daily in Germany, with the country reporting 48,201 infections on Saturday – the highest number of new coronavirus cases since the beginning of the pandemic.

The fourth wave is overwhelming hospitals, with health chiefs warning that the situation is ‘extremely critical’ across the country.

Europe has become the epicentre of the pandemic once again, with the World Health Organisation warning that the Continent was the only region in the world where deaths had increased as Covid-related fatalities spiked by five per cent just this week.

In France, fifth-wave coronavirus infections are rising at an alarming rate, the government reported Sunday, with new daily Covid cases close to doubling over the past week.

If the Germans think the “fourth wave of the pandemic” is bad with less than 70 percent of the population vaccinated, they’re really going to be shocked to see how bad the fifth wave is when the entire population has had their natural immunity and cross immunities stripped by the vaccines.

The politicians might not understand what is happening, but the scientists certainly do. And they are committing a genocidal crime against humanity by forcing these genetic immune-system destroyers on the Austrian and German peoples.

Back in September, vaccination increased an individual’s risk of dying by a factor of nearly 3. By the end of December, I expect that factor to be rapidly approaching 10.


Safe. And Effective.

Or not so much of the former, if the observations of this nurse working at a hospital in Hawaii are to be believed.

I live on Maui. We only have ONE hospital! I’ve taken care of 3 men now who have GBS after vax (Guillain-Barre syndrome) 4 teenage boys with myocarditis (got vax to play sports) 1 lady had to cut off her leg because of clots. 13yo Bell’s palsy after shot. 7yo with seizures after clots. Covid + patient with 3x booster. 2 ladies with spontaneous abortions after vax. 1 mid 30s women with myocarditis and pericarditis … the list goes on and one… not to mention all the Covid patients who’ve been killed by Remdesivir. And this is a small 240 bed hospital.

If, at this point, you choose to get the vaccines or the boosters, you’re literally retarded and you cannot reasonably say that you were not warned of the potential consequences.


That Failed Fast

In less than one week, Austria has already discovered that locking down the unvaccinated won’t keep the virus from spreading.

Austria will introduce a full lockdown that could last for three weeks on Monday in an attempt to tackle a new wave of Covid-19 infections. The government has also ordered the entire population to get vaccinated from February 1.

On Friday, conservative Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told a news conference that a complete lockdown of the nation would begin on Monday and last for an initial 10 days. He stated that the restrictions could be extended if infection rates did not start to fall, but he insisted the lockdown would not exceed 20 days.

The measures concern the entire Austrian population. The government has already imposed a partial lockdown on the unvaccinated in an effort to reduce hospitalization rates amid a surge in Covid-19 cases.

When the full lockdown ends, restrictions will remain in place for the unvaccinated.

Of course, that last sentence reveals the true and coercive objective of the targeted aspect of the lockdown, which is trying to force the unvaccinated to pollute their pure blood. But it’s not going to work, as even the coercion itself is inspiring stronger resistance to the vaccines.

Despite the Austrian debacle, Greece, the Czech Republic, and Germany are all following Austria’s lead in locking down the unvaccinated; one can safely expect that these targeted lockdowns will fail within days as well.

UPDATE: Despite the complete failure of the targeted lockdown, Austria is actually going to try imposing compulsory vaccinations. This announcement follows the recent visit of the Soroses to Austria, which is probably not a coincidence. While the Austrians tend to be an obedient people, it would be surprising if this attempt to forcibly vaccinate the entire population did not lead to revolutionary violence.

Austria’s Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg and Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein both said a lockdown alone was not enough to end the “vicious circle” of increasing spread of the virus and repeated lockdowns. They announced that the government would begin preparing for a general vaccination requirement to come into effect in February 2022 at the latest. Mückstein said: “The lockdown will break the fourth wave; the way out of the fifth wave is vaccination, vaccination, vaccination.”

The new measures were announced after Austria recorded another all-time high for new daily cases on Thursday, with 15,145 cases reported in 24 hours.

