The Unvaxxed Shall Inherit the Earth

The long nightmare of the slow and gullible is only beginning as it has become apparent that the adverse effects of the vaxx are varied, lethal, and long-lasting.

I went to the nail salon this week, and there was a young women working there who started weeping inconsolably in a corner. I asked the manager what was wrong. “She just lost her mother” was the reply. She had died in her sleep suddenly though she was perfectly healthy.

This last weekend, I had attended the funeral of an old friend. He was perfectly healthy too, and then he got late-stage pancreatic cancer — and he was gone a few months later. That was the exact same story for another friend. He was healthy as a horse, until he wasn’t — because he too had suddenly developed late-stage pancreatic cancer.

Not to mention a young (and very fit) mother I know who just got a check-up, and was told that she too has suddenly developed aggressive cancer in her early 40s.

The perfectly healthy are getting bad cancers much too frequently now. The perfectly healthy are dying suddenly.

What all of them shared was being vaccinated.

She cites a report by Steve Kirsch, who has commissioned a series of vaccine-related polls, that bears mentioning.

Our latest poll is devastating for the official narrative:

a 6.6% rate of heart injury (>10M Americans)

2.7% are unable to work after being vaccinated (>5M Americans),

6.3% had to be hospitalized (>10M Americans)

you were more likely to die from COVID if you’ve taken the vaccine.

Almost as many (77.4%) households lost someone from the vaccines as from COVID. If you believe that 1M people in the US have died from COVID, then this survey indicates that ~750,000 people died from the vaccine (10.18/13.15*1M) with a 95% confidence of at least 600,000 deaths.

The Vaxxocaust is almost certainly the biggest crime against humanity in history. And unlike other famous historical crimes, such as the Great Leap Forward, the Partition of India, the Holodomor, and the Armenian genocide, it was one that most of its victims could easily have avoided.


Evolutionary Epicycles and Episyntheses

It was long ago, years before I demonstrated the mathematical impossibility of the current synthesis of the theory of evolution by natural selection with genetic science, that I declared evolutionists were going to have to develop a new theory of evolution. And now, lo and behold, some of the evolutionists themselves are finally beginning to reach the same conclusion due to the total failure of their pet theory as a useful predictive or explanatory model.

Strange as it sounds, scientists still do not know the answers to some of the most basic questions about how life on Earth evolved. Take eyes, for instance. Where do they come from, exactly? The usual explanation of how we got these stupendously complex organs rests upon the theory of natural selection.

You may recall the gist from school biology lessons. If a creature with poor eyesight happens to produce offspring with slightly better eyesight, thanks to random mutations, then that tiny bit more vision gives them more chance of survival. The longer they survive, the more chance they have to reproduce and pass on the genes that equipped them with slightly better eyesight. Some of their offspring might, in turn, have better eyesight than their parents, making it likelier that they, too, will reproduce. And so on. Generation by generation, over unfathomably long periods of time, tiny advantages add up. Eventually, after a few hundred million years, you have creatures who can see as well as humans, or cats, or owls.

This is the basic story of evolution, as recounted in countless textbooks and pop-science bestsellers. The problem, according to a growing number of scientists, is that it is absurdly crude and misleading.

For one thing, it starts midway through the story, taking for granted the existence of light-sensitive cells, lenses and irises, without explaining where they came from in the first place. Nor does it adequately explain how such delicate and easily disrupted components meshed together to form a single organ. And it isn’t just eyes that the traditional theory struggles with. “The first eye, the first wing, the first placenta. How they emerge. Explaining these is the foundational motivation of evolutionary biology,” says Armin Moczek, a biologist at Indiana University. “And yet, we still do not have a good answer. This classic idea of gradual change, one happy accident at a time, has so far fallen flat.”

There are certain core evolutionary principles that no scientist seriously questions. Everyone agrees that natural selection plays a role, as does mutation and random chance. But how exactly these processes interact – and whether other forces might also be at work – has become the subject of bitter dispute. “If we cannot explain things with the tools we have right now,” the Yale University biologist Günter Wagner told me, “we must find new ways of explaining.”

