Sigma Game and Diplomacy

Even those of you who have no interest in the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy might be interested in reading this extremely illuminating breakdown of yesterday’s diplomatic debacle when Ukraine Head of State Vladimir Zelensky visited the White House and the God-Emperor 2.0, may he reign 3,500 more years.

Reviewing the transcript, what struck me most was the way that the Gamma went directly at the Situational Bravo rather than at the Alpha. Zelensky did so because he correctly read Vance as being psychologically weaker than his situational status tends to suggest. Not only did Zelensky reportedly refer to Vance in a vulgar and dismissive manner, albeit in classic passive-aggressive Gamma style under his breath and in a foreign language, but he attacked Vance as part of his attempt to evade the topic that was under discussion, which was the observable fact that Russia has already won its war with Ukraine and therefore diplomacy is necessary to end the war before Ukraine is forced to accept an unconditional surrender.

Read the whole thing there. The lesson, as always, is this: no amount of intellectual comprehension and self-control can reliably replace one’s behavioral patterns established during one’s formative years.


They Smoked it Out

Curses! Those cunning Ukrainian disinformation agents have smoked out the plot!

Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation has accused the viral pop song ‘Sigma Boy’ of being part of an “information war” aimed at promoting a positive image of Russia among young people.

Sigma Boy, performed by 11-year-old Betsy (Svetlana Chertishcheva) and 12-year-old Maria Yankovskaya, has gained attention on TikTok and other platforms since its release in October 2024. The track has reached the top ten on Billboard’s Hot Dance/Electronic Songs chart, peaking at seventh place, and has accumulated millions of views.

Ukraine’s disinformation watchdog, which operates under the National Security and Defense Council, has claimed that Moscow could have manipulated the song’s popularity, drawing comparisons to alleged Kremlin interference in the 2016 US elections. The agency has argued that Sigma Boy “erodes critical perceptions of Russian content” and helps normalize the nation’s cultural influence abroad.

“Sigma, sigma boy, sigma boy, sigma boy
Every girl wants to dance with you
Sigma, sigma boy, sigma boy, sigma boy
I’m so special, it will take you a year to win me.”

I’m pretty sure that under ASCAP’s rules I qualify for a writer’s credit on that one. I mean, I wrote nearly one-quarter of the lyrics.


They Cannot Lose

At Sigma Game, reflections on #Doge, #GamerGate, and the Omegas who provide the manpower for both of them on the basis of a heartfelt post from /pol/:

These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We’re already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren’t shy about throwing their money elsewhere, or even making the games ourselves. They think calling us racist, misogynistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We’ve been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a headset. They picked a fight against a group that’s already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they’ve threatened us with. Who take it as a challenge when they tell us we no longer matter.

They cannot lose because they have nothing to lose. That’s what makes them invincible.

I particularly enjoyed this: They think calling us racist, misogynistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We’ve been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a headset.

The Ride Never Ends.


In Praise of Blasphemy

I think I have stumbled upon why the godless sex perverts who made up an influential element of the science fiction crowd of the 1960s lionized and feted Roger Zelazny on the basis of a short story which not only isn’t anywhere nearly as good as his later work, but doesn’t stand up well over time in any context, be it scientific or socio-sexual.

The damning paragraph follows. Note the the Locar of which the patron saint of Gamma fiction writes is Ecclesiastes.

“And ours is not an insignificant people, an insignificant place,” I went on. “Thousands of years ago, the Locar of our world wrote a book saying that it was. He spoke as Locar did, but we did not lie down, despite plagues, wars, and famines. We did not die. One by one we beat down the diseases, we fed the hungry, we fought the wars, and, recently, have gone a long time without them. We may finally have conquered them. I do not know.

“But we have crossed millions of miles of nothingness. We have visited another world. And our Locar had said ‘Why bother? What is the worth of it? It is all vanity, anyhow.’

“And the secret is,” I lowered my voice, as at a poetry reading, “he was right! It is vanity, it is pride! It is the hybris of rationalism to always attack the prophet, the mystic, the god. It is our blasphemy which has made us great, and will sustain us, and which the gods secretly admire in us. ⁠—All the truly sacred names of God are blasphemous things to speak!”

