Preemptively burning the books

What, exactly, is so frightening to The Washington Post about Donald Trump’s inevitable Presidential Library?

The Washington Post has published an op-ed arguing that President Donald Trump “must never have” a presidential library. The paper, whose motto is “Democracy dies in darkness,” presented an argument Thursday by “art and architecture critic” Philip Kennicott about why the history of the Trump administration should, in fact, be shrouded in darkness.

Kennicott wrote: “Trump must never have an official presidential library, and Congress should move quickly to make sure he never will.”

He argued that Trump cannot be trusted to handle documents relating to his presidency, because he “mixed public and private interests.” He adds that Trump must be punished because he allegedly “incited an insurrection” on January 6.

Kennicott argued further that Trump might use a presidential library to tout his successes, which should not be allowed:

The danger of Trump using a presidential library to burnish his image is far more serious, with the ex-president and his surrogates still promoting the idea that his electoral loss was somehow fraudulent. That creates an ongoing uncertainty in American public life, which Trump and even more unscrupulous actors will use to further division, inflame tension, exacerbate racism and delegitimize the American democratic system.

Kennicott not only calls on Congress to deny Trump any government support for a presidential library, but also says Trump should not be allowed to build one privately, calling on the public to “put pressure on corporate and other entities not to donate to any group associated with any effort to build a Trump presidential center.”

It’s always Year Zero with these evil morons. Perhaps they are frightened that President Trump will prominently feature SJWs Always Lie in his library? Or more likely, Neon Revolt’s Revolution Q.

Have you noticed yet that the media is not at all behaving as if anything is over?

SSH goes mainstream

Or perhaps viral would be a more accurate description. Regardless, the SSH has made its initial appearance in the mainstream media. It won’t be the last one. 

People are mocking a resurfaced classification of men known as the ‘sigma male’ — a ‘lone wolf’ type that is equal to the alpha in the oppressive male hierarchy. 
Twitter user @LilySimpson1312 thrust the lesser-known term into the spotlight this week when they shared photos of socio-sexual hierarchy charts, a video about how ‘to become’ a sigma male, and the self-help book ‘The Sigma Male.’
‘What the f**k is going on with men,’ they captioned the viral post, which has been retweeted more than 25,000 times, prompting critics to tear apart the term and the alpha/beta mythology as a whole. 
The characterization of men into two groups, the dominant alpha and the submissive beta, has been around for decades. The idea was derived from the now-debunked theory that wolf packs are ruled by aggressive leaders know as alphas. 
The socio-sexual hierarchy categorizing men as either alphas, sigmas, betas, deltas, gammas, or omegas was coined by Alt-right writer Theodore Robert Beale, who uses the pseudonym Vox Day. 
The limiting system ranks men based on their social position with other males and their ability to attract women. The alphas and sigmas are considered equal as top dogs, with the latter being seen as someone who sits outside the hierarchy by choice. 

I’m amused by how they’re not only doing the real name thing, but the seldom-seen real FULL name thing. This is a media technique that is utilized to convey distrust in the individual named. You’ll notice that they don’t say anything about my being a publisher, a game designer, or having 8 million pageviews per month on my personal blog. But it is interesting that they would choose to actually identify me for once, although I suspect that is because, unlike the Religion Doesn’t Cause War, Atheism is Autism, and the Magic Dirt memes, they don’t understand how legitimate and useful the Socio-Sexual Hierarchy actually is.

Since the theme is mockery, I suppose it was deemed acceptable to identify me for once, although the author seems a bit confused as to whether the concept discredits the creator or the creator discredits the concept. Of course, what everyone seems to be missing is that the concepts are not derived from biologists playing wolf-watcher, that’s merely where the labels originated. No doubt the next criticism will be that the Greek letters aren’t in alphabetical order.

The SSH is actually a predictive analytical model based on observable male behavioral patterns. Its applicability to intersexual relations is actually a minor subset of its utility, even though that aspect gets all of the attention for the obvious reasons. It’s extremely useful for everything from team sports to business management. One reason that our projects have a much higher rate of success than normal is that we go to great lengths to ensure that SSH conflicts are minimized when we put teams together.

No more than one Alpha per team, find a reliable Bravo or two to back him up, target and guide the Deltas, focus the Omegas on their areas of expert autism, minimize the Gammas, and leave the Sigmas alone to freestyle without interrupting the team.

Office Space beautifully explicated the Sigma’s attitude to the social hierarchy.

