Last night’s Darkstream about the purpose of a man has stirred up considerable commentary on YouTube as well as in my inbox. What is perhaps most interesting is the rival responses from two omegas – or if you prefer, Men Going Their Own Way – concerning my statements about the importance of establishing a marriage and a family.
DJ writes:
Omega Failure checking in here. Watched many men destroyed. Got too smart for that game. Seemed like the only way to win was not to play. Almost 50. Living alone. Waiting to die basically. Didn’t even get fancy pants. Vox is right. 100 percent. Carry on.
C3 writes:
I have children. I have an ex-wife. I love and miss my children very much and I would never want any man to go through the pain I did. It wasn’t pain with accomplishment like what you get with fighting in the ring or surviving combat, its an empty shell like surviving a crippling car accident injury or prison rape. There’s no glory in it. Those who’ve never been divorced constantly minimize just what it is you go through and its rather like listening to someone who plays a lot of video games telling you that combat, isn’t that bad because his game has good graphics and sound so he understands. No. Our host has said things in the past like “Well if you’re afraid of losing 20{f33784e39f95a4a537f95eb029d837fe676a3542b2380ed2d704b841b03a8c5e} of your stuff you’re just a coward…” etc. etc. Such a statement is obviously rhetorical and I take it as such. He wants married families and rhetoric is a way to do this. Okay. However loss of property and income is secondary to the loss of children which dwarfs any loss of income now or in the future.
The list of navy seals, army rangers, US marines and special forces personnel who have seen and survived actual real combat and would think nothing of running at an enemy tank or fortified position regularly swallow the business end of a shotgun upon being divorced. That’s my list of friends and yes I know their stories. The numbers on this are high yet we’re being told all these brave men are “cowards” because they’re down on marriage? Even if you think men should line up to commit suicide to create the next batch of single mothers at least be honest with what you’re asking and encourage them to prepare to leave the country. The financial incentives for women to divorce are very high and the culture rewards them for doing it. Unless you are signing up for violent revolution John Wick style this won’t change. Getting married and having children in America grants a man fewer rights than had a slave in the antebellum South. It was technically illegal to starve your slave back then but modern family law can do this with 65{f33784e39f95a4a537f95eb029d837fe676a3542b2380ed2d704b841b03a8c5e} with-holding plus seizing anything left done by direct deposit as soon as it hits a bank (direct deposit is now required for most employment and all government funds).
The list of people who can relate real world experience in this isn’t some list of omega cowards either… Fred Reed (a writer Vox used to respect and linked too often), Terrence Popp (former Ranger), Big John (former Marine) from MGTOW is freedom, these men are not stupid, they’re not cowards, and they all fought with serious depression, suicidal thoughts, crippling poverty and homelessness upon divorce. They’ve seen actual real combat – not the kind you see on video games and yet they’d all tell you losing their children was much MUCH worse. Now they’re warning you about this and they’re all just scaredy cats who aren’t men and they’re the exception? Right. Divorce isn’t a dragon one fights and emerges with a sense of victory and accomplishment, its like surviving a nuclear blast. Yes you did it but really where is the glory and pride? While I agree that having a children changes a man for the good it is being a father that gives you the reward and that is what is taken away. You are not getting anything but children who don’t know you, are taught to hate you, and your only hope is that they’ll change their mind someday. Rather like supplying fresh troops for the enemy and this is the goal of the devil of course. At least if you’re going to recommend this have men move to a place that is not currently headed to the lowest rift of hell on a fast train.
C3’s perspective based on his personal experience is understandable, but it is also narcissistic and twisted. His advice is downright evil; it is his counsel of defeat and despair that is the goal of the devil; Satan does not want men of God to be fruitful and multiply, he wants them to be rendered sterile by fear. The inherent falseness in C3’s advice, such as it is, is underlined by the fact that even C3 does not come right out and say that he wishes he’d never had those children whose absence is such torture to him.
And yes, all those brave men are absolutely cowards in this context. There are different forms of bravery and there are different forms of cowardice. Has C3 never seen the decorated soldier who can’t stand up to the sharp tongue of a woman half his size? The ability to face a quick and painless death without flinching is very, very different than the ability to face years of emotional pain.
As for the rhetorical appeal to military suicides, the fact is that the vast majority of veterans who kill themselves are not even married, let alone divorced. Furthermore, most male suicides are committed well before the average age of first marriage, let alone fatherhood, so the entire appeal is not merely manipulative emotionally, but dishonest.
C3 added a second comment:
Serious question – without resorting to shame or ridicule or intangibles what are the positive incentives for getting married and having children in America today for a man? Yes I know you’ll call any man who doesn’t do it double plus bad things which is right up there with ‘rayciss’ and ‘sexist’ etc. But what are the actual positive incentives for a man? You get to work a lot harder for others benefit, you get to be completely responsible for others under penalty of prison without having any authority to do anything, and you get to be ridiculed non-stop as a blundering idiot by Hollywood 24×7. She gets the house, the children, the white dress, the stay at home and you get the alimony, the child support (for kids that may or may not be yours), domestic violence charges, prison, homelessness, and cuckoldry.
So yes I realize western civilization and buck up chump and you need to do this for queen and country and GOD etc but in reality people pursue what is good for them directly and not others. If you don’t believe me look at why socialism fails everywhere – people pursue what they perceive to be in their own best interest, selfishly, and right now there are literally NO positive reasons for a man to get married that I can see. So no intangible “oh you’ll really FEEEEEEELLL it later because children will magically transform your soul through the dark mirror with the wizard totem and power ups and…” no really in succinct terms … WHAT ARE THE POSITIVE REASONS FOR A MAN AND FROM HIS (NOT HER AND NOT SOCIETIES) PERSPECTIVE TO GET MARRIED AND HAVE CHILDREN TODAY? Good luck…
Joy. Happiness. Love. Self-satisfaction. A sense of purpose. Meaning. Respect and self-respect. The fact that C3 considers being “ridiculed non-stop as a blundering idiot by Hollywood” to be a serious factor in his analysis demonstrates how completely warped his perspective is. Why on Earth would he, or anyone, give a damn how a few dozen devil-worshipping pedophiles happen to regard one’s priorities in life?