Mailvox: deplatform yourself

A YouTube commenter describes how he achieved a degree of self-enlightenment

I got off Facebook in 2012-13, somewhere in there, when I found myself being emotionally and mentally overtaken by propaganda and kindergarten-politics every day all day. All I could think about and talk about(or more accurately complain about) was conspiracy theory and leftists. One day I looked at my post history and thought, “Holy shit I must be annoying.”

Was wasting my life away being concerned about shit I can’t change, posting to a bunch of dummies I barely knew, who wouldn’t care enough to even know what I was going on about. Best thing I ever did. Also got banned from worldnews reddit a few weeks ago based on subject matter. Nothing but a blessing on all fronts. Keep them spirits high people!

Or as I see it, not all battles are worth fighting. When you have a surfeit of enemies, some degree of prioritization is necessary. Focus on defeating the important ones first, avoid the battles that cannot be won for one reason or another, and ignore the anklebiters.

Mailvox: why is civic nationalism wrong?

DK wants to know why an unlimited number of people from different nations should not be permitted to immigrate even if they accept Western Civilization Values:

I am trying to understand how to take the leap intellectually from a Civic Nationalist to a Nationalist. My view thus far has been that as long as people from different nations immigrate, take on and accept Western Civilization Values that there is no reason that we should not accept them into the country. Do you have a particular blog or video posted that would give me more insight into why my view is incorrect.

Thank you for all the free information you have provided. I was a JBP and Ben Shapiro fan before you and you have open my eyes to how deceitful they actually are so thank you.

Go ahead. Demonstrate what you’ve learned here over the years. Seeing as I’ve already co-written a book on the subject, I’ll leave this one to you all.

The sickness in science fiction

The evil that Moira Greyland describes in The Last Closet is neither unique nor is it anathema in the science fiction world. From a recent comment at the Castalia House blog.

My brother is a lesser known science fiction author and I can confirm all of this is true. Pedophilia is a serious problem in the community and no one is doing anything to stop it!

Sadly, I had to cut off ties with my brother because not only does he condone relationships with young boys, but he has had several young lovers in his time on the Sc i-Fi Con circuit. His ex-wife will not even allow him to see his own daughter. His behavior – which once again – IS CELEBRATED in the sci fi community has destroyed countless lives and families. Including mine.

The fact that we’re not paying attention to this does not mean that it is not happening anymore. To the contrary, the evil is now spreading slowly to a mainstream that is being gradually permeated with it.

Mailvox: Graduating Gamma extended

A gamma working to modify his patterns of behavior shares his thoughts on applying the Graduating Gamma series. I expect it may be helpful to others seeking to do the same.

I’ve been ironing out my Gamma tendencies and thought it might be helpful if I emailed in a small addendum to the Graduating Gamma series. I’ve noticed that a lot of Reprehensibles are also motivated to upgrade their behaviour and a few things have worked for me that might be of use to others on the same path.

I’m not a full-blown delusional Gamma but those that far gone won’t be reading this anyway. I’ve listed some of the concepts linked to the sources right here:

Recommended reading for Gammas seeking to graduate to Delta.

SJWs Always Double Down:

  • Know thy bad habits
  • Gammas are delusional cowards
  • Gammas are annoying
  • Gammas pretend to be above things they are not

No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover:

  • the need to play team sports
  • the need to develop male friends in order to stop desperately needing the approval of women
  • understanding the key role of toxic shame
  • understanding that controlling parents were often the cause of gamma

Essays on masculinity by Mike Cernovich

  • 8 traits of masculine men article

Jordanetics: 12 Real Rules for Life

  • The need to lift weights
  • The need to tell the truth in kindness
  • The need to do what’s right

Core concepts learned from the Darkstream:

  • The need to accept reality instead of raging against it
  • The need to accept that nobody cares about your feelings
  • The need to avoid mic drops that attempt to hurt feelings and establish yourself as the secret king
  • The need to learn to forgive yourself, others and more
  • Learn to embrace failure and to learn to love to fight
  • The need to pray for what you need usually:
    •        Courage
    •        To be able to endure negative emotions
    •        To forgive
    •        To accept

If this is helpful please feel free to share it with those looking to upgrade their lives.