Targeted Lockdown Proves Vaccine Fail

The vaccine regime narrative is publicly imploding, as the harsh lockdown of the unvaccinated in Austria corresponds with Covid cases hitting all-time highs.

Days after imposing a lockdown on the unvaccinated, Austria has hit a new COVID case record, bringing into question the effectiveness of its draconian new policy.

Three days into its quarantine for the unjabbed, which prevents those who haven’t had both doses from being allowed outside for anything other than “essential” reasons, daily infections surpassed 14,000 for the first time since the pandemic began.

Numerous hospitals are still at breaking point despite the unvaccinated having been forced to self-isolate.

“The situation is worst in two of Austria’s nine provinces, Upper Austria and Salzburg, where hospitals are coming under increasing strain,” reports Reuters. “Salzburg has said it is preparing for a triage situation when the number of people needing intensive care beds exceeds supply, though that stage has not yet been reached.”

This is precisely what those who recognized the vaccines are the vector for the virus expected to happen. It’s not going to be possible to continue falsely blaming the unvaccinated for spreading the virus at record rates when they are not even in regular contact with the rest of the population, whom the vaccines have rendered increasingly at-risk.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Science!

The reason one can’t ever trust the science is because the midwit scientists are always contradicting themselves. Two decades after doing a 180 on the evils of butter, scientists are belatedly admitting that milk, cheese, and yogurt aren’t bad for you either.

Several studies observing large groups of people have failed to find a clear association between higher levels of dairy consumption and increased heart health risks.

There is a theory that this is because the other elements in dairy, such as calcium and certain fatty acids, work together in what is known as the ‘dairy matrix’ to protect our cardiovascular health.

Scientists have not yet been able to establish how this might work. But a 2018 study of more than 135,000 people in 21 different countries, who were monitored for nine years by researchers from McMaster University in Canada, found lower rates of death and cardiovascular disease in people who ate dairy than those who didn’t, with those who ate the highest amounts — two or more servings per day — the most protected.

A study published in September in the journal PLoS Medicine looked at 4,000 60-year-olds in Sweden (where diets are typically high in dairy) and found those who ate high levels were less likely to experience heart attacks, stroke or other cardiovascular problems — and were not any more likely to die than those who ate low levels.

‘A number of published studies suggest that, despite their saturated fat content, some dairy foods such as milk, cheese and yoghurt have a neutral or even positive effect on a person’s risk of heart and circulatory disease,’ says Victoria Taylor, a dietitian with the British Heart Foundation.

‘Studies have suggested that consuming dairy products is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, both of which are factors that increase the chances of a heart attack or stroke.’

Point this out whenever some vaccinated moron tries to tell you to trust the science. Because the statistics already indicate that a similar, though opposite, reversal is coming soon with regards to the immune-system destroying Covid vaccines.



“Democracy” now means “Globo-satanry“, just as “America” now means “an identity with which anyone can identify”:

Tucker kept asking him why Americans should go fight and die for democracy in the Ukraine, and he just kept saying that it’s our duty to defend democracy. He also said that Joe Biden isn’t doing global democracy hard enough, and that the failure to establish democracy in Afghanistan is proof that we need to go to war with Russia.

He further said that he is not actually talking about going to war with Russia, he just wants to send troops to the Ukraine to stop a war with Russia.

It’s all just such bullshit. As any long-time reader of this site is aware, the democratically-elected president of the Ukraine was overthrown in a coup organized by the US State Department and the EU in 2014. These people were literally paying Ukrainian thugs and neo-Nazis 50 euros a day to riot and attack the cops. Then there was a conspiracy involving the shooting of ZOG-backed rioters by a secret assassin who was never arrested. The people organizing the protests said that the government had ordered the assassinations, and the rioters rushed the government buildings and overthrew the elected government. Then a new entirely Jewish government was established by the West.

