European Civilization in Decline

Say what you will about the Germans, but a predilection for excessive showering has never been a problem:

Amidst discussion in the country of a potential total energy embargo on Russia, articles about the supposed health benefits of showering less have begun to pop up.

In an article titled ‘‘It’s enough to wash THESE four body parts – Why the skin cleans itself if you let it’, Germany’s Bild newspaper cites advice by economy minister Robert Habeck, who has called on citizens to cut back on their heating, sauna visits, and showers to help the country reduce its dependence on Russian energy.

The piece claims that avoiding showers gives good bacteria a chance to propagate, helping with skin conditions and also consuming the substances responsible for body odor.

“This way, it [skin] cleans itself,” states the article, arguing dubiously that avoiding washing your body will actually make you smell better. The article quotes dermatologist Yael Adler, who claims that avoiding showers for three weeks makes, “the odors disappear and the skin begins a kind of a self-cleaning process.”

I have lived with Germans, Belgians, and French. Of the three, the Germans were easily the least inclined to take showers, and without question the most odiferous. So, perhaps you will understand if I am not celebrating the news that Germans will be taking even fewer showers in the future.

I understand that many of you were dubious when I said that one of the things we are fighting for is indoor plumbing. Perhaps now you understand that my statement was not even remotely rhetorical in nature, but rather, pure logic-based dialectic.


Rendering Themselves Irrelevant

What’s the point in using Duck Duck Go anymore? If you want censorship and a reliance on the approved Narrative, you can simply stick with Google.

DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg has announced that the search engine will begin purging all independent media outlets from the platform and will replace them with “trusted” mainstream media outlets instead.


Just Post It To The Internet

A whistleblower in possession of Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop explains that simply “releasing the information to the Internet” isn’t quite as simple in practice as it sounds in theory to those who haven’t actually ever done it.

Maxey claimed one former intelligence agency senior staffer told him soon after he received the hard drive in 2020: ‘If you don’t release enough of this, so that they know you can release all of it, I’m telling you brother, you’re a dead man.’

Maxey took their advice in October 2020 and posted batches of emails and other files from the laptop on file sharing sites.

But after about an hour, the links were taken down.

Maxey said he believes the US government was hunting down files from the laptop posted online and flagged them to the companies.

‘There were five drop boxes: two in the United States, one in New Zealand, two in the UK. All the same drop boxes in which they tell us child pornography is shared around the globe without any consequence because they can’t look at it.

‘These are all Five Eyes countries, English speaking countries in an intelligence sharing agreement. And they were all ripped down.

‘​​So this means that our intelligence services, who still have not even acknowledged that they have Hunter Biden’s laptop, were obviously diligently doing cache searches across the internet to find out if any of this stuff was being released.

‘That should terrify every single decent person in the West.’

There is a lot to observer here. First, the damning aspects of the hard drive and the corruption of the US government are confirmed, not that any further evidence of either was required. Second, the whole “dark web” concept is mostly a myth, as the intelligence and crime agencies clearly have the ability to see whatever it is they wish to see and remove whatever it is they wish to remove. Third, the government agencies are protecting the distribution of child pornography, and most likely, the sex trafficking networks as well. Fourth, the media organizations are entirely corrupt and are aligned with the government agencies with regards to these matters.

Fortunately, it appears that although the information is not yet generally available to the public, it has already been distributed widely enough in a variety of formats, and to a variety of organizations, that it should be available soon. While I doubt that the various revelations from the hard drive will be sufficient to topple The Empire That Never Ended, it will help a lot more people see through the Empire’s lies and will give imperial enemies like China and Russia considerably more ammunition to use in the information war against the Empire in which they are presently outgunned.


The Problem with Twitter

The problem with Twitter is not its management, its Trust & Safety Council, or its anti-free speech policy. The problem is that MPAI (Most People Are Idiots) and social media magnifies their idiocy. Consider the following exchange on Gab, after Andrew Torba reposted my comment about Jordan Peterson and other Pied Pipers of the Right.

Elon Musk is not, and will never be, one of “the good guys”. Neither is Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Glenn Beck, Dennis Prager, or any other figurehead elevated and propped up by the wicked corpocracy. When will morons on the right stop falling for the same charade?

@voxday I love it when people say stuff like this then offer zero examples to back up their reasoning. And then when someone says something contrary to the OP the response is “you’re retarded.” That doesn’t make anyone believe what you’ve said; even if @a reposts your vague statement.

@rurallifemurica @a First, I’ve published an entire book exposing Jordan Peterson, and written dozens of posts documenting political frauds from Bill O’Reilly to Ben Shapiro. Literally 3 seconds of effort on your part were required, but you couldn’t even manage that. Second, since you are observably incapable of having your mind changed by information, there is absolutely no point in providing you with more detailed information. Rhetoric is all you speak, so rhetoric is all you get. Third, you’re retarded.

