Explaining the mental gymnasts

Anonymous Conservative explains the bizarre affection the Left habitually displays for Islam, despite the way in which it goes against nearly everything they say they believe:

One religion is held in utter contempt, while the other receives freely groveling praise and welcoming admiration. Which is which?

Again, rabbits don’t grovel before Muslims because they think it through, and decide to appease the people who could kill them. Rather, their mind touches violent Islam tentatively and experiences an almost imperceptible shot of fear – in rabbit-speak, a triggering. Their brain then looks at the facts of the matter, and subconsciously realizes that embracing Islam as superior, is the least amygdala stimulating of the various thoughts running through their head. Far less stimulating than insulting or opposing Islam and being killed, and far less than consciously groveling at the feet of people they intellectually acknowledge reviling, to save their own lives. If they embrace Islam and believe their own embrace is true, they can even claim to be intellectual, moral, and tolerant, all best described as anti-triggering concepts in the rabbit’s mind.

Here, once this feat of mental gymnastics occurs, you enter a strange realm. Their initial jump to the counter-intuitive position has already been established in their mind as not due to some deficit of intellect, but rather due to the immensity of their intellect. At that point, the more counter to logic the position embraced by the rabbit, the more they see it as a mark of their tolerance, evolved-ness, advancement, and superiority over the more base, primitive, stupid, caveman-like tendencies of their opposition.

You have to view leftism and rabbitism as simple logical programs, run as if on computer, by a mind that cannot tolerate triggering, and which will believe anything to avoid experiencing it.

I’m pleased to be able to say that Anonymous Conservative is now an Associate of Castalia House, so if you wish to purchase his books in either EPUB or Kindle format, you can now do so through our online store. I highly recommend both of them, as they offer genuine insight into the Left from a perspective that is as unique as it is informative.

Both books provide a useful, hands-on theoretical explanation for behavior that we have all witnessed and found inexplicable. While AC would be the first to agree that considerably more scientific evidence would be required before one could assert either of his primary hypotheses as unassailable fact, even in the absence of published peer review they are very useful heuristics in attempting to better understand, and deal with, the literal lunatics of the political Left.

The shills of anti-GamerGate

The media never bothers to look close enough at the situation to observe that a considerable amount of the objectionable behavior of #GamerGate is actually the work of anti-GamerGate shills trying to make #GamerGate look bad:

Leader ID 036072 01/02/15 No. 170287

So guy how many trannys have we helped drive to commit suicide? I think we should really focus on Brianna Wu. She is the head of the anti gamer cobra. She offs herself and the rest of the freaks will follow suit. 

A few hours later….

Leader ID 036072 01/02/15 No. 170532

I can’t do this anymore.

I’m making myself sick with the comments I’m making in this thread. I honestly feel sick to my stomach. Transexuals don’t deserve to be bullied. Anyone who might have followed this tread please don’t do anything.

I just want you guys to stop harassing my friend Zoe and my friends at ghazi. I figured helping you guys look bad would help stop you. Please just stop bothering my friends and I truly apologize for the awful things i said about trans people. Can someone tell me how to delete this thread?

Remember, for rabbits, it is always about the appearance rather than the substance, and victory is synonymous with positive PR. Of course, it’s usually not hard to spot these provocateurs, since they are too solipsistic to effectively emulate their opponent’s patterns of thought and speech.

The idea that Brianna Wu is the head of anything was sufficient to expose this shill even before her confession. No doubt AC will be amused by the evidence of a rabbit accidentally overstimulating her own amygdala.

Notice how the rabbit apologizes for her violation of warren dogma, but not for the deceit she practiced upon everyone. Rabbits feel literally no shame about lying, nor do they feel any obligation to tell the truth. Never, ever forget that.

Gun control by any other name

Would still stink of totalitarianism. Don’t fall for the rebranding of gun control as “gun safety”:

The gun control movement, blocked in Congress and facing mounting losses in federal elections, is tweaking its name, refining its goals and using the same-sex marriage movement as a model to take the fight to voters on the state level.

After a victory in November on a Washington State ballot measure that will require broader background checks on gun buyers, groups that promote gun regulations have turned away from Washington and the political races that have been largely futile. Instead, they are turning their attention — and their growing wallets — to other states that allow ballot measures.

An initiative seeking stricter background checks for certain purchasers has already qualified for the 2016 ballot in Nevada, where such a law was passed last year by the Legislature then vetoed by the governor. Advocates of gun safety — the term many now use instead of “gun control” — are seeking lines on ballots in Arizona, Maine and Oregon as well.