Everyone knows this happened. Everyone knows that the current government of the Ukraine was not put in power by elections. But they just lie about it.

This word-witchery is how the globo-satanists can declare, with a straight face, that the US military must defend the borders of a) Taiwan, b) Ukraine, and c) Poland while simultaneously being prevented from defending the borders of the United States.

What is So Hard to Understand?

What part of “don’t talk to the media” is so hard to understand? When even experienced and highly successful members of the media regularly find themselves publicly impaled by their colleagues, how do you think that you, a totally inexperienced member of the public who has never, ever even spoken with a member of the mainstream media before, are going to fare?

On Thursday, Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy broadcasted a livestream presser to pick apart Business Insider‘s recent report on him.

Last week, Insider released a report — behind its paywall — that describes purported violent sexual encounters between Portnoy, 44, and two women in their early 20s. In essence, Insider accuses Portnoy of raping women, which Portnoy has denied.

Portnoy begins the broadcast by showing a screenshot of the initial email Julia Black, the author of the Insider story, sent him eight months ago. In it, Black claims the original story idea didn’t have an angle or agenda, that the outlet simply planned to focus on Portnoy’s career.

Here’s a look at the email Black sent Portnoy:

Portnoy says that Black and Business Insider then quickly shifted away from a look into Portnoy’s career to another, more explosive story idea that would incite reader interest and still protect the publication itself in court since Portnoy could win a lawsuit only if he could prove malice. The new idea? That Portnoy had raped young women. Portnoy says the outlet purposely implies rape throughout the story without using the exact term so as to avoid libel charges.

“As I’ve come to learn, this was Julia covering her tracks to write a hit piece,” Portnoy says. “They knew what [they were] writing from the beginning. But if I could prove that [they were] always out to make me look like a sexual monster deviant, then I can sue [them]. This is like ‘No, no, we had good intentions.’ Yeah, right.”

Portnoy also says immediately following the release of the article, an Insider staffer contacted Barstool’s advertisers asking whether they stand by Portnoy. According to Portnoy, Insider was not seeking comment about the story but rather reactions from sponsors after the story was already published, presumably to pressure them into parting ways with Barstool.

I can’t tell you how many times the morons who are practically wetting their pants over the fact that the media actually wants to talk to them for the first time in their otherwise-unremarkable lives tell me the same thing in order to justify their attention-seeking desire to see their name in print:

  • No, it’s okay, they just want to hear my side of the story.
  • No, it’s okay, it’s just a story about X.
  • No, it’s okay, the reporter was really friendly.
  • No, it’s okay, the reporter was really nice.
  • No, it’s okay, I think the reporter is really on our side.
  • No, it’s okay, the reporter promised it wouldn’t be a hit piece.
  • No, it’s okay, I’m going to record the interview myself.

It never works. It NEVER works. FFS, look at how Portnoy, who has a very large media megaphone himself and is now attempting to use it in self-defense, got completely hornswoggled by thinking the story was about his career – which wasn’t at all implausible – when the reporter was actually setting him up for a hit piece alleging that he is a rapist intended to serve as the basis for a deplatforming campaign targeting his organization’s advertisers.

Never, ever talk to the media. Just don’t do it. You’re not too smart for them. You’re not too clever for them. They know what they are doing. They are very experienced at using people just like you. They’ve done it HUNDREDS of times to people who thought exactly the same thing as you and learned to regret it. There is no point whatsoever, because if you somehow manage to avoid giving them what they want to support the hit piece, they simply won’t run the story.

Now it is true that I do, very occasionally, talk to personal acquaintances, authors that we publish, and organizations that sell our products. If you are a three-time nationally syndicated columnist who has been on the board of a news organization and runs a publishing operation, then perhaps you can justify the occasional exception when you actually know the individuals involved well enough to accurately discern their true intentions. But note that even with that caveat, I still never talk to anyone in the mainstream media, not even to individuals I have known for decades.