Do We Need A New Theory Of Evolution, The Guardian, 28 June 2022

Forget epicycles and Darwinism. Now we’re officially into the realm of episyntheses being required in order to maintain the perception of scientific relevance for natural selection, neo-Darwinism, and neo-Darwinianism. Which means it won’t be long before all the serious scientists are publicly questioning the core evolutionary principles as well.


48 Facts Against the Vaxx

The list of the damning facts that comprehensively destroy the Covid vaccine narrative established by the government-media-science complex is growing. Read the whole list there.

Here is my list of over 40 indicators that the “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart.

It is a devastating list.

And for some reason, nobody wants to fact check me on it.

1. The vaccine deaths are now simply too massive to keep hiding/explaining them away:

Non-Covid excess deaths: why are they rising? Experts call for probe as mortality rates in England and Wales climb despite drop in coronavirus deaths

Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid

Office for National Statistics data leads health experts to call for urgent investigation into what is causing the excess mortality

England: Excess Deaths on the Rise But NOT because of COVID – Experts Call for Investigation

There is a 163% rise in life insurance claims at Lincoln National. They are the fifth largest insurance company in the US. The increase is huge. That’s not a 63% increase. It’s 163% increase, almost a tripling of the death rate. That isn’t COVID. COVID doesn’t kill anywhere close to that number of people. We are looking at the biggest killer in history and nobody can figure out what it is! Watch this video. You will never see a story on this on mainstream media; they ignore it. Note, part of the claims increase is due to premium increases (adding new clients).

Life insurance companies in countries all over the world are reporting record numbers of excess deaths. These are not “statistical fluctuations.” The deaths are all caused by a huge intervention that is affecting the health of millions of people. And it’s all new. Nothing like this ever happened before 2021. Nothing of this magnitude has EVER happened in their history (which goes back over 100 years).

2. Even John Campbell, who is pro-vaccine, admits that a troubling number of unexplained excess deaths are not just happening in the UK:

They are happening worldwide. Just listen to the first 30 seconds of this video. Of course, the CDC isn’t investigating anything even though American life insurance companies are reporting deaths that are off-the-charts. The CDC is NEVER going to investigate this. It’s bigger than COVID and they know full well what it is. That’s why they are NOT going to investigate and The NY Times is NEVER going to fault them for this. After all, it’s only the biggest medical cause of death in our history.

3. The overall shift in the cause of death from respiratory to cardiac is impossible to ignore and can’t be explained if the vaccines are “safe and effective.”

A friend of mine who lives in Massachusetts noticed this after he made a FOIA request for the death records in Massachusetts. He looked at the ICD-10 coded causes of deaths and noticed that the causes of deaths shifted from primarily “J codes” (respiratory due to COVID) to “I codes” (circulatory due to the vaccine). Now we learn that the exact same thing happened in the UK in 2021 according to official UK government numbers. This is a huge effect and there must be a cause, but the health authorities are simply baffled and cannot explain it (because they are not permitted to blame the vaccine since that would make everyone look bad). It’s safe to say that such a shift has never happened before in history. Clearly, something new happened starting in 2021 that affected massive numbers of people worldwide. I wonder what that might have been? Health authorities simply cannot come up with a single thing that was new in 2021.


Seriously, if you got vaxxed, you’re retarded.

Look, I’m sorry that you did it, I’m even sorry if that offends you, but the increasingly obvious fact is that you permanently damaged your health because you were stupid enough to take the word of a) a bunch of confirmed liars (aka the media), b) a profession whose track record is literally worse than a coin flip (aka the scientists), and c) elite global depopulationists who want to reduce the human population by 93.75 percent (aka Bill Gates and the Society of People You REALLY Don’t Want Babysitting Your Children.)

And if you encouraged your children to get vaxxed, you’re retarded squared. Cubed if they were pre-pubescent and under absolutely zero risk from Covid in the first place. Furthermore, you’ve probably pretty much guaranteed that they’re going to hate you for the rest of your reduced lifespan once they realize what you did to them in your retardery.

Maybe there is a way to reduce or undo the circulatory damage done by the vaxx. I certainly hope there is, for everyone’s sake. But in the meantime, for the love of everything that is good and beautiful and true in your life, STOP MAKING IT WORSE!