It’s always pure deceitful rhetoric with the fucking rabbits. Always. The fact that they’ve been roundly defeated for two decades just means that they’ll rebrand, lie, and try again.

And observe that giving their inch only encourages them to immediately go after the mile.

In Washington, those who pushed the ballot measure through say they will begin a campaign to get the State Legislature to pass measures to keep guns from those with mental illnesses, children and people with a record of domestic violence.

Never give them an inch. Never compromise. Never moderate. And always punch back twice as hard.

The Orwellian imperative

I was thinking about why the SJWs make such a mission of celebrating sexual aberration as normal and elevate the acceptance of those who are deluded about their sexual identity as secular saints as a moral imperative.

In addition to the way in which it reveals the intrinsic illogic of the SJW Left – on Alpha Game, I observed that the logical Left’s position would be that it was a tragedy Joshua had to kill himself rather than permitting someone to legally kill him – it occurs to me that their linguistic demands are another example of their Orwellian imperative.

By weakening the independence and strength of individuals’ minds and forcing them to live in a constant state of propaganda-induced fear, the Party is able to force its subjects to accept anything it decrees, even if it is entirely illogical—for instance, the Ministry of Peace is in charge of waging war, the Ministry of Love is in charge of political torture, and the Ministry of Truth is in charge of doctoring history books to reflect the Party’s ideology.

That the national slogan of Oceania is equally contradictory is an important testament to the power of the Party’s mass campaign of psychological control. In theory, the Party is able to maintain that “War Is Peace” because having a common enemy keeps the people of Oceania united. “Freedom Is Slavery” because, according to the Party, the man who is independent is doomed to fail. By the same token, “Slavery Is Freedom,” because the man subjected to the collective will is free from danger and want. “Ignorance Is Strength” because the inability of the people to recognize these contradictions cements the power of the authoritarian regime.

In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy.

In other words, if you are willing to call a HE a SHE, if you are willing to address Joshua as Leelah, you are willing to pretend that XY is XX or XX is XY, you are signaling your intellectual slavishness and that you will be willing to declare that WAR is PEACE, FREEDOM is SLAVERY, and 2+2=5 upon demand.

Of course, to paraphrase one AG reader’s observation, if Joshua Alcorn had really been a woman, he would have taken 30 Advil in a failed suicide attempt.

Of rabbit fear and hate

Interesting though it is, I’m not entirely convinced by this particular aspect of AC’s theory myself:

In one post though, [John C. Wright] pointed out that he felt the work here was incomplete, because it didn’t deal with the spiritual. He is correct, of course. If you meet pure evil, face to face, you will realize that there is clearly something much deeper than a mere mechanism, which happens to produce evil as a byproduct of some other purpose. As one examines evil up close, the only answer which really makes sense is that the evil are soldiers, with a mission, serving some authority. They will sacrifice their own interests, destroy their own lives, and fall on their own swords, in a genuinely selfless pursuit of their evil purposes. They will even do evil when it doesn’t matter, and when there is no sense to it. Their evil mechanism is so self-sacrificial that it seems the type of thing which nature would eliminate over time. He is right about the spiritual lacking here, and I encourage others to not mistake its absence here for some endorsement of a non-spiritual world model.

One part of his response I take issue with however, is his assertion that the rabbits hate him because he exposes them to truth. A proper explanation of this touches on the spiritual, in part because a full understanding of the rabbit’s hate offers a window into the same hatred Satan holds for the good.

In short, the rabbits do not so much hate John, as they hold him in contempt. Hate is more of a visceral rejection of some moral or emotional aspect of something. Hate can be applied to anything – you can hate a beggar or hate a King. Contempt carries with it a subtle air of rejecting something due to inferiority or weakness. Hate is a raw emotion that you express without regard to your enemy’s status. Contempt is reserved, solely for the weak, whom you can afford to hold in contempt, and it is most often expressed by cowards who only attack their lessers, and who hold little in regard beyond their own immediate safety.

Rabbits have contempt for John because he is kind, rational, and compassionate, and they see that all as weakness. The rabbits dislike John because he is a man who challenges the falsehoods they need to quiet their amygdala. However it is only because his goodness renders him harmless, that this dislike manifests as contempt. The real source of the rabbit’s hatred of John is his tolerance of them – the very quality they claim so ardently to espouse and champion, but which they only use to infiltrate and corrupt any organization too tolerant to reject them.