Impeachment 2.0

 Did the media forget to tell Congress who is supposed to be the President? Notice that they are charging “President Donald Trump”:

House Democrats walked across the Capitol Monday evening to hand-deliver an article of impeachment to the Senate charging President Donald Trump with ‘incitement of insurrection’ – formally beginning his second impeachment trial.

With solemn expressions on their faces, the House impeachment managers made the journey less than three weeks after a MAGA riot ransacked the Capitol during the electoral count after Trump told supporters to ‘fight.’

In an event carried live on cable news, the managers left Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office at 7.01pm, crossed Statuary Hall and the Capitol Rotunda – some of the same spaces that were invaded by the mob less than three weeks ago.

Outside thousands of National Guard troops remained deployed around the Capitol which the MAGA mob had stormed on Wednesday January 6.  

House Clerk Cheryl Johnson led the nine House managers to the Senate, where Trump’s second impeachment trial will be held. Johnson and all of the managers wore dark masks for the walk.

It was history repeating itself – with a COVID twist: On January 15 2020, nine Democrats had walked the articles of impeachment for his first trial to the Senate. It ended in his acquittal.  

Hey, don’t blame me. That’s the direct quote from the article. 

Fake it ’til they take it

 AC points out a very small, but very significant anomaly at the “White House”:

This next one is funny. We’ve seen a lot of articles on how the immature Donald Trump had a special button installed to press when he wanted a Diet Coke brought to him on a silver platter, while the mature Joe Biden had it removed, because he is a grown up. In reality, an anon noted , that button is actually the Presidential Call box, an emergency button put on the President’s desk to allow him to summon the Secret Service in an emergency. So what happened? 

Anons think Biden’s team forgot to put the button on his Oval Office Set, and by the time they realized anons were scrutinizing the set, the pictures were already out and they realized they would need to explain why there was no button. So a cover story was hastily assembled. If true, the media is fully on board with the deception, and is basically doing with Biden what they did with FDR. I remember seeing examples of how they propped FDR up against a wall, so it would look like he was walking around the office. They propped him up against a piling on a dock in a swim suit, so it would look like he spent the day swimming, when in reality he couldn’t swim. They were afraid back then people wouldn’t support him if it was realized he had been left in a wheelchair by Polio. 

They all stuck to the lie back then, and they are doing so again today. Together they all hope by making it look like Biden is President it will be more difficult to overturn the election when fraud is definitively proven. In for a penny, in for a pound.

FDR is a good reminder that a) what you think you know is not necessarily the truth, and b) the media is perfectly capable of successfully colluding to keep the truth from the public. Kennedy, too, is a good example. He was successfully portrayed as a healthy, athletic, happily-married man when he was, in fact, a crippled bisexual philanderer. Keep that in mind if you’re convinced that Joe Biden is actually the President actively presiding over the USA from the White House. 

In any event, the anons are correct that it is not a special button installed by President Trump’s staff for any reason. LBJ had it installed and there are already pictures showing it on the desk with Bush, Obama, and Clinton. Now that you know the media is lying to you about this, the next question you should ask yourself is “why?”

The Narrative is just weird

Donald Trump is LIVID! So JEALOUS and ENVIOUS of all the Hollywood star power wielded by Joe Biden!

Donald Trump is furious that Joe Biden has managed to attract a star-studded lineup to his inauguration, it has been claimed – in sharp contrast to the president’s own ceremony four years ago. Trump, who will leave the White House before noon on Wednesday, was reported by The Washington Post to be angry that a roll call of stars are signing up to Biden’s event.

While Trump famously struggled to attract big names, Biden has confirmed Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, Tom Hanks and country star Garth Brooks for his event.

What the Actual? It appears the mainstream media has gone so deeply into hiding that its daily Narrative is now being written by 13-year-old female interns. 

CNN stormed the Capitol

Sounds like insurrection on the part of the media to me:

CNN’s Jade Sacker penetrating the Capitol with a member of BLM/Antifa cheering, “We did it!” And then asking her conspirator if he was filming, he said he’d delete it, he lied. CNN was in on it.

To make this clear. CNN was embedded with BLM/Antifa pretending to be Trump supporters videoing them incite a riot. This is freaking huge. If CNN is allowed to maintain its press access anywhere in DC there needs to be a serious overhaul of our entire system.

According to sources she was working on a CNN project, but she’s done a lot of work for NBC and NPR.

Now some of President Trump’s comments denouncing the “rioters” are beginning to make a lot more sense. As for all those media charges of “insurrection”, remember, SJWs always project.