Diversity has not been their strength

Apparently the good ship USS Intel is discovering that its much-vaunted commitment to diversity in tech is not helping it compete in a global marketplace, as it abandons the 5G modem business to Qualcomm. An engineer explains in an email:

Intel is throwing out many years of engineering.  Again!  10 nm is not working for them.  And this latest shrink is on them to develop.  Too bad they hire so many Indians who are unqualified to do this kind of work.  AMD is doing much better and shipping chips in a timely manner.  AMD owns the server market hopefully they can take over the desktop and laptop markets too.  Much better engineering departments at AMD.  The laptop market is being driven by other chip makers working on a variety of new designs.  Intel can no longer innovate gadgets which people are using.  Apple is also feeling the engineering gap.

All those H1B visa folks are cheap workers but unproductive and mostly untrained. If a company could break themselves of the H1B habit they could hire American engineering students who have been trained.  I don’t think companies understand their bottom line is highly effected by the quality of the product they produce.  It is not dependent on cheap labor but on skilled labor.  Luckily AMD understands this. They will prevail.

Diversity = commitment to shorter and shorter time preferences. This is an intrinsically dyscivilizational development and will eventually lead, not only to technological stagnation, but technological regression.

Nations rising: Finland edition

A Finn describes the current situation in light of today’s national elections:

99 percent of the votes are counted and we pretty much know what the result of our election is. It’s the best result one could realistically have hoped for, but it’s not going to save the country. However, it still keeps us in the game, for reasons that need a little bit of unpacking.

Now, just the result: Social Democratic Party, which is your basic vanilla socialist party – like Democrats in USA – came first. Finns Party, lacking one seat behind SDP, came second. The rest don’t really matter.

Everyone will ally against Finns Party, and keep them out of government. This is absolutely guaranteed. It’s the only thing all parties agree on. However, there was a time when the Finns Party had essentially gone so far down in polls that they were just on the brink of being considered a minor party. Now they are pretty much exactly back to their high point.

But there is something very important: Between the last two elections there was a cuck rebellion in Finns Party. They conspired with each other, formed a new party (Let’s call it Cuck Party) and were able to keep their senate positions, while the rest of Finns Party that was now being led by the most hardcore nationalist politician in the country. He’s been convicted in court on several counts of hate speech against Islam. Incidentally, he (Jussi Halla-Aho) just received the highest number of votes of any individual candidate in the election.

The Cuck Party received zero seats. ZERO. And Halla-Aho has already stated a year ago that he will not accept any of them back in Finns Party, in any role. So, what this means is that cucks are successfully purged from the party, and since they achieved their original popularity, they are in an immensely better position with all the cucks gone, than they were at the time with the cucks ready to stab them in the back at the first opportunity.

One more election cycle is required in Finland. Let this be a lesson to nationalists everywhere: purge your cucks! They will betray you.

Mailvox: What about MEEEEE?

Fortunately, I now have an answer for every “whataboutmeeist” who is in some sort of mixed-race marriage, interracial relationship, has mixed-race children, or has a half-Chinese step-brother married to a Filippino woman who has adopted Congolese orphans. Read this paper:

When competition between groups becomes violent the female of a mixed marriage and her offspring are often vulnerable to violence by not only the group from which her male partner is assigned but also to violent acts by members of the group with which she is identified. When the goal of an adversary is to eliminate manifestations of identity the role of the individual within a society, including children and other non-combatants, is of little consequence. Using the conflict in the former Yugoslavia and in Rwanda as a focus this essay takes a bio-social and cultural comparative approach in exploring the situational factors underlying genocidal behavior wherein the woman in a mixed conjugal union and her offspring are disproportionately vulnerable to violence. The possible co-evolvement of individual behaviors with group-level institutions is considered as worthy of more focused attention in an attempt to understand the intense vulnerability of some women and children in environments of lethal conflict.

Be sure to bookmark the URL, as no doubt it will prove useful for commenters here in answering the inevitable questions from the What About Me crowd in the future.

And to all of those who have wonderful [nationality] [family members] and wish to dispute the probable outcome of mass immigration and demographic change in their [political entity], I cordially invite you to take the matter up with Ralph Hartley at the Department of Anthropology, University of Nebraska in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Mailvox: Bye, Gamma

Professor Julian checks all the boxes in a single email.