The reason I’m not sure about this is that I find it very difficult to believe that I am not actually hated by the Pinkshirts. First, because I get a definite anger, fear, and hatred vibe from most of them, second, because I find it very difficult to believe that they sense any inferiority or weakness on my part.

I could be wrong, but I certainly don’t feel either of those things, particularly not with regards to the flabby, overweight, evolutionary dead-ends who have never seen the inside of a weight room nor tested themselves in any form of combat, and flee from the mere suggestion of seeing their intellectual skills tested by debate with me or other formidable figures of the not-rabbit Right.

Then again, the fact that I am patient and a counterpuncher by both training and inclination has caused people to misread me before, both online and in real life. My impression has tended to be that the rabbits hate me less because I disagree with them than because I remind them of the jocks they used to fear, envy, and hate back in junior high and high school. We are dealing with fairly serious cases of arrested development here, and back in the day, more than one girl told my friends and me that we reminded her of the bad guys in every 80’s movie ever, right down to the Porsches, Triumphs, and Jaguars. And in real life the athletes and arrogant rich boys with cars always get the girl, which tends to foster a certain lasting resentment among the would-be white-knighting gamma males of the world.

But regardless, there is one thing concerning which AC is indubitably right, and that is that their father is the Devil. They don’t merely hate the truth, they love lies, seemingly for their own sake. Every SJW I’ve met not only lies, but lies effortlessly, and without any shame whatsoever after being caught in a lie. And perhaps that is where the aspect of contempt that AC mentions comes in; like Nietzsche and the Nazis, the rabbits do not understand honor and they find those who are not willing to embrace every possible tactic and weapon to be weak and possessed of insufficient will-to-power compared to the progressive Ubermensch they consider themselves to be.

Of course, it’s a little difficult to put his hypothesis to the scientific test. I mean, what are we supposed to do, have Tom Kratman crucify John Scalzi on his lawn, then poll the rabbits to see if his popularity has risen among the science fiction left?

Pink SFFer defends a rabbit-pelleting

This should be amusing, although you may wish to avert your eyes if you are of tender sensibilities. McCreepy attempts to take on John C. Wright over the desirability of SJW propaganda in children’s cartoons:

The delusionality is strong with this one. Watch as he attempts to speak for an entire audience, many of whom were screaming with happiness at the Korra/Asami revelation.

Go watch this video of fan reactions. Look at the joy on those people’s faces.

These are some of the people he’s trying to speak for. Do they look like people whose way of life, whose values and religion and virtues, are so incredibly fragile that they can be hurt so badly by a several-second clip of two women holding hands, or the idea of two women falling in love?

Mister Wright, you do not speak for the audience of this show. You speak for yourself, and perhaps for a small group of intolerant bigots who can’t accept the slightest acknowledgement or recognition of relationships you personally disapprove of, for whatever twisted reason.

I always enjoy the way the more incompetent rabbits go right to DISQUALIFY without any pretense of a justification. Mr. Wright is more than capable of addressing McCreepy, so I see no need to go into any detail except to note that a) SJWs always lie and b) they always attempt to avoid dealing with the actual topic at hand. Would you stake your life on those most of those “fan reactions” coming from genuine fans of the show? I surely wouldn’t.

McCreepy is ignoring the obvious point that if the show’s fans genuinely wanted to see animated lesbians, they wouldn’t have been watching it on Nickelodeon, they would have ignored it in favor of Japanese anime and the writers wouldn’t have had to spell everything out after the show ended. The problem is not that two women were holding hands, the problem is the SJW symbolism it represented; the symbolism is precisely why the rabbits were cheering it.

“Hurray, we managed to defecate on something again! We totally own it!”

McCreepy knows perfectly well what Wright is criticizing. He knows perfectly well that he would not have defended the symbolism as trivial if, instead of a several-second shout-out to sexual aberration, the two women had rolled back their sleeves to flash swastikas newly tattooed on their wrists, then thrown a Nazi salute to each other. Totally harmless. Look at the joy on the faces of the fans in Germany. What bigot could possibly oppose that?

The good news is that the strong reaction of the rabbits to Wright’s criticism shows they understand the danger that our increasing rejection of their symbolic pelleting represents to them. They have to claim they have the numbers even when they quite obviously don’t, they have to stop the criticism quickly, because the illusion of strength is all they have.