Twitter, of course, is in on it:

We do intend to do the full retro as I said in my note, it is going to take some time. And then the other thing, just to close out a little bit: we are focused on one account right now. But this is going to be much bigger than just one account. And it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week. And the next few weeks and go on beyond the inauguration. We have to expect that, we have to be ready for that.’

So, the focus is certainly on this account and how it ties to real world violence. But also we need to think much longer term around how these dynamics play out over time. I don’t believe this is going away any time soon. And the moves that we’re making today around QAnon for instance, one such example of a much broader approach we should be looking at and going deeper on.

So the team has a lot of work and a lot of focus on this particular issue. But we also need to give them the space and the support to focus on the much bigger picture. Because it is not going away.

No doubt we can look forward to Jack Dorsey deplatforming CNN soon. In the meantime, get off Twitter. Get off Facebook. And support the alternate platforms! If you’re not on UATV and SG yet, you really should be, because you’re going to want to know what is happening.

Don’t talk to the media, part 46,567

No matter how smart you are, no matter how nice and sympathetic the reporter seems, no matter how interesting your side of the story is, never forget that the deck is completely stacked against you, as a friend of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanagh was reminded in 2018:

This kind of appreciation for the skill of your enemy is essential to dealing with atheist materialists, whether in the old Soviet Union or in the modern media. Sure, the press is filled with people who are incompetent and make unbelievable mistakes. You and I might consider the MSM something of a joke. But don’t be fooled. In the midst of the mediocrities, you’ll also find experts and fanatics. You’ll meet people schooled in opposition research, psychological warfare and emotional manipulation.

You don’t have to like these facts. (In fact, you shouldn’t.) But you must respect reality. The reporter who has just called you with a list of personal questions might be a goofball — or a trained and skilled interrogator. Assume, to be on the safe side, that he is very likely a deeply damaged, ideologically obsessed and angry human being. One who cares nothing about you, fairness, or even your life. Just like the Russians who tortured Fr. Ciszek.

The Story Was Written Before They Even Contacted You

Every person who comes into the media’s crosshairs should understand this. Nothing you say or do is going to change the story they are going to write. Indeed, the story was written before they even contacted you. They will falsify quotes and leave out facts. They often have reams of opposition research (ugly tales about you) at the ready. If so, they will slowly dole it out to set up and trick a naïve subject.

To echo Fr. Ciszek: They are relentless, they are thorough, and they are good at their trade. Acknowledging this and not expecting fair or decent treatment will leave you more prepared than most. To become hysterical, or to even talk to them, is to play into their hands. Treat them the way surfers treat sharks — as a deadly adversary that should never be underestimated. I have been a reporter for some many years myself, and I have done a lot of reading on communism from The Gulag Archipelago to China’s Cultural Revolution. So after I hung up with Farrow, I knew exactly what was happening. I had been set up, and it had been a long time in the making. 

That’s the key to truly comprehending why you cannot talk to the media. Never talk to the media. The story is already written. Even those who are ex-media experts, such as Pax Dickenson and me, only talk to the media in very rare and particular circumstances when we know we can undermine the pre-written story. But most people haven’t worked in media for over a decade – remember, I was on the board of a television station in addition to having 19 years of experience as a local columnist (St. Paul Pioneer Press, Atlanta Journal/Constitution), as a nationally syndicated columnist (Chronicle Features, Universal Press Syndicate), and as a magazine contributor (Computer Gaming World, Electronic Entertainment) – and therefore have no idea what the pre-written story is or how it can be, in certain circumstances, undermined.

UPDATE: To be clear, Do Not Talk To The Media also means Do Not Respond To Media Requests. Don’t politely decline. Don’t obscenely decline. Don’t write a wall of text explaining your Very Important Personal Media Policy. Ignore it and delete the email, because they can and will attempt to use anything you send them. Just ask Milo….

He’s not listening

To the lawyers, the conceders, and the graceful-defeaters:

Big news coming out of Pennsylvania. Very big illegal ballot drop that cannot be accounted for. Rigged Election!

I expect regular releases of fraud-related news that will become increasingly difficult for the media to minimize and deny. This is analogous to a pre-assault artillery bombardment intended to weaken the enemy defenses.

The narrative shifts

The media appears to have concluded that the social pressure campaign against the president has failed. From Business Insider:

Trump has threatened not to leave the White House on Inauguration Day, report says

This appears to mark an important shift in the narrative. Now the media is no longer focused on trying to legitimize the Biden charade, but is attempting to preemptively delegitimize President Trump’s metaphorical crossing of the Rubicon, which would be marked by the president’s invocation of the Insurrection Act and Executive Order 13848.