Although your narcissism has been quite amusing, I’m afraid I must ban you now. Your rants haven’t convinced me that your IQ is anywhere above 105, and as one administering IQ tests weekly, I should know. Regretfully, I don’t like to associate with average IQ people.

To which I simply responded “Bye, Gamma.” What else is there to say?

Do you see how easy it is to spot these characters? So much so that we can safely conclude that this guy isn’t even a genuine professor at a university, but is actually some sort of less-credentialed non-academic who has granted himself the title.

UPDATE: His inevitable response:

Gamma…LOL Not that smart, are you?…LMAO

Gammas must have such a wonderful life. They’re just laughing so hard all the time….

Mailvox: the Instapundit link

I’ve gotten several inquiries about the recent removal of the link to Instapundit from the Day Trips. The reason is pretty straightforward and doesn’t indicate anything negative about either Glenn Reynolds or Dr. Helen; I harbor a high personal regard for both of them. The fact is that I simply don’t read Instapundit any more now that it is All Antisemitism All the Time. After I observed something like 27 links to either “anti-semitism” or “antisemitism” in a single day, almost all of them by Ed Driscoll and Stephen Green, I simply stopped reading the site.

I don’t happen to find anti-semitism to be interesting, important, or relevant to my life, and I don’t consider it to be one of the top 50 current issues about which conservatives or Republicans need concern themselves. So, I expect you can understand that I don’t regularly read sites that consider it to be the primary topic of discussion.

Mailvox: free trade and satanic sovereignty

They have no response to the free mobility of trade argument and they know it. It’s very amusing to see how they are thrashing about and repeating their rhetorical dogma as if it is even relevant. A reader emails concerning a pair of Gene Epstein’s appearances on Tom Woods’s show:

Vox Day if you think that people should not buy foreign goods, foreign made goods, then exercise your individual sovereignty and stop buying foreign made goods. There is no argument there. The only argument is, do you have a right to not tell me to buy foreign goods. Of course you do not. But you certainly have the right to tell others, join me, in not buying foreign made goods.That’s your choice. So in a way, there should be no argument, between the likes of us and Vox Day, so long as he recognizes that he has no right to pass a law forcing us to not buy foreign made goods. So that approach, the understanding of individual sovereignty, I think is at the core of any vision that you want to live.”
– October 31, 2018

To which I respond: the concept of individual sovereignty is quite literally satanic. And a nation absolutely has the right to pass a law forcing its nationals to not buy foreign-made goods or utilize foreign-provided services, because if it does not do so, it will cease to be a nation. And every nation has the right to a) exist, and, b) defend itself.

When you had me on to address the protectionism of VOX DAY awhile back, I made the same point. My point, in this case again, is that Dan(McCarthy) is free to start a company called Buy American. A website that would sell consumer goods that are domestically produced and that back ventures that only employ American workers. He might get Ross Perot himself, who is still alive, to back it, along with the Sharks( TV Show Shark Tank). I would not participate, mainly because I regard myself as a Citizen of the World and from that position, I observe that the poor people of the world do not reside in the U.S. but in countries like China and I regard it as an inspiring win-win, that stores like Walmart can lift the living standards of Americans by selling them cheap goods, made by cheap labor abroad , while also lifting that cheap labor out of grinding $2 a day poverty.

So as a libertarian, I would have no right to object to Dan’s privately backed, buy American, American nationalism, conservatism venture. But what Dan is actually proposing, again, as VOX DAY was, as so many of the protectionists do, always, is to use the iron fist of government to force me to buy American against my will. As a flexible libertarian, I will tell Dan that he bares a very heavy burden of proof, if he wants to deny my rights in this way.

So our disagreement is hardly a level playing field, but even if there were a level playing field between us, Dan’s arguments are not convincing. So again, having established that Tom, and again, it’s the sort of thing I want us all to say to socialists and protectionists, the free market offers you the opportunity to practice your values. Get enough people to agree with you and you’ll become a powerful force in the free market. We might disagree but we have no right to object to what you are doing, so long as you do not impose the iron fist of government on us. Now, of course, now we can get to the consequentialist side of the argument….

Notice that Gene Epstein is not an American. He has no interest in the American nation. He is, to the contrary, “a Citizen of the World”. So, he has absolutely no rights that Americans need to respect. Protectionism is not merely beneficial economically, it is not merely necessary for a nation to thrive, it is a necessary policy for any nation that wishes to survive.