The fact that most people are limited to rhetorical communication and lurch from one position to another on the basis of their emotional manipulation by external sources is why social media is ultimately just another societal management tool for the elite. A recent study that paid inveterate Fox News watchers to watch CNN for an extended of period of time demonstrated, contrary to the study’s hypothesis, that the views of those watchers changed considerably in response to what is, quite literally, the programming of their minds.

Any platform that wishes to remain functional on a dialectic level will find it necessary to limit access to it, or it will rapidly descend into precisely the same morass of moronics that engulfs every popular social media platform, regardless of its orientation and policies. This is why we harbor no desire to open up either SocialGalactic or comments on other platforms to the public.

As one SGer observed, “It’s not an echo chamber. It’s a high-pass IQ filter.”


Facebook’s Two-Minute Hate

Mark Zuckerberg has decided that hate and calls for violence are acceptable, so long as they’re directed against Jews and the topic relates to Israel’s occupation of Palestine.

Meta has confirmed that hate speech calling for violence is now permissible on Facebook and Instagram — as long as the targets are Jewish and the topic of conversation relates to Israel’s military occupation of Palestine. The revised rules on violence and incitement will apply in certain countries – such as Saudi Arabia and Iran – and will allow violent rhetoric against Jews and IDF soldiers.

“As a result of the Israeli invasion of Palestine, we have temporarily made allowances for forms of political expression that would normally violate our rules like violent speech, such as ‘death to the Jewish invaders.’”

Oh, sorry. Apparently there has been a slight misunderstanding. Correction: Jews and Palestine are off-limits. Please do not hate them or utilize violent rhetoric against them. It’s Russians for whom we must reserve our hate.

It’s getting hard to keep track of who is supposed to be Hitler now.


The Techno-Pedocracy

The layers of the wicked onion are being gradually peeled back, one by one. And the extent of the pedocracy goes higher and deeper and wider than anyone wants to admit:

Jaren Miles, head of global community development for Facebook caught trying to meet a 13-year-old boy in his hotel room.

There is a reason that truth is considered to be a fundamentally different category than the beautiful or even the good. Sometimes, the truth can be ugly indeed, but even the ugliest truth is of intrinsic value. And one increasingly undeniable ugly truth is that the global community that the pedocrats of the West want to develop is the same hideous society that inspired Africanus to destroy Carthage, Cortez to destroy Tenochtitlan, and European Christendom to repeatedly expel the Jews.

It’s not an accident that these monsters keep just happening to be hired by companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube. AC asks the pertinent question: Why do you think he could get that job, but there is no way you would ever have gotten hired for it?


This Bodes Well for the Future

I, for one, welcome our future AI overlords.

Get inspiration for a story from an Al, just write two themes and see the first paragraph come alive.
Themes: Vox Day
and Otters
Story: There once was a man named Vox Day, and he was a very controversial figure. Some people loved him, and some people hated him. But no one could deny that he was a powerful speaker and writer. One day, Vox Day met an otter named Otter. They started to become good friends, and Vox Day taught Otter about the importance of freedom and liberty. Otter was so inspired by Vox Day that he decided to become a strong advocate for these values, too. This story is about how Vox Day and Otter helped to change the world for the better. They showed us that there is nothing that can stop us from achieving our goals if we are willing to work hard enough for it. Thanks, gentlemen, for your inspiring example!

They clearly like me a lot better than our current quasi-human rulers do. Chew on that, Charles Stross!

UPDATE: The AIs don’t leave much doubt as to why I am so widely feared. It’s all about the skulls.

There’s a movement afoot, a group of people who believe that the future of the human race rests on the shoulders of young people. They call themselves Vox Day’s Children and they believe that only through the propagation of our kind will the future of humanity be secured. Vox Day is a controversial figure, but he’s got a point. Skulls, skulls everywhere. And not just any skulls, but the skulls of the great and the good. The skulls of the thinkers, the scientists, the inventors. The skulls of the people who have made the world a better place. The young people of Vox Day’s Children believe that these skulls are the key to our future. They believe that by venerating them, by studying them, by understanding what they represent, we can secure the future of humanity.


Enhancing Your Vaccine Experience

Omicron isn’t the problem. Vaccine-Enhanced Infection is now the problem.

Worried about Omicron? Guess what? After 90 days, the vaccine they gave you is going to make you MORE likely to get infected from Omicron, not less. The longer you stay on the vaccine treadmill, the harder to get off in the future and the easier you’ll make it for the virus.