The open divide in science fiction between Pink SF and Blue SF is growing. This is but one of many, many incidents to come. Foxification is upon the genre… and we are the Fox.

And as for sexual retrofitting, I may have been one of the few who wasn’t surprised by the announcement that Dumbledore was gay. Frankly, I thought the movie version of the character was more than a bit of a pedophile obsessed with Harry. Was there a sentence that came out of his mouth that didn’t begin with “Harry….”?

Harry Potter and Game

I’ve written many times about how the Gamma males who write SF/F have absolutely no grasp of human socio-sexuality. Interestingly enough, aside from those writing in the Romance ghetto, the same is largely true of female genre writers:

In her latest Pottermore update, Rowling writes how she’s often forced
to crush the dreams of fans who nurse strange feelings for Hogwarts’s
sexiest Slytherin. 

Read the rest at Alpha Game, although beware, there is a Woman Defending All Women Against All Implied or Perceived Criticism on the premises.

In other news, Our Friend Damien is having trouble letting go. Unfortunately, writing about me appears to be the only fiction he can manage. This will certainly amuse the Evil Legion of Evil, who are probably the only ones who truly understand exactly how much winning a Hugo Award means to me.

Damien Walter ‏@damiengwalter
Theodore Beale / Vox Day being told the news he came 6th in a field of 5 at the Hugo awards.

MikeBrendan ‏@MikeBrendango
That was just beautiful…

Damien Walter ‏@damiengwalter
the definition of poetic justice.

Space Bunny ‏@Spacebunnyday
.@damiengwalter blocks @voxday, but can’t stop talking about him. So typical of sad #SJW s #lol

John Scalzi ‏@scalzi
Everything is a victory!

Space Bunny ‏@Spacebunnyday
I can only assume that @damiengwalter’s latest writing grant didn’t come through.@voxday

Tim Wood ‏@Magister_Wood
It’s how the rabbits deal with unrequited love. #SJW #lol

Mark Fox ‏@swiftfoxmark2
Wouldn’t have anything to do with not doing what he said he would, right?

I understand it intellectually, of course, but I don’t think I will ever truly grasp the inability of rabbits to understand that not-rabbits genuinely don’t think like they do. I very much doubt that they will ever understand that my finishing 6th of 5 was the best possible outcome short of actually winning, which was never going to happen.

And it’s informative to see @SFReviewsnet favoriting this tweet. It appears we’ll know where not to bother sending books for review. But at least if you’re looking for Pink SF/F, you’ll know exactly where to go.

A portrait in lunacy

Considering that NFL head coach is one of the most difficult positions to successful fill anywhere in the world, it’s simply mind-blowing that what passes for the 49ers brain trust decided to get rid of Jim Harbaugh:

As expected, the Jim Harbaugh era has ended in San Francisco. The team has announced that Harbaugh and the franchise have mutually agreed to part ways after four years together.

“Jim and I have come to the conclusion that it is in our mutual best interest to move in different directions,” CEO Jed York said.  “We thank Jim for bringing a tremendous competitive nature and a great passion for the game to the 49ers.  He and his staff restored a winning culture that has been the standard for our franchise throughout its history.  Their commitment and hard work resulted in a period of success that should be looked back on proudly by our organization and our fans.  We wish Jim and his family all the best.”

Per a league source, the mutual parting makes Harbaugh free and clear to take any other job, including another NFL job, with no compensation to the 49ers.  So despite multiple, persistent reports that Harbaugh would be traded, the two sides ultimately decided to walk away, with no strings attached and no further obligation. 

However, it is an eloquent lesson on the way in which the bureaucratic elements of an organization always prioritize submission over all else, including both talent and performance. Keep this in mind if you think you’re safe in your workplace simply because you do a better job than your co-workers.

If you don’t kowtow to whatever regime controls your organization, they will do their damndest to run you out, no matter what the cost to the organization. This may seem irrational, but actually, it is your assumptions that are incorrect. They don’t care what happens to the organization, at least, not as much as they do about controlling it in an unchallenged capacity.

Most of the 49ers fans I know are in despair over this; one is even considering changing his allegiance to the Oakland Raiders. And frankly, I can’t blame him, considering that the York ownership is shaping up to be even more disastrous in the long term than the Snyder ownership in Washington.

