The Rose Windows survived

Amazing. Another bit of good news concerning Notre Dame: all three Rose Windows survived:

Haunting new photos of Notre Dame’s interior reveal how it survived the inferno after it was revealed three of its iconic Rose Windows escaped damage, as detectives probe the renovation work which may have led to the blaze.

The pictures revealed the golden crucifix and altar were preserved amongst the smouldering rubble after the roof was destroyed by Monday night’s fire.

Three ‘irreplaceable’ Rose Windows, which date to the 13th century and were last night feared to have melted or exploded, were intact.

Notre Dame is burning

An apt metaphor for the current state of the West: Notre Dame is on fire.

More bad news. Another Christian treasure, science fiction grandmaster Gene Wolfe, has died.

Gene Wolfe, author of more than 30 books including classics like The Book of The New Sun, has died at the age of 87.

I spoke with him once. He was friendly, polite, and vastly amused by the idea that we were publishing a book of literary analysis of everything he ever wrote. He asked who the author was, and when I told him, he said, “But I know him! He never struck me as a madman!”

Requiescat in pace.

Assange expelled and arrested

The rumors last week were correct. Julian Assange has been expelled from the Ecuadorian embassy and arrested by the UK police:

Julian Assange has been arrested by British police today after Ecuador withdrew his political asylum seven years after he was given refuge by the country. The Wikileaks founder was dragged out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in handcuffs by a large group of seven Metropolitan Police officers as stunned supporters and protesters watched on in central London.

He is currently in police custody and is set to appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court ‘as soon as possible’.

Ecuador’s president Lenin Moreno said the decision to withdraw Assange’s asylum status came after the ‘repeated violations to international conventions and daily-life protocols’ and his ‘discourteous and aggressive behaviour’. Moreno added that he had asked Britain to guarantee that Assange would not be extradited to a country where he could face torture or the death penalty.

Moments after the arrest, during which Assange held on to a Gore Vidal book on the history of the national security state, WikiLeaks said Ecuador had acted illegally and ‘in violation of international law’. Assange, 47, has not left Ecuador’s diplomatic soil for seven years amid fears he would be arrested and extradited for publishing thousands of classified military and diplomatic cables.

Obviously Ecuador has the right to expel anyone it wants from its embassy. But why now? And what UK law has Assange violated to justify his arrest?

Attack in Utrecht

It appears those dreaded white supremacist eco-fascists have struck again, this time in Utrecht, Holland:

A gunman has opened fire inside a tram and at several other locations in the Dutch city of Utrecht, authorities say.

Several people have been injured and one is feared to have died, media reports say.

Police say the gunman is still at large. Trains and trams have stopped running and schools have been asked to keep their doors closed.

Counter-terror police reportedly say the shooting “appears to be a terrorist attack”.

In response, the Netherland Antilles have announced new gun control legislation….

UPDATE: Dutch police are reporting that the white supremacist eco-fascist responsible for the shootings is a Turk.

CNN is Fake News

When reality interferes with the narrative, it’s reality that must make way:

A Democrat with a racist past? That fact might be too far from the mainstream line for CNN, so they labeled Virginia Governor Ralph Northam a ‘Republican’ when reporting on his apology for a past racist photo.

Northam is under pressure from both Democrats and Republicans to resign after admitting that he is one of two men that appeared in an old photograph, one in blackface and the other dressed in a KKK robe. He apologized for the photo, unearthed from a 1984 school yearbook this week, saying that it did not reflect the person he is today, and promised to work to regain the public’s trust, but did not indicate any intention to leave office.

When the story was covered on Anderson Cooper’s show on CNN Friday night, the governor’s name was labeled with the letter ‘R’ – which stands for ‘Republican’.

This sort of thing is why I don’t ever watch ABCNNBCBS Fake News. If they’re misrepresenting the most easily verified facts, what else are they lying about?

No party for the enemies of the people

The God-Emperor has spoken:

President Trump has canceled the White House holiday party for the media, making the decades-old tradition a victim of his increasingly contentious relationship with major news organizations. The annual Christmas-season gathering was a significant perk for those covering the White House, as well as other Washington reporters, anchors and commentators, and New York media executives would regularly fly in for the occasion. At its peak, the invitation-only soirees grew so large that there were two back-to-back events, one for broadcast outlets and one for print organizations.

Bravo. Despite the various disappointments to date, Donald Trump still easily the best President since Calvin Coolidge. Let them celebrate whatever fake holidays it is they pretend to celebrate on their own.

I don’t do “holiday” parties myself. We celebrate Christmas.

RIP Stan Lee

Stan Lee (1922-2018)

We’re told an ambulance rushed to Lee’s Hollywood Hills home early Monday morning and he was rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. We’re told that’s where he died.

Shooting in Squirrel Hill

Apparently the Fake Bombs didn’t work, so Plan B is in effect:

Eight people have been killed and a number of others injured after a shooting situation at The Tree of Life Synagogue in Squirrel Hill on Saturday. KDKA’s Meghan Schiller reports that a suspect, a heavy-set white male with a beard, has surrendered. The SWAT team had been talking with the suspect, and he was crawling and injured. It is unclear the extent of his injuries.

Shooting people is bad and all bad things are caused by the bad orange man calling the media fake, therefore all good-thinking people must vote for Democrats. It is science.

UPDATE: KDKA sources confirm to Andy Sheehan that the suspect’s name is Robert Bowers.

Cloture passes Senate, 51-49

Brett Kavanaugh: Senate votes yes to advance nomination to final floor vote.
Flake, Collins and Manchin vote yes; Murkowski votes no
Nomination advances 51-49 to final confirmation vote

It’s not over yet, but it’s over. The God-Emperor wins again. Trumpslide 2020.

This is bad

Bridge collapse in Italy:

At least 22 30 35 people have been killed ‘including a baby’ and dozens more are feared dead after a huge 260ft section of a highway bridge collapsed during a fierce storm in the Italian city of Genoa. Cars fell 300ft along with tonnes of twisted steel and concrete debris into a river, railroad tracks and an industrial zone below when the Morandi bridge gave way at 11.30am local time.

Officials have said ‘dozens’ are dead in what is being described as ‘an immense tragedy.’ One witness described the carnage as ‘apocalyptic’ with up to 35 cars and three heavy trucks cascading into the valley below as they were making their way over the bridge. Rescuers desperately hunting for survivors are now fearful of explosions from damaged gas lines and some areas have been evacuated while safety checks take place.

Incredibly, two people have been pulled alive from cars found in the mangled ruins of the bridge while two warehouses below the structure were empty having been closed for the summer holiday.

The highway bridges around Genova are pretty dilapidated in general. From Rome all the way up to the French border, they also tend to be alarmingly high, which makes these collapses even more dangerous. I suspect that one unanticipated consequence of this is going to be an even harder government line on immigration; Italians are in no mood to keep spending large quantities of money on refugees and immigrants when their national infrastructure is literally collapsing.

The video almost makes it look as if a bomb went off, and indeed, one Italian journalist said, Sembra che una bomba abbia colpito la città. “It’s like a bomb hit the city.”