Human Fertility Fall

The continued decline in births on Taiwan island continue to indicate the probability that the vaxx has significantly reduced human fertility.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote an article based on the shocking news that Taiwan’s birth rate in May 2022 fell by 23.34% compared to May 2021. This is a continuation of my post from yesterday about a massive 13% decline in births in Germany. Such a decline is a nine-sigma event, meaning that it is so unlikely to occur by chance, that it would naturally happen as rarely as an asteroid striking the Earth…

I explained that in terms of statistics, the change in Taiwan is an unthinkable 26-sigma event of enormous magnitude. Like most people would, I was hoping, despite evidence from other countries, that this is a data fluke. Well, it is not, and the data for June was just released in Taiwan. I am very upset.

The birth rate in Jun 2022 is down by -27.66%. This is far worse than the previous month (May) drop of -23.34% and indicates a worsening birth rate trend.

It’s not an accident that so many pregnant women are miscarrying, that the number of still births have increased, or that the number of infants dying soon after birth is on the rise. While the connection of declining human fertility to the vaxx is still correlative rather than definitively causal, the correlation is now strong enough that it must be reasonably assumed to be causal, at least until we begin to see even a modicum of evidence to the contrary.

The lesson, as always, is this: never inject or ingest a substance that is advocated by global depopulationists.


On the Inversion of Science

“Today’s scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”

  • Nikola Tesla

“One of the most depressing things about the last two years has been how silent almost the entire academic community of statisticians/mathematicians has been in the face of so many obviously flawed statistics/studies that promote the ‘official narrative’ on Covid and the vaxx.”

  • Professor Norman Fenton

Scientistry has now separated itself almost entirely from scientody. Which is why what scientists do can no longer properly be called “science” since their activity would be more accurately described, in dialectic terms, as “government-funded rhetorical cover for the dynamic techno-medical Narrative”.

Regardless, the fact is that what passes for science in the media is now reliably wrong. Like so many other institutions, it has been converged to the point of being inverted.


Post-Western Humanity

ITEM: Up to one-in-five female vaxxed may be sterile.

What’s worse is that if it is persistent the damage is obviously long-lasting and might be permanent — catastrophically so for those who took the shots. One in five, roughly, is nasty beyond anyone’s worst imagination. Indeed, over the space of a decade or two it will collapse entire societies and governments by very-effectively destroying enough of the next generation that earnings, tax collections and thus government funding will all be ruined with no hope of redemption or reversal for 20+ years — a generation.

ITEM: There is a 3.7% rate of myocarditis in our latest survey of vaccinated Americans.

That’s a rate that is 536 times higher than the highest value the CDC told us. They assured us that there was just a “slightly elevated risk” of myocarditis from the vaccine. They never told us that we’re seriously injuring 3.7% of the people being vaccinated. This new number explains why hospitals are seeing so many cases of myocarditis.

Even if the neoliberal world order wasn’t collapsing under the pressure of the Sino-Russian alliance, the various nations of the West are not going to be demographically strong enough, or healthy enough, to maintain their historic global dominance.


Clown World Makes You Stupid

Being raised in the traumatic environment of post-Christian America appears to be sufficient to reduce your IQ by a whole standard deviation:

In the study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, researchers from Kookmin University in Seoul and California State University compared the characteristics of a woman who grew up in South Korea to that of her sister, who was raised in the U.S.

The sisters were born in Seoul in 1974, but were separated from each other at the age of 2 after one of them got lost at a market. Despite the efforts of her parents to look for her at the time, the missing daughter was eventually adopted by an American couple.

The adoptee grew up without knowledge of her siblings, until she participated in a South Korean government program that reunited family members. In 2020, she learned through her DNA results that not only did she have an identical twin, but she has an older brother and an older sister as well.

Shortly after the program reunited the twins, they agreed to undergo a study involving a series of tests that compared their intelligence, personality profiles, mental health and medical history.

In the study, the twin who grew up in Korea described living in a loving and harmonious household, while the one who lived in the U.S. shared an upbringing with regular conflict and the eventual divorce of her adoptive parents. One similarity the twins shared was their medical background, having both undergone surgery to remove tumors from their ovaries.

Based on their IQ test results, the woman from the U.S. scored 16 points lower than that of her sibling in Korea.