On a tangential note, I’m sorry to see the Marc Trestman era come to an end in Chicago, as he’s the friend of a friend. But unlike the San Francisco situation, it’s impossible to question that decision. Trestman’s failure with the Bears is proof that sometimes, intelligence and hard work simply isn’t sufficient for success.

It’s a small, small SJW world

Yama the cyberstalker is rightly getting worried about the net that is slowly being drawn in around him. And he’s been running to everyone from David Futrelle to anti-#GamerGate in a desperate attempt to find someone who will protect him from a confrontation with the big bad wolf. But while they may not be fans of mine, it doesn’t appear they’re dumb enough to sign up for his “Operation Infiltrate” either.

@SuperSpacedadHolly Jolly Spacedad
@pure_impure I’m not sure what they’re on about over you – what do they think you said? I don’t trust anything GG says BTW.

I wrote a scathing plot summary of one of Vox Day’s novels and Vox is pissed off.

Space Bunny ‏@Spacebunnyday
Yes, dear. It has nothing to do with 56 months of harassment of him and others, not to mention CP

Liselle ‏@queenereshkigal
That’s a serious claim. If u @Spacebunnyday can’t provide evidence of CP @twitter @support needs to ban u.

pure, impure ‏@pure_impure
There is no evidence. Vox and cronies made up the whole thing.

Space Bunny ‏@Spacebunnyday
Wishful thinking on Andrew’s part, or an outright lie… The police know the truth

Vox Day ‏@voxday
You’re lying, Yama. We are getting multiple affidavits from those who saw it.

Solstice Post-it ‏@post_it_51
The false-flag shit-poster is defending the harasser? Small SJW world

If the name @SuperSpaceDad sounded familiar, this is why. I have to laugh at the idea of Yama being cross-examined at some point, as he can’t even maintain the smallest degree of consistency. How on EARTH could I possibly have “made up the whole thing” when there are numerous references to his pornographic stalking of the Gaede girls and Micetrap Records more than FIVE YEARS BEFORE he began cyberstalking me?

If you’re looking for allies, Yama, I would suggest you contact John Scalzi, the Nielsen Haydens, Jim Hines, and Chris Kluwe. Perhaps they would not have a problem with your past predilection for porn-spamming minors.

Some things never change

Now I understand why Jerry Pournelle laughed when I explained to him exactly why I’d been kicked out of SFWA:

How Jerry Pournelle Got Kicked Off the ARPANET

Back in the old days, computer scientists funded by the Defense Advanced Projects Research Administration (DARPA) worried greatly about how their proto-internet, the Advanced Research Projects Administration Network (ARPANET) might appear as a frivolous gossip-fest to accountants, inspector generals, and legislators anxious to show that they were flint-eyed custodians of the public purse. Hence they strongly requested that people, especially people with guest accounts, not mention ARPANET in non-Department of Defense contexts.

And that was how in 1985 science-fiction writer Jerry Pournelle got himself kicked off the ARPANET:


    You used the word “ARPANET” in your June Byte column three times. You even said

    “I gave Alex the local ARPANET access number to record for the 1200-baud modem and inadvertently transposed two numbers.”

    I don’t care if Alex IS a computer–you may soon find your accounts on MC decremented by gov’t order.

Thu, 30 May 85 03:57:38 EST From: Jerry E. Pournelle To: KLOTZ at MIT-MC.ARPA

    thank you. if left to you I suppose I cewrtainly will find my accounts terminated. Your nice private message appreciated. seppuku follows.. maybe you ought to have me dumped off the net and be done with it? or must you work through someone else? J. E. Pournelle

Thu, 30 May 85 11:23:26 EST From: David Vinayak Wallace To: KLOTZ at MIT-MC.ARPA Subject: Surprise!

    Date: Wed, 29 May 85 07:04:16 EST From: Leigh L. Klotz

        Do you think I chastised jerry pournelle too much for talking about his use of the arpanet in byte?

    Yes. It’s embarrassing to send a message to someone like that when a message in OFF POURNE would have done as well!

    And now you’ve sent the message out I’ll have to go and find out why he had to mention it in the first place!

Thu, 30 May 85 18:44:42 EST From: Leigh L. Klotz KLOTZ@MIT-MC.ARPA To: POURNE@MIT-MC.ARPA cc: GUMBY@MIT-MC.ARPA

    Date: Thu, 30 May 85 03:57:38 EST From: Jerry E. Pournelle To: KLOTZ at MIT-MC.ARPA

        thank you. if left to you I suppose I cewrtainly will find my accounts terminated. Your nice private message appreciated. seppuku follows.. maybe you ought to have me dumped off the net and be done with it? or must you work through someone else? J. E. Pournelle

    USER-A is the mailing list created explicitly for dealing with these sorts of issues. It is the appropriate forum for discussion. There are eight people on user-a. You probably know better than I do, but last I heard about 100,000 times as many people read BYTE. Thus, the issue of privacy is the last one you should raise.