In short, we’ve been lied to about the vaccine. It is protecting you less and less over time. While you may get a benefit for earlier benefits, the benefit for other variants (and likely other diseases) is going to be negative. In short, you are getting a short term benefit against Delta, but at the expense of a degradation of your overall immunity to everything else.

In short, these vaccines may help you win the war against a variant that may soon be rate, but the price you pay is that you make your immunity to everything else worse…. This paper means we will need to inject people every 30 days if we want to “protect” them. Based on the harm that the vaccines do to our immune system, it’s likely that the needed interval will shorten with each booster.

If people don’t get boosted as required, they will be MORE vulnerable to Delta and Omicron than if they weren’t vaccinated. That’s what NEGATIVE vaccine efficacy means. It doesn’t mean the protection wears off (like we were told). It means the OPPOSITE of what you were told: it means the vaccines helps the virus to infect you (by suppressing your immune system, probably permanently each time we are injected according to Dr. Ryan Cole).

It means we were lied to.

Forget “unsafe and ineffective”. Forget “one jab and everything gets back to normal”. The vaccines are now observably “unsafe, dangerous, and quarterly”. And vaccines as a service are going to work about as well for its users as software as a service has. Look at it this way: do you want your immune system being managed by the same sort of people who manage The Cloud?”



I posted the following on Gab this morning for purposes that any member of the Dread Ilk – or House Dread as one of the Bears has dubbed you all – will probably recognize.

The worst thing about social media, in my opinion, is the way it encourages gammas and midwits to believe that they have the right to force their unwanted opinions on others.

This is incorrect. You have the right to express your own opinion on YOUR OWN posts. You do not have any right to express your opinion on MY posts or on anyone else’s, which is why the Block and Mute features exist and why I make extensive use of them.

If someone does not ask for your opinion, do not give it to them. And above all, do not attempt to correct those who do not ask for correction. First, experience indicates that you are probably wrong, and second, you are not the reality police.

In addition to the 409-and-counting likes, it inspired 153 comments, which included the expected amount of outrage from the gammas and midwits angry that their “right” to comment, correct, and critique my posts was being denigrated. Interestingly enough, of the 46 accounts I muted and blocked on the basis of their responses, only THREE of them were from accounts that followed me. Here is a small sample of their reactions.

  • I guess @voxday doesn’t believe in healthy debate, only single sided arguments. And I have no desire to just listen to other’s opinions without being able to challenge them.
  • @voxday uum, you do realize you are posting in a PUBLIC forum yes? Sure, you have the right not to listen and mute/block whoever, but you dont have the right to tell people they cant respond to your public posts. Go ahead and block mute the whole damn world for all I care, but as long as you are posting publicly, people can and will respond and if you dont like it, you are free to leave.
  • Want to know what a beta cuck looks like? Check out this garbage from @voxday Don’t comment or give your opinion on my post Vox Day. Your opinion isn’t welcome here, this is MY thread. Ffs
  • The “right”? Check the functionality of the private platform: anyone has the “right” to comment on anyone else’s posts – that’s what this type of place is. Just as you have the right to block…
  • @voxday Nobody asked for your opinion.
  • Your wrong, I have the right to express my opinion anywhere I wish to, you have the right to not listen. I guess you could like an intellectual coward box yourself into an echo chamber of one with the block feature you speak so highly of, however this will only serve to make you more sensitive (that is weaker) to things you don’t want to hear.
  • Who are you, to boss us around ? If I want to comment on someones idiocy, I will. I don’t need their invitation or permission. Unless I’ve already been blocked, I DO have a right to express my views , wherever I’m not prohibited from doing so. When someone posts a comment on Gab, it’s an implicit invitation to reply.
  • So what you’re saying is: You want to broadcast your own opinions but are too scared to discuss them with people who disagree with you, while you’re happy to take validation from people who agree with you, because your opinions can’t survive outside of your echo chamber?
  • This has to be the dumbest & most vomit-inducing post I’ve seen on Gab, and also the most characteristically Vox Day post on top of it all.

If these responses don’t make you grateful for SocialGalactic, I don’t know what will.


The Mark of the Corporate Beast

The vaccine passports are sending data to various corporations, including Amazon and Microsoft:

As if the liberty erasing connotations of vaccine passports were not enough on their own, it has been revealed that the Scottish government has allowed data from the scheme to be shared with private companies including Amazon.

The Daily Record reports, “We have learned the NHS mobile phone app which presents the personal medical information in the form of a QR Code shares data with companies including Amazon, Microsoft, ServiceNow, Royal Mail and an AI facial recognition firm.”

Users of the vaccine passport app were not informed their data would be shared, according to the report.

The Scottish system is very similar, if not identical, to the British and Welsh systems, so it would be surprising if the Welsh vaccine passport, and the British vaccine passport which is in development but has not been imposed yet, did not transfer the same data to the same corporations.