And that was for children growing up in the 1970s and 1980s. No wonder so many people submitted to the vaxx 40 years later. The denizens of Clown World are quite literally retarded. Which explains my observation that MPAI.

As for the inevitable Nature vs Nurture, the important thing is to realize that base IQ comes from Nature, while Nurture can only reduce base IQ. The loving and healthy upbringing in Christian South Korea didn’t make the one twin more intelligent, it was the trauma of growing up in post-Christian Clown World America that reduced the intelligence of the adopted twin.

However, the extreme degree of the reduction leads one to suspect the adopted twin suffered some level of abuse during her formative years.


Seven Kill Clot Structures

The vaxxed aren’t out of the woods yet. A microscopic analysis of the “blood clots” that have been found in those killed by the vaccines proves that they are not blood clots, but rather, auto-assembling protein structures.

We don’t yet know what all these structures are. We know what they are not, however: They are not simply clotted blood cells. If they were, then at the 1500x magnification shown in the last photo, above, we would be able to see individual blood cells. These are not blood cells, they are protein structures.

Protein structures circulating in the blood like this, building up over time, are clearly being constructed by the body’s cells. The ribosomes in the cells instruct the body what proteins to construct. These ribosomes are hijacked by mRNA gene therapy injections, which overwrite new instructions to the cells, causing them to manufacture something other than human.

I believe the structures you are seeing above are the result of mRNA protein synthesis instructions which have been injected into people under the false umbrella of “vaccines.” I welcome input from other experts who may have other theories or explanations of where this is coming from.

More research is needed to confirm the function and composition of these structures, yet because of the extreme censorship and “science authoritarianism” that now exists in the world, no lab or university will dare examine these clots and honestly report the results. To do so would risk losing all NIH funding and federal grants, since the very same people who engineer vaccines and bioweapons also control most science funding in America. Thus, only independent scientists, labs and journalists will dare tell the truth about these clots.

In conclusion, they are not “blood” clots. They are structures in the blood. They are “structural clots” or “fibrous clots” that are extremely large and are being constructed inside the body over time.

My grave concern is that every person who has been injected with mRNA instructions may be constructing these fibrous structures inside their bodies at this very minute, and that it’s only a matter of time before they block major arteries or cause heart attacks, strokes or other acute causes of “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS).

I believe these structures may very well explain why so many seemingly healthy adults are suddenly dying.

The problem here is that it’s theoretically possible that these structures are self-constructing in every vaxxed individual, in which case every single one of them is going to die long before their expected life spans have run out. That’s obviously not necessarily the case, but it’s too soon to rule it out because we have zero information about how fast these structures assemble themselves on average.

The good news is that now that the medical community has been alerted to their existence, it may be possible to develop a technology that will dissolve these structural clots before they start fatally damming the blood flow of the majority of the vaccinated and producing a pandemic of Suddenly.


Five Months to SADS

UK All-Cause Mortality data indicates that the vaxx is a ticking time bomb that activates, statistically speaking, five months after boosting.

Office data published by the UK Government showed that the vaccinated population in England had a higher mortality rate per 100,000 than the unvaccinated population. Our analysis found that it takes approximately 5 months from receiving the Covid-19 vaccine for that elevated mortality rate to be realised.

Well, now the latest UK Government data on deaths in England and Wales adds further weight to the above findings because the UK has been experiencing excess deaths again since the end of April 2022. Approximately 5 months after the mass winter “Booster” vaccination campaign.

You’ve likely all seen the headlines this week on doctors being baffled by an uptick in “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” (SADS)?

If you haven’t then we have covered it in detail in an article you can read here. But this “baffling” uptick in healthy young people dying unexpectedly from “a mysterious syndrome”, and the fact excess deaths are on the rise again in England and Wales is simply because of Covid-19 vaccination.

This is because further ONS data shows that Covid-19 vaccination significantly increases the risk of death and kills thousands after five months.

While statistical studies only address correlations rather than causes, they are usually more reliable than published, peer-reviewed scientific studies due to the corruption of the scientific profession and the science publications.

The main takeaway here is that a vaxxed individual isn’t out of the woods after three months post-vaccination. Which really shouldn’t be surprising; if the lethality approach wasn’t subtle, considerably more people would have been refusing to be vaxxed.