    I don’t particularly want to force you into ritual disembowelment; rather, I’m interested — and I’m not the only one — in why you find it necessary to flaunt your use of the arpanet. The more attention you (and other people) draw to non-blow-em-up use of the arpanet the more likely some Proxmire type is to start inquiring into its operations.

Fri, 31 May 85 01:11:16 EST From: Jerry E. Pournelle POURNE@MIT-MC.ARPA To: KLOTZ@MIT-MC.ARPA cc: GUMBY@MIT-MC.ARPA

    I find this thoroughly distasteful. If you have some authority to order me off the net, do so. If not, leave me alone.

31 MAY 1985 0225 EST From: GSB at MIT-MC.ARPA (Glenn S. Burke) To: KLOTZ at MIT-MC.ARPA

    i guess i haven’t been paying enough attention to realize that he knew there was any heckling going on at all. I’m almost tempted to let him take his marbles and floppy disks and go home.

Fri, 31 May 85 09:39 EDT From: Kent M Pitman To: CStacy at MIT-MC.ARPA cc: Klotz at MIT-MC.ARPA, KMP at SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA, Gumby at MIT-MC.ARPA

    Subject: Pourne Date: Fri, 31 May 85 01:11:16 EST From: Jerry E. Pournelle POURNE@MIT-MC.ARPA To: KLOTZ@MIT-MC.ARPA

        I find this thoroughly distasteful. If you have some authority to order me off the net, do so. If not, leave me alone.

    Personally, I’d just turn off his account. It’s not like it’s the first time, and he not only flaunts his use of our machines but stabs us in the back with grumblings about why he doesn’t like this or that program of ours when he gets a chance. (Am thinking particularly of an article he wrote which condemned Lisp for reasons amounting to little more than his ignorance, but which cited Teach-Lisp in a not-friendly light… The man has learned nothing from his presence on MC and sets a bad example of what people might potentially accomplish there. I’d rather recycle his account for some bright 12-yr-old…)

Date: Fri, 31 May 85 11:02:27 EST From: John G. Aspinall To: KLOTZ at MIT-MC.ARPA, GSB at MIT-MC.ARPA Subject: just think of it…

        MIT Maximum Confusion PDP-10 MC ITS.1488. PWORD.2632. TTY 57 16. Lusers, Fair Share = 86%

        :login pourne

        That account has been temporarily turned off.

        Reason: Think of it as evolution in action.

        Any questions may be directed to USER-ACCOUNTS

    I don’t know whether you guys have read Niven and Pournelle’s Oathof_Fealty_, but “Think of it as evolution in action.” is their thinly disguised rallying cry for do-it-yourself social Darwinism. It would be so, so sweet to shove it back in his face.

Isn’t it fascinating how the petty control freaks always make matters worse for themselves because they can’t bear the thought of not throwing their insignificant weight around? I mean, if you truly want to avoid drawing attention to yourself, perhaps you might want to consider not going out of your way to annoy one of the most important tech columnists in the world, no matter how irritating you might find his politics. It’s also informative to see how they think of an organization or a technology over which they have influence as somehow belonging to them.

That’s why you must always KEEP THE RABBITS OUT. They absolutely live for the bureaucracy and the thrill that bureaucratic control gives them. And once they have sufficient influence and know you’re a not-rabbit, they will be looking to kick you out at the earliest opportunity. As both the ARPANET and SFWA examples show, they will utilize any excuse, however flimsy, even when it isn’t an actual violation of any organizational rule.

In any event, neither lefty comp-sci nerds nor a stroke could keep Dr. Pournelle off the Internet for long.

Monday Dec. 25, I had a stroke.   I think my head is all right, and I am recovering.  Alas I used to be a touch typist and I am now learning to be a two finger typist.  At present I am a one finger typist.  Call it 1.1 finger, but after today’s therapy , maybe 1.2; I am learning. I just made the Spock sign.

Here is to hoping Jerry makes a full recovery in short order, and enjoy more years confusing and confounding the anklebiters.