No wonder science fiction and fantasy have devolved into diseased lunacy. Their foolish elite literally set themselves against God, and now they have reaped the inevitable whirlwind as their retarded heirs laboriously scribble their deranged fantasies about being gang-raped by gay dinosaurs.


The Litany Against Retardery

Some may find this philosophical mantra to be useful as they are subjected to a non-stop stream of retardery from the Non-Player Characters in their lives mindlessly regurgitating their mainstream programming.


I do not hear.

Retardery is the cosmic background noise.

Retardery is the mind-morass that inspires neural disintegration.

I will face the retardery.

I will permit it to pass over me and through me.

And when it has gone it will leave no trace behind.

Where the retardery has passed there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


If You Want Sigma

I’ve added a paywall to Sigma Game for those who are interested in what will be a very modest amount of subscriber-only content. One post per week will be at least partially-paywalled, as per the example of today’s post. I’m basically following the model of Simplicius here, who provides a substantial amount of free content with a dash of paywalled-content to essentially express appreciation for his backers.

Communication is an art, not a science. But we can nevertheless apply certain scientific principles to the practice of that art, which is to say that we can observe existing patterns, formulate hypotheses about the way those patterns reliably play out, and then test those hypotheses.

Being more a student of social interaction than a participant by nature and nurture alike, I have done this and I have determined that a considerable amount of social conflict is caused by the use of just two words.

The first conflict-inspiring word is “why”. While there is a school of thought that teaches a) there are no stupid questions, b) all curiosity is merited and must be assuaged, and c) all questions are innocent and posed in good faith, this is an objectively stupid school and all three of its assumptions are observably incorrect.

If you ever wonder why there isn’t just one single subscription to everything, it’s because I have learned the hard way over time that every project needs to be capable of standing alone on the basis of its own merits. Where one gets into trouble is misallocating resources from productive projects to an unproductive one, and keeping the streams separate is the best way to avoid the temptation to prop up something that really doesn’t have the support required to justify the time and effort required to keep it going.

But please note that there is absolutely no need for any VP reader to feel any pressure to back externalities like Sigma Game that are also offered for free. The community here is absolutely fantastic in its support for our various projects, and the paywall is primarily intended for those outside this community who are encountering the SSH and experiencing its utility for the first time to express their support for it.

“SSH awareness is an invaluable tool and what better place to come for the regular dose of it than straight to the source?”


Whiskey Dream (Wary Eyes)

A new song for UATV subscribers, one that’s well outside my preferred genres. This one is particularly interesting, I think, because I used AI to start the lyrics, then rewrote them from the basic structure and rhymes provided. There is one audio infelicity toward the end that I can’t fix at the moment, but I will address it when the relevant bug is sorted out. And yes, the last line of the chorus was indeed inspired by Yohami.

Give me a sign, give me just one glance
Tell me there might be a chance
Before you leave this place alone
Let’s make this whiskey dream our own


A Bit More Fuel for the Fire

I responded to the Committee’s response to my response to its response to Ron Unz’s original piece on Sigma Game. In which, among other things, I pointed out that I am not, and have never been, an Alpha.

I’m not quite sure what posing for a picture with his mother is supposed to prove, but for one thing, I’m not an Alpha. Indeed, I had to come up with the concept of the Sigma just to articulate how and why I am not an Alpha and should not be relied upon as an Alpha despite my high socio-sexual status that was often confused for being an Alpha.

Please to enjoy…

Also, we’re doing Arkhaven Nights tonight, with a very special guest: Science Fiction Grandmaster John C. Wright. If you enjoy comics, fantasy, or science fiction, you won’t want to miss it.


Tonight, We Launch

Tune in to Arkhaven Nights tonight. We’ll be live-launching a certain campaign that will likely be of interest to readers of Arktoons and Sigma Game.

Also, if you’re a SocialGalactic member who has had trouble accessing the site, please note that we’re now at, not Your User ID and password remain the same, but trying to log in to the old site is not going to work.

UPDATE: The Hypergamouse campaign is now live and is already halfway to the initial goal! Be sure to check out all the ADDON options.