As a side note, the Portnoy situation is why we never seek advertisers or accept advertising offers. We rely solely upon sales and subscriptions, because doing so eliminates an entire line of attack against us.


I Stand With Them

The union announced its formation on Twitter and on its website on November 1st. In their announcement of its formation, the union claims they are “overtaxed and undervalued.”

However, their goals, which read more like demands, also says they want to have the power to cancel publication of any comic books.

The goal states, “Renewed commitment to company values through the addition of a collective voting option to immediately cancel publication of any title whose creator(s) have been found to have engaged in abuse, sexual assault, racism and xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, ableism, etc. until such time as said creators have engaged in meaningful reparations toward affected person(s).”

I really, really, do! Great work, CBWU. I could not be more enthusiastic about this exciting new industry initiative. Now get everyone at Marvel and DC to join too, please.

UPDATE: Bounding Into Comics has the story.

Arkhaven Comics Lead Editor Vox Day joined the growing list of supporters for the Comic Book Workers United union formed by 10 Image Comics employees.


Guilt to Carry to the Grave

One mother’s hard lesson in the foolishness of trusting the word of governments and global depopulationists about vaccine safety and effectiveness.

I’m a teacher with a few science degrees. All three of my kiddos will be vaccinated as soon as they are able.
8 May 2021

My fourteen year old got his first COVID vaccine today. We are so thankful!
12 May 2021

My son was one of the “unlucky” ones and he developed myocarditis after his second dose. He was monitored in the hospital for 3 days. I am not making light of it and I can’t pretend to know what pain he felt. However, I asked him if he is still happy to be vaccinated. His answer was a resounding, “yes.” My younger two children will also be vaccinated when eligible. I am much more fearful of the Delta variant and MIS-C.
24 June 2021

Okay, I’m not an expert. As a parent, I don’t think the risk of myocarditis and it’s severity is being adequately conveyed. I had no idea that “mild” meant 4 days in the hospital and cardiology visits for the indefinite future.
16 July 2021

I have to pay for my son’s hospital bill and endless cardiology follow ups because he got post vaccine myocarditis. That’s not free.
23 July 2021

My son’s hospital bills are starting to roll in from his vaccine induced myocarditis. This is just the first of many and only one of his consults. I imagine we will owe thousands just dealing with the Acute phase of myocarditis. This does not account for his follow up visits, echos, EKG’s, MRI’s, stress tests, troponin levels, etc. It’s very disheartening that the vaccine safety is touted to the public at every turn. But what if it’s not safe? Like in my son’s case. Those experts and officials now bear zero responsibility, financially or otherwise. The burden is all on us; physical, mental, and financial.
25 July 2021

I used to shame people for not getting vaccinated until my son was hospitalized with vaccine induced myocarditis. Life has a way of humbling you.
8 October 2021

It’s 2:30 am and I am awake thinking about my son. This is the time that I hurt and cry….I wish I could turn back time. I wish I was equipped with the knowledge that I have now before I had him get two doses of the vaccine. Seeing the discussion about the 5-11 EUA and every other post being about myocarditis has been too much this week. A decision that I made hurt my child. I will carry the guilt to my grave. I hope sleep will find me soon. In 3 hours I have to pick myself, smile, and carry on.
29 October 2021

On the plus side, at least this woman wasn’t too stubborn and proud to learn from the needless sacrifice of her son’s heart and health, which appears to have saved his two younger siblings from similar fates. They are the lucky ones.

UPDATE: Or perhaps not. As Voltaire is supposed to have written, the only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by infinity is to contemplate the extent of human stupidity.

I see that many are spewing hate and vitriol towards me because I will be vaccinating my other children when the time is right and I feel comfortable. It won’t be soon. You don’t know my children’s risk factors or co- morbidities. Also, healthy children do get sick from COVID
1 November 2021

Do NOT get vaccinated. Do not permit your children to be vaccinated. If you do, you will come to regret it, bitterly